MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 710 intricate situation

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Mei Jiexao got four Infinity Stones, which made the Avengers breathe a sigh of relief.

Think about it, time plus space, these two gems, no matter where they are placed, are bugs. Now that it has all fallen into the hands of his own people, the pressure has really been reduced by most.

Mei Jiecao sighed inwardly: "The rest is to see which side Thanos goes to. Warnerheim, or... Earth. As for the Guardian of the Galaxy, I'm sorry."


Someone Mei took the [Soul Gem], one can imagine how miserable the Guardians of the Galaxy are. After all, in the original history, it was Thanos who tortured Gamora's sister Nebula, who resembled the green-skinned female orc in the Guardians of the Galaxy, and made Gamora unbearable, so Gamora revealed the location of the [Soul Gem].

It just so happens that, whether in history or in this life, Thanos knew that Gamora knew where the Soul Gem was.

History was changed again. Thanos did not attack Gao Tianzun's brother, the "collector", but directly attacked the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Of course, before that, Thanos caught Nebula who was trying to assassinate him, and he used Nebula as a bait to catch all the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Gamora is both a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the adopted daughter of Thanos. When Thanos slaughtered her hometown, he adopted Gamora. What's interesting is that the person Thanos loves most in his life is actually his adopted daughter, Gamora, who can't wait to kill him 10,000 times.

After being lost and captured, Thanos tortured her sister Nebula, her lover Star Lord Peter *Jason *Quill and the members of the Silver Guard she cared about most in front of her face.

Originally, Gamora couldn't accept Nebula's abuse, not to mention that this time "the whole family" was captured?

After a few moments, Gamora agreed to reveal the location of the [Soul Gem]. In exchange, she asked Thanos to let go of all her relatives and friends.

Originally, due to the ruthlessness of Thanos, he would never agree to such a thing.

Helpless, at this moment on the earth, there is an unscrupulous guy who is holding Shi Kedi's **** and doing crazy output while letting the former goddess work.

When Asgard's [Slate of Life] falls into the hands of the Goddess of Fate, it will be automatically promoted to an uncompromising [Stone of Destiny]. It can't affect the fate of the real strong, but for the fate of those little people, it is a miracle.

At the same moment when Shi Kedi gasped and rolled his eyes and told Mei Chuncao that everything was done, Thanos seemed to agree to Gamora's conditions.

For the sake of insurance, Thanos just left Nebula, let Star-Lord and his party go, and then took Gamora on a journey to find the [Soul Gem].

When Thanos was frantically collecting the Infinity Stones, Thor, who had been defeated once by Thanos, was deeply aware of his lack of strength. He was always not used to the [Kungunir] of his dead ghost father, and he decided to go to Nidavi in ​​the legend of mortals.

The weapons made by the dwarves there are so powerful that they can turn the universe upside down.

Only the dwarf king Aitri can create the tough weapons that Hammer wants. Mei Jiecao knew early on that what Thor was going to build was the big killer [Storm Battle Axe] that had cut Thanos to pieces with an axe in history.

However, Mei Jiexao, who knew the trend of history, stopped Brother Hammer, because there are two essential conditions for casting the storm battle axe: the first is the craftsmanship of the dwarf king Aitri; the second is the tree Groot, a member of the Guardians of the Galaxy. contribute.

Without the big brothers of the tree people contributing their own branches, the [Storm Battle Axe] would not have been possible.

That's why Mei Jiecao would rather kill Shi Kodi, let her spend her little divine power, and let Yinhu and his party be safe and sound.

At the same time, in order to find something to do for Thanos, we made a time difference.

'Under the guidance of fate', the Nova Corps, known as the Galaxy Police, discovered where Thanos' Temple No. 2 was, and began to kill him, preparing to fight Thanos.

The feud between Nova Corps and Thanos can be written in a 5 million-word novel.

If history has not changed, the [Power Stone] was previously kept in Xandar, the headquarters of the Nova Corps.

The Nova Corps is the stationed force of Xandar Star. They are composed of militiamen who maintain the peace of the universe and various people who explore the universe.

The setting of Nova Corps is somewhat similar to the Green Lantern of the DC Universe!

The Nova Corps is strictly divided into four levels, from the first-level medic to the fourth-level centurion. The Nova Corps has always been engaged in maintaining the peace of the universe.

It's hard to be decent these days, and the peacekeeping in minutes can't be reversed.

Without any ability, how could it be possible to maintain peace?

Therefore, their own fighting ability is very strong. It stands to reason that it should not be so easy to attack Xandar star without the help of infinite gems, even if it is a sub-tianfather Thanos.

Because the members of the Nova Corps are granted their abilities according to their level, that's right! Their abilities do not come from themselves! Rather, it comes from a biological computer. This power is called Nova Power, and it's a near-infinite power. Coupled with the power gems, the elites of Nova Corps should be invincible!

The Nova Corps has nearly 500 Super Soldiers. That is 500 superheroes! Such a number also makes them known as the Xandar Star Legion!

You must know that Meijiecao has been in business for so long, and even now that the Valkyrie troops are added, there are no more than 50 Avengers on Nova Corps is 10 times the Meijiejie version of the Avengers .

Mei Jiedao never understood that a powerful Nova Corps like Wei Mao would be taken away by Thanos with the power gem.

However, the Marvel universe he is in at the moment obviously has a completely different plot direction.

He received news from the hard-working Gao Tianzun that the Nova Corps was not destroyed, but retained most of its main force, and was looking for Thanos to settle accounts in the universe.

Of course, purely because of the fact that the forces of Thanos invaded the galaxy.

Then it is not difficult to calculate, it should be that Thanos should have let the superstar steal the power gem very early. Otherwise, it can't be explained. These hundreds of superheroes are not chasing Thanos all over the world, but they jumped up when they found that Thanos came to Earth.

At this moment, I didn't know that I was put together by Thanos again, and rushed to the place where the [Soul Gem] should be in theory, and was shocked to find that the gem had been taken away.

While he was extremely astonished, Gamora was laughing wildly.

"Hahaha! Is this the guide of fate? Someone actually snatched the soul gem before you." Gamora was very happy, she felt so happy that she flew into the cloud of luck.

Thanos instinctively thought that Gamora was playing him, but he didn't need to torture Nebula or interrogate Gamora. With the power of the Mind Stone, he could be sure that there was indeed a group of mysterious people who got ahead of him and got the Soul Stone. .

Then... who is this guy?

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