MTL - American Warehouse Taobao King-Chapter 837 【Just because you are in this mountain】

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   Yang Yong was patted on the shoulder by Smith, obviously startled, raised his head in shock, and then the golden sunlight on the mountain in the cave he was looking at quickly disappeared. As if it had never appeared, Smith and Yang Yong changed various angles on the big rock, and could no longer see the dazzling sun shining on his eyes.

  I saw Yang Yong running around on this big rock like a monkey, bending over, bowing his head, and looking up at the top of the mountain. Smith was overwhelmed, what kind of horn wind did Yang Yong smoke? Why is it so strange.

   Could it be that he has another strange disease? This frightened Smith enough. Grabbing Yang Yong who was swinging left and right to change his angle, he shouted in shock. "Yang Yong, please wake me up. What's wrong with you? Are you talking? Let me know if you're uncomfortable."

  I don't feel good about you, you big head, you idiot. Are you Smith a guy with developed limbs and a simple mind? Didn't you see that sunbeam just now? Seeing Smith's incoherent words, grabbing himself, and his arms hurting, Yang Yong was really angry, he broke away from Smith's hands and howled.

   "You idiot, why are you bothering me? Didn't you see that sunbeam just now? Don't you think it's strange? Are you blind and can't see."

  Smith stared blankly at the top of the mountain, and also changed angles on the big rock like Yang Yong, but there was nothing. He shook his head and said inexplicably. "How can there be any sunshine? It's all blocked by the top of the mountain. You forget that Shandong is a shadowy side."

   "There is some sunshine in the morning, but it will soon be blocked by the rocks on the mountain. Where is the beam of light, are you dazzled?"

  Yang Yong scolded in disbelief, "Are you so dizzy? Although the top of the mountain can block the sun, it moves with the movement of the sun. If there are gaps on the mountain, a trace of sunlight can be revealed."

   "By the way, the gap on the top of the mountain, the top of our cave has not been explored. It may be the two large rocks and a gap recorded in the colonel's notebook. Isn't it on the top of the mountain peak."

  Is this possible? This time, Yang Yong was excited. He hurriedly jumped off the big rock, then climbed into the cave, and ran into his tent to rummage and found the worn-out notebook. Then take it out and carefully observe the description of the exact location of the extension guarantee. The description is very general, only that there is a gap between the two large stones.

  The gap is the most accurate place to bury the treasure. The introduction of the two large stones is also several hundred tons, but this large stone weighing several hundred tons is not acceptable. I have searched all over the mountains and plains, and two large stones weighing several hundred tons, which were erected next to each other, have been found 10,000 times by others.

   This is a blindfold. Yang Yong has previously analyzed that it may be a mountain top or a mountain with a gap in the middle. It is the most accurate burial place. Just when the sun shines on Yang Long's singing, Yang Yong feels blind for a moment.

   But after thinking about it clearly, the top of the cave is a kind of fast rock, how can a large area appear in a beam of light when the sun is shining. Could it be that there is a gap in the middle of the rock at the top of the cave, so thinking about it, it is really possible to figure this out. After that, Yang Yong was very excited, and when he saw Smith, who was staring at him with big eyes, he couldn't help laughing.

   "What are you idiots looking at me doing, hurry up and prepare the climbing equipment, the two of us are going to climb to the top of the cave. Maybe the clue is at the top of the cave, hurry up, there is a way, hurry up and act."

  Smith was happy now, jumped up from the ground, rummaged through boxes and cabinets to find mountaineering equipment, and then came to the flank of the cave with Yang Yong. Smith climbed up first, then bolted in the crevices of the mountain, placed safety buckles, and kept climbing out ten meters before letting Yang Yong continue to climb up. In this way, it took 40 minutes to climb to the top of the cave inclined at an 85-degree angle.

  The space at the top of the cave is very narrow, the surface is a steep cliff, and only a stone more than three meters wide leads to the back mountain. The stones on the top of the mountain are also completely seamless. Yang Yong, who came to the top of the mountain, refused to admit defeat, and began to lie on the top of the rock to observe little by little, and move little by little, you really don't say it. Half an hour later, Yang Yongzhen found a gap.

   A gap of only ten centimeters splits the mountain top of the entire cave in half. The ten centimeter gap is not visible at all when you look up at the entrance of the cave. Even if the sun shines, because the earth will rotate, this beam of light will disappear in a few seconds, because the gap is too narrow.

The   Two bars are only ten centimeters wide, and the sun has already passed before people find out that this beam of light has passed. This is the difference on the top of the mountain that Yang Yong has not discovered after living in the cave for half a month.

   The second objective reason is that the top of the cave is too steep, there is only a complete mountain top, and there is no clue on it who will climb it. Sure enough, as Yang Yong expected, the records in the diary were inaccurate and very confusing. Fortunately, Yang Yong's head turned fast.

   The first time I saw this diary, I denied it. The mountain features of the hidden location were not searched according to the diary. If you really believe those nonsense, let alone a month, even a year will not find accurate clues to buried treasures.

  It’s okay now, and now I finally found myself, do you think Yang Yong can be unhappy? I didn't expect this disease to have such a valuable clue. It seems that in the future, I should often get sick and get rich, hahahaha.

   Yang Yong was so excited, he was lying on the crevice of this ten centimeters mountain, looking left and right to look for any clues that might be left inside. But there was nothing, except for some gravel, soil and weeds. Yang Yong was not reconciled, and wore gloves to shovel the engineer behind him.

  Then erected the shovel, placed it in the crevice of the mountain, and fiddled with the stones and soil in the crevice of the rock little by little. Clean down little by little, while being careful not to let the sharp sappers damage the gaps on both sides of the mountain wall. After cleaning up little by little, Smith stood behind Yang Yong to prevent Yang Yong from falling off the cliff. The two of them worked little by little for half an hour.

   Yang Yong suddenly shouted, which startled Smith who was smoking behind him. Even if the horse was not stable, it would be easy to roll down the mountain. Seeing Yang Yong screaming and patting Yang Yong on the shoulder, he said. "What's wrong? What's wrong, there won't be any clues, right? This crevice is only ten centimeters wide. Could it be that it's recorded here in the notebook."

  Yang Yong turned his head in shock, opened his mouth and pointed at the gap to let Smith go in. In front of him was a good guy who bypassed Yang Yong and went in. Yang Yong has cleaned the soil and stones in the gap to a depth of more than one meter, revealing the wet color inside.

   One meter below the ten centimeter gap, there is a fist-sized badge carved in the middle of the gap mountain. This badge is obviously not formed naturally. Although it is very vague, you can also see the logo of a bald eagle, which is a German symbol. I did not expect to find a clue.

Read The Duke's Passion