MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 533 : Divide the spoils, silly Damu surrenders

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For Hao Dasun who suddenly said that the main industry in the future will be chips plus AI, the old man was dumbfounded.

After all, in Sean's current industrial chain, it has nothing to do with chips and AI.

The old man doesn't know that Sean has bought shares in Microsoft and Oracle. Well, these two have nothing to do with chips and AI. As for Sean secretly buying shares in Apple and Intel, the old man doesn't even know.

"Why these two?" The old man asked if he didn't understand. He didn't believe that this kid was lying to himself or it was a whim. Just look at Xiao En's current industry, and there is no one that doesn't make money.

"Look at it." Sean didn't know how to explain this to the old man. Of course, it was definitely not that he didn't understand. Absolutely not!

Seeing the speechless old man, Sean could only explain in an exhaustive manner, talking about his acquisition of shares in Texas Instruments, Intel, and AMD.

Old man David certainly knew about several companies, but he didn't pay attention to them.

After pressing the calling bell on the desk, the secretary immediately opened the door and came in. The old man ordered to bring the revenue reports of these companies. The NYSE is owned by the Rockefellers...

Sean’s fourth grandfather, inherited by Lawrence Rockefeller, the earliest venture capitalist on Wall Street, the old man is still alive, and it’s quite solid. The Rockefeller family office has all kinds of data on all listed companies in the United States, including those that are not listed on the New York Stock Exchange. of those companies.

Soon the information of several companies was sent over. In addition to the few companies named by old man David, the secretary also thoughtfully sent a statistical report of the entire industry.

Old man David doesn't know how to look closely, the first thing he pays attention to is revenue. Revenue: Operating income, or sales, not profit.

After a quick look, the old man David’s expression is a little subtle. Intel’s 1990 revenue was 3.5 billion, Texas Instruments’ 1990 revenue was 1.2 billion, and AMD’s 1990 revenue was 1 billion.

(A few words of broken data, I searched for more than an hour... Gan!) That's it?

Old man David nodded and reported, "These three companies are already the top players in the semiconductor industry, and Intel is the third in the world? This is also..."

It's no wonder old David can't understand, what kind of **** is this?

It is said that it is the top five in the world, the top ten in the world, but isn't this a group of companies that make spare parts for terminal companies!

The semiconductor industry is very developed, yes, Sony, for example, ranks among the best among all companies in the world, but you...

Intel also knows that one of IBM's parts suppliers is relatively small, after all, the processor is just an accessory of the computer.

Rockefeller was a shareholder in IBM.

"By the way, how much is your garbage recycling revenue in a year?" Old man David asked again.

Sean was silenced by the old man David's words, "Ahem, well, my business scope is very large, spanning four states, plus a New York."

"You can say as much as you want!"

"More than 3 billion." Sean said, "After all, there are more than 30 million people. This is incomparable."

"So, the revenue and profit of waste disposal are higher than Intel's." Old man David teased deliberately. Of course, he knew that one is a livelihood industry and the other is a high-tech company. The rate of return and added value are completely different.

He just doesn't understand why Xiao En is so optimistic about several chip manufacturing companies, and why he lists them as the backbone of his industry. You must know that no matter whether it is media, security, or logistics, any of them can be inherited for a hundred years. will be higher.

Sean hasn't mentioned Qualcomm, which he's fancying. It has only been established for 5 years and has not been listed. It is currently doing an IPO.

Chase Manhattan is one of the underwriters of Qualcomm's listing, and it is the largest one. After the listing, Chase Manhattan's shares will be sold to Sean. As for the other small underwriters, Chase Manhattan also helped to say hello .

Once listed, Sean will immediately become Qualcomm's major shareholder, or the largest shareholder.

It's not that Sean didn't want to invest or underwrite in advance, it was too late for Sean to start.

Or Sean Bank's current underwriting ability is really insufficient, and it is incomparable with these Wall Street predators.

"You're so optimistic about them?" Old man David asked.

"Yes, very optimistic, the future belongs to them!" Sean nodded earnestly, reaching out and rubbing the seeds on Bill's head.

The old man David frowned and pondered, turned his 75-year-old brain, and asked again after a long time: "The future? How do you plan? The direction of business?"

Sean thought about it carefully, how to talk to a 75-year-old man about what is a supercomputer, what is a smart phone, smart home, smart car...

"Just like in the movie Terminator, in the future all walks of life will use a lot of computer control, you can use this computer to predict the development trend of all walks of life in the next few years, supermarkets no longer need people, people no longer need With money, you can buy things by swiping your face and fingerprints, and any person’s living habits will be recorded by the computer, and a person’s future can be judged from the data.” Sean tried his best to describe it in terms that the old man could understand.

"Hehe, that's impossible!" Old man David sneered, "I don't have any money with me, what should I do if I meet a black man who is robbing with a gun?"

Sean was speechless and could only say, old man, you know America!

Seeing Xiao En's appearance, old man David burst out laughing, let the old man win the round!

Of course, it’s all about exaggeration, but the old man still paid attention to this matter and decided to mobilize the family’s think tank to conduct an in-depth research and forecast the future development prospects of these emerging technology companies.

Sean’s words made Elon Musk, who is studying in Canada, Sergey Brin, who is studying at the University of Maryland, and Larry Page, who is studying at East Lansing High School, have just created the most advanced state-of-the-art technology in the world. Jeff Bezos of the successful fund trading management company, Zuckerberg's 7-year-old boy playing in New York... and others all shuddered.

The worst thing was the little boy. One accidentally leaked urine, and a large area of ​​his pants was wet. The little friends around him were stunned, and there were waves of ridicule.

In every era there will be a group of trend-makers, they ride the tide of the times, and take advantage of the opportunities of those old guys who can't keep up with the times to ride the wind and waves to reach their talents.

But now, because of Xiao En's words, these originally chosen children of the third industrial revolution have all their luck taken away. Sin!

Of course, Sean didn't care so much, who made him an old-fashioned rich man who should be abandoned by the times. The future is yours, but when this future comes, I have the final say!

After talking about the business, the old man David and Sean chatted about some family affairs. In the past year, the Rockefeller family had more than one hundred children and entered the explosive period. The results are very good. The old man is very pleased.

He also talked about a lot of gossip including Morgan, Dupont and other families, who is going to disappear in historical occasions, who is the youngest, who is not doing business, is addicted to drugs, is addicted to alcohol, whoever is the youngest, who failed to invest, and suffered terrible losses, etc. Yes, which big family has no successors, so they can only set up a family fund and entrust everything to professional managers...

As I got older, I gradually started to like these things.

Sean also listened with great interest. These top-notch gossips in the world are usually not heard at all, but they are also interesting.

In the family office, I had a meal with the old man David. The old man even specially called his own son Richard Rockefeller back to accompany him to enjoy the family happiness.

Seeing Sean talking and laughing happily with his father, making the old man laugh out loud with jokes from time to time, Richard Rockefeller felt very awkward, and always felt that the relationship between the old man and Sean was not normal...

After dinner, before Sean left, old man David pulled Sean to talk for a while about the Gulf War.

This is the real reason why old man David called Sean to come back. There will be a private meeting in two days to talk about the distribution of income after the war.


The victory of the Gulf War is affirmative, no matter how long it takes, the victor naturally has the right to distribute the post-war benefits, and the Middle East, to be precise, what are the interests of YLK and Kuwait?

Naturally crude oil!

A country is a platform, not a company. The U.S. government will not share any profits. How to make profits still needs to be torn apart by various oil companies.

The purpose of the U.S. government's splitting of Standard Oil is not to hand over the oil market to Europeans, Middle Easterners or anyone else. It was split because Rockefeller controlled 90% of the world's oil industry, which was very detrimental to the development of the industry.

Rockefeller is one of the founders of Standard Oil. He is the major shareholder, but not the only shareholder. There are also five families including Flagler, Andrew, and Harris. The two brothers of the Rockefeller family, John Rockefeller 26.67% and William Rockefeller hold shares 13.33%.

Standard Oil had 37 shareholders at most, and was finally split into 34 companies, but the three most powerful companies, Exxon, Mobil, and Chevron, are still the Rockefeller family.

Rockefeller still controls the world's largest oil industry, and of course the Rockefeller family has a share of this big cake. There is nothing wrong with it!

In addition, in this Gulf War, Sean contributed a lot and was one of the biggest behind-the-scenes promoters. Sean still has to eat a portion alone!

Sean's share, of course, was separate from his Rockefeller family.

Resting at home... Well, fuck, after working hard for two days, when it was time to attend the party, Sean was a little listless, with dark circles under his eyes!

Old man David looked at Sean with worry in his eyes.

This private gathering included not only Americans, but also English, Dutch, and French.

Although the British and the French have made a lot of small moves behind the scenes, they are actually sending out troops after all. In addition, they control the two sisters of British Petroleum and Shell. .

This is the first time that Sean is qualified to participate in this kind of real top boss event. I thought there would be a verbal battle, but I didn't expect it to be quite so.


The main reason is that the war has not yet been won, and the stupid Damu is still alive and well, and there is no definite result to be discussed now, it is a question of general direction.

Well, from a national perspective, although Britain, France and other European countries hope that the fool will be fine, in case...they will not be merciful at that time, as for capital, they must choose to maximize their benefits.

After discussing it, no matter how much benefit everyone can get in the end, it will be 20% to 80% in the end, and 80% will belong to the Americans. The 20% of Europeans depends on the face of Americans.

Among the 80% of Americans, Sean accounted for 20%, Rockefeller accounted for 30%, and other major oil companies accounted for the remaining 30%. After talking about the quota distribution, Sean raised the issue of security again.

The future of YLK will definitely be a mess. The United States will not let them settle down safely, so how can each company ensure the safety of their oil wells and factories?

Britain and France, of course, entrusted them to their own PMC company, but the United States, of course, is Sean's umbrella.

At this time, no one mentioned hiring other security companies, that is, not giving face to Sean, not giving face to the more than 30,000 army, not giving face to the guided missile destroyer fleet, and not giving face to all the pirates in the world!

Hey, it seems that some weird things have been mixed in...

After the distribution of benefits after the war was settled, Sean returned to Saudi Arabia again and refocused on the YLK war.

Sean personally dug such a big hole for Silly Damu, filling in some of the loopholes that had been there, and with Norman doing it himself, it is impossible for Silly Damu to have any room for turning around.

The three-way army was advancing very fast. Silly Damu shot out all the Scud missiles at the end of his family, but still failed to stop the US coalition forces.

Not all of them were intercepted, but 90% of them were intercepted.

The remaining bit can't do much damage anymore.

The three-way offensive was overwhelming. First, the western group army swept all the way to the Euphrates River, blocking the 540,000 troops arranged by Sha Damu, then broke through the middle road, and encircled and wiped out the east road to win a big victory.

Then Norman prepared for the second wave, followed the gap opened by the Western Group Army and killed them all the way towards Baghdad, the capital of YLK, while the Western Group Army continued to advance

, Then along the Tigris River, they also killed towards Baghdad.

Two armies, nearly 300,000 people, carrying the power of a great victory, are mighty and undisguised!

Twenty-four hours after Operation Desert Saber, that is, on the morning of the 19th, Silly Damu, who had not slept all night, was very haggard. The 540,000 army was wiped out, the air power was completely lost, the communication system was destroyed, and the radar system failed. The US military dropped a division of power in the western area of ​​Baghdad. It started throwing bombs before, and it hasn't stopped until now.

Silly Damu's eye sockets were sunken, his lips were chapped, and he completely lost confidence. He was fine 28 hours ago, but suddenly the situation took a turn for the worse, leaving no time for people to react.

What is moving like a thunder!

The ground battle that he had placed high hopes on was completely bankrupt, and now he remembered why Foreign Minister Qian from the north thought of him so much.


Half an hour later, preparations for the press conference were completed, and more than 200 journalists from various countries all arrived.

"We announce that we agree to implement the resolution of the UN Conference 660 and agree to unconditionally withdraw troops from Kuwait." Silly Damu stood on the podium with a hoarse voice, facing the camera and reporters from various countries.

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