MTL - America’s Big Hero-v2 Chapter 504 : see in the picture

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Sarawak, Kuching.

Recently, driven by Sean and Murdoch, Kuching has attracted a lot of attention, especially in Southeast Asia. Everyone is paying attention to the changes in Kuching in the future.

Under the analysis of various experts in newspapers and TV media, the history of Sarawak and the reasons for the current situation have been found out.

Everyone knows that the situation has reached a point where civil war could break out at any moment.

In the morning, the fourth head of state of Sarawak, Ahmad Zaidi, held a press conference to denounce the atrocities committed by the Malay military. Coming to the army has indeed done heinous things.

After denouncing the atrocities committed by the Malay military, Ahmad Zaidi changed his face. He first stated the glorious history of the Brooke Dynasty, and finally read the decision of the Sarawak government to welcome back Charles Brooke and rebuild the Brooke Kingdom.

The atmosphere at the scene immediately became heated, and hundreds of reporters felt both shocked and calm.

It has been brewing for such a long time, and everyone is not stupid, how could they fail to see the intention of the Sarawak government, and now it is completely confirmed.

After the government decision was read out, it was time for reporters to ask questions. Ahmad Zaidi had already agreed to say goodbye and called a female reporter.

"May I ask Mr. Yuan, is Sarawak preparing to become independent from Malay?" The female reporter stood up and asked loudly. She was a reporter from a newspaper under the Asia Media Group, and the questions were communicated in advance.

"Malays is a federal system, and each state has its own sultan. According to the agreement in the founding contract, Sarawak and the states of the Malay Peninsula are equal and enjoy the same rights. Sarawak is just restoring the previous system." Ah Mazaedi said with a smile.

There is no clear answer, and it seems that everything has been said.

What does it mean to listen to what you say, like listening to what you say!

"Yesterday, the Malay government announced that it was investigating the shooter. It is suspected that the gun went off. What do you think? "

"This is an extremely irresponsible statement. A government that has no sense of responsibility and ignores the facts is a disgrace. It is a disgrace to the victims. It is a disservice to King Charles. It is a disgrace to Sarawak. More than 2 million people have been harmed, we demand that the Malay military immediately hand over the murderer, the victims need justice, and the people of Sarawak need justice.”

After all, the press conference can't be all discussed issues. After a dozen questions, something exciting finally came.

"Will the Brooke Dynasty become independent from Malays?"

"This is not something I can personally decide. It depends on the Malay government's response to this series of events. If Sarawak cannot be treated fairly, I think the people of Sarawak have the right to decide their own future."

"We are a democratic government and all rights belong to the people."

The pressure has come to the side of the Malay government. These days, the atmosphere in the palace in Kuala Lumpur has been very depressing. Everyone's voice is much lower, and the laughter is even more non-existent.

There was a lot of noise in the conference room. Someone suggested that the murderer should be handed over. The **** would not believe that the gun went off. It was too childish.

"Hand it over? And then?" The military immediately objected loudly, "Go to a military court and be sentenced to death. Have you considered how to appease the mood in the army?"

"If Sarawak proposes independence at this time, isn't it because you are fighting on the front line?!"

The few people who fired the shots have become the idols of ordinary soldiers in the lower ranks of the Malay army. With the support of those young officers, they no longer represent themselves alone, but represent a group.

It's a bit like a book army. This is also normal. In the Meiji Restoration, the book learned from the Germans. During the First World War, the German army lost control and took the entire Junker nobles. The book also engaged in militarism education, and its military strength increased rapidly. During World War II There are often subordinate officers who defy military orders and act privately, and wars happen, and the book is also carried by the subordinates in the later period.

During World War II, Southeast Asia was occupied by books, and Megatron Asia-Pacific.

It is also an island country, and it also rose rapidly from a small and weak country. Although it was defeated in World War II, it is still a big country and still


After the war, Southeast Asian countries including Malaysia and Indonesia will inevitably learn from their successful experience. Is there any better learning object than the books of the same island country and the Asia-Pacific cultural circle?

So it is not surprising that the same happened in the Malay Army.

"They are disobeying military orders. If they cannot be punished for disobeying military orders, then I doubt the military's ability to control the troops and the quality of the soldiers. How can such an army have combat effectiveness?" The other side also has good reasons.

"Fart, it is precisely because they are patriotic, impulsive, and passionate. Such people can never back down on the battlefield. A guy like you who can only talk like a braggart will only be a deserter on the battlefield!"

The two sides insist on their own opinions, and the quarreling Malay Sultan has a big head.

Slamming the table hard, the Malay sultan turned his head to look at the group of people from the government who proposed to hand over the murderer and asked sharply: "It is okay to hand over the murderer, but let me ask you, will Sarawak lose its independence after handing over the man?"

"Uh..." A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, this is definitely impossible, and they also know that this is just an excuse.

"If you can't, then what's the use of me making friends, you tell me!" the Malay Sultan shouted loudly, "Just to make them say a few good words that don't hurt?"

"You may not get good words!" After shouting a sentence, several people immediately shut up. The Malay Sultan turned his head to look at the military personnel again, "It's fine if you don't hand over people, so let me ask you, can the military's combat effectiveness be guaranteed if you don't hand over people?"

"Yes!" The military personnel replied without hesitation, and he didn't dare to hesitate, he had to have it if he had it.

"Okay, once they declare independence, they will go to war immediately..." Sultan said through gritted teeth.

"I will take the blame and resign after the defeat!" The military boss said loudly.


The Malay sultan squinted at the big man in the military, and suspected that he was taking the opportunity to run away and wanted to pick himself out.

If we only fight with Sarawak, then the Malay army will definitely win, but will external forces not intervene?

Obviously impossible!

Now looking at the American warships moored in Chunni, it looks like they are pointing at the Malay army.

Besides, there's Sean's shit-stirring stick.

According to intelligence, several guided missile destroyers with umbrellas parked in other countries have disappeared, which is very doubtful.

The mobilization of the Umbrella Army is unknown, and the Malay intelligence system abroad is not well developed.

Anyway, the Malay Sultan doesn't have much confidence. Obviously, the other side has been planning for a long time, so how could it be possible that they are not prepared militarily.

If the battle is defeated, someone must come forward to take responsibility, and that is not simply resignation.

The boss of the Malay military is sitting upright with a firm face. Anyway, I have issued a military order, and I will also issue it if I admit it or not.

At worst, leave, they all resigned,

Who can chase me and beat me!

In Kuching, after the official finally publicly announced the decision to rebuild the Brook Kingdom, the progress of things quickly picked up. Charles had already prepared the "Kuching Declaration", but before that, he needed to communicate again with his side.

It was still Sean who chaired the conference call. After discussing the content of the declaration, the release time, and the government's response, Ahmad Zaidi said with some hesitation: "The enthronement ceremony is fine, but we have no way to decide who to invite."

"What do you mean?" Sean asked.

"We want to send invitations to the embassies of various countries, and it can be regarded as testing the attitudes of various countries towards the Brook Kingdom."

"There are also royal families in various countries, and the attitude of the royal family is also very important." Charles added.

"How many countries do you think you can invite to support?" Sean asked with a smile after a little thought.

There was silence in the conference call, and Ahmad Zaidi said in a deep voice, "It's hard."

They dominate the sky in Sarawak and have a little influence in Southeast Asia, but outside of this area, if Sean hadn't put in a lot of effort to promote them, who the **** would know which onions they are!

For things like the establishment of an independent country, what kind of internal referendum is it?

The people decide for themselves, but no one believes who is the big boss.

You must first get the support of all countries, at least the consent of the overlord in your region, otherwise it will be just playing tricks, and everyone will just treat it as a joke.

This is the dilemma encountered by many regions, including Northern Ireland and Catalonia, which are clamoring for independence all day long.

They can't solve it, and Sarawak can't solve it.

Countries look at interests. Sarawak has no international influence, and now it cannot give countries the benefits they want. Except for Indonesia's explicit support, no one has publicly supported Sarawak so far.

This matter is still asked to Sean.

"There are always more solutions than difficulties. You have to try. Post it, post it if you have to!" Xiao En said with a smile.

There was another silence in the conference call, and Ahmad Zaidi finally nodded in agreement.

Charles Brooke released the "Kuching Declaration" on the second day, promising to implement a constitutional monarchy in the Kingdom of Brooke, and to give the major races in the country a great deal of national autonomy. After taking the throne, he will organize a cabinet composed of the four major races. , and fully delegate power to the cabinet.

While the government welcomed the approval, it decided to hold a coronation ceremony for Charles Brook seven days later, and at the same time send invitations to embassies of various countries in the name of the Kingdom of Brook.

Send it to anyone who can, and it doesn’t matter if you come or not. This naturally includes the Malay government.

Not only the embassies of various countries, but also the royal families of some countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia.

In addition, hero posts were widely distributed, and invitations were sent to people who are very influential in various countries around the world to observe the ceremony, just like Lithuania a few months ago.

With justifiable reasons, Sean finally arrived in Kuching by private plane.

At the airport, Charles Brook took Ahmad Zaidi and others to greet Sean at the airport, surrounded by many media filming.

Get off the plane, shake hands, exchange pleasantries, and accept interviews.

"The first, first, first time I came to Kuching, I felt the enthusiasm of the people of Kuching..." Xiao En said to the reporter with a smile, "I have long heard that Sarawak has beautiful scenery, rich natural resources, and warm and hospitable people. I want to get to know you better."

"Yes, I have plans to invest here. It has always been Rockefeller's purpose to help people of all nationalities in the world and develop together with other countries to achieve a win-win situation..."

After delivering a public speech at the airport, Sean and Charles boarded a car together and drove towards the Kuching Palace.

There was no one else in the car, and the first thing Charles said when he opened his mouth was, "Grandpa Sean!"

Sean: "..." Good grandson.

"Don't make our relationship public." Sean whispered.

"Good grandpa." Charles was kind.

Sean reached out and patted Charles on the shoulder. It is said that people are shameless and invincible. Now Sean is really optimistic about Charles.

Many people just lack a stage for them to fully develop.

The palace has a history of more than 100 years. It was built by the second generation of King Brooke. Charles’ grandfather abdicated here. This building was preserved. After Sarawak joined Malaysia, it was opened to the public as a tourist attraction. .

The meaning of the Malay government is to reduce the pressure of the royal palace and quickly weaken the influence of the Brooke dynasty. I really did not expect that one day the Brooke family will come back here again.

Now, it has been taken back by the government and is undergoing interior renovation, and will be handed over to the Brooke family as the private property of the royal family.

You can't let the king rent the palace! "This is my 28th time here." Charles said with emotion as soon as he entered the palace.

One sentence surprised Sean, Ahmad Zaidi and others. I had never heard Charles say it.

"I will visit here once a year as an adult, as a tourist." Charles' expression on his face is extremely complicated, with longing for the future and nostalgia for the past.

"Now, you are the owner of this place." Sean smiled and patted Charles on the shoulder.

"Well, definitely!" Cha

Erles nodded heavily.

A group of people came to the small meeting hall of the palace. For today's meeting, the renovation of the palace stopped on time.

After exchanging pleasantries for a while, we got to the point. Just when Ahmad Zaidi wanted to ask how many people from different countries he could invite, Sean said first, "I'm not in a hurry to ask questions from the guests."

"What do you think about the size of Brook Kingdom?"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, thinking that Xiao En would not contribute in vain and would take his share, but what did this mean?

Sean looked at Charles and smiled, "Does Natuna belong to Brooke?"

In a word, Charles was stunned for a moment, and Ahmad Zaidi and the others changed their faces wildly.

See you in the picture!

Sean didn't mention it before, but all of you here are smart people, and everyone can understand the meaning of a word.

Sean wants Natuna! The Natuna Islands are located outside the ten-dash line, 400 kilometers away from Zengmu Shoal, between the Malay Peninsula and Sarawak, and are the only way to enter and leave the South China Sea.

The Natuna Islands are composed of Natuna Island and 272 islands, with a total area of ​​2,110 square kilometers, equivalent to one-third of Chunni, and an altitude of 959 meters. It is hot and rainy throughout the year, and produces wood, coconut, cocoa, and rice.

The Natuna Islands are a disputed territory. Vietnam, Indonesia, Malay, and the north have all announced that they have declared a war here. The main cause of the dispute is the discovery of a subsea gas field 140 miles northeast of Natuna Island in 1970. The islands and nearby There may be rich oil and gas resources in the sea area.

Of course, Sean knew that either it was possible or it existed.

Ten years ago, there were 15,000 Chinese in the Natuna Islands, accounting for 80% of the population. They had fought for independence many times, and the Natuna Chinese had won the support of Beibian and Wanwan.

After the death of the second generation of Jiang in Wanwan, he sought the support of the North. The Great Elder meant to talk about the Natuna issue after the return of Hong Kong Island in 1997.

At present, there are still disputes in Natuna, but in fact it has been occupied by Indonesia. Indonesia immigrated to Natuna in large numbers in the early 1990s, and now accounts for 80% of the population.

The Chinese side put forward its claim on the South China Sea at the 4th China-ASEAN South China Sea Informal Working Conference in 1993. In 1995, it proposed that there was no dispute. Finally, it announced its abandonment on November 12, 2015 and recognized Namibia. Tuna*** belongs to Indonesia.

Therefore, now that Sean wants to take Natuna Island through the process of the establishment of the Brook Dynasty, he must **** it from the Indonesians.

The Kingdom of Brooke has not yet been established, and it is necessary to offend the two regional powers of Malay and Indonesia at the same time... How can it be done!

Originally, Indonesia still supported the Kingdom of Brooke, but now... Ahmad Zaidi and others have a good face.

Good guy, as soon as Jianguo is a public enemy!

However, Sean picked this time to make this request, and it was impossible for Ahmad Zaidi and the others to refuse even if they wanted to.

The arrow is on the string, and the matter has advanced by more than half. Now that Xiao En wants to pick the pick, he will kill all of them.

Whether they agree or not, they have to bite the bullet.

As for perfunctory Sean, that is simply impossible, the new Brooke dynasty does not have this strength.

But, Indonesia is so easy to talk to? The Malay government could not compete with them before, let alone them.

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Ahmad Zaidi said, "Of course we would like Mr. Sean to take the Natuna Islands, but we are powerless against the Indonesians."

"Hehe, what I need is that you kill Natuna Island, which belongs to the Kingdom of Brooke. What I need is legal support. I don't believe that the Indonesians have the ability to **** Natuna from me!" Sean smiled confidently.

"The British government may also obstruct it. UU Reading" Charles thought for a while and added.

Natuna's geographical location is more important. Once Sean gets it, it will be equivalent to the Americans driving a nail here.

The British certainly don't want to. "UK?" Sean sneered, "They'd better take care of their own Northern Ireland!"

Northern Ireland

It's the spy of the British government. Whenever something happens, Sean will pinch it a few times to wake up the memory of the British.

Sure enough, with one word, Charles immediately shut up.

Xiao En glanced at Ahmad Zaidi and the others, and they nodded their heads in recognition. There is no way, he called me Sudan!

"Well, great, so now we can talk about starting a Brook Petroleum Company!" Sean said with a half-smile.

His appetite is always good!

When I came back from dinner, I saw my son was eating chocolate. When I asked if it was given by the uncle next door, I said, "Okay, don't eat it. If you are so fat, you can still eat it. Put it in the refrigerator!"

My son immediately took another big bite, and I quickly snatched it up.

I looked at my son, and then at the chocolate. I just took a bite, and my son looked at me blankly.

"I'll help you bite it neatly." I said solemnly.

Son: Crying loudly.

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