MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 529 : Blitz (2/2)

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At 4 o'clock in the morning, the three-way army of the US coalition officially launched an offensive!

At 4:25, the U.S. bombers arrived above the YLK army and began to cover the bombing!

At 4:50, the tank troops of both sides encountered each other!

At 4:55, the U.S. tank troops retreated, and the armed helicopter troops dispatched to bomb the YLK army tank troops.

At 5:30, the U.S. armed helicopter troops retreated, and the YLK army lost more than 450 tanks!

At 5:40, the U.S. tank troops entered the battlefield again, began to outflank a large area, and adopted harassment and delay tactics.

At 6:30, the U.S. armed helicopter unit entered the battlefield again. This time, only one-third of the helicopters entered the battlefield. The U.S. tank unit did not retreat, and continued to perform entanglement missions and repeated bombing missions.

At 6:50, the second wave of US helicopter troops entered the battlefield, and the first wave of helicopter troops returned to remount their weapons.

At 7:10, the YLK heavy artillery units began to bomb indiscriminately at the relatively densely populated areas of the U.S. troops in front of the battlefield on both sides, in an attempt to save their own tank units with a small loss.

At 7:12, the U.S. anti-battery radar captured the position of the YLK artillery position, and the bomber unit bombed the enemy missile unit.

At 7:15, 38 Tomahawk missiles launched from the rear of the U.S. military successively, attacking the artillery positions of the YLK Army at 8 coordinates! At 7:25, the US military's M270 self-propelled rocket launcher launched an indiscriminate coverage bombing of the YLK artillery position 60 kilometers away!

At 7:40, YLK's forward artillery position was completely misfired, completely losing its long-range strike capability!

At 9 o'clock in the morning, the YLK army's first-line tank troops were wiped out. The battlefield was full of T-72 wreckage.


YLK people are still continuing the most mature tunnel combat method since World War II, and have been tested and tempered in the Iran-Iraq War.

Facts have proved that tunnels and trenches can indeed greatly reduce casualties and block enemy attacks, even in the face of tank troops!

Tanks have firing angles. Taking the M1A1 of the U.S. military as an example, the tank’s artillery damage range is 150-3000 meters. Bring the machine gun!

At this distance, the tank can only rely on the machine gun above or the following armored vehicles.

Relying on tunnels and trenches, as long as you avoid the bombardment of tank artillery, after entering 150 meters, the Soviet AT-5 anti-tank missile will be the world's anti-tank missile!

The minimum range of 25 meters is enough for US tanks to drink a pot!

As long as their trench defenses have not been destroyed, the YLK army still maintains confidence!


After solving the tank troops, artillery troops, and missile troops, the YLK people also fled after losing more than half of their air troops.

The US tank troops quickly reached the first line of defense formed here in the western town of YLK, Salman!

After approaching 3 kilometers and entering the best range of the M1A1, the US tank immediately slowed down. At the same time, the armed helicopter in the sky circled and began to dive towards the defense line.

Armed helicopters, the nightmare of ground forces!

Covered by a round of rockets, the armed helicopter reached the top of the direction, staggered, and the crossfire began to pour firepower into the trench!

As soon as the armed helicopter over there started to show its power, the tanks here immediately accelerated and rushed up. If someone pays attention at this time, they will find that the tanks in the second row look very strange.

The gun barrel on the turret was missing, but a bulldozer-like bucket was added in front of the tank, but unlike ordinary bulldozers, this bucket could not move up and down flexibly.

Not only has the front been changed, but a layer of bulletproof grille has been welded on the periphery of the reactive armor on both sides. 3 kilometers is not far, even in the desert, the speed of the tank does not decrease.

Under the cover of the armed helicopter, the tanks in the first row stopped after reaching 1.5 kilometers, the turret roared, and cooperated with the helicopters in the sky to suppress the YLK people, but the strange tanks in the second row rushed quickly.

The YLK people are not stupid. Although they didn't understand the situation of these strange tanks for a while, but the time was urgent and they couldn't manage so much.

The killing principle of anti-tank rockets is to use metal jets, not high-explosive. This kind of warhead is not effective when facing bulletproof grids and reactive armor.

Now that the tank's artillery has been removed, the turret does not need to consider the left and right rotation angles, and bulletproof grilles can be installed at will. This wave of blows did not bring any damage except for blowing holes in the modified bodies of several strange tanks. what harm.

After rushing all the way to the vicinity of the trench smoothly, the body of the truck was put down, and the body of the truck pushed the sand on the ground, puffs of black smoke rose from the engine, and the sand flooded towards the trench like a wave!

In the terrified shouts of the YLK people, the trench was completely submerged by the sand pushed directly! counterattack?

Get the **** out of the sand first!

Now the YLK people finally know what this strange tank is for! This is the way to use a bulldozer to fill up the entire trench with sand!

This is a desert area, although not a blade of grass grows, but there is no shortage of sand...

Some of the frightened YLK people jumped out of the trenches and ran towards the rear, but they were smashed into pieces by the cannons of the armed helicopters in the sky before they ran far.

Seeing the miserable situation of their companions, the YLK people behind could only shrink back again.

The battlefield is so cruel, no matter what you choose, you will die sooner or later, but everyone wants to live longer, as long as, as long as these strange tanks are killed!

There is no time on the battlefield for people to think slowly, what is the use of frightened YLK people, machine guns, grenades, RPG, AT-5...

These strange tanks adjusted their direction on their own, letting the sparks from the machine guns splatter the car body, and letting the RPG with high-explosive warheads blow a hole in the bulletproof grille. The bulldozer tanks seemed to be ruthless machines. After a good angle, he pushed the sand and soil straight along the trench!

The sand and soil pushed up will not become more and more, and finally make it impossible to push. They will all fall into the trench with a width of more than one meter.

Buried alive! !

The trenches that the YLK people worked so hard to dig out in the desert are gone. As for the loss of the US military...does it count as a dozen modified tanks?

The traditional tactics of using trenches to deal with tanks, such as attacking the bottom with explosives from below, such as bombing tracks, are not used at all.

These days, after being scouted by reconnaissance planes and special forces, when they found out that the YLK people were digging trenches again, Norman could only sneer at his nostrils. This is a **** desert, and this place is not Shangganling or Changjin Lake. !

Not even the rainforest over there in **** Vietnam!

There is no need for bulldozers over there, and the tunnel tactics are invincible, but this is a **** desert! The enemy you are facing is not like Iran, we are the world's No. 1 US military! This rote tactic is courting death!

As early as during the Iran-Iraq War, the Wujiao Building had a dedicated staff group that conducted countless simulated battles. The target was Iran, which was also YLK.

At the beginning, everyone could only use tanks to charge hard. At worst, they could bear some losses. They said that the bottom line was just an individual weapon. It might destroy dozens of tanks, but facing the charge of hundreds of tanks, it was nothing more than bearing 10 to 20% of the load. loss.

The U.S. military can afford to lose!

But slowly, one day a staff officer saw a construction site or a snow plow or something else, and suddenly thought of using a bulldozer, and later replaced it with a modified tank bulldozer, and the effect was outstanding.....

Look at the battlefield, the forest of arms protruding from the trench, like a cemetery for the undead, no blood, no corpses, no gunpowder smoke, but I don’t know why, just looking at it makes people feel cold all over... .

Even veterans who have fought old wars


Salman, after the front lines of defense were breached, US tanks and armored vehicles drove into the town under the cover of the army.

An important town in the southeast of YLK with a population of 120,000. . . .

The town is very large, mainly two-story buildings, few high-rise buildings are seen, and the stage is relatively wide, so it is no problem for two tanks to pass in parallel.

Perhaps the front line of defense was breached too simply, causing the city's defenders to completely lose their will to resist. The gunshots were loud, but the willpower was weak, and he almost boasted as soon as he charged, and surrendered immediately.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, under the command of Lieutenant General Luck, the West Route Army completely occupied Salman.

After a short rest, the West Route Army will go straight to the Euphrates River, and then completely cut off the retreat of the 41 divisions and 540,000 people deployed by Sha Damu in Kuwait!

The West Route Army advanced smoothly, and the Central Route Army and the East Route Army with the cooperation of the Navy also advanced at a fast pace.

After completely occupying the air superiority and destroying almost all effective anti-aircraft weapons of the YLK people, the U.S. military unscrupulously used a large number of armed helicopters for ground fire support.

Great results!

At 1:30 in the afternoon, Silly Damu, who was far away in Baghdad, finally received the accurate news from the front line, which was sent by his "friends". The accuracy of the news is much more accurate than that intermittently sent back from the front line....

Even the detailed tactics of the US military are fully displayed.

After reading the battle report that the U.S. Army used tanks converted into bulldozers to bury his army almost unscathed, Silly Damu sat down on a chair with a stupid face.

Not to mention being stupid, even the other countries in the coalition are also dumbfounded.

In many cases, it is a problem of inertia of thinking, not to say how advanced this thing is, but the inertia of thinking that makes it impossible for everyone to solve it so easily!

Anyway, since then, the concept that tunnel warfare in the desert area is a pit has been left to people......

The most painful thing is the stupid big wood, he put all the treasures of delaying the US military in the rolling yellow sand of YLK! Otherwise, do you expect to use street fighting to delay the pace of the US military?

As long as it can be close to the road and ensure logistics transportation, the US military is invincible!

But now, as soon as the bulldozer tactics came out, Silly Damu's plan fell through completely. It's over!

It's just that Silly Damu is really unwilling to fail like this! He also has the ability to fight back!

He still has flying legs!

Of course, the Scud can no longer hit the Israelis at this moment....Israel's last bit of value has been squeezed dry.

Bomb the U.S. military with missiles and intimidate the U.S. military with excessive casualties.

After the Vietnam War, the whole world knew that Americans were afraid of too many casualties, which would cause anti-war protests and cause the government to lose the election!

Now, there is only one way!

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the three-way army of the US military launched a new round of attack again!

There were almost no casualties in the attack in the morning. Taking the King of Land Warfare as an example, the YLK lost more than 1,200 tanks, while the entire coalition lost less than 20 tanks!

Bulldozers are not considered tanks, how can they be considered tanks without guns!

The so-called third military power in the world with high morale, ha, is like a girl covered in tulle, just grab her, pull her over, and tear it lightly...


The rest is just in and out, do whatever you want! --

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the US military offensive was in full swing.

Unwilling to fail, Silly Damu played his hole card!

It makes sense that the Scud can be active for 30 years. This kind of ballistic missile that can be pulled and run at any time is really easy to use. The layout position is flexible, and it can be moved as needed.

The ruthless stupid Damu didn't care too much this time, and took out the special incendiary warhead he picked up "by luck" just a few days ago.

Don't ask me how stupid Damu has such an illegal warhead. After Ah San announced that he has a nuclear bomb, the Pakistanis picked up the nuclear bomb the next day..


The Pakistanis can pick it up, but I can't pick it up? Don't ask, it's just a coincidence!

Of course, Silly Damu never thought of hitting them all at once. The nuclear bomb that has not been thrown is the most threatening!


Here, the six Scud-Bs had just risen to the stratosphere, and the American military satellites on the other side detected them, and the information was transmitted to the US military base in Saudi Arabia in an instant!

As soon as the information arrived, the commander of the missile force who received the news gave an order, and the Patriot missile, which had been in the launch state, immediately entered the launch preparation stage!

Be sure to complete the interception mission!

It only took three minutes to prepare for the launch, and the Patriot missile completed all the preparations. The military satellite network cooperated with the ground anti-missile radar system to complete the calculation and locking of the Scud flight trajectory.

At the moment when the lock was completed, 18 Patriot missiles quickly launched into the air and accelerated crazily, and the speed soon exceeded Mach 3!

Each Scud is assigned 3 Patriot missiles to intercept, and we must not let a missile fall on our troops! In the hearts of the US military, nothing is more precious than the lives of soldiers!

What are human rights!

More than 40 kilometers away in broad daylight, several suns appeared in succession above the army's head, and then there was a rain of fire all over the sky, and none of the six scuds could break through the defense line!

Why didn't the Americans help intercept the Israelis when the stupid bombarded them? Did the Americans count the Israelis?

Sean: Of course not! The truth is that it cannot be intercepted!

The range of the Scud is about 400 kilometers, and the maximum flight time is 350-400 seconds. What kind of concept is this? That is to say, it takes up to 7 minutes for the Scud to explode from launch to landing.

In order to complete the interception, the first thing is to have military satellites all over the world, and the minimum must be hung just above the enemy's head to ensure that the opponent's missile can be found after reaching a certain height.

And from ignition to reaching a certain height, it needs a little acceleration, and it takes time!

Complete the second point of interception, UU Reading www.uukanshu. Com needs the anti-missile system to cooperate with the calculation of the route and landing point of the opponent's missile, which takes time.

Finally, it is necessary to have an intercepting missile just near the landing point of the opponent's missile, and complete the launch preparation, lock, launch the missile, and intercept at an altitude of 25,000-10,000 meters, and it will take time for the own missile to complete the acceleration!

The golden time is only three or four minutes!

The U.S. military detected the scuds of the YLK people heading for Jaffa, but the patriots of the U.S. military are thousands of kilometers away from Jaffa, and the range of the patriots is only 60 kilometers.

Can't catch up, there is no move at all!

This is just an interception at the end. The opponent uses a conventional warhead. If it is a nuclear warhead, it must be intercepted in the middle and detonated in space....

Technical requirements are endless!

Among the countries in the world that can play anti-missile systems, the terminal interception of Lao Maozi is the first, the United States is the second, and China is the third. Mid-range interception, the United States first, China second!

Other countries... huh!

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