MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 543 : share the spoils

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Things have to start two days ago.

In the middle of the night, in the black community, while you were sleeping, there was a knock on the door of your house, asking if the door was open? What a free America!

Crazy to open the door!

This hey buddy immediately took out a gun from the bedside after waking up, took off his underwear, and the bird quietly fumbled out. Don't ask why you have to take off your pants, it's just for stealth!

When I touched the door, the knocking sound was still there, and the black buddies shouted loudly: "Whoever you are, get out of my door immediately, or I will shoot!"

It's very American.

"Hehe, I left you $100,000 at the door." A voice sounded at the door, followed by footsteps going away. The black buddies were leaning against the wall, with distorted expressions on their faces, one hundred thousand, dollars?

What a **** liar!

You're just tricking me into opening the door, don't think I don't know.

I will absolutely never open the door, hey buddy shouted loudly in my heart. 1 minute. . . . 3 minutes. . . .

There was no sound at the door, and the black buddies muttered in their hearts, as if they had really left. go back to bed?

Looking at Aunt Hei who came out from another room, she couldn't move her feet no matter what. The number of one hundred thousand keeps ringing in my mind.

No, absolutely lied to me! But what if. That's one hundred thousand!

If I have this money, I hope to treat my mother.

For black buddies, not having a father is a common phenomenon. They are raised by their mothers and treat their mothers very well.

Damn, fight!

Hei buddies waved to aunt Hei, and pointed to a stick next to him, and Aunt Hei nodded immediately. The two cooperated tacitly, Aunt Hei pointed the gun at the door, and the buddies squatted on the ground and quietly opened the door.

The door was opened a little, and a package was placed at the door. The black buddies quickly pulled it in with a stick and closed the door quickly. Block the door, go back to the house, turn on the light, and open it for inspection.

They are not afraid of bombs, mainly because their brains do not allow them to consider such complicated issues.

Stacks of American bills, all 100 denomination bills, were neatly stacked in the bag, and the mother and daughter suddenly became short of breath.

The black buddy was so excited that he was about to shout, but just as he opened his mouth, the aunt next to him grabbed the black pants on the bed and stuffed them into the black buddy's mouth.

"Shut up, **** it, someone heard it, we're all going to die here today!" Aunt Hei was also excited, but decades of life experience taught her how to deal with this kind of thing.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo." nodding, the black buddies pulled the thing out of their mouths, took a look in their hands, underwear, panties? Subconsciously sniffled, vomit! !

A foul smell made him retch.

"On the clipper, you idiot!" Aunt Hei also found out, and slapped his buddy on the head. There was another knock on the door just now, and it was another hundred thousand dollars, so the ignorant people forgot about it. Quickly put on the underwear that hadn't been changed for a week, and the two laughed silently holding the money again.

Dancing is worse than dancing...without music.

After a long time of excitement, Aunt Hei grinned and said, "Look what else is there, I won't give you so much money for no reason."

I rummaged through it, and there was indeed a note inside, with a sentence and a phone number written on it. Want more money, give this call.

The black buddies picked up the clothes without any hesitation and put them on.

Aunt Hei next to her looked a little ugly, her brows were tightly frowned, she wanted to say something but she opened her mouth and didn't say anything.

Money is not so easy to get, transporting drugs, killing people, anything is possible, no need to ask, you know 100% that it is a crime.

But Aunt Hei didn't stop her, she was disobedient, and if they had a way to send the money, they would have a way to get it back, but they would be given a few bullets along the way.

This is the fate of these low-level black people. Sooner or later, they will embark on the road of crime. She did the same thing in order to raise her three children.

Delivering drugs, stealing, buying for zero dollars...the other two children are still in prison.

I found a phone booth, dialed the number on the note, and was answered right away.

"We have found all your information. You work in a logistics company. Your mother has kidney failure and needs a kidney replacement, but you have no money. Your two younger brothers are still in prison."

"You have a son, a woman, and you have to take care of the mother, so you abandon them."

"You do one thing for us, and I will give you another 500,000 US dollars after it is done, enough for the whole family to get out of trouble after you replace your mother's kidney..."

The rest was simple. Those people gave him photos, license plate numbers, and information. All he needed was to wait there, and drive into it when it should appear.

"Haven't you considered that you will be sentenced?" Sean asked curiously.

"I know, but it doesn't matter. They told me it was just a car accident. I won't run away. I'll go in and stay there for a few years before I get out." The black buddies shrugged their shoulders with a normal look, then remembered something and became nervous Looking at Sean, "You said, I told you the truth, you don't follow the normal legal process."

Sean: "..."

The normal process is that you intentionally kill someone!

This IQ is really... Sending him to prison will not give him any sense of accomplishment. "Yes, I promise, give me that phone number."

"Hey, it's useless. It's a public phone. I checked it. Of course it's a public phone for this kind of thing. It's always shown in movies like this, so you won't be caught!" The black buddies said complacently .

Sean was speechless for a while, is it something to be proud of?

Seeing that there was nothing to ask, the two turned around and left. "How? Got a clue?" Murdoch asked.

"There are no clues, so don't bother." Sean shook his head, "Professionals, this is the end of the matter."

"Didn't the **** say that the other party would give him money after the job is done? How about using him for fishing?" Murdoch said a little dissatisfied.

Sean tilted Murdoch, and said with a half-smile: "Yeah, only **** would believe it." After that, he walked forward.

Murdoch froze in place, still thinking about what Sean meant by this. half an hour....

"Mary Falke!" Murdoch's face turned black, and he cursed and chased after him. If I wasn't afraid of being beaten to death by you, I'd punch your stinky mouth!

After telling the police station that they were on business, the two got in the car and drove back to the hospital.

The news came from over there that Soros had woken up and was out of danger. He was currently in the ward, and they could go and have a look.

When I arrived at the hospital, I learned the exact condition from the doctor.

Multiple soft tissue contusions, shoulder dislocation, left arm fracture, and coma caused by multiple impacts on the head. Fortunately, no internal bleeding was found in the skull, but there was a moderate concussion. Whether there are sequelae still needs to be observed.

Pushing open the door of the ward, he saw that Soros was lying on the bed with his arms hanging, his eyes closed and he was asleep. The old man opened his eyes and looked. The concussion caused some problems with his eyes, so he couldn't see who it was.

"I'm Sean, next to Murdoch, come to see you." Sean said, "Forget it, don't move."

"No, what's wrong with your eyes?" Murdoch Soros looked very sad, he's getting too old, and his health is failing.

"Concussion, I can't see clearly, the doctor said it will be fine after a while." Soros closed his eyes and said weakly. Sean smashed his mouth, and said a little embarrassedly: "It's because my security is not in place, but..."

"I told you to change the car, you have to think it's okay!" Sean complained a little, and it's not entirely his fault. He suggested that Soros change to his own car, which is more expensive but safe!

With a weight of 12.5 tons, the Scorpion tank is only 7.5 tons, and the US military's M551 light tank has a net weight of only 13.5 tons. It's okay to put it anywhere and let your truck hit it!

His car dared to challenge the fully loaded cement tanker head-on!

Muscles throbbing in Soros's face and a splitting headache, fuck

, Crazy, who the **** drove a tank to the streets!

But that was my previous

"Book one for me, Majestic Falke!" Soros cursed feebly. Sean shook his head, **** is hypocrisy, do you think you have a better reputation than me? No matter how many bad things I have done, how can I not count at all!

In this wave of shorting Europe, I don’t know how many people went bankrupt and went to the rooftops. The news that Murdoch learned about it must have exceeded a hundred people!

Because Sean has given enough financial support and backed him, this guy has made bigger moves than normal in history. Not only shorted Finland, Sweden, Italy, and the United Kingdom, but also swept Portugal, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Denmark.

It's really just a hand thing that nobody reports outside of their own country. In the eyes of the French, there is nothing more interesting than watching the British make a fool of themselves. You thought this was the end?


The guys also went long British, French and German interest rate futures. You thought this was the end?


Currency appreciation will cause the stock market to rise, and currency depreciation will cause the stock market to fall.

Soros used Sean's other 7 billion US dollars of funds to go long on German stock index futures while shorting stock index futures on London, Finland, Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, etc., and made a fortune again.

This is called professional!

Using one thing is like harvesting, not letting go of any profit.

Not only the leeks, but even the leek growers were all cut off. Wherever they passed, there was no grass growing. It is not difficult to understand why some people want to kill Soros!

Who told you that Soros is the leading brother? Although you know that there are people behind him, they dare not take revenge on these people, and they can't even say it out loud.

At most, I cursed in my heart.

I didn't stay in Soros's ward too much. The 61-year-old man was severely injured and mentally weak, and needed a good rest.

Soros also went on the road and ordered his confidant Druckenmiller to settle the property settlement with Sean and Murdoch on his behalf.

Druckenmiller was terrified by what happened to Soros and didn't dare to go out. Sean sent his car to pick him up in person.

This tossing went into the afternoon.

Picked up the Druckenmiller cruise ship from the pier. By the way, the cruise ship belongs to Murdoch. Sean only has one cruise ship so far, and it was sent by someone else.

As the yacht drove out, Murdoch couldn't help but asked Sean curiously again, "What's wrong with your car?"

Before, Murdoch laughed at Sean for being devoid of conscience, and he was afraid that he was the only one who built this kind of car. After seeing Soros' tragic situation, now he can't help but be tempted to buy a car of the same model as Sean.

"I always suspect that you want to kill me!" Sean couldn't help complaining, but he still whispered in Murdoch's ear: "There is something to give, the defense effect against heavy artillery is not good."

"Heavy? Heavy artillery?" Murdoch was confused.

"Yeah, tanks require all-round protection. My design is for anti-tank rockets, so it's a lot worse when facing heavy artillery bombardment."

"Who the **** could bring out a heavy cannon to bomb you!" Murdoch was speechless. Although he was determined to order one, he still felt that Sean was insane.

"So!" Sean shrugged, I don't drive a car to the battlefield, I don't believe that anyone can drive a tank or heavy artillery to bombard me.

A group of gorgeous beauties on the tanker showed off their beauty to their heart's content, causing Druckenmiller's eyes to wander around when passing by, and the sweet kisses he sent from time to time left marks on his face with red lips.

But business matters.

A moment of spring festival is worth a fortune. In the small conference room on the tanker, Druckenmiller did not delay for a moment, and directly brought out the income statement.

"My dear gentlemen, let me tell you about the benefits."

"The first is to short the currencies of various countries, with a total of 12.5 billion U.S. dollars, of which seven countries including Finland, Sweden, and Portugal earned a total of 3.4 billion U.S. dollars, and Italy contributed 3.2 billion

In U.S. dollars, the U.K. contributed $5.9 billion. "

"Gentlemen, let's applaud the generous British people." The crowd laughed and applauded.

"Let's talk about the profit from long interest rate futures in Britain, France and Germany. UU Kanshu totals 2.2 billion U.S. dollars."

"The rest is the gains in the stock markets of various countries...Let us congratulate the British. The British contributed the most, with a total of 1.8 billion US dollars, followed by the Italians with 800 million US dollars, and then the Germans with 300 million US dollars. , the remaining countries have a total of 600 million U.S. dollars, a total of 35 U.S. dollars!"

Everyone quickly calculated in their heads, 18.2 billion.

Good guy, in 1990, the total profit of the first, second and third of the world's top 500 companies was just that much.

Even though Sean was already very rich, he still took a deep breath. No wonder the future attaches so much importance to the financial industry. Damn it, the speed of making money with this thing is really too fast.

This is not comparable to an industry that costs a lot of money, has low profit margins, and takes years of time. As long as you get infected, you will be addicted and you can't stop!

Think about how long it took me to earn enough 10 billion, enough. . . . . Well, it's not very attractive to think so.

As the leader of this operation, Quantum Fund can get one-fifth of the income, 3.64 billion US dollars, and Soros can get half of it.

As for Sean, although he is not the leader, he pays the most, and he is the backer, who can get 7.1 billion. Of course, he will also give Murdoch a part, about 180 million.

The rest belonged to several other partners, intermediary banks, JP Morgan, Chase Manhattan and other big banks, and they received 7.46 billion US dollars. .

In just one month, Soros' injury was worth it! With such benefits, everyone is happy.

Now is the time to celebrate, silver parties, let's go!

Sean was lying on the big bed, looking at the sea outside the window, but his heart drifted to England. He still cares about his son, it's time to see Major...

Please pay attention to the latest chapter to read the latest chapter

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