MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 550 : 'Invincible' black

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Q: How to make friends with French or British? Answer: Just scold the British or the French!

The jokes between the French and the British can last a lifetime.

Whenever there is a chance, whenever the other party makes a little ugly, the other party will rush to laugh at the first time. Never absent!

Without the troubles of the British, France would have swept across Europe long ago and completed the great unification!

Without the troubles caused by the French who broke their fortunes, Britain's empire on which the sun never sets can last for 200 years! Even pouring the waters of the four oceans will not extinguish the grievances between the two countries.

The two countries have been entangled in wars for hundreds of years. In comparison, the relationship between China and Japan is nothing more than a short-lived relationship between China and Japan, which is not worth mentioning.

Sean was not the only one in the car laughing, but everyone else was laughing too. The fender on the car didn't rise, the driver twitched from laughter, and the car shook his head accordingly.

Lorraine bit her lip, looked at a few people bitterly, and punched Sean back, "Is it so funny!" "It must be!" Sean affirmed.

Lorraine hummed for a lifetime, forced the topic back, and continued to explain to Torre: "In fact, the development of colonies lasted for hundreds of years, and European colonists have been looking for better ways to develop."

"Europe was the first to develop African colonies. After all, the distance between the two sides is too close, and the risk of navigation can be almost omitted. However, in fact, the development of Africa is the latest. Back then, the Spaniards, Dutch, and Portuguese preferred to bypass the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. Carrying a 30% chance of shipwrecks has to go to Asia, and the UK is the same, they just don’t want to develop Africa.”

"That's because of Huaxia!" Xiao En suddenly interjected, "300 years ago and 2000 years of history, Huaxia was the center of the world. It can be exchanged for a shipload of gold back in Europe!"

Everyone in the car was speechless for a while, everyone knew that Sean admired Huaxia.

"Oh, but they're finished." Lorraine pouted. Although she changed her American citizenship, she was still British after all. Sean shrugged, "Please continue your show."

Lorraine snorted, and continued with a victorious look: "Why haven't Europeans developed Africa?"

"Because tropical diseases were unbearable for European colonists, the casualty rate was too high, coupled with poverty and backwardness, there were few resources, and development was difficult, so..."

"Ahem, that's not the reason." Sean couldn't help interjecting again, causing Lorraine to stare at each other angrily, "That's right, I studied history when I was in Sixth Division, that's what I said."

Sean smiled contemptuously, leaned back on the seat, and leaned back in a standard tactic, "Who do you trust!"

Norris, Torrey, including the driver and the co-pilot's deputy responsible for communicating with the entire security team all looked at Sean.

Sean's mouth was crooked, and Lorraine's teeth were gritted. Right or wrong, Sean's appearance is too hateful.

But everyone is willing to believe in Sean, including Lorraine himself. What successful people say has its own credibility, and there is no need to discuss it.

"Don't believe it, South America is also hot. The climate of the tropical rainforest is worse than that of Africa, which is dominated by savannah deserts. There are more poisonous animals and plants. It is not the same that they were occupied by colonists, several feudal civilizations were extinct, and the climate in Southeast Asia is also the same. It’s also hot, but it’s not better than Africa, so this argument doesn’t hold true, it’s just to cover up something.” Sean’s example is very convincing.

"Then why do you say that?" Lorraine asked curiously. "Black people!" Sean said firmly.

"Black people?" Several people were full of doubts. What does black people have to do with being unable to colonize? Not next to each other!

"I've always thought that black people are very strange. It is said that every continent has its own indigenous peoples, but North Africa is all white!" Shaun said while shaking his head, "Let's just say that Libya and Chad have almost no difference in terms of climate or environment. , the desert is the main one, not far from each other, how did it evolve into white people on one side and black people on the other,”

"Well, the evolution of this species is beyond my comprehension, but I still have to say, I don't resolutely deny that humans originated in Africa, and I don't accept any

How to refute! "

"Today we talk about why Europe was unable to colonize Africa, which is close at hand, in the early years, but did not start large-scale colonization until after 1870, because of blacks."

"It's not that blacks are more powerful than Indians or monkeys in Southeast Asia, but because of their skin color. At that time, there were no electric lights and lighting equipment. The cost of lighting was extremely high, so as soon as it got dark..." Xiao Spreading his hands, everyone immediately understood what he meant, "Before Africa was colonized, people didn't wear clothes. Can you imagine how the colonists would deal with the harassment of black people in the dark?"

Everyone shuddered just thinking about it.

In the dark night, there is only a ray of starlight, and black people with bare bottoms are lying on the grass, even if they are only two or three meters away, you can't see them.

Natural protective color!

At such a short distance, the living habits of black people are still mainly hunting, poisonous arrows, blowing arrows... even if you are hit by the trick, you can't find where the attacker is!

When Europeans began to explore Africa in 1400, white people in Africa were equivalent to wearing golden helmets and armor and riding white horses on the battlefield.

The arquebuses and queuing guns across Europe are useless in Africa, and the logistics can’t keep up. They can’t find where the blacks are hiding during the day, and they are finished at night. They can wear down the invaders in a few days.

It's not that black people are so smart, they know how to retreat when the enemy advances, and when the enemy tires, they harass us. It's because they have hunted like this for thousands of years, and it's imprinted in their genes.

Fight head-on? nonexistent!

Hunting is not just a gladiatorial fight. Africans have been hunting since ancient times. They use bows, javelins, blowguns, etc. to chase their prey after a sneak attack.

The so-called king of the forest, the king of the prairie, tigers and lions have never been hunted by direct decisive battles, but by investment!

These problems did not exist when the Americas were colonized. The Indians are so **** yellow, and they have developed a relatively splendid civilization. They have cities and understand communication, which is not available in Africa.

Smallpox, measles, influenza, malaria, yellow fever, diphtheria, mumps, etc. have caused heavy losses to the Indians. This is impossible in Africa. There are no cities, and the virus spreads in a small area without any impact.

Well, the physique of Africans is really good enough to be able to carry it.

Of course, the European colonization of the Americas was not all smooth sailing. The Indians were also very powerful in combat, and the whites suffered heavy losses. The pioneers were often attacked and killed by the Indians.

There used to be no horses or cavalry in America, they were brought by the Europeans, and then the Indians had cavalry....

Just listen to Sean continue to say:

"The turning point came in the middle of the 19th century. After the large-scale application of fixed-load metal bullets, automatic weapons appeared. Only then did they have the ability to fight against blacks on the African continent."

"Believe it or not, Britain completed the first industrial revolution in 1840, the electric motor was invented by Graham in Belgium in 1870, and the first power plant in France was built in Paris in 1875. Boiling water can solve the problem of lighting at night."

"In 1876, Britain accounted for 4% of Africa, France accounted for less than 3%, Spain, Portugal, Holland, Belgium, and Austria-Hungary combined accounted for less than 3%, and the overall accounted for no more than 10%. Then, in 1885 , this figure became 25%, in 1900 this figure became 90.4%, and in 1912 this figure became 100%.”

Lorraine had a tangled expression, "I always feel like you're talking nonsense."

"Is it reasonable, well-founded, and supported by data!" Sean looked disdainful.

"Well, yes, I admit, what you said should be right." Lorraine sighed, "Now I also begin to suspect that the reasons given by MI6 or other European agencies are looking for excuses for their incompetence back then .”

Sean chuckled, and his laughter was full of sarcasm: "The empire on which the sun never sets spans the world and the civilized world that has always regarded itself as the center of the world

Europe has nothing to do with the primitive and backward Africans. The United States became independent in 1775! "

"The First World War broke out in the third year after completing the great cause of 100% occupation of Africa, and World War II broke out 13 years later, and then the anti-colonial national independence movement began."

"The most despised by the world, the primitive and savage African blacks are the nation that has been colonized for the shortest time, and they have been completely preserved, while China, which has dominated the world for thousands of years, has fallen behind, and the Indians with splendid civilization have been killed. "

Ha' Sean shook his head as he said that, the world is impermanent!

Torrey has a smile on his face. Although he does not agree that he is the same race as African blacks, they are all black after all. He is very proud to hear Sean's conclusion.

Xiao En was amused by the smug look to avoid irritating others, so he went up and gave a set of combined punches.

Torre raised his face and stretched out his muscular pectoralis major. Come on, put on some strength, it's very comfortable! "Damn Falk!" Sean cursed.

"You haven't said why the United States has blocked the way for white people?" Torrey asked with a grin after Sean finished typing.

"Ask again, I didn't make it very clear." Lorraine said quickly: "In 1775, the United States became independent from Britain. This made Britain and even the whole of Europe discover a problem. Killing all the aborigines can indeed lead to better development. Locally, to earn greater profits, but once the white people spread and take root in a brand new land, a new community of interests will inevitably be formed.”

"From politics to economics, the final result is a fierce battle with the original motherland, relying on local advantages to drag down the motherland to achieve independence."

"And the motherland seems to have been severely cut open a wound that will never heal, triggering a new round of decline, and the United States will let the sun of the empire on which the sun never sets begin to set. Of course they will not do it again in South Africa, crazy Now, dig your own grave!"

"So, after 1775, the European colonists resolutely refused to massacre and open up new homes in the colonies, and instead adopted a small number of whites as leaders and supported the local aborigines for indirect management to bundle interests, lower investment, and more efficient income. A more stable governing structure.”

"Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia are all developed in this way. The British government did not support it after the founding of the Brook Kingdom. In fact, it suppressed it secretly. Otherwise, South Africa and the Brook Kingdom would be another United States."

Torre stretched his neck, opened his mouth wide, looked at Lorraine in shock, then at Sean, saw Sean nodding, and then shouted in disbelief: "This...Okay, Thanks America!"

"Colonies all over the world must thank the United States and mourn the Indians!" Sean nodded heavily, "Just look at the World War I and you will know that it is not easy to slaughter Africa or Southeast Asia on the battlefield of a meat grinder. Incendiary bombs burned mountains, and there were no human rights organizations at that time, and there was no such thing as massacre of civilians, and white Europeans really had the opportunity to sweep the world."

Torrey just thought about it in his mind and couldn't help shivering. He almost, no, his grandpa or grandpa almost disappeared. How could there be black mixed races like them.

This topic is too heavy to think about.

"Boss, you were very polite just now, but you didn't pull out a gun and put it on the head of that old man Pietra Adem. That's not Sean at all." Torre joked with a smile.

"What the hell..." Sean smacked his lips, "It's not that I'm being polite, it's that I don't dare."

"Don't dare? It's impossible!" Lorraine looked at Sean in surprise, "You said that, have you considered Norris' feelings? Have you considered Harvey's feelings? Have you considered the feelings of the Hollywood Big Five who are intimidated by you? ? Have you considered the feelings of those big drug lords who died in your hands, the leaders of the terrorist armed forces? Have you considered the feelings of the previous king of Morocco?"

Lorraine came over with a bunch of questions, and Norris next to him subconsciously touched his waist.

At that time, Norris was just a small producer in Hollywood. He was caught by Torrey from the bed, and his subordinates even **** his woman in front of his face. Did not die instantly.

you say no to me now

dare! Hehe...hehe...

Of course, he didn't dare to ask this question, he was not Lorraine, he was so pretty, flirting with the boss all day long.

Sean patted Norris on the shoulder. He didn't expect to come to this point back then, "Can it be the same?"

"That was in the United States. UU Reading I am a member of the Rockefeller family and a **** American shareholder. As for the other countries, they are all white people in the final analysis, and their social structures are different from those in Africa."

"It's easy to kill Pietra Adem, but can I kill all the black people in their tribe?" "Do you believe that tomorrow the whole world will be reporting that I slaughtered civilians. Do I want to live?"

"Besides, Pietra Adem killed the simple one, but my reputation in South Africa, including chiefs in other parts of Africa, is completely rotten. Who would dare to cooperate with me!"

"After all, this is Africa and the world of blacks. My solution can only be to follow the British way in the late colonial period, cooperate and support the local people. This is the most stable structure that has been verified."

Well, a few people nodded, it is reasonable, the boss is not really crazy. "Of course, if it's Sudan, *** or something..." Sean's expression turned cold. …

(Almighty readers, are there any fun things to do in Zhuhai, Zhongshan, and Guangzhou? I mean take the kids there, let me introduce, don’t mess around with the places that adults go to. There are also places to eat, delicious, local specialties Yes, come out for a trip, play well, eat well!)

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