MTL - American Warehouse Taobao King-Chapter 885 【big trouble】

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   Seeing the messy scene in front of you, there is no place to rest, no place to eat, is everyone sleeping in the icy and snowy environment? Not only was Yang Yong stupid this time, but even Hans, a strong Germanic man, almost had tears in his eyes. He looked at Yang Yong in disbelief and sighed.

"David, you are not only able to accumulate huge wealth in the process of searching for treasures, but also to live in front of our eyes. I am really fortunate. I really admire your ability. It's not that you have arranged for us people to say how many people have broken heads and broken bones, etc., non-combat attrition."

  Yang Yong couldn't help but feel scared when he saw this. Fortunately, he was timid and afraid of death, so the sea that he evacuated was so far from the shore. This scene reminded Yang Yong of a movie he watched when he was a child called Landmine Warfare, in which there was a kind of goddess scattered flowers by the Eighth Route Army to deal with the Japanese devils. It is similar to this one, and it is such a large area of ​​​​destructive weapons.

   Now the most important thing is not to sigh whether I was lucky and survived without injury, but to quickly rebuild the station. Otherwise, everyone will have to drink the northwest wind on the permanent glacier, and Yang Yong is the commander-in-chief of this operation. Hans could only step back as his deputy, and he could only listen to the shouts. Yang Yong shook his head with a smile and said with a sigh.

"Don't sigh my Mr. Hans anymore, then let's divide the labor between the two. I will go to the explosion site to observe. See if there are any detonated mines or bombs to clear the danger as soon as possible, your task is not light, Take the logs that were unloaded from the boat and brought over quickly."

"Let's make another rest camp, and there are still three hours before dinner. I must have dinner comfortably in a warm environment. If I can't meet my request, I'll see how I'll take care of you. Now hurry up and organize people. Division of labor and cooperation.”

   Hans also knows what is the most pressing thing right now? Since Yang Yong ordered it, then do it. Seeing Yang Yong running up the mountain little by little with James butler wearing snowshoes, he didn't bring any tools to eliminate the dangerous environment.

   Originally wanted to remind him, but Hans suddenly thought that Yang Yong was definitely not such a careless person, so he chose to shut his mouth and organized people to start unloading logs from the ship, preparing to rebuild a place to eat and rest.

  Yang Yong took Butler James, wearing snowshoes like a baby who had just learned to walk, and climbed up the mountain one step at a time. When he was 500 meters away from the explosion site, Yang Yong had to use his clairvoyant to observe the surroundings. There were fragments of blasting bombs mixed with ice cubes all around. There was no complete bomb to imagine how powerful the explosion was at that time. violent.

   Climb up the mountain little by little, search and catch the scene little by little, to prevent unexploded explosives from harming the personal safety of two people. When the two of them came to the entrance of the big hole, they were dumbfounded. Good guy, more than tens of thousands of square ice cubes buried the entire explosion. Ice cubes big and small are no lighter than rocks, where are they going? To clear the passageway, the entrance is even more difficult.

   This is also impossible. These 10,000-year-old glaciers are several kilometers high and look very solid. But the explosion will blow these ice cubes into pieces along the ancient crevices, resulting in a landslide formed by the ice cubes. There are tens of thousands of cubic meters of play now, when will this be cleaned up? Yang Yong sat on a large ice cube and frowned.

   At this time, Butler James showed his key role as the chief general of the Yang family. He smiled and couldn't do anything about the landslide formed by the ice in front of him, Yang Yong said with a smile.

"Sir, I think you are worried about how to clean up these ice cubes? It's very simple. Let's also do a small blasting. Break the landslide mountain formed by these ice cubes little by little, and then clear out the hole, so it's done. Did you go through the whole cleanup process? You are a fan of the authorities, haha."

   Now we can only follow what James said, but it is not easy to do in European frying kilns, and ******** is strictly controlled. Fortunately, there is Hans, a European local snake. With Hans, all problems will not be a problem. This ability is impossible. Then the Hans family has no face to mix in the European giants.

   Now is the time to cut two brothers, Yang Yong said with a very happy smile. "Then it can only be handed over to Hans, but now the two of us can't go down the mountain. Now the mountain is more tired than the mountain. Did I bring my thermos? Just drink tea, smoke and wait for dinner. Find a shelter from the wind. Place, the wind is too strong right now."

   The two stumbled to find a depression formed by ice and snow, and then built a wall with ice cubes little by little. Cover the gap with snow, then sit inside and watch the busy crowd below the mountain, drinking tea and smoking. Laughing and chatting like that is a pleasant experience. If Hans knew that he had to work hard with Yang Yong, Lao Tzu was so busy at the foot of the mountain that he beat the back of his head, and you were drinking tea and chatting on the mountain.

   Even if it is a brother, I have to express this vicious anger, but Hans is so busy now that he has become a tumbler, and he has no time to pay attention to what Yang Yong has done. However, Yang Yong ordered, and he ate and slept in a warm environment. Yang Yong was the boss now, and Hans could only obey Yang Yong's instructions, poking his tail and burying his head and working hard.

   More than two hours later, Yang Yong's walkie-talkie blared loudly, and Hans was panting from the walkie-talkie. "David, David, did you hear? The base has now been set up, and has been simply laid out. Just wait for you to come back, now the birth has started to cook dinner, you can go down the mountain, and search for explosives on the mountain. Any results?"

  Yang Yong smiled and said to Butler James next to him, "Look at how efficient our Mr. Hans is. He can't do better than my family. Now that dinner has started, let's go back."

Then he said into the walkie-talkie, "Hans, don't worry, we haven't encountered any unexploded explosives, and it's fairly safe. It's just that the landslide was a little big, and it poured tens of thousands of cubic meters. I couldn't tell on the walkie-talkie. Go down the mountain with Butler James now, and go back to the place to eat and chat."

   Then he and James Butler packed up, put the spider web-like snowshoes on his feet again, and then tugged down the mountain like Donald Duck. When I came to the station, I saw that a new log was rebuilt for profit. Although the details still need to be renovated, the function of shielding the wind and snow can be realized.

   As soon as I entered the house, I could feel the heat, the stove had been lit, and the electric heater brought by the diesel generator had radiated heat. In addition, in the direction of the kitchen, the apprentice is busy preparing dinner. Yang Yong and Hans are billionaires. Even in such a harsh environment, they have to eat and drink well, so the ones they make are all excellent food. .