MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 714 collapsing situation

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watt! ?

Not to mention the 500 warriors in the Nova Corps directly under the Xandar star, even the N subordinate units of the communication channel within the legion, and even the fringe forces watching the live broadcast, all of them felt as if they were hit by a sledgehammer in an instant.

"Om!" With a loud voice, my mind was full of mucus.


I have taken off my pants, can you show me this? No, ah bah, it was us who held high the banner of anti Thanos, shouted the slogan of "Down with the Butcher of the World", and killed them in the center of the enemy's line. Erani, you boss actually said that the righteous Nova Corps is going to the evil Dark Order surrender?

Are you still the boss standing at the apex of the justice camp?

In other words, if you kneel and lick Thanos like this, can you really represent the entire Nova Corps?

If it wasn't for Irani being an old woman with a little influence on the city's appearance, everyone would even suspect that Thanos was sleeping with Irani Rael.

After all, there are only a few strong and wise men who have the eyesight to see that there is a problem with Thanos gloves. Irani's "betrayal" definitely brought earth-shattering shock to the entire Nova Corps.

At this time, Dinghai Shenzhen appeared.

He is the former centurion who is currently at the headquarters of Xandar

Long ago, he was mortally wounded in a battle with the interstellar pirate Zor. Although he succeeded in following Zor's footsteps and tracked Earth, his injuries prevented him from continuing to fight. In desperation, Roman sent his power to Earth, praying for the successor of his power to continue his career.

Only then did Richard Ryder gain the power of a new star and become a new star.

In this life, he didn't die, he survived luckily, but he also lost all his power. He stepped down from the position of centurion and was more of a staff officer, staying at the headquarters of Xandar.

Originally, there were not many centurions, even if it was a former centurion, his status and qualifications were there.

At this time, as the commander-in-chief of the rear support, his words were even more convincing.

"No! No! Your Excellency Rael is under control! Be careful - what Thanos is holding is most likely the legendary [Mind Gem]!"

As long as they have been in the interstellar space for a long time, who does not know the legend of the infinite gems.

For most people, legends are just boring, time-killing stories.

But when it comes to facing this kind of amazing power that originally only existed in legends, no one becomes a bit at a loss.

Richard Ryder, as one of the few centurions at the scene, stood up for granted: "Don't be afraid! Even if it is a [Mind Gem], as long as you ensure that you have a firm belief in evil, you will not Forcibly controlled!"

As he said that, the centurion in blue battle armor gave his companion a wink. Terry Owenston, who was also a centurion, knew when he interrupted the live broadcast, and then decisively attacked Irani Rael.

Don't look at Irani's dazed appearance, but Irani is also a centurion anyway!

Terry's assault-style hand knife was supported by Irani's right arm, and he unceremoniously responded with a yellow beam cannon that contained a huge nova power.


One of the outer walls of the hall where Thanos was located was blasted with a round hole that could allow a car to pass through.

Terry flashed past, but his blackish black face seemed to develop in the direction of inky.

He knew that Irani was real!

Damn mind control, so thorough! ?

Terry alone could not suppress Irani at all. As a last resort, another centurion joined the encirclement and suppression of Irani, which was barely able to complete the suppression of Irani.

Just suppress, can't beat Irani for a while.

This controlled Irani is like the most devout mad believer in the dark order of Thanos, shouting crazy slogans such as "Long Live Thanos", desperately resisting the attack of the two centurions.

At this moment, another free centurion gritted his teeth and stood beside Richard. Help Richard share the momentum from Thanos.

Richard Ryder's heart went cold. The most core battle strength of one's own side [Centurion], just in front of the enemy of life and death Thanos, forcibly turned against the bed, can this battle still be fought?

Thanos sits on his throne, as if watching a bunch of clowns juggle a botched show as a way to pass the boring time.

That kind of high-altitude, overlooking the eyes of all beings, and the full of mockery on the face of the fourth general of Hei Yao next to Thanos, deeply stabbed Richard and other Nova Corps powerhouses.

How ridiculous!

Holding high the banner of justice, but showing such an ugly appearance in front of the most extreme evil in the entire universe.

What would defeat Thanos, Richard couldn't even think about it. The original plan was for the ten commanders to hold back the five generals of Hei Yao and gather the power of the five centurions to encircle Thanos. Now that something happened to Irani, at the top power level, the comparison of power suddenly collapsed.

Right here when...

"Hey hey hey!" This was the laughter of General Dead Blade.

"Huhuhu!" This is Proxima Centauri in the dark night.

"Sad fellow, you should open up your hearts and deeply appreciate the greatness of the master of Thanos!" This is the 'political commissar' ebony throat.

"Clap!" This was the sound of Black Dwarf clenching his fists.

The four generals of Hei Yao stepped off the high platform in unison, the kind of tidying up, as if dragging a fat pig out to slaughter in their own pig sty, which made the Xandar Legion feel bad!

"Go! Kill them! For justice!" Richard Ryder was the most sober. He knew that he would definitely not be able to withdraw at this time. This is Thanos' territory, and he has a million ways to keep them. The ghost knows whether the fortress has a deformation function, which can block their way.

Even if not, since Thanos can control a centurion with [Mind Stone], he can control more in the same way.

Once Thanos kills himself on Xandar, the Nova Corps will still be unable to stop and this is the largest battle in the history of Nova Corps, with the largest number of subordinate fleets dispatched.

Even if it retreats, the invincible name of Nova Corps will be broken!

Finally, the unyielding sense of honor in their hearts!

Rather than being humiliated and rumored to be relying on the evil tyrant Thanos, it is better to fight hard!

The battle has entered an uncontrollable state of chaos from the very beginning.

Since the moment Hei Yaosi joined the battlefield, the situation has completely changed. In fact, it is no longer a battle between mortal powerhouses. The existence sitting on the throne is holding the - A cosmic fetish beyond the mortal world.

The concept of fighting in the eyes of normal people is no longer applicable to everything that is happening in front of you. To be precise, it is simply a one-sided massacre.

Because none of the Nova Corps warriors could kill Thanos, all the powerhouses fell under the combined attack of [Power Gem] and [Mind Gem].