MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 731 each show his powers

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"No!" Captain America, who received the news, was stunned. Falcon Sam is one of his few true friends since he came to the 21st century. Even though he knew that Sam could be resurrected, there was something blocked in his heart, and it was very uncomfortable.

Mei Jiexao never imagined that the war dead on the Avengers side would appear so quickly one after another.

After thinking about it, it became clearer.

Because of the small soldiers, the Asgardians were all done.

In the original history, Wakanda warriors alone were not enough to withstand a large number of Vanguard Guards, so a large number of city-level heroes joined the ranks of unparalleled mowing grass and fighting soldiers.

The introduction of the Asgardian army is beneficial to the overall situation, but this disguisedly drives the members of the Avengers against the powerful troops of the Dark Order.

If Mei Jiexao could pull his face down and reveal that he had the formula of [Super Soldier Serum], he might be able to help Daredevil, Falcon, and War Machine, the guys who were at the bottom of the Avengers.

But this thing is Pandora's box, and once you open it, you can't take it back.

These guys have never been loyal to Mei Jiedao, and they turned around and reported to Washington in minutes. Although the biggest boss in Washington is Mei Jiexao's own woman, there is more than one person in Washington. Unless the old beauty is destroyed, the serum formula will definitely spread.

This is the perfect version of the formula. The problem is that as long as someone who wants to get it and deliberately twist it a little bit, it will be a biochemical disaster. Hate is running all over the street!

Mei Jiecao hid the formula, and of course the result was... the most scumbag group of people in the Avengers were sacrificed in disguise first.

When James and Sharon were at a disadvantage with two war machines, and the danger was looming, the commander-in-chief of May came: "James, Sharon, change to Area A!"

"But!" James had his stubbornness.

"No 'buts'! Don't forget, President Johnson gave me the command of the superhero before the war. Follow orders, Colonel Rhodes!"

"Yes! Sir!" James obeyed, instinctively. He also knew it was for his own good.

And in the war zone defined as Zone A, there is a whole squadron of war machines that he needs to command. Before the war, Tony donated all the Iron Man he had made over the years, except the nano armor, and handed them over to the U.S. military.

That's right, that's what Tony is for. It is said that all Iron Mans were blown up in "Iron Man 3", but in fact, this product was secretly made a lot of them. Otherwise, how can there be such a smooth transition to nano armor.

There are a total of 38 [War Machines] flying around in the air at this moment, constantly fighting with Chitauri's biochemical soldiers.

The newly manufactured small energy shield is in the shape of a water drop. Since it uses the third-generation Ark reactor, its output power will not be too powerful. It can only block the shooting of a small laser gun at a critical moment. .

Even so, in the sky battlefield where the barrages are interlaced and the lasers are scattered across the sky, the addition of such a shield has strengthened the survival by an unknown amount.

On the main battlefield, with the emergence of more and more city-level and even planet-level powerhouses from the dark sect, the intensity of the battle has risen steadily.

City level, as the name suggests, is a ruthless man who can tear down a city. In fact, being able to turn a city upside down is considered a city level.

Well, the population explosion of China does not count. In the eyes of foreigners, a large town with 5,000 people can also be called a city, and a super city with a population of 10 million can also be called a city.

This leads to the wide definition of city level.

For example, those in the Winter Soldier series have only twice the physique of ordinary humans, plus special warfare training, according to the original historical level, it is really not city-level.

In this life, Bucky is very self-aware. He deliberately made Yasha, who had received the marriage certificate, belly fat, so he could only play. He did not choose to self-refrigerate in Wakanda because of the early release of mind control. In order to repair the relationship with the US team, Tony put a lot of effort into Bucky's righteous hand, and transformed it into [Three thousand of your life].

Unlike the hard-fought fate of playing the vanguard in history and then being wiped out by Thanos with a snap of his fingers, Bucky in this life is transformed into a [Sekiro].

Is this not?

Bucky dragged his left hand behind him with a knife in his left hand, and instantly charged into a laser battle axe. He waved his left arm and slashed Huashan with one move.

This move was a powerful and heavy slash, and it easily killed the head of the interstellar pirate who was controlled by Thanos.

Originally, this guy was quite famous in the interstellar space, but unfortunately he had a bad mouth when he fought Thanos.

At this time, Bucky didn't know that he missed a billion bells, ah no, it was Interstellar Coin.

The Avengers who can clean up their opponents are lucky, and the Black Panther not far away is a bit miserable. He met a Kronan warrior. It's not Brother Hammer's iron powder Cohenge, but a big guy similar to the one who was killed by Brother Hammer in "Thor 2".

The height of four meters, coupled with the stone bone skin itself is enough trouble, plus a set of small energy shields originally used on medium-sized aircraft, it becomes a very strong physical defense, and does not eat energy A super monster with attack and ranged damage.

Theoretically, this Kronan powerhouse can be taken down with a more powerful onslaught of firepower.

In fact, in this street battle in the ruins of the city, no heavy equipment can be used.

The black panther rushed into the range of the opponent's shield and kept grabbing with its vibrating claws, but how could they have thick skin! It was clear that the stone chips were flying around, but it was neither painful nor itchy.

"Hoo! Kitty, you have to work harder!" Cronan's universal translator came out with such a sentence, which made T'Challa mad.

No matter what this guy is, this is Wakanda's defense zone. Regardless of this guy, this guy just killed a lot in the Wakanda crowd.

T'Challa's black mask is a tough face. He is ready to call Fandral from the three warriors of Asgard next to him to At this time, there was a loud noise in the sky, and an aunt appeared!


Strange sound.

The blue eyes of the giant Kronan, which were caught in the cracks of the stones, kept flashing, as if he raised his head in surprise, and a fire was reflected in the small eyes that were not commensurate with his stony body.

A crimson-red light like a blade approached him.


There was a sound like a laser cutting steel plate, and the blade of the flame sword cut along the stone head of the strong Kronan, and went down like a destructive force, splitting the head in half, bursting out a bright fire element brilliance, and then continued to the Lower, cut into the body, take the spine as the center, and divide it into two halves.

Beside him, Brother Black Panther was stunned, but barely recognized who she was from the face of the slender woman surrounded by flames.

"Miss Jane Foster?"

Read The Duke's Passion