MTL - American Warehouse Taobao King-Chapter 839 【Real Treasure Map】

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   This treasure map, wrapped in translucent plastic sheeting, is only ten centimeters wide, so Smith pulled it out of the hole and handed it to Yang Yong. Then, like a child waiting to read, he looked at Yang Yong with a smile and asked Yang Yong to answer his questions. Of course Yang Yong was welcome, and gently opened the layer of plastic sheeting on the rolled up paper.

   Although this layer of plastic sheeting is very primitive, it is very thick and has become a translucent color. It is estimated that it will degrade naturally in a few decades. At that time, the treasure map rolled up inside will also become a pile of rotten paper due to the erosion of rain. At that time, this treasure will be buried under the earth forever, and there will no longer be an accurate guarantee location.

   After opening this scroll, it turned out to be a treasure map, with the building of a manor drawn in pencil on the map. Then there is a secret door hidden in the basement of the manor building, leading to an underground cave, which is the exact location of the hidden treasure. The above records are very detailed. Even if you don't read the text introduction, you can follow this map to find the house.

   Then find the secret door in the basement to find the treasure, not to mention that there is an introduction written in German on this map. Although Yang Yong did not know German, his wife Anna was an authentic descendant of German nobles. I can read the German words in German, and sometimes teach Yang Yong a few commonly used German words from time to time, so the detailed introduction of this German treasure map is not difficult for Yang Yong.

   Finally found the real treasure map, Yang Yong felt very excited, when Yang Yong said it was an accurate treasure map. Smith jumped up happily and almost didn't fall under the cliff, because the area on the cliff was too small, and it was easy to fall directly if he moved a little bit.

   Now is not the time to be happy, but the time to consider their own safety. The two of them took the climbing equipment and descended along the safety rope little by little. Then Yang Yong returned to his tent with a map, and made a call with Anna, who was far away in Montana, via a satellite phone. In the past, Yang Yong would have gone to a nearby township and faxed this treasure map to his wife through the Internet.

   Ask Anna to translate the above German what does it mean? However, due to time constraints, only by satellite phone. Report to Anna according to the letters, and then Anna wrote the translation on the paper with a pencil, and sent the detailed translation result over the phone.

   Then Yang Yong recorded it in English, this map is really a treasure map, and the exact location of the hidden treasure should be in the capital of Bulgaria. Everyone will ask why the hidden treasure of the German colonel is hidden in the capital of Bulgaria and why not in Germany? This is a historical reason, and after a simple explanation, everyone should understand.

  Although the main ethnic group in Bulgaria is Bulgarian, I don’t know how it was done in ancient times, and it is very close to the Germanic people in Germany. Both world wars were triggered by Germany, and Bulgaria was a hard-core ally of Germany in both world wars and helped Germany stabilize the situation on the peninsula. After the defeat in World War I, Bulgaria was still a staunch ally of Germany, providing hundreds of thousands of troops for the Nazis.

   So the two countries have been very good allies since ancient times, so you said that Germans are treated by their own nationals in Bulgaria. The reason for this is that the reason why Germany quickly took control of the Balkans during World War II was because of Bulgaria's great power.

   Okay, two buddies, wear a pair of pants, it makes sense that the German colonel's treasure is hidden in Bulgaria. If Germany is defeated, it will definitely be dismembered, and the things hidden under the German soil cannot be said to belong to anyone. It can't be said that it is in the hands of which country, but Bulgaria will not be dismembered by those allied countries, because the country of Bulgaria is really too small. Plus Bulgaria is a monolithic nation and will not allow its own country to be divided.

   So even if Germany and its allies were defeated, and Germany was torn apart by those allies, Bulgaria would not suffer such a fate. Bulgaria is the safest place to hide these looted artworks, as everyone knows. The reason why a German colonel should hide his looted wealth in Bulgaria and not in Germany is treacherous enough.

  I have enough hearts and minds, and judge the situation very accurately. After World War II, Germany was dismembered and almost split into two countries, East Germany and West Germany. Including Prussia, Germany's most powerful allied country, was dismembered into two pieces. Hasn't East Prussia become a Russian territory? It is now called Kaliningrad, formerly East Prussia.

   If it wasn't for Germany being a united nation, it would not have allowed its own country to exist in two countries, tearing down the Berlin Wall. Otherwise, East Germany and West Germany are still two opposing countries? Although Bulgaria is also a defeated country following Germany, it does not have much interest in the allies of this small Balkan country. In addition to sanctions, Bulgaria is allowed to become a normal country, and the land area is basically guaranteed.

   This German text is detailed and describes the exact location of the buried treasure should be in the capital of Bulgaria. Sophia's delicate body is a well-known spa club in the 1930s and 1940s. Because the first owner of the clubhouse was a German and a Nazi madman who died fighting in the attack on Ukraine.

   Of course, the sovereignty of this clubhouse is still in the hands of the son of this man's grandson. It has been in operation until now. The most unexpected thing is the house that hides the treasure. It is not for people to live in, nor for animals, but a warehouse for storing various sundries. The area of ​​the upper and lower basements is not large.

   It seems that if you want to find this hidden treasure up and down Germany, you have to travel to Bulgaria. Because of the combination of letters and letters, it took Yang Yong two hours to figure out what the hundreds of valid messages were written. After knowing the cause and effect, I chatted with Anna for a while. The parents were short-lived and passed on their thoughts to each other. Anna also instructed Yang Yong to eat and drink well outside and protect his body.

  The affection lasted for more than two hours, and then hung up the phone, and then Yang Yong took the satellite phone to notify Hans in Germany. Let Hans rush over immediately and unconditionally, and let Hans bring his most trusted men here, and then the two of them discuss how to deploy the treasure digging in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria.

   When Hans received Yang Yong's satellite phone, he was inexplicable, but Hans complied. Because Hans knew that Yang Yong would never make such a joke for no reason. Although he didn't say on the phone that he had found the exact location of the treasure, Yang Yong's character would not do it for no reason.

   It seems that Yang Yong has found what he wants to find, so Hans is very excited. He thought that it was a treasure for Yang Yong to let him bring his direct descendants to the mountain. I didn't expect that the treasure hunt task was just on the right track and it was far from finding the treasure.

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