MTL - Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)-Chapter 1172 explore

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Jiang Huan tried to lift the dirty tripod and wanted to see if it could be used as a weapon.

Obviously it is not.

This tripod is very tall, about one meter and five meters, and it is the kind of camera bracket, so it is very heavy, it is more difficult to squat, let alone pick up the weapon.

And after such a long period of wind and rain, the three legs of this thing have been rusted, and it is an idiot to dream of trying to remove it.

Qin Guan studied the van again and it seems to have been hit by the wind and rain. Some of the sundries in the car and the tripod outside the car all hinted at one thing, that is, after the people in the car entered, they never came out again.

Assuming these people are out, even if they are taking another exit, they must definitely drive the car back. But now the car is thrown away here and abandoned, everything keeps the state of those people leaving, the incident itself is very strange.

"A normal person finds that this situation should be returned early and then alarmed? But as a player, he still has to go ahead."

Jiang Huan silently spit, obviously this is just an opening, it is already madly suggesting the next fate of the protagonist, but it is impossible to retreat, which makes people very painful.

There was a gap in the iron fence in front. Jiang Huan drilled through the gap and walked forward with the weeds on the knees. After seven turns and eight turns, he came to a special "door".

Many rotten cows were tied by ropes and became a strange sun totem shape. There is also a bull skull in the center, which looks like an evil ritual.

Just approaching this place, Jiang Huan smelled a stench. Although the taste system of the matrix game compartment was weakened, it was still disgusting.

Jiang Huan moved to breathe, squatted down and drilled, and waved away the flies around.

"More and more."

Going forward, there is a pile of burnt garbage in front, and there is a half-burning women's bag that stands out.

Jiang Huan took the bag and found that there was a driver's license from Mia and some broken clothes.

These broken clothes all have a stinky smell, and they are ragged. Only this driver's license is worth a little, which proves that Mia should indeed be on this farm.

Going on, I finally came to the backyard of the house.

This should be the residence of the farmer, but there is no sign of human habitation at all, and all of them have been ruined. There are swings and benches in the backyard, but the paint on the top has been completely peeled off, showing a grayish white. Crazy vines crawled over the house, and pieces of wood nailed to the house to tinker, seemingly unmovable.

"It’s definitely not a normal person to live here. I feel like I have to find a guy to defend myself."

"This male protagonist is also true. You were born in the lighthouse country. Shouldn’t the gun be a natural human right? You can’t do it without a gun. Isn’t it too much to take a capital?”

Jiang Huan spoke in the vicinity while looking for something to use as a weapon.

Although Jiang Huan played this sub-era vr game is not much, but still understand a lot of game features.

Now the new era of vr games are pursuing the perfect combination of "degree of freedom and storytelling", and the choices players can make are more and more.

Like previous games, limited by hardware performance and technology, in order to allow players to experience the most extreme experience, the process is often fixed, such as "Uncharted Waters" and "Apocalyptic Day."

But with the development of vr technology in the next era, these new games encourage players to play in a variety of different ways, instead of sticking to the officially set line.

For example, you can make weapons in your game through your own ingenuity, such as dismantling a broken stool and using it to blame. The various props in the scene are no longer pure scenery, but can also be used for waste.

As a result, Jiang Huan found a circle in the yard and really couldn't find anything that could be used as a weapon.

It may be that the wooden boards on the wall of the house can be taken down and used for waste. However, after so long winds, rain, and insects have decayed, the hardness is not so good. It is better to meet ordinary people. The fists of the fists, the small wooden board that meets the metamorphosis of the monster can only play some funny effects.

"The road is a foot high, and the devil is a bit tall. It seems that Serent has no intention of letting the player get anything that can be used to fight in this yard. Then go ahead."

Jiang Huan entered the house and the surrounding area soon became dark.

Most of the windows have been sealed by wooden boards, and only a little bit of sunlight has come in, and the sky is not seen in an instant. Fortunately, the actor has a "nuclear flashlight" that is necessary for the horror game, so it is not going to move forward.

When he came to a place similar to a restaurant, Jiang Huan was once again hit by three sights of sight, touch and smell.

There was a sticky thing in the pot on the table, and the inside of the large intestine and internal organs were faintly visible, and it was covered with an oversized cockroach. Just as soon as the lid was opened, this disgusting smell directly smothered Jiang Huan, and many of them ran down his hand. This horrible touch made Jiang Huan directly throw the lid One side, then desperately smashed the hand and smashed the worm.

After calming down, Jiang Huan took the lid on his hand and considered it to be metal. He could barely be a shield.

There was a rotten food in the microwave and in the refrigerator. The three strange smells mixed together made the house a little bit too boring. Jiang Huan searched the house for something hidden in the house and went to the second floor.

Here, Jiang Huan found a videotape and a button, but it didn't respond after pressing it.

There are a lot of doors in the house that can't be opened. Jiang Huan is very desperate to play with his life. As a result, his feet are numb and he has not opened the door. People can't help wondering if the back is blocked by any heavy objects, or It is the strength of the protagonist that is too small to be opened.

Continue to walk inside the house and come to a living room.

There is a TV and a video recorder in the living room, which is obviously used to play the video.

Jiang Huan still used the previous habit to search the entire living room before he put the video tape into the video recorder.

In fact, once he found out that there was a strange lever in the fireplace, Jiang Huan still used every prop to make the best use of his props. Because his goal is not to miss any key information, rather than boring the story.

Soon, there was an image on the TV, and it turned out to be the person in the van.

It seems that this is a dead trio, just to record a show of the haunted house, the result will stay here forever.

Read The Girl Who Reincarnated as a Vampire Heiress