MTL - Almighty Student-v9 Chapter 12365 Great Phagocytosis

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been scolded.

One of the two gods.

From small to large.

They are all beings that are admired, and he can control the life and death of others with just one word, but now, there are people who dare to scold the gods.

This is something that everyone was not expecting!

"Oops!!" The God of Galaxy heard Xia Xia's words and felt bad.

Their existence at this level is very good-faced. Now Xia Xia has directly scolded the gods. No matter how good the gods are, this matter cannot be good. This time, the gods are bound to be very angry.

And this level of anger.

It's not so easy to bear: "Everyone backs up!!"

Hear the words of the God of the Galaxy.

There was no hesitation in the crowd, and they all understood that there would definitely be some terrifying scene in the future.

"It seems that I succeeded in angering him!!!" Xia Xia also understood that he was in trouble.

But he didn't regret it. Anyway, the two sides will have such a collision sooner or later. If it comes late, it is better to come earlier, so that unexpected situations can occur earlier.

"Silly brother, step back!!!" The God of the Galaxy was obviously planning to fight against the gods. Although the gods were also very powerful, she was not that easy to mess with.

Although the battle for the divine position has not been long, and the consumption is too high now, it will lead to the failure of the subsequent contest for the divine position, but for her brother, she can not care about anything.

Do not!

"Sister, I can catch it!!" Summer had already seen it.

At this time, the God of Galaxy is trying to amplify the rhythm of his moves.

"The next thing he is going to release is a high-level magical skill, which is completely different from those released by your spirits. This kind of ability can kill all enemies within the range, including spirits!!!" The God of Galaxy explained road.

"What is the maximum power?" Xia Tian asked.

"I don't know, but what he is going to release is an area attack. It is estimated that the greatest power is to kill the ninth-level spirit!!!" The God of Galaxy reminded.

range attack.

That power will naturally decrease.

If it is a single attack, the power is definitely greater.

"Nine-level spirit!!!" Xia Tian nodded slightly: "Sister, leave it to me!!"

Hearing Xia Xia's words, the God of Galaxy didn't say anything else. She knew her younger brother. If Xia Xia didn't have that ability, he would never have rashly acted. Since Xia Xia reassured her, she naturally didn't have to worry about it.

"Hongfeng, prepare to launch an attack for me, sneak attack on those around me, directly use all kinds of big moves, the one that consumes the most, remember, the higher the consumption, the better!!!" Xia Xia reminded.

"Yes!!!" The red phoenix waited in earnest.

"Tianhan sword, golden sword ready, you must help me to release the power in my body in a while, I don't care what kind of attack you unleash, and no matter how lethal you are, but you must release the power to me, the more you release. The better!!!" Summer ordered again!

"It's the master!!!"

Tianhan sword and golden knife have also been prepared.

No one knows what to do in summer.

But one thing is for sure.

The next thing to do in the summer must be very anti-sky.

Because this is equivalent to one-on-one with the gods.

It's no different from dying.

"A little human, actually trying to single out Lord God, I think he has really lived enough, we can just watch a good show!!"

"He provokes Lord Tianshen one after another, and Lord Tianshen will definitely leave no scum in his face."

"It's just a clown. Everyone can watch the show. Even the God of the Galaxy can't save him."

The masters of the ancient gods were also very disdainful. When they were watching the summer, they all seemed to be watching a dead man.


The body of the gods disappeared and turned into a thousand miles of blue clouds.

Among the blue clouds.

Hide endless murder.

"Boy, do you want to carry my high-level magical skills, God's punishment?" God said with great disdain.

At this time, the following summer closed his eyes.

The King of the Realm! ! !

Great phagocytosis.

A vast field appeared, as if it wanted to devour the world.

This is another ability that Xia Xia obtained after the breakthrough of the Realm King Jue, an ability that is powerful to the limit.

The ability to devour everything.

"Boy, I'll show you, what is an advanced skill, what is the ability to slaughter spirits!!!" After the voice of the gods fell, layers of water vapor began to condense in the sky. Transformed into short blades, these short blades are the kind of attacks he used before, extremely powerful attacks.

Can instantly control any master.


wide range.

But the target is the same person, it is the middle summer, and the previous summer almost died under such ability.

But this time it was single.

It's different now, it's a mass attack.

The power is not as strong as a single attack.

This trick just looks bigger and more scary.


What troubles Xia the most here is the power of time, that is to say, he must solve this problem first.


He also learned some of the power of time.

In other words, he needs to reverse the time in advance, so that he can change the opponent's time attack trajectory! !

The other party is changing the time backwards, so that the time passes faster, then he reverses the time forward in advance, so that the other party's attack cannot cause any damage to him.


The light falls.

The short blade pierced directly into the summer.


Everyone saw that the short blade disappeared the moment it fell.

"What's the situation?" Everyone looked at each other.

They have all seen the power of that short blade. This is also a high-level magical skill. Under such circumstances, Xia Xia was able to completely disappear the opponent's attack, which made everyone very puzzled.

But they didn't wait for them to be too surprised.


They felt a strong attack coming.


The attacks of the red phoenix, the Tianhan sword and the golden sword began to appear crazily, and they appeared in the teams of those ancient gods.

For this sudden attack, they were also unexpected.

"Kill!!" The God of Galaxy saw such a thing and seized this opportunity.

Originally, the number of people on their side was not as large as the other party's temporarily. After all, this is the other party's base camp, and the other party is still gathering people. She was temporarily gathering people, but now with Xia Xia's attack assistance, they are here. On the contrary, there are advantages to appear.

"What's the situation?" Tian Shen frowned.

He never dreamed of it.

His high-level magical skills are about to be destroyed like this.

at this time.

He glanced at his left hand: "Don't tell me, to deal with a small ant, do I have to use my immature super magic skills?"