MTL - Amazing Doctor With Super Vision-Chapter 2228 Send her husband again, full of love

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Walking on the gravel road, Tan Anqi raised his hand and folded a flower, gently sniffing.

Li Yong followed her and put another flower on her hair.

Stepping out of the garden full of branches, Tan Anqi snuggled Li Yongdao: "I can't stay with you. I want to stay in the Zongmen. I want to fulfill my father's wishes and Yan Zong's ideals."

"Although I don't necessarily have such a great ability, Tianwangzong can't be destroyed in my hands. I will widen the disciples and lay the foundation for the future strength of the Zongmen... So I can't follow you. ""

"Brother, I know that you have your own things to do, and I have no way to help you. I decided to stay in the Zongmen, to be the lord of the Emperor, and to be responsible for the disciples in the Zongmen."

"Brave brother, Tianwang Zong is not too far from the earth, we can also meet at any time."

"Although not at each other's side, we will all read each other, you are in your heart, as you are in front of you."

Tan Anqi said a lot, talking about her plans for the future, as well as Li Yongai.

Li Yong listened quietly. Only after Tan Anqi finished, Li Yongcai said: "Wife, you should first do what you want. I will leave Xie Longguo to help you. Because I have to go back to the earth first, wait for the earth's fairy tales to recover. Come over, the people of the earth will no longer be threatened by any star warriors. I will come to help you."

Li Yong’s thoughts moved, and Xie Longguo flew out from Yao Wang’s stone.

Li Yong said: "You follow Tan Anqi to protect her safety and do something for her."

"Yes." Xie Longguo reverently agreed.

Li Yong also said to Tan Anqi: "The lotus is still in the empty spirits. The lotus leaf predecessors asked me to build a palace before I can marry her. I will handle the things on the earth and prepare to marry her. When I come, please come and eat the wine. ""

Tan Anqi nodded and then threw herself into Li Yong’s arms.

The two quietly embraced for a while, suddenly heard the screams outside, and this was separated.

I saw two big men running over, Chen Yi still chasing them behind; just listen to them shouting: "The saint is forgiving, please don't kill us, we are also tempted by him, this opened the door of the treasure... ..."

They are the guards of the two treasures of the Zongmen, and they are the disciples of Zongmen.

Tan Anqi has not had time to open her mouth, and Chen Yi has already cut it down.

With the strength of Chen Yihuang Dacheng, it is really easy to kill the two warriors of the holy peak.

At the moment when the two died, Li Yong read their inner world and found that they opened the door to the treasure house because they got the benefits of the two emperors.

After slashing them, Chen Yi took down their space magic and saw evidence of their betrayal.

After handing the evidence to Tan Anqi, Chen Yi turned and left to continue the investigation.

No matter who they are, as long as they dare to betray the sect, Chen Yi will kill, and never be soft.

Because the disciples in the Zongmen are all cultivated using the resources of the Zongmen.

It is like a child who grows up after eating the mother's breast milk, but does not respect her mother.

Tan Anqi sighed and said nothing; even such a faithful disciple betrayed the Zongmen. It seems that there are not many people who can believe in the Zongmen.

It is not easy to cultivate a disciple from the inner strength to the spiritual world, the gods, the holy world, and even the state. The growth of this road will consume a lot of

Resources, just as parents raise their children.

When they grew up, these disciples not only did not return Zongmen, but they also betrayed. Tan Anqi was really sad.

After a day of cleaning, Chen Yi killed more than one million and finally cleaned up the betrayal.

At this time, there were only over 800 disciples and more than a thousand ordinary people.

Walking on the streets of Tianwangzong, it is cold and clear, miserable, like a deserted land.

"I am leaving." In the middle of the square, Li Yong said goodbye to Tan Anqi.

Tan Anqi was a bit reluctant to Li Yong, but she only had to nod.

Li Yong does not want to leave, but his roots are the earth. He is more and more eager to practice to return to life, to understand the avatar, and to send a brave to each wife, so that they can never be separated. .

When Li Yong flew into the sky, the Dapeng bird suddenly picked up Tan Anqi and flew into the air.

She always sent Li Yong to the Zongmen's formation, and then raised her right arm, shaking her hand with affection.

Look at that look, as if an ancient poem: send his husband again, full of love.

Tianwangzong is not far from the earth. Li Yong has traveled ten times and transmitted twice. The solar system is already in sight, and then it has passed through once and has already reached the boundary of the earth.

The earth keeps spinning all the time, and the earth has left the **** starry sky.

Li Yong first sensed the breath of the empty mirror. He came to the empty mirror for the first time.

At this time, Zheng Zheng had already succeeded in the refining system. He owned five emperors.

The five scorpions are: Mei Xi Xiongjie, Ouyang Xiu Ke, Liu Bikang, Zhu Kaining and Bai Yuze who has just refining. Among them, the number of Mi Xi Xiongjie is the weakest.

At this time, Zheng Zhengzheng ordered the five 傀儡 to exchange their exercises and let them learn each other's strengths in order to enhance their strength. Everyone learns the exercises of the other four, and their strength will be enhanced.

"Yes, this method is good." Li Yong had to praise and felt that Zheng Zheng was really smart.

Because he didn't think about it before.

Now, Li Yong immediately voiced to Xie Longguo, and told Xie Longguo to pass the exercises to the four zombies of Yang Cheng, Mu sunset, Guo Chaobao and Huang Junjie. As a result, the strength of the four zombies will be improved.

Xie Longguo is the peak strength of the emperor, and perhaps the four zombies will be promoted to the emperor Xiaocheng.

Li Yong secretly blames himself, why didn't he think about this earlier?

If the lotus was passed on to the zombies before, their strength would have been in the royal world!

"That is of course, just like Mi Xi Xiongjie, if you have not learned the practice of Ouyang Xiu, he is still the strength of the imperial court! Mei Xi Xiongjie is weak because he will not practice the law, nor will he fight the law. ""

"When he learns everything, the strength will slowly grow stronger."

When Zheng Zhengxiao Yingying said, he took Li Yong and his relatives walked toward the distance.

The space inside the sky is also very large, but it is all white, no other colors.

There are no herbs and trees. This is a mirror-like world with no other life.

Not far away, there was a villa in front, the villa was red, it was the power of the empty mirror.

Everything in the villa

It is like a luxurious private space.

Zheng Zheng signaled Li Yong to sit on the sofa. She made a cup of tea for Li Yong and then sat on Li Yong.

Looking at Li Yong's neck, she smiled and asked: "Husband, we haven't been together for a long time. Today, you will be with me! Staying here, very comfortable! Let us relax and relax."

"Good." Li Yong actively kissed Zheng Zheng's rosy lips, Zheng Zheng joyfully greeted him.

The two fell on the large sofa, ups and downs, the dragons and the phoenixes, the sounds of melodious, long-lasting.

After a burst of passion, Zheng Zheng picked up the wet hair before the forehead, sweet smile: "Husband, you are awesome."

Li Yong stroked Zheng Zheng's beautiful body: "You are also very good, people don't love enough."

"Eat to eat..." Zheng Zhengjiao laughed.

When he wore his clothes, Li Yong took a look at the two spirits from the drug king stone, and Zheng Zheng each ate one. Zheng Zheng sighed: "It's getting more and more delicious, it's delicious."

Li Yong took out some more and put it on Zheng Zheng’s front and let Zheng Zheng eat it casually.

While Zheng Zheng was eating, he asked: "Husband, has you been killed? Is the earth safe now? Can we return to Earth together?"

Li Yong smiled a little and told Zheng Zheng to listen to the battle with Yan Jing.

Listening and listening, Zheng Zheng frowned. "How can he let him run? So, the earth is still not safe! If he comes back with a group of cockroaches, what can we do? Yan Zongzhuo is dead. what!"

"Don't worry, Xian Xian will be able to recover soon." Li Yong laughed. "When the Xianzheng is repaired, even the holy martial arts can't enter the earth, and the earth will be safe."

"That's good." Zheng Zhengsong sighed. "It's so annoying to fight and kill all day! I especially want to live with you in Taiwan, live in the place where my parents live, I want to resurrect them. By the time, I will have a baby, my mom and dad will be with me, help us bring the children, do you say good?"

"Good ~ Li Yong said with a smile.

Zheng Zhengyi was in Li Yong's arms, thinking about the beautiful picture, his face full of smiles.

After accompanying Zheng Zheng for a while, Li Yong gave a speech and left the empty mirror and flew to the earth.

After the release of the film, only twenty-six were found. Seventy-four of them were not found. He was free to look for it. Every time I find one, I can improve my strength. Li Yong especially wants his strength to continue to improve.

Zheng Zheng is still outside the fairy squad, watching the outer space like a sentinel.

After leaving the earth, Li Yong fell directly to Sydney.

In the luxury hotel by the beach, Hou Wenfen and Xu Meiya are in the same room, surrounded by an excitement. This was sent by Li Xinyu. Xu Meiya said that it was a fake, and Li Jinxi left with a sad look.

The fakes are also gone, and they are still in the trash can. As a result, the trash can is pierced into a hole.

Hou Wenfen curiously picked it up and looked at it carefully. It turned out to be true.

At this time, Li Xinyi has left sadly, and is crying silently for a loss of one hundred million.

This is what he bought for a hundred million yuan. I thought I could change two pieces of instrument here in Li Yong. Who can think of it as a fake?

It is also that he is too convinced of Xu Meiya, and this is so mad that he still has to release the release.

Li Xinyi’s biggest dream is to change from Li Yong to the instrument, so that he can force it.

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