MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 700 Thanos debuts

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Incredibly huge!

Thor, who rarely rides spaceships, thought that the spaceship he got from Saka Star was already very big.

Unexpectedly, the behemoth that appeared in front of him was even more exaggerated. It was simply a satellite.

It has an I-shaped structure as a whole. The circular building in the middle looks a bit like the mask of the "Predator", with huge flying wings on both sides. If covered, it can cover the entire sky of the original Asgard.

The brilliance of the distant stars was completely covered by this giant interstellar fortress.

This is obviously the [Temple No. 2] that Mei Jiecao said, the flagship that Thanos rides.

"%$!#~" Loki said a slang term for a frost giant, which translates to nothing more than 'fuck off'.

Compared with this interstellar fortress, the one-kilometer-long spaceship that Thor is currently riding is simply bean sprouts!

Originally, on the side of the Star Fortress, there was still a little bit of white light refracted, but now it is all covered by black spots that cover the sky and the sun.

"The Chitauri..." Thor murmured.

right! That's right! They are the dog-legged Chitauris under Thanos.

The incomparably familiar Chitarian dragons traversed the space with the interstellar destroyers and cruisers, obscuring the last glimpse of the starry sky.


It turned out that Thor, in history, was raided by the Thanos army after a sudden change. Unprepared, all the people died tragically.

In this life, how could he miss the opportunity to weaken Thanos when he was reminded by Mei Juncao a long time ago?

With an order, those men who had been captured by Mei Jiecao from Saka Star and belonged to Gao Tianzun, entered a state of battle one after another.

Although Gao Tianzun's subordinates are a miscellaneous army, they have been battle-hardened.

In the star field near the wealthy Saka star, there is never a shortage of interstellar pirates who seek death to train them.

On the starboard side of this little Starfleet - that's Thanos' entire Chitauri Legion. Lian Yalong brought the small airships of the Qitarui people, and there were absolutely millions of troops.

In the face of such a large army, thousands of laser clusters shot out from the various battleship turrets on Thor's side.

It looks like a helpless struggle, but the firm resistance here is beyond the expectations of the Thanos camp.

Ordinary small fleets would have been scared to pee when they saw this battle.

Could it be that he just turned around and left, or at the very least sent a full-channel emergency communication begging for mercy or something.

How could he fight back so resolutely now?

There was a moment of silence on the battlefield.

Dedicated to preparing for the landing battle, the Zita Rui biochemical soldier who killed the opponent without leaving a piece of armor was a little slow to respond. When the laser swayed like raindrops on them arranged in a neat matrix like a star ring,

A series of explosions erupted across the entire front, looking like a bright band of light.

More intense rays of light followed, and every laser cannon on the battleship here was running frantically.

A bright river of light spans between the small fleet and the invading army, like a flowing galaxy, emitting a dazzling light.

Unfortunately, this pales in comparison to the subsequent counterattack of the Chitauri fleet.

The entire star field suddenly lit up, it was the light of countless laser cannons, and the missiles that were densely shot at Thor's fleet under its leadership.


In just one face-to-face, all their own communications were left with only electronic noises that represented the disconnection of communications. More direct evidence is that images captured by high-magnification optical cameras can also be seen through the floor-to-ceiling panoramic screen of the bridge-

Except for the battleship where Thor was, all the battleships on his side were blown up in an instant.

Thor and Loki felt an extremely strong chill in their hearts at the same time, it felt like a cold steel needle pierced their spine, from the tailbone to the back of the head, the whole person was in a kind of semi-tingling pain. A semi-paralyzed situation.

Thor looked at Loki. The blue-faced Loki opened his palm, revealing a cube with an ice-blue luster.


Without Mei Mumu to use them as bait to lure Thanos away, and really bring a large number of refugees to migrate, I am afraid that at this moment all Asgardians have been buried in the void and become cosmic garbage.

"Woooooo!" Accompanied by the red flashing light, it was the long-sounding siren.

Not far from Thor, the humanoid captain with a crab head roared: "Damn it! The enemy is attacking! The other party is going to board the ship! Little ones, take the guy to attack!"

Loki put away the universe cube, covered his mouth with his hand, and whispered in Asgardian: "Although I never liked Amora, she has made a contribution this time."

Without the witch's mind control, it is estimated that these men who originally belonged to Gao Tianzun would have been fried.

Surrender to surrender, enough to pee your pants.

In the face of an enemy that is thousands of times their own, they can still use laser guns to have a lively fight with Chitarui biochemical soldiers.

Unfortunately, this was a doomed failure.

Dozens of Chitarian dragons rushed up and ripped apart the armor of the battleship with their huge and sharp teeth in their big mouths, and countless biochemical soldiers jumped into the battleship like this.

The biochemical troops quickly overwhelmed the resistance in the ship.

At this time, Thanos, who was sitting on the throne of [Temple No. 2], wrinkled his wide and wrinkled purple brows.

Well, it's like a purple potato baked to the point of lack of moisture.

Don't look at Thanos as a legendary Titan, it sounds like he has something to do with the Titan who is over 100 meters tall. In fact, he was a burly purple humanoid creature with exploding muscles and a height of 246cm.

He was only born in Titan Moon, a colony of the Eternals.

Thanos frowned.

The first licking dog beside him, Abu, the first strategist and thug, Ebony Mow, one of the five obsidian generals, also frowned.

This guy's head looks like a trapezoid with a wide top and a narrow bottom, and his entire face is pale white. With his unusually slender body, he looks like a bloodless vampire.

Looking at the real-time footage from the surveillance camera of the biochemical soldier ahead, Ebony Mow said, "It's abnormal. There are no refugees, all combatants. Not a single Asgardian."

At this time saw Thanos stand up, and the ebony throat became anxious: "Wait, great my lord, this should be a trap."

Thanos opened his mouth and made a dull voice: "The Odinson cub is there, that's enough."

I don't know how many years I have served Thanos. Ebony Mow, who knows Thanos very well, knows that Thanos has made a decision, and immediately stops advising him and follows him.

Thanos stepped down from the huge throne, and Hei Yaosi would follow.

Fifteen minutes later, on the bridge of the battleship.

Thor sat upright in the captain's seat, and Loki next to him fidgeted and watched the Thanos five on board from the surveillance screen.

"Brother, May... is that guy really reliable? I mean..."

Thor glanced at his good brother who cheated on his brother, and pouted, "much more reliable than you. Mei, never let me down."



Read The Duke's Passion