MTL - Amazing Doctor With Super Vision-Chapter 2232 Huge worm

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"Why do you let me divide?" The white swan felt that he was not unclear.

"Swan sister, we must divide ourselves. Don't go to him. If you give it to him, what should he do if he **** it directly?" Ants worried, apparently not believing Li Yong.

"You are stupid, I am the ultimate strength of the Holy Land. Your strength is much stronger than mine. Can you escape in front of you? Unless you don't want to live." Li Yongdao, "Moreover, my brother can't see this." Xianli Pills."

The ant fine and the white swan looked at each other and believed Li Yong's first half of the words and sneered at the second half.

What is not to see, what is this point of Xianli pills?

Three hundred tablets, this is their 30,000-year salary, a lot of good!

Fortunately, they are strong, and Li Yong wants to escape, absolutely impossible.

So, the white swan handed the spiritual pocket to Li Yong: "Come on!"

Li Yong smiled slightly: "Please rest assured, I am the most fair."

"Hey, you don't dare to use the means." The ant fine warned, but blinked in the dark.

Li Yong turned a blind eye and put on a selfless self-confidence, directly telling the ants: "Open your mouth."

"Why open your mouth? I have pockets." Ants still want to hide the Xianli pills that are assigned.

"What pockets are there? The spirits are waiting for you to kill the worm. You must eat it now, and immediately improve your strength. So you can kill the worm immediately. So, open my mouth, eat it here, and let We look at it, don't take it away, or else you won't give it to you." Li Yong said seriously.

The ant was very helpless and had to open his mouth.

Li Yong smiled a little and wanted to give me a trick. Brother can't play you.

Seeing that the ant's mouth has been opened, Li Yong took out a grain of pills and still went in.

The ant swallowed a small Xianli pill into the stomach, and then opened his mouth to Li Yong.

Haha, this looks like a big fat dog, is asking to eat.

Li Yong still went in one, the ant quickly swallowed, opened his mouth again, and was dissatisfied with the swearing: "Brother, can you still have a few more? The best is still two hundred, my The strength must be improved."

"Two hundred tablets? Don't dream, I think you can raise up to ten." Li Yong said lightly.

"Impossible, ten is absolutely impossible. I want to upgrade from the peak of the emperor to the small path of the Tao. This process has to condense the fruit, it is very difficult. If there is a Xianli pill, I will have a month of light. Now with Xianli Pill, under the urging of Xianli, my fruit will naturally be generated, but I can eat more Xianli Pills. If Xianli is not enough, I will go into flames." Ants fast The explanation.

Li Yong refused to believe that he would continue to enter the ant's mouth.

At the same time, we are still looking at the body of the ant, as long as the strength of the ant is promoted to the small path, it will stop immediately. This sly and deceptive ant, it is impossible to eat more.

When the ant looked at Li Yong and did not listen to it, he asked the white swan for help: "Swan sister, he is too tortured."

The white swan smiled slightly: "I think this is a good way, or it will be easy to waste."

Li Yong gave a thumbs up: "The Swan girl is right."

"What sister? I am millions of years old." The white swan rolled his eyes.

Li Yong laughed and handed Xianli Pill to the feather of the white swan: "Come, you feed him."

The white swan picked up the Xianli Pills, one grain and one grain into the big mouth of the ant.

There is no complaint that the ant is fine, and one is given for one, and then the fruit begins to gather.

In this way, one grain after another.

When the ant ate the 130th grain, the fruit was condensed into a attack, and he successfully upgraded to the Tao Xiaocheng.

Li Yong said coldly: "You just said that you have to eat two hundred tablets to improve?"

The ant is stunned: "I am wrong."

"I think you are deliberate! I want to have 70 capsules, it is greedy!" Li Yong laughed.

The ant was ashamed and hurried to the white swan: "Swan sister, I really didn't mean it."

"I know that you are interested." Li Yong said again.

"Hey, I am not that kind of person." The ant slaps a paw on the stone and smashes the stone.

"Well, don't make a noise, I believe ants are fine." The white swan advised.

Ants are touched by the face, or the swan sister is the closest! Unlike Li Yong, a foreign resident, it is always difficult for him.

Next, Li Yong began to feed the white swan. Like the ant, it was also a one-grain feed.

The white swan discovered that it is really tormenting people to eat, and there is still some disrespect.

However, she just supported Li Yong, and she was too embarrassed to refuse.

Fortunately, the white swan has a long neck and extends directly to Li Yong, eating from Li Yong.

However, it is still a matter of saving Li Yong one after another.

Li Yong does not care about this. Anyway, as long as you eat one grain or one grain, it is impossible to eat more.

The whole body was fed a hundred and twenty, and the strength of the white swan was raised to the Dacheng Dacheng.

The white swan is much more honest than the ant, and it is less and more accurate.

Unlike ants, I want to ask for 70 more.

Ants and white swan eat a total of two hundred and fifty, and Li Yong has 50 left.

Directly close, Li Yong smiled and said: "The 50 tablets are mine. I have given you 50 tablets. Remember, you still owe me 45 tablets. If you have it, you must return it. ”

In the heart, Li Yong is still very proud. If he is not smart, these 50 tablets will not fall.

"Good." The white swan agreed directly.

The ant thought thoughtfully: "This seems to be ours, brave brother, how can you divide it?"

"You owe me, and now there is something extra, it will be returned." Li Yong explained.

"But, we don't want to return now..." Ants are a little jealous, and he still wants to eat.

Li Yong looked at the white swan, the white swan said: "Yes."

Ants fined his eyes away from Li Yong’s hands, and that 50 tablets, he wanted to eat it!

"Go." The white swan flew directly into the sky, "to kill the spirit."

The ant screamed at Li Yong, and then he flew to the sky with the white swan.

They are going to kill the worm, and if they can't kill it, they will find a way to drive the worm.

Li Yong did not keep up, because the energy channel of Xianzheng, only the strength above the Tao, can enter.

Li Yong’s strength is too weak to enter the energy channel, and he can’t even sense the position of the energy channel. He just keeps up and it doesn't work. In case of a worm, it may be eaten by a worm.

Looking at the 50-grain Xianli pill in his hand, Li Yong smiled and ate it one by one.

He thinks that Xianli Pill is a good thing, and even the strength of the white swan can be improved. Li Yongcai’s sacred peak is naturally not a problem. Li Yong was thrilled to think that he could ascend to the emperor.

The entrance of Xianli Pills is instant, with a strange scent, and it is delicious.

Li Yong ate one, then another one, and it was full of life, and it was fun.

In this way, after eating one grain after another, only when I ate 20 tablets, Li Yong’s body slammed and the barriers of the realm finally broke. Li Yong broke through the peak of the holy land and upgraded to the strength of the imperial court.

Haha... finally improved.

Li Yong sensed the strengthening of his body and found that Dantian Linghai has become bigger.

The original full of stars and spirits, only one third of this time.

Li Yong carefully sensed it and found that Dantian Linghai was expanded ten times larger than before.

Star Liquid and Spirit Liquid can also be loaded ten times before.

It used to be filled with 99,999,999 drops, and now it is 999,999,999 drops.

In addition to this, the body's various abilities have been improved, and the body is rushing with energy.

Far more powerful than the holy period.

Especially in perspective, Li Yong can see a meteorite 60,000 kilometers away from the sky.

In the past, I could only watch 6,000 kilometers, and now I can see 60,000 kilometers.

Moreover, Li Yong also found that this has only just begun, and he will gradually adjust to the strength of the new enhancement, and perhaps even further. There is also the ability to read minds and anticipate the future, and it has also been enhanced.

Inspired by changes in the body and the enhancement of various abilities, Li Yong grinned and smiled cheerfully.

In addition, he also found that he can continue to practice after he has returned to life.

Maybe it won't take long for him to practice on the tenth floor and learn to split his mind.

I thought that in the future, every wife will have a Li Yong companion, and Li Yong laughs even more.

Recently, he was too busy, and he did not have the time to accompany his wife, and he was owed in his heart.

In the future, let the body avatar help you make up for the owe!

Suddenly, Li Yong inspected a large worm in the air. The worm was white, more than a thousand meters thick and more than 100,000 meters long. If Li Yong is not far from the perspective, he may not be able to see it at first glance.

White swan and ants fall on the worm, like two tiny black spots that are invisible.

It is smaller than an elephant crawling on an ant.

Can such big bugs, white swan and ants really kill?

It stands to reason that the swan is eating worms, and the ant is also eating worms; but this worm is too big!

Li Yong also found that it was a huge energy channel, and the energy of the eight bases was continuously transported in. But because of the existence of the worm and the nest, the passage was blocked and the energy could not pass.

Moreover, the spirits also live by spiritual power, and the power of the fairy tales is eaten a lot by the worms.

When the worms climbed out, there were countless small bugs that climbed out.

It is said that those worms are small, but they are smaller than the worms.

In fact, every small bug is several kilometers long and much bigger than a python.

The worm is the mother and has many descendants.

The worm is the peak of the Tao, and its descendants, the ultimate strength of the small is also a small god.

And the greater the strength, the bigger the head, I really don't know how big the worm will grow after it is cultivated into the emperor.

The ant and the white swan attacked the huge worm, and the worm hurts and can only crawl around.

Although Li Yong’s perspective is far away, he still does not see the end of the energy channel.

The big worm, with countless small bugs, quickly climbed out of Li Yong's perspective.

Ants and white swan also disappeared in Li Yong's eyes. I don't know if they can kill the worm.

Although the worm ran, but the nest was still there, still blocking the energy passage.

Li Yong can't wait to get rid of it personally, but he just flew up and slammed down again.

It turns out that there is the power of the protection of the fairy squad, and with the strength of Li Yong, it is still impossible to fly up.

This is really not helping, and I can only hope that the nest of the worm will sigh.

After sighing for a while, Li Yong did not continue to stay here. After confirming that the power of Xianzheng was gradually increasing, Li Yong went to the transmission array. Along the way, he saw green grass begin to grow and the woods began to turn green.

There is also a small river with water flowing, and there seems to be a small fish in the water.

This ridiculous planet is gradually recovering, and the climate and environment here are quietly changing.

It is said that 10,000 years ago, before that war, the aura was full of flowers, like a fairyland.

Maybe it won't take long, it will return to the appearance of 10,000 years ago.

Li Yong couldn't help but glance at the palace of the white swan, and suddenly found that the palace was similar to the drawings that the lotus gave him. I really don't know how this palace was built. Li Yong suddenly wanted to own a building.

Just put it on the second planet of Yongge, you might be able to take the lotus here.

There are a hundred wives on each planet. There are eight planets here and you can live with 800 wives.

I think that my current number of wives is only over 400. It seems that I still have to work hard!

Li Yong sent to the 2nd planet of Yongge and the planet No. 1 of Yongge, and found that every planet is changing The concentration of aura here is much higher than that on the earth.

Green grass and trees are also born faster, and when they are equal, they will certainly be denser.

Animals can become demons here, not knowing if plants can become demon.

If there are monsters such as flower demon, tree demon, grass monster, etc., it is fun.

Take a deep breath of air here.

Li Yong estimated that it is roughly equivalent to the aura of 20% of the drug king stone.

In other words, compared to the earth, here is similar to the wonderland.

Moreover, there is more than a spiritual power here, as well as Star Power and Xianli, which is a better place.

With the restoration of the power of the fairy tales, the concentration of various forces here will also increase, and may become the land of eight wonders. At that time, it will not be much worse than the drug Wang Shi!

Li Yong feels that when the power of the Xianzheng gradually recovers, even the gods in the earth will not be able to stay. At that time, it will be good to bring all those who are armed to these planets and create a sect.

If the wives are tired in the drug king stone, they can let them come out to manage the sects and train their disciples. They can also travel to other planets and Zongmen when they expire. Haha, they will not be too bored.

With such a beautiful imagination, Li Yong walked into the transmission array and returned to the Tianmu big array in the next second.

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