MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 729 10 lifetimes

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Thanos' eyes are vicious.

The Qitarui's play style is very dependent on resources, and they go by 'quantity'. When the quantitative change cannot cause the qualitative change, the earthlings with laser weapons can also suppress the Qitarui with quantity.

As long as it enters the ground battle, it may be that the Qitarui biochemical soldiers will drown billions of earthlings. With a population of 7 billion violent soldiers, at least 20 to 3 billion infantrymen can be produced.

Compared with the biochemical soldiers who have no advantage in shooting, the more powerful Vanguard Guard has an advantage.

Thanos' fleet is in a state of rapid descent at this time, and it can't help the flying goddesses, so the fleet's formation has changed, and countless destroyers and cruisers are guarding the dreadnoughts, even if one of them is beaten. Explosion, or even self-destruction, does not allow the melee-capable Valkyrie to approach a dreadnought full of Vanguard Guards.

Mei Jiecao was also a little stunned when he saw this scene: " Thanos, you really are a werewolf!"

The 'meteor' in the sky will eventually fall to the ground.

Twelve huge, at least ten kilometers long dreadnoughts landed around Manhattan with a bang. The neat distribution was very similar to Athena's twelve harems!

The hard hull cast from an unknown alloy in outer space forcibly descended with a rolling momentum, ignoring the Jianzu group on the ground. The 100-story skyscraper is like a sandcastle built by a child on the beach by the sea, and it is easily crushed into pieces.

New York, the largest city once rebuilt by Americans with great enthusiasm, has once again turned into ruins.

All this was expected.

When Mei Jiecao insisted that the earth was being targeted and the aliens (dark order) would come, Lao Mei was the first to answer the call to 'dig deep and accumulate food'.

The subway network and the air defense basements of various buildings in New York have long been requisitioned. After President Ivanka came to power, he spent a lot of resources and spared no effort to build underground fortresses. To prevent this from happening today.

As soon as the dreadnought came down, the elites of all countries rushed to the surface from the still intact underground passage and attacked the dreadnought.

Not only infantry, but also a large number of modified weapons.

A sixteen-barrel rocket launcher might rise from a fountain.

A metal statue in a park rises, or another large-caliber laser cannon.

This kind of dismissal that avoids its edge makes the Dark Order a little uncomfortable.

That is to a certain extent.

The broad side of the huge dreadnought opened up huge holes, and countless Vanguard Guards came out. This monster with a height of two meters or more and four arms is not as weak as the one in the Avengers 3 movie.

Comparing with the movement speed and agility of the original Captain America, coupled with the stealth of the optical camouflage level, the earth soldiers did not gather enough troops, and the large-scale barrage could not suppress them at all.

However, large-scale gathering of infantry is an act of death, which will attract the bombardment of the dreadnought's secondary artillery. The length of any dreadnought is more than ten kilometers, and the laser secondary guns on it are more than four digits.

A cluster of streamers flashed past, and the ground was often a scorched pit.

The Earth Coalition can only barely fight with skirmish lines.

In fact, a sparse firepower network is completely useless.

If it is on the plain, perhaps the human soldiers can barely resist one or two. It's a pity that in the city ruins with complex terrain, the reaction of human soldiers can't keep up at all.

In the few real-time pictures from the scene, everyone saw a pioneer guard jumping on the wall of a ruined building, which was two stories high. This monster, like a chameleon, suddenly lost its trace to the naked eye. Immediately, it used its six hands and feet together, and it even flew up on the vertical wall.

It ran for a full twenty meters before seeing a gap in the firepower of a human soldier, and suddenly plunged into the crowd. What followed was a horrible scene of tearing humans apart.

The two armies collided with each other in an instant. At that moment, people seemed to have an illusion. The whole earth shook slightly, and then the blood and mutilated human limbs were thrown into the air like raindrops. Below, the human whine resounded through the sky.

This is simply a pack of wolves entering a sheepfold!

Seeing this scene, Captain America couldn't help it a little: "This is a one-sided massacre!"

At this time, it was Peggy who persuaded him: "Wait! Steve! May has not missed the command so far, and we are obliged to continue to trust him."

Instead, the black panther held down the headset: "Okay, I understand!"

Black Panther T'Challa nodded to the heroes of the Avengers: "Wakanda warriors are going to attack."

Compared with the soldiers of modern civilization, Wakanda's fighting style can be described as primitive and modern.

Originally, in the era of hot weapons, melee combat was only part of the battle. But for the Wakanda, melee training is pretty much all there is to them.

Because of the personal energy shield developed by Wakanda, they can throw a shield with a robe and block the small laser gun. This makes their melee skills useful.

More than 100,000 African black uncles used Wakanda's equipment, holding a variety of machetes and kitchen knives, and scuffled with the vanguard on the streets of New York.

This picture makes the heads of developed countries such as the old and the United States seem like a hype.

Damn it!

How does this look like a great war in the age of earth mythology?

In the North American Air Defense Command, a correspondent girl finally shouted: "Report! The existence of the suspected black Yao four generals was found. On the two dreadnoughts D and E."

Hei Yaosi did something on Earth in the future, they succeeded, and they also left criminal evidence, at least their faces were recorded. In the few surveillance images, using computer facial recognition technology, we finally found the four generals hiding in the ocean of Pioneer Guards!

Not only the four of them, but a whole bunch of brainwashed Nova Corps Ten Commanders, Nova and Medics.

Mei Mumu probed and put her hand next to a gem in her hand: "Brothers and sisters, it's time for UU to read!"

There was a loud bang in the sky, and a rainbow appeared.

The extremely dazzling rainbow light, as if to separate the entire battlefield, drew a gorgeous straight line from west to east on the northern front of Manhattan.

As the light flashed, countless warriors in golden helmets and armor, holding luminous swords or spears, slaughtered out of the seven-colored light.

Not only soldiers, but also flying-wing fighter planes that seemed to have wings were also killed.

That's right!

The Asgardian warrior who once slaughtered the Nine Realms and made the whole universe tremble - is here!

It is hard for mortals to imagine how bunker the Asgardians' melee combat is.

Not every soldier is gifted.

But only one thing is enough - the training time of any soldier among them is ten lifetimes of many human beings!