MTL - Amazing Doctor With Super Vision-Chapter 2193 Seduce 1 group

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Chen Yi also took the space magic weapon and slowly handed it to Tan Anqi: "This is mine, leave it to you!"

"The sovereign, the elder, there is no other way?" Tan Anqi burst into tears.

"This is the worst plan. We still have half of the chance to come back." Yan Lingfei chuckled. "Well, let's go! I will kill Chen Yi and kill them. The sky is turned over and the blood flows into the river."

Chen Yi didn't talk much, and he had quietly taken out his big knife.

The two faced more than a thousand people, and they only had a deadly battle.

"Yan Zongzhu, don't be so pessimistic, I think I can contact the lotus, please the lotus to help us." Li Yong suddenly suggested, "Xunzi Jing also wants to destroy the empty door, the lotus should probably be united with us."

Tan Anqi hurriedly said: "Yes, the lotus is the elder of our Heavenly Taoist, she has the responsibility to come and help us."

Yan Lingfei shook his head and said: "That was the lotus before. At that time, the lotus flower was the embarrassment of Li Shenji, and it would naturally help us. However, I heard that after the lotus returned to Zongmen, I had already released the imprint of my body."

Li Yongdao: "Then we should also ask her, in case she will help us?"

"Yes, I am going to find her." Tan Anqi excited.

"This..." Yan Lingfei hesitated, because so many people are not willing to help them. He thinks that the lotus will definitely not help them, that is, to ask, but only to delay the time.

"I will go!" Li Yong said.

"If you really want to go, let An Qi go!" Yan Lingfei made the decision, "Li Shen doctor once made the lotus flower into a smash, the empty spirits must be hateful to you, the lotus may also hate you. You Going, maybe you won't be able to come back. Tan Anqi used to represent Tianwangzong. If they succeed or fail, they will not be embarrassed."

"Hate me? No!" Li Yong thinks that the lotus is definitely missing, how can he hate himself?

Chen Yi answered the words: "She is a master of the sect, and I have been tempered by you. I have no face. I may have hated you."

"Li Yong, the lord and the elders are right, let me go!" Tan Anqi said again.

Yan Lingfei nodded: "Well, we have also cooperated with the lotus, maybe she will read the old feelings! An Qi, after you have passed, you can clearly explain the situation here. If she does not come, don't force it."

"Well, I will go now." Tan Anqi immediately crushed the transmission of the stone, and suddenly disappeared.

Next, Li Yong, Yan Lingfei and Chen Yi began to wait.

Looking at the small gray point in the distance, Li Yong can open the perspective of the eye, you can see the above clearly.

He saw that the warrior who had the peak of the Holy Land passed by there, and he was surrounded by the people of Yujing and Yuyu.

Around the meteorite, thousands of kilometers ago, became a no-man's land, who is close to who died.

After a period of silence, Li Yong suddenly said: "If I go to the warriors, can you find an opportunity to kill the scorpion directly?"

"How can you completely open up the warriors of more than a thousand hunting associations?" Yan Lingfei laughed. "If you really expose it, you may only be able to lead to a few emperors and more than a dozen holy people."

Li Yong smiled and said: "If this is the case, let's join them and kill them!"

Yan Lingfei thought thoughtfully: "If there are no more than ten emperors in the battle, it should be possible. If more, we will take time to kill them, and we will be alarmed if we have not finished killing. The warrior chased it, so we violently

If you reveal it, it can be dangerous. After all, there are two peaks in the royal world. ”

"Xie Yuguo is not too scary. Yu Yu is really terrible. He killed the Taoist Xiaocheng. I am not necessarily an opponent to Shangyu, so don't take risks before the lotus may help us. ”

"What do you mean, as long as you don't expose it?" Li Yong asked again.

"Yes, as long as it is not exposed, the chances are great; just killing a few can't do anything." In Yan Lingfei's view, there are too many warriors around the Jingjing, so if you attract too much, you can Dangerous.

Li Yong, but not too dangerous; because he can use the power of Yao Wang to protect himself.

The fairy fires tell him that now is the king of the royal family, and don't want to hurt him.

In the absence of injury, Li Yong feels that even if he is exposed, there is no danger.

In the end, Li Yong decided: "You go back a thousand kilometers, wait for me to lead them. If not too much, we will join hands, kill them together, kill one less, and idle is idle."

Yan Lingfei stopped: "No, it is too dangerous."

"Not afraid." Li Yong smiled lightly.

"If you kill more than 20 Emperor Warriors at once, you have only one dead road." Yan Lingfei said seriously. Now, Li Yong has become a husband and wife with Tan Anqi, and Yan Lingfei does not want Tan Anqi to become a widow so early.

"I can't die." Li Yong is full of confidence. "You are ambushing, wait for me. You don't have to be afraid. If the enemy kills too much, I won't bring it to you. I have a way to open them." ""

"Li Shen doctor, you have to think clearly." Yan Lingfei once again stopped Li Yongdao. "If the lotus comes to help us, there is no need to take such risks, and your strength is too weak, it is really dangerous."

"I am a guerrilla war. If I play it, I will fight. If I can beat it, I will run. It is not dangerous."

Li Yong flew past Yan Lingfei and flew directly toward the meteorite where Yan Jing was located.

"Sovereign, what should we do..." Chen Yi asked.

Looking at the back of Li Yong, Yan Lingfei sighed: "What else can I do? Retreat and ambush."

Li Yong gradually approached the meteorite, and the meteorite quickly changed from mung bean size to palm size, and then the size of the disc. When the meteorite changed from the size of the grinding disc to the size of the house, Yu Yu suddenly turned his head and looked over.

Li Yong also saw the action of Yu Yu, and he suddenly realized that he was exposed.

Li Yong’s place is at least a thousand kilometers away from the meteorite, which is exposed!

It seems that Yu’s knowledge of God can at least sense a thousand kilometers.

Although this is already very large, it is still much smaller than Li Yong’s six thousand kilometers of perception.

Li Yong voiced to Yan Lingfei: "Yan Zongzhu, how much area can your sense of God sense?"

"One thousand kilometers." Yan Lingfei responded.

"When is the peak of your royality, how much area can you sense?" Li Yong asked again.

"The radius is six hundred kilometers." Yan Lingfei responded again.

Only six hundred kilometers, I feel so small! It seems that the strength of Yan Lingfei is really weak, at least weaker than Yu Yu.

Now Yanling Feidu has become a small territory, and it has only caught up with the peak of the royal family.

Li Yong did not ask, and continued to move toward the Rock.

Yu Yu once again looked over. Although he could not see Li Yong, he sensed a military atmosphere, which is much clearer than it was just now. He told him behind him: "There is another person who doesn't know what to live.

Close to us, only the strength of the Holy Land, go, kill the man. ”


Standing in front of Yu Yu, a royal martial artist immediately flew out from the inside and pointed to Li Yong’s direction. He told the sacred martial arts of the surrounding priests: “Go, kill the man.”

"Yes." Four sacred martial arts martial artists immediately flew in the direction of Li Yong.

Only come four, so look down on yourself?

Li Yong did not escape at all, and he stopped there, waiting for the four holy places to kill.

Not long after, they saw Li Yong, who did not ask at all, and slashed it directly with a big knife.

Li Yong had already filled the interpretation of the twenty-five in one with the star liquid. Seeing that they were killed, Li Yong’s thoughts moved, and the release of the shadows flew over. The black light flashed and the release directly pierced one. .

When you fly back, wear one more.

The four warriors of the sacred peaks have already died in the face of Li Yong.

When the release film flew back to Li Yong’s hands, the two suddenly realized the danger and suddenly stopped.

Someone looked back and saw that his companion's chest was pierced, his body was black, and he was already dead.

"how is this possible?"

"He is the peak of the Holy Land, and we are also the peak of the Holy Land..."

Li Yong smiled and flew over: "How is it impossible? The same strength, I can kill you in one stroke."

When the voice landed, the interpretation of Li Yong’s hand was already cut in front of a warrior.

The warrior lifted the big knife and blocked it. The big knife broke off and the release was unstoppable. The man’s head was still cut down. The rest of the people were so scared that they fled and fled.

"Help!" He shouted screaming.

"I want to escape, it's not that easy." Li Yong once again injected the star liquid into the interpretation, and the thoughts moved, and the release of the movie quickly chased him up, directly piercing him from behind the man.

Li Yong felt particularly relaxed when he killed four fighters of the same strength.

It’s just that they have no space magic, and Li Yong has not found valuable treasures in them.

They seem to have only the most expensive knife, and Li Yong can't look at it.

Because the immortal inflammation said that this kind of knife could not enhance the energy of Yaowangshi, he was too lazy to swallow.

In the distance, when Yu Yu felt that all the people sent by him had died, he suddenly took a look at the emperor and shouted: "Waste, all waste, you personally bring people in the past, you can't kill that person, Don't come back."

"Yes." After the imperial conscience of the emperor's great martial arts, he immediately took four emperors, Xiao Chengwu and ten sacred martial artists, and killed them in the place where Li Yong was.

They quickly rushed to the place and saw four cold bodies, floating in the air and Li Yong, has fled in the distance.

One or two, Li Yong can still kill, this time came to fifteen, Li Yong naturally will not die.

In particular, there is also a royal warrior, Li Yong can not be sure to kill in a short time.

"Chasing." The emperor Dachengwu screamed and immediately chased him down with his men.

While running away, Li Yong said to Yan Lingfei: "I was seduce by fifteen people, one emperor is a great man, four emperors are small, ten are holy peaks..."


Can this be called seduce?

Yan Lingfei smiled and immediately killed him with Chen Yi.


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