MTL - Amazing Doctor With Super Vision-Chapter 2235 Worried about humans on earth

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When Li Yong glanced at it, he was furious and immediately smashed the void and crossed the past.

On the street where the blood flows into the river, in front of the body of the mountain, Li Yong appears directly, facing a sacred warrior who is eating the head of the child. He waved the release and directly cut off the man's head.

Then, Li Yong flew quickly and killed the second and second holy places.

In the face of the last one, Li Yong just knocked him down. He didn't ask at all. Instead, he applied three magic needles directly to this person, killing his willpower and reading his memory.

The man rolled and vomited on the ground and spit out several human hearts and brains.

Li Yong really wants to shoot some people directly into slag, but he has to endure it for a while, because he wants to know who these are, where they come from, and what they have done.

From the service point of view, they wear very weird, unlike the Star Hunting Association, which is different from any Zongmen that Li Yong has seen. Li Yong killed nearly a million people, and Li Yong would not let them go.

Li Yong clasped the interpretation of his hand, fully urging his mind reading and reading the memory of this person.

When the person was dead, Li Yong finally read something.

It turns out that these four holy places are the evil sects of the Starry World.

This evil sect is called Zhai Zong, and is notorious for eating people and using children to refine medicinal herbs. However, this sect is located in a land of star collapse, where the space is unstable and extremely dangerous.

This has been alive and has grown to a certain size.

Because the big gates of the stars want to kill this evil sect, the price paid is too heavy, and this has room for them to survive. And they also have a sect of Xiaocheng, and a great elder of six emperors. This is considered to be the top strength in the whole world of stars and stars, and some sects do not dare to act rashly.

Because whoever wants to kill the self-proclaimed sect, the martial art of the sect will be madly retaliated.

This has made many righteous Zongmen warriors very jealous and dare not easily initiate positive conflicts.

Since the lord of the ancestors, the evil spirits are extremely horrible, and the general situation is so great that it is difficult to kill him.

The six elders of the emperor's peaks are also poisonous to everyone, and they are also fierce in the big star world.

The four martyrdoms of the sacred sects of the sacred ancestors came to the vicinity of the earth because they strayed into a space crack in the land of the stars. They couldn't find the way back, and they accidentally hit the earth.

I saw people everywhere, and they were all ordinary people. They were all excited.

Because of the evil skill they cultivate, it is necessary to eat the human heart and brain to improve quickly.

It is also necessary to refine the medicinal herbs with human blood, which can also enhance their strength.

They began to madly kill, take away human blood, and the heart and brain, ready to refine the remedy.

Just as Li Yong thought about these memories, he had gathered a lot of locals around him.

They saw Li Yong killing the demons in their minds, and they bowed down and yelled at Li Yong.

I still talked about the local dialect.

Li Yong did not understand, but it can be seen from their eyes that these people are very grateful and admire themselves.

Li Yong let them get up, and they didn’t understand Li Yong.

If you just keep on bowing.

This is to treat him as a god.

Seeing that the army and the fighter planes flew over, Li Yong did not stop, but flew directly into the air.

He also voiced to Lin Tao, telling Master about the situation here, and let Master tell the armed government here.

The dead are all civilian white names!

Such disasters occur on the earth, and all countries in the world will lend a helping hand.

Huaxia will also send rescue teams and medical teams to come to reinforce.

Li Yong just explained the situation and did not ask the next thing. What he has to do is to avoid the evil martial artists who have been killed by the sect of the sect, and even if they will come again, they will also be lifted and blocked.

In the process of flying to outer space, Li Yong also sent a message to Zheng Zheng: "There are four warriors in the peak of the Holy Land in Africa. In just ten minutes, they have slaughtered a city. You must pay more attention to it. they."

After a while, Zheng Zhengcai said with a heavy voice: "Husband, I am sorry! The earth is a ball. The sky above Africa is too far away from us. We have never found it, otherwise it will definitely tell you."

Li Yong also knows that Zheng Zheng is in the outer space of China, and she can only protect the safety of the Chinese people.

As for Africa and beyond, Zheng Zheng could not know.

"I didn't blame you. I just thought that we should do better. We just thought that those innocent civilian whites should not die like this. Well, you should expand the guard area as much as possible!" Li Yong was also uncomfortable.

That is nearly a million African people!

Those souls will drift in the air. This time, Li Yong did not let the ghosts go to eat.

In the space outside the earth, Li Yong found a place where the evil warriors from the ancestors crossed.

Here is a void, and there is nothing special about looking at the past.

However, Li Yongyi looked through the past and found that there was a gap of more than one foot wide in the void, which was slowly closing. According to the closing speed, Li Yong felt that it should be completely closed in ten days.

If it will be turned on after closing, it should take ten days.

If it is said that it is closed once every two days, then the gap does not know how long it has existed, nor how many times it has closed. When the gap is opened to the maximum, the warrior can cross the past or cross.

This is too unsafe for the earth.

Now that the gap is beginning to close, Li Yong looks into it and finds that it is very dangerous.

It seems that the time that people passed through was particularly short, and the four self-professionals were lucky enough to pass through.

This space gap is near the earth, it is a disaster for the earth!

When Li Yong thought about it, he waved the shadow dagger and directly slashed the past. He wanted to destroy the space gap.

As a result, the interpretation passes through the gap in the space, but it does not have any effect on it.

Li Yong frowned, and injected a thousand drops of star liquid into the release, and cut it again into the gap.

This time, the space gap finally had a little reaction, and the closing speed was significantly faster.

But that's it.

This did not form the effect that Li Yong was satisfied with.

Li Yong thought that it would be destroyed directly, or it would be closed immediately.

It seems that the space gap seems extremely difficult to destroy.

Li Yong cut another knife and gradually felt that even if

Star liquid is consumed and hard to destroy.

"Fire, how can we destroy the space gap?" Li Yong had to ask the fire of the fairy squad.

"Master, the space gap is roughly divided into two types, one is naturally formed, and one is directly passed from one place to another. This kind of space gap is dangerous, and no one dares to cross the past first."

"Because what is on the other side, no one knows at all; if there is danger, it will kill."

"The other is artificial formation. After the cultivation is to a strong strength, the Lord uses his own strength to open up the channel."

"In general, artificially formed space gaps, as long as the use of unique exercises, coupled with sufficient strength, can be closed, or destroyed. Naturally formed, it is generally difficult to destroy."

The legendary fire is explained in detail: "Because it is a huge force in the sky, people can hardly compete. Just like the natural disaster on earth, the power of human beings is still very small, and it is impossible to resist. What we have to do is to avoid it."

"This one? How was it formed?" Li Yong asked.

The drug king stone emits a fire, and the fire shines like a tentacles, slowly illuminating the space gap.

It seems that the nature of this gap is being explored.

After a while, the fairy fire said: "Master, this is artificial, and the age is very long, it should be a million years ago. The power seems to have fallen, so it has become extremely unstable. ""

"The distance traveled is not very far away, but it is very unstable inside. The owner must not enter easily."

Li Yong will not go in naturally, but the other side is the place where the stars collapse!

Even the Taoist martial arts did not dare to set foot on foot. He was only a small man, and naturally he would not die.

"How can it be destroyed?" Li Yong asked.

"Master, the power to open the gap in this space, the strength is very strong, we can not destroy. But this space gap has reached the edge of self-destruction. Do not care for him, after tens of thousands of years, will also self-destruct tens of thousands of years?" Li Yong was shocked by this time.

"Master, for the practitioners, tens of thousands of years is actually a very short moment. Like me, I have lived for more than 50 million years. I have lived for more than 40 million years." The fire of the fairy squad laughed.

Li Yong didn't ask any more. If he counted it, he was only twenty-five years old. In front of these old guys, even the baby couldn't count. If you shorten the time of 50 million years to a hundred-year calculation, the twenty-five-year-old is still the most refined, and when the child and the egg have just combined, it is too small.

This is terrible.

If Li Yong also lived for 50 million years, he would not know what it would be like.

This is not finished, the fire of the immortality goes on to say: "The green grass king is even older. My Royal Highness and the Dragon King are in front of the Green King. I can only count two children, because the Green King is 300 million years old. There are still many dinosaurs in his space. It is the fighting power of the Green King, which is always hurt, and it is difficult to heal after the injury."

"For three hundred years, he has been injured for ten times, and he has to recover about 10 million years each time..."

Lying in the trough, time on these old guys, it seems that it is not lost!

When Li Yong interrupted the fire of the fairy tales, he shifted the topic: "If you don't destroy this space crack, you may also come from the evil warriors of the ancestors. Once they break into the earth, they will kill innocent people."

Li Yongshen is worried about the human beings of the earth.

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Read The Duke's Passion