MTL - Amazing Doctor With Super Vision-Chapter 11 Focus on career

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Li Yong was shocked.

Although he has repeatedly pressed Zhang Yurong on his body in his dreams, he has fancied Zhang Yurong's tenderness and charm many times. However, at this moment, he really does not have such an idea.

Facing Zhang Yurong's delicate gesture and eyes teasing, although Li Yong wanted to taste the taste, he still said: "Zhang Jie, I am now focusing on career and taking career as the most important thing."

Zhang Yurong smiled proudly: "You see, my sister now has this house, and there are hundreds of thousands of deposits. Although it is not rich, it is also a matter of food and clothing. Every day is a well-off life. Looking for a man, that is true. Not difficult. You said, are you?"

Don't say that, after Zhang Yurong said, she really deserves a hot commodity.

However, Li Yong is no longer a poor sling. Since he has got the memory of eighty doctors and the abilities of seeing the eye, there is a good future ahead of him.

"Yes." Li Yong nodded.

"So, someone must hurry!" Zhang Yurong suddenly stood up and patted Li Yong's shoulder and walked out.

Li Yong really wants to hug her from behind, and she is ashamed.

However, he knows that if he does so now, he will be misunderstood by Zhang Yurong. Zhang Yurong may think that he wants to marry her family property and regard him as someone with ulterior motives.

In the future, there is time, and Li Yong is not in a hurry.

Zhang Yurong walked out of the room and looked back, with a few points of loss in his eyes. In such a deep night, the words are so straightforward, Li Yong is not moving indifferently. Is it true that he is really old and has no charm?

However, instead of thinking, she felt that Li Yong was determined to be good, not impulsive, and clear-headed, and was a good boy.

Early the next morning.

Li Yong, who had been practicing for one night, walked out of the room with a clear breath and saw that Zhang Yurong had waited outside.

Today's Zhang Yurong is wearing a light blue plaid waist and short skirt, which shows her chest is particularly full and the waist is also very slender. They are said to be sleek legs wrapped in stockings, and their feet are stepping on the high-heeled shoes. It looks like she is slim, temperamental and extraordinarily beautiful.

Looking far away, Zhang Yurong's body is graceful, **** and fascinating.

"Sister Zhang, you are so charming today." Li Yong praised.

"Hey, my sister is not charming any day?" Zhang Yurong proudly heads his head and looks proud.

When she went to work on the first day, she naturally deliberately dressed up. Not to gain the eye of others, but to respect the work. She hasn't worked for a long time, and she has some nervousness.

"Let's go, Zhang Jie. You said that we are walking together, like not like the old wife and young husband?" Li Yong joked.

"Like you! You look older than me." Zhang Yurong was angry and waved his fist and yelled at Li Yong.

"Is there?" Li Yong touched his face. He just took a photo and found himself whiter than before. He was handsome. He knows that this is the magical effect of practicing the mind.

In fact, in the eyes of Zhang Yurong, Li Yong has indeed changed. It must not become white, handsome, and become more confident. It is just graduated. The under-recognized college students have the charm of mature men.

On the way, the two had a casual breakfast on the side of the road. There was no delay in the time, and then I came to the Lele Clinic in the factory area early.

Seeing that Li Yong took out the key and opened the shutter gate of the clinic, Zhang Yurong really believed it. Li Yong really owned a clinic. Can not help, Zhang Yurong looked at Li Yonggao a few points.

"Xiao Yong, what do I do?" Since I came to work, I have to work. Therefore, when Zhang Yurong came in, he asked.

Before Li Yong’s assignment, he first turned around Zhang Yurong. Zhang Yurong is really beautiful, not only wearing a glamorous, but also temperament. Whether it is walking on the road or going to breakfast, it attracts a lot of people's attention. This made Li Yong really enjoy the feeling of being focused and being focused.

Described in three words, it is ‘cool’!

"Sister Zhang, can you practice medicine?" Li Yong asked.

Being looked at by Li Yong with a strange look, Zhang Yurong put his chest up, and his eyebrows fluttered in the air. His tone was quite arrogant and said: "No."

You won't, still so arrogant?

Of course, Li Yong will not ask this question, but continue to ask: "Sister Zhang, will you get an injection?"

"No." Zhang Yurong said once again.

"Sister Zhang, do you know Chinese herbal medicine?" Li Yong continued to ask.

"I don't know." I found Li Yong's eyes showing a different look. Zhang Yurong looked dark and could not help but sigh. She suddenly found herself really stupid, except for being beautiful, she couldn't do anything.

Although it can be used in many occupations, it is obviously not used in the clinic!

Just as Zhang Yurong lost his heart, Li Yong slaps his hand and rejoices: "It won't be good, it won't be good. From today, you are the attending physician here, and I am your apprentice brother."

Li Yong is of course very happy, because if he finds something, he will not steal his prescription.

Zhang Yurong was confused, patted his head and said: "Xiao Yong, I can't do anything to be an attending physician?"

"Sister Zhang, you can listen to me. Come, please sit. From now on, you are a doctor." Li Yong took Zhang Yurong to the table and sat down, and he sat next to Zhang Yurong.

"Xiao Yong, how much do you give me a month?" Zhang Yurong whispered, although she does not care about money, but since work, always talk about salary.

"This, the basic salary of 5,000, if the performance is good, work diligently, really obedient, there are bonuses." Li Yong had thought about it, and said casually.

"Wow, so much? You won't lie to me!" Zhang Yurong couldn't believe his ears.

Five thousand a month, this is definitely a high salary. Although China's economy has developed rapidly and wages have increased, the average wage is around 3,000 yuan. The monthly salary of 5,000 yuan is really a bit high.

Moreover, there are funds, which makes Zhang Yurong have to think a little more.

After all, she won't do anything.

"Sister Zhang, do you think I will lie to you?" Li Yong asked.

"What do you mean to let me listen to you? Some things I can listen to you, but there are things, I can't listen to you." Zhang Yurong is right.

"Sister Zhang, where do you want to go? Do you think I will let you cook and cook, make a bed, take a fan in the summer, warm the bed in the winter? Do you think I will let you dance in the stockings? You think beautiful Li Yong laughed. Although he really has such an idea in his heart, how can he be a mature and stable man?

"Cut, what do you want me to do?" Zhang Yurong gave Li Yong a glance and gave him 5,000 yuan a month. To be honest, she did not have much opinion. .

"Sit here," Li Yong laughed.

Zhang Yurong really can't understand! Since sitting here, why do you give her so much salary? Such a relaxed job, give her two thousand dollars a month, she is willing to do.

"Xiao Yong, the salary you gave is too high!" Zhang Yurong asked earnestly, she did not want to take advantage of Li Yong's cheap, Li Yong is still young, and there are many places to spend money.

"Not high, not high at all, you are not too small, just do it. You follow me, how can I treat you badly?" Li Yong said, stood up and said: "Sister Zhang, let me go out and see ""

When Li Yong went out, Zhang Yurong wandered around in the clinic. She looked upstairs and looked at the medicine inside the medicine cabinet. She estimated that this facade, together with the furnishings and medicines inside, must be at least 100,000 yuan.

This child who has no father, no mother, no family, where is the money? Did he buy a lottery ticket?

Just when Zhang Yurong was suspicious, Li Yong was looking outside for reasons why no one was willing to see a doctor.

He stood on the side of the road and observed for a while, and saw two gangsters on the side of the road, which would stop everyone who went to the Lele Clinic, who was interested in buying medicines, and threatened to intimidate them.

This makes people who want to go to see a doctor to sell drugs far away.

"Do you want to buy medicine to see a doctor? Roll, don't come here..."

When he heard this, Li Yong was shaking with anger.

I can't think of Wang Hui's use of such a bad way, Li Yong is very angry. When he took out his mobile phone, he recorded the behavior of the two gangsters, and then he called the police.

Not long after, a police car parked on the side of the road and walked down the police from the police. The two policemen were the last two. When they saw Li Yong again, they were very polite.

When I learned that it was Li Yongbao’s policeman and saw the evidence recorded in Li Yong’s mobile phone, the police took the two mixed traffic control and took it away.

The two gangsters were very arrogant and shouted: "Catch the two of us, and the later people. You will wait! Your clinic will not open sooner or later, you will be unlucky..."

After putting the two mixes on the police car, an older policeman said with a strong heart: "Young man, the depth of the society is Don't provoke people who shouldn't be provoked, or else you really can't get along ""

Li Yong nodded, but his heart sneered.

The police maintain the fairness and justice in society. If he really can't get along, is the police not responsible? Besides, no matter who is behind the instigator, he is really not afraid.

Back in the clinic again, Li Yong moved a table and sat next to Zhang Yurong.

Not to mention, Li Yong’s mood is really good when he is sitting around like Zhang Yurong. He doesn't care what he is. Just turning around and seeing the beauty of Zhang Yurong, he is content.

"Xiao Yong, don't always look at the old lady." Zhang Yurong was unnaturally seen by Li Yong, pretending to be angry.

"I am looking at what you can do." Li Yong said seriously.

"You have a problem." Zhang Yurong is really angry.

Li Yong smiled and regained his gaze. However, he knew that when he did not look at Zhang Yurong, Zhang Yurong was watching him secretly.

Not long after, someone came to see the doctor.

The younger woman is a middle-aged woman who can't walk straight. Li Yong takes a look and knows that she has a lumbar muscle strain. This is a common symptom of middle-aged and elderly people. Caused by too much fatigue. Li Yong’s mind immediately showed a prescription, which is the cure for this symptom.

However, middle-aged women looked at Li Yong. Obviously Li Yong was too young, she did not believe it.

"Excuse me, who is a doctor here?" asked the middle-aged woman.

If Li Yong said that he was a doctor, this middle-aged woman obviously would not believe it. So, he pointed to Zhang Yurong, who was sitting in a daze, and smiled: "She."

Middle-aged women look at Zhang Yurong and they don't believe it. Because Zhang Yurong is too young, and the doctor industry is generally older and more qualified.

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