MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 511 : no, this is my fleet

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The fleet had contacted the army, and preparations for the troop carrier had already begun. Suddenly, a warning light on the capital ship's radar monitoring side flashed red.

The Malay soldier in charge of the radar stared at the flashing warning lights and was stunned for 3 seconds. Is this the siren light locked on by the fire control radar?


It's not that he is not familiar with the basic operation of the ship, but that after repeatedly confirming the safety, the sudden change caught him off guard.

Blinking and blinking again, I checked the soles of my feet, and a cold air rose from the soles of my feet, and I rushed straight to the top door. I woke up after a lot of beating, missiles, missiles!

A shrill roar sounded in the command room, causing everyone to look sideways in fright.

You are crazy. The captain reprimanded loudly,

There are missiles coming. Pointing to the flashing warning lights, the soldier roared loudly.

His voice just now was too shrill, and he couldn't hear what it was at all, and no one noticed the flashing red light. Now he looked in the direction of his finger, and his head buzzed.

In the command room, it was like a pot of cold water was poured into a boiling oil pan, and it exploded.

Everyone was in a hurry. Remember the URL m.xbequige. com

After all, drills are not the same as actual combat, even during the drills there have been unexpected situations.

Intercept, what about intercept missiles?

Radar detected no missiles.

It's all **** locked and you haven't found the missile yet.

Come on, do you all **** want to die?

The commander grabbed the intercom to switch channels. Enemy attacks have missiles with full power to open radar search.

It was only at this time that he remembered that his side was just a frigate. The radar on the ship is relatively poor and requires the joint efforts of other ships.

As soon as the news came, the entire fleet was blown up.

Didn't you agree to reach an agreement with the protector?

Didn't you say that you can leave safely?

How can you be directly attacked by missiles without saying hello?

No, it's not a mistake.

Messy thoughts flashed across the faces of the fleet soldiers whose faces were full of panic

After 1 minute, the missile was finally discovered by radar.

But at this time, the distance is only more than 1 kilometer.

As for the interceptor missiles fired by frigates like Malay, in fact, they are more often just psychological comfort.

The dense missiles were fired, and the rest was left to fate.

The tonnage of this frigate is too small. If the American harpoon is concentrated and side-spinned, there is a high probability that they will be sent to see God.

This moment really felt like years. There were people on the boat kneeling down to pray, some crying, some with dull eyes, and some yelling at each other.

Boom! sound. A loud noise rang out on the battleship.

The imaginary explosion and the body being torn apart, and then the flashback of life in the head did not appear.

It took a full ten seconds before everyone was sure that it was really all right. At this time, someone went to the deck and saw that a missile more than 3 meters had collided with a missile launcher, and it had been deformed and shattered.



Seeing that nothing was wrong, the captain immediately dispatched Guan Xian to check. The specific situation will be reported back soon. There is no warhead installed in the missile. The missile hit the deck of our ship at an angle of 45°, then slid and hit the launcher, and then shattered.

No warhead? The captain frowned, is this a warning shot?

Otherwise, it wouldn't be the enemy who forgot to install the warhead!

It didn't take long for him to wonder, the adjutant informed him that there was a communication incoming.

I'm Sean looking for your Fleet Commander this is the Malay Navy Eastern Fleet, I'm the Fleet Commander

Well, I f***ing don't want to know who you are and what your name is. If Sean interrupts the other party, you just need to tell me whether you have the right to control the fleet.

The commander of the Malay fleet choked back with a sentence, and his face was a little ugly.

This is in broadcast mode, and everyone in the command room can hear it clearly.

The corner of the adjutant's mouth twitched, he hurried over to adjust the mode, and took a headset over.

In addition, I don't think you are a fleet. In my eyes, you are at best a fleet. That's all, Sean's voice came from the headset.

The commander of the Malay fleet took a deep breath, and let out a long breath.

This unceremonious sense of sarcasm cannot be learned by others, and there is no need to verify his identity. It is undoubtedly the legendary Sean.

After all, is he a man who dared to break into the Malay palace when he was upset?

I have full control over the fleet. The Malay commander thought for a while and added another sentence. Dear Mr. Sean, what are your orders?

This is not cowardice, and it has nothing to do with warning shots. This is called moderate scrutiny.

As an officer on the battlefield, how can you survive if you don't know how to judge the time?

Hahaha, I like your attitude is very good, promising. Sean laughed a little funny.

It seems that you understand your situation very well, yes, you are already surrounded. You were discovered not long after you came out of Labuan

The veins on the Malay fleet commander's head were throbbing, and the hairs all over his body stood on end.

When I think of someone with malicious intentions following me for 2 days, and I still don't know anything about it, the hairs stand on end when it's someone else.

I don’t know who gave you the courage to drive this kind of broken fishing boat out, but your broken boat has not been found for 2 days, and someone has scanned it with radar from time to time. I can only say that you must have offended in the military. People, someone wants to send you to die. Sean's tone was full of ridicule and kindness. If it weren't for the taste of ridicule, this fleet still has some value, you would have died at sea long ago.

Hearing these words, the commander didn't know how to reply.

In theory, radar warning devices were invented very early. The principle is that when electromagnetic waves hit a metal surface, the metal surface will arouse electromagnetic waves and form an electric current. At this time, if a device sensitive to this electromagnetic wave is placed on the metal surface, once this electromagnetic wave appears on the metal surface, it will automatically alarm. This is radar warning technology.

However, there may be a lot of electromagnetic clutter on the actual battlefield, some of which are harmful and some of which are harmless. More advanced alarm systems will use these characteristics such as transmission frequency bandwidth. Do some screening of electromagnetic signals, and warn some electromagnetic waves that may be threatening.

There are also more advanced ones, which not only warn of threatening electromagnetic waves, but also track and locate the source of the signal.

A further step is that a component of electronic warfare can not only give an alarm, but also emit jamming signals through other electronic countermeasure components to disable the opponent's radar, and even destroy the opponent's radar through anti-radiation missiles.

Obviously, these latter technologies can only be possessed by Americans, but only by Malays. Even a basic function that can sense the radar of the US military cannot be realized.

The technical generation difference between the two parties means that there is no generation difference.

Malay warships are outsourced, and radar technology is also outsourced. A country that has only been established for more than 20 years, has not completely broken away from the feudal colonial system, and most of it is still illiterate has a fart scientific research force.

In the absence of scientific research strength, is it too early to talk about the gap between generations?

Well, stop talking nonsense, get off my boat right now. Sean suddenly changed his tone and said.

Many Malay commanders popping up on their heads?

Wait, did I hear the **** wrong or did you say something wrong about getting off your boat?

Sean, dear sir, what do you mean? I do not understand.

I don't understand, now you have surrendered. Considering that these ships still have some value, I am going to sell these spoils to the Kingdom of Brook. So you are lucky, in order to protect the ship from damage, you saved your own life.

how about it? are you happy?

Not wait. The commander of the Malay fleet immediately became anxious, when will we surrender,

You think it through before you speak. Xiao En's tone suddenly turned cold, if you don't surrender, then you are still in a state of war

It does not exist in a state of war. Sharoui said. Kill them all, and no one can find fault.

hiss! The commander of the Malay fleet gasped.

Xiao En's words were very calm, but when he calmly said the words "Kill them all", it made the hairs of the people explode.

The calmer you are, the more it means that the other party takes it for granted that you can do this kind of thing.

Your lives are not worth mentioning in my eyes, and I don't think killing you all will cause me any pressure. Your value is reflected in the fleet.

I'll give you half an hour to think about it. After half an hour, if I don't get your call to surrender, then you can prepare to meet your god. After all, Sean hung up the phone directly,

The Devil Bird Squadron is ready to go. Sean picked up the phone next to him and called Rekji. Give them some awesomeness.

After the battle started on the first day, Sean went back to Drum into the city's command room. The conditions were not good, and Sean would not treat himself badly.

Obviously, our previous restraint was seen by them as soft-hearted. Sean hung up the phone and looked up at King Charles, Ahmad Zaidi and others persuading me to surrender. Instead of accepting it immediately, they even questioned it,

It's just unreasonable.

A chicken must be killed so that these monkeys can take a good look at it. Only in this way can they know how kind I was just now.

Malays don't know how to flatter them, show them something

Mr. Sean is right,

Me too. Several people looked at and wiped the sweat from their heads, and immediately praised it.

They knew that the Devil Bird Squadron had already prepared for the bombing. All the aerial bombs brought in weighed more than 350 pounds, and when one bomb went down, it was a death zone with a radius of 50 meters.

It is unknown how many people will die in this wave of bombing.

Kill chickens to scare monkeys, scare monkeys to scare people. They came this time not just to assume the role of the scared person, but also to talk about the issue of arms procurement.

Brook established an independent country, of course he has to purchase arms. Not only purchase but also the scale will not be small.

After all, it has already been said. After dealing with the Malays, Sean still wants to take down Natuna Island, and the Indonesians next door will definitely be fried. This time there is no sea between them, and the border between the two sides is very, very long.

This time the ace war with Malay was also an actual equipment exhibition. Sean didn't plan to transport so much equipment, because the shipping fee was too high.

This time, the rest will be sold to Brook Kingdom, including these devil birds. What activities are included?

Of course, radars that are too advanced will be removed and replaced, this is the rule,

The bombing is about to start over there. Xiao En found that these guys were already absent-minded when playing, so he smiled and didn't mind walking to the front line. Only by seeing the combat power of the devil bird and the power of these aerial bombs with your own eyes can you know what value for money is.

Everyone nodded immediately, and they really wanted to see it.

It is said that the bombing has been prepared for a long time, but in fact the speed of the plane dispatch is not so fast.

Flying is a high-risk activity, and you must be cautious. Manual inspections, starting machine inspections, etc., even if an emergency task is about to be performed, some necessary steps cannot be ignored.

Especially also hanging on the bomb.

This thing is usually not mounted when the plane is parked.

So Sean was indeed merciful. Army casualties could have been avoided if the Malay commanders were wise enough.

It's just that in many cases, things are not transferred by personal will.

It was already 20 minutes later when Sean took Charles and the others to the frontline headquarters by helicopter, but the Malays on the other side were still arguing.

The Malay commander surrounded his own fleet by the umbrella fleet and had just found the missile warning. Shooting, and the position of the enemy ship could not be found at all, and Sean personally persuaded him to surrender.

It's just that Sean wanted all the battleships as spoils of war, and he chose to hide the fact that he was going to resell them. If people are not for themselves, heaven and earth will perish.

Explosive bad news immediately caused the Kuala Lumpur headquarters Labuan military base Malay Army headquarters Frontline Army

The quarrel of the trump card team's own people.

Of course, the government and the Mina base firmly disagree, and their attitude is even more determined. The fleet fell into the hands of someone like Xiao En who could urinate from catching a toad. How much would it cost to come back?

Besides, from the perspective of the country, even if you want to surrender, at least let it go to the robbers. Should the country's image be viewed by neighboring countries in the future?

The army and the people on the front line naturally support immediate surrender, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com They have let go of their guns, completed the tasks that the Malay soldiers should complete, and suffered huge losses. The high-level officers have been frightened and need to be recuperated

Arguing is a waste of time.

Time passed before I knew it. Just when Sean and the others arrived at the front line in a helicopter, the Devil Bird Squadron also arrived. The time was half an hour away, and there were still 6 minutes left.

Sean considered that the natives in Southeast Asia have a vague concept of time and absolutely do as the Romans do, so he probably started bombing.

With an order, the sound of the propeller plane diving appeared over the Malay army.

whoosh whoosh…

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