MTL - American Warehouse Taobao King-Chapter 889 [Bullets fly horizontally, ice picks on top of head]

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   The method mentioned by Yang Yong is very simple, but it is really effective. As the saying goes, don't worry about a white cat or a black cat catching a mouse is a good cat. A simple method can solve such a complex problem, and it is estimated that only Chinese people can think of such a method.

   A Nordic strong man like Hans is no match for three Yang Yong in terms of body, but in terms of problem-solving ability, three Hans are not a match for one Yang Yong. Each has its own advantages. Since the problem has been solved by Yang Yong, what else is there to say? Making a simple Trojan doesn't need to be similar, it's a good thing to solve the problem at hand.

   So to avoid long nights and dreams, plus there is still a lot of wood left to build a simple camp, the Hans family's hands-on ability is very strong. So the task of making the Trojan horse was handed over to them. In fact, the Trojan horse is very simple, and a flat trolley is placed on the base, and then a wooden shelf is made and erected to the top of the four-meter-high hole, and a very sharp dagger is installed on it. .

In front of the    Trojan horse, a triangular iron blade is erected. This blade does not need to be fast, just cut the copper wire. The back of the Trojan horse is mortgaged with a spiral that feels like a steel pipe, and then the two people pushed it little by little into the cave and moved forward. At that time, the triangular iron in front of the Trojan horse will cut the copper wire and just listen to the firecrackers. There is no threat to the human body.

   But after all, this thing is a wooden structure, let alone wood, even an iron pillar can be beaten into a hornet's nest. At that time, this wooden Trojan will be scrapped. In order not to affect the next action plan, five such simple Trojans were made.

   smashed one Trojan horse, and then lifted the other one on top. It took six hours to finally hit five tall Trojan horses. Then the four of them carried one up the mountain. When they came to the entrance of the cave, everyone couldn't help but get nervous. To be honest, the bullets flying all over the place were not something that modern people could withstand such a hot scene. It's so terrifying, let alone humans, even dinosaurs and elephants can tear you to shreds, who wouldn't be afraid.

   The Trojan was fixed on the trolley, and the steel pipes at the back began to connect. Then Yang Yong gave an order, and the four strong men pushed the steel pipes together. The simple wood weighing more than 100 kilograms sits on the trolley and crunches forward, and it can be used to sharpen the triangular iron blade. The copper wires connected to the triggers were cut off smoothly, and the whole cave remembered the sound like a rag for a while.

  The guns had already rang out, the bullets flew horizontally into holes one by one, the ice **** flew around, and some bullets hit the Trojan horse. The Trojan horse made of logs has not yet reached five meters. It was completely beaten into sawdust, but the effect of the Trojan horse was good, at least it did not hurt anyone. When preparing the second Trojan horse, it had already advanced to the seventh meter position.

   What Yang Yong was most worried about really happened. This square cave created in the glacier is really not simple, there are organs up and down, left and right. The machine gun positions on both sides are the most terrifying, but the mechanism above the head is the most deadly. A dagger is tied to the Trojan horse, which is just at the top of the cave, scraping forward little by little.

  The mechanism at the top of the cave at the seventh meter was triggered, and only a few crisp metal collisions were heard. Everyone involuntarily raised their heads and looked at the source of the sound. Seeing that the mechanism at the top of the cave was touched, the top of the cave, which was originally very smooth, was triggered by the triangular ice cones, which fell directly from the top and smashed to the ground.

   Each of these ice picks is more than half the length and ten centimeters in diameter. The tip of the ice pick is triangular, not to mention the human body, even a steel plate can give you a blow through. Moreover, the density of the falling ice picks made the scalp feel numb, with a density of 70 ice picks per square meter, with a total weight of more than 100 kilograms. You can imagine how many ice picks fall from the top of the 40-meter-long passage with a density of only one square meter.

   This can no longer be called vicious, this is simply a design to destroy humanity, and the purpose is to kill all those who enter the passage. The strangest thing is that although the density of the ice picks is multiplied by the surface area of ​​one square meter, it is like a chess board, and the ice picks drop in a random pattern, which can confuse the escaped intruders and maximize the damage. Power is the main force.

   But Yang Yong will never be fooled by the superficial illusion. Others don't know, Yang Yong knows very well that the ice surface below the place where the ice pick falls is patchwork. That is to say, in this square channel formed by the glacier, the density of all buried geographic mines under the place where the ice pick did not fall is also based on one square meter.

   There are as many as ten radars per square meter. If you step on any mine, it will explode at the same time as the mine. The ice picks on the top of the head and the ice surface under the soles of the feet are as patchy as the black and white grid of chess, and they make up for each other's shortcomings.

   So Yang Yong was after destroying the hornet's nest machine gun positions on both sides and the ice pick mechanism above his head. This cave is still extremely dangerous, because the mines have not been destroyed. If you go in rashly, then congratulations on your death.

   Really thoughtful, to put all of his thought into designing killing techniques, really burying the designer of the cave. In the past few days, Yang Yong has to admire the ingenuity. This is what the German Nazi SS can do. As long as they enter this cave, they will never leave a living hole.

   Therefore, Yang Yong closely observed the falling position of the ice pick. In just a few minutes, all five Trojan horses were killed. But the hornet's honeycomb machine gun positions were all destroyed, and the ice pick mechanisms above were all destroyed, leaving only the ground mine arrays.

   At this time, since everyone's ears were hit by machine guns, they were a little deaf, and they couldn't hear each other even if they shouted loudly in their ears. In the end, there was no way to communicate, so I could only say in sign language that I finally understood what Hans meant.

   Hans is asking himself if the cave is safe? Shouldn't the cave be cleaned of those piles of warheads, pieces of wood, pieces of ice picks. Then he took the next step and ended the treasure hunt as soon as possible, but Yang Yong shook his head resolutely, and then pointed to his ear. Tell Hans very clearly that his ears are now deaf and can't hear a sound at all.

   After seeing Hans understand, Yang Yong pointed to the camp again and drove everyone out of the road in Shandong, covering the entrance of the cave with white canvas. Only then did he drag the reluctant Hans along the passage down the mountain back to the simple camp. After resting for more than two hours, Yang Yong's ears returned to their normal listening state. At this time, Hans finally couldn't help but find After seeing Yang Yong, he asked anxiously.

"David, the weather is so good now, the machine gun positions and those ice pick mechanisms above your head that you care about the most have all been destroyed. Why don't you go in after a while, but go back to the camp and ask you if you don't tell me, what the **** are you doing? ."

Read The Duke's Passion