MTL - Almighty Student-v9 Chapter 12321 ghost reappearance

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Can't stop it?

Chang Shengling and the others could only keep shaking their heads. They also understood that Xia Xia must have tried their best, and it was a miracle to be able to block so many times.

Although let the other party escape.

It will leave them a great calamity.

But they also understand.

This is impossible.

"To be able to achieve this level is really invincible. Although it is a pity to let the other party escape, Mr. Xia is really invincible."

"There is summer, so what if they escape? We can kill them in the future, but let them live for a while longer."

"No, look, the space battleship is not moving forward, but backward!!"

Just when everyone sighed, they suddenly discovered that the space battleship did not rush out, but seemed to be pulled back by a huge force.

【Promise, attract! ! 】

Summer is at the back of the universe.

In this way, the space battleship was pulled back.

"What?" Emperor Gu looked at the space-time crack in front of him closing little by little, and his heart was full of despair.

"Sir, no, the energy shield is only strong enough to hit the space crack once. If it is blocked again this time, we won't be able to hit the space crack!!" A subordinate reported.

"How could this happen!!" Emperor Bone didn't know how to describe his mood now.

His ability to be regarded as a hole card has become like this now, and it was stopped by Xia Xia.

"No, I'm Chong, no matter what means he uses, it should be almost the same. He must not have so many abilities to use next." Emperor Gu believes that it is impossible for Xia Xia to block the impact of the space battleship again. Yes, then they must be able to escape from here.


The subordinates also drove the space battleship, and rammed into the space crack again.

But this time.

The energy shield on the space battleship disappeared.

"Disappeared, everyone attacked!!" The moment everyone saw the energy shield disappear, they also understood that Xia Xia did it.

He really broke the defense on the surface of the space battleship.

However, the defensive power of the space battleship itself is also very powerful.

Not that their attacks can be shattered in an instant.

Seeing that the space battleship is about to rush into the crack of time and space again.

Summer once again stood in front of the space battleship.

"Are you still coming?" When everyone saw Xia Xia coming forward again, they were also surprised. They all understood that Xia Xia should really have no means now, or he would not have gone to the back of the space battleship just now.

But now, he is still standing there.

Does he want to rely on his own flesh and blood to block the space battleship?

Think about it here.

Everyone looked puzzled.

They all wanted to see what the summer was all about.


Summer sighed.

"You're fighting for your life. You have already used all the means you can use now. Your other strength is not enough to withstand such an attack. If you are hit directly, you are likely to be directly killed. "Xian Xuanwu reminded.

The impact of the space battleship is shattering.

Such a terrifying impact is equivalent to the full impact of fifty spirits on one point.

And it's a shock.

Even if everyone in the alliance were to block together with such a great force, it would still be unstoppable.

Because the strength of these people in the alliance is impossible to hit at the same point, otherwise they will be the first to break the space, and they will simply escape.

"Life is all about challenges. Since it's already here, we have to face it properly." A slight smile appeared on Xia Xia's face.

His feet hit the ground hard.

at the same time.

Blood-red power erupted from his body, and his eyes changed from ice blue to blood-red, and the whole thing flew.

The whole person seems to have fallen into a state of enchantment.

"This is" Xian Xuanwu widened his eyes, looking at Xia Xia's current state, he actually had a feeling of fear.

To know.

He has been with Xia Xia for so long, only the little bug has made him feel fear.

But that fear compares to what summer looks like now.

It doesn't seem to matter anymore.

A phantom appeared behind Xia Xia.

when this phantom appears.

All the spirits of the alliance lowered their heads and dared not look directly. They even felt like they wanted to worship, as if they had seen the supreme God of Creation.

"What kind of power is this, why can't I raise my head no matter how much I control it."

"It's the same with me. I even need to stand up, or I'll be on my knees."

"I can't control my physical instincts and my heart. I haven't felt this way for many years."

Those spirits now feel that they have returned to the times when they were bullied as children.

The feeling that arises when you see those powerful beings.


Xia Xia's hands were on the top of the space battleship.

It was caught so hard.


An incredible scene appeared.

His hands were actually pulling outwards.

The muscles on his body seemed to explode at this moment.

The power of eternity spread to Xia Xia's whole body.

that's it.

Summer abruptly tore apart the space battleship.

It's as simple as tearing a piece of bread.

Everyone in the space battleship is also stunned. They seem to be dreaming. In their eyes, the space battleship is the most solid thing. It is indestructible, but now the space battleship is being torn apart by Xia Xia. .

They couldn't even imagine what was going on.

Why summer can do this.

"Kill!" After Changshengling reacted, he also hurriedly shouted.

And over there in summer.

The phantom behind him disappeared, and his body took a step back, almost falling.

But in the end.

His body returned to normal.

The body is also recovering rapidly.

"Summer, you just now"

"It's my trump card, but I can hardly use it at ordinary times. When I faced the space battleship just now, an infinite fighting spirit rose in my heart. I couldn't control this kind of fighting spirit myself. At that time, my instinct was to Thinking of going against the space battleship, not getting out of the way, so I shot!!" Xia Xia explained.

"This kind of power is too much against the sky!!" Xian Xuanwu thought he was strong enough before.

If it is not for the level of the insect emperor, if you fly freely in the universe, that is an invincible existence.

But the power just now made him feel like a reptile.

"The battle has come to an end!!" Xia Xia looked at the emperor bone in front of him.