MTL - American Manga God-~ Finish this testimonial

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When I typed the last word, I felt completely relaxed and happy.

Seriously, this set of books is going to be finished. The results are far inferior to the previous set of "Storm God", which was known before it was put on the shelves.

This is the shackles of doujin. Writing doujin is like an idol drama. Everyone comes to watch idols. But the protagonist can't be too weak, there is no pen and ink. The balance is really difficult to grasp.

However, Marvel is a huge pit. It was only when I wrote it that I deeply realized that there are so many superheroes, it is estimated that the Russell brothers who even made movies are not easy to control themselves.

Whoever has less drama will offend whose fans.

Some architectures really cannot be changed, and if they are changed, the consequences will be too great.

I've had enough of that kind of writing like a puppet. The next book will definitely be an independent IP, and my own story can be just nonsense.

This set of writing has been written in 2019, and in fact, there have been various types of Kawen, and my body is a little broken.

The tinnitus is getting worse and worse. In the middle of March, my cough was not getting better. I went to the hospital twice a week, and I was physically and mentally exhausted. In April, the cough was barely better, and the description of the final battle began.

Fans have this bad thing. Everyone knows who the final boss will be.

Anyway, when it comes to killing Thanos, I have done my best, and the rest is a matter of physical condition and pen power.

Maybe there is a great **** who can write better than me, then I also express that there is nothing I can do.

Since March 2019, various situations have caused my writing status to plummet. Wife and child each have a minor operation... When it comes to this kind of thing, no one is speechless.

Do your best, and be ashamed.

Anyway, if you kill Thanos, you will be worthy of your old author's conscience.

Finally, I would like to thank all the readers who have tipped and subscribed. It was your support that made this book last until it was finished.

If there is no accident, the new book is estimated to be uploaded in early May.

See you on the new book!

——I love you Yunfei

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi: