MTL - Almighty Game Designer (Almighty Video Game Designer)-Chapter 1148 The Fall of the Lich King (two more)

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Master Fording is also an old acquaintance of the players.

The legendary paladin was exiled by his motherland because of his friendship with an orc warrior. When talking to his son Tyran, he said the widely quoted saying: "Race does not Representing honor, people should not make rash judgments about their own existence."

Old Fording lived in the plague, relying on those eating rot, he saw his son Tyran joined the Scarlet Crusade, and gradually lost himself, hoping to use some souvenirs to awaken the already degraded son, let him Rekindle the will of the paladin.

When the players took the toy warhammer, the glory flag of the silver hand, the painting of love and family to Tyran, the big lord of the Scarlet Crusade read Ford's personal letter and burst into tears.

However, on the way to leave, Tyran was killed by Ethan Lien, and the power of the Holy Light, which was lost by the Eitrigg incident, was completely restored. He vowed to bring new to Lordaeron. order.

In the Battle of the Light's Hope Chapel, the Lich King ordered the death lord lord Dalyan Mograine to lead the Acherus Death Knights and the Scourge to attack the chapel, in an attempt to obtain the Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity under the chapel. The remains are transformed into undead forces.

In times of crisis, Darian threw the fallen Ashbringer in the hands of Fording, and with the help of the Holy Spirit of the Holy Trinity under the chapel, Verdin purified the fallen weapon with the power of the Holy Light, the legendary weapon Ashbringer Reborn.

At this point, the silver hand and the silver dawn merged into one, the establishment of the silver Northern Expeditionary Army, Fording became the big lord, but also became the real leader of the crusade of the Lich King.

In the cold winds of Northrend, the players and the Northern Crusades fought together, starting from the keel wilderness, the players recalled the whole process of the fall of Arthas, participated in the trial of the Crusaders, and finally judged by the assault Into the ice crown fortress, all the way to the thorns, and finally came to the Lich King.

Grass snake gray line, a thousand miles.

A battle with the peak of the Lich King began as early as ten years ago. The clues throughout the "Warcraft" and "World of Warcraft" are always, and the heroes are finally on the ice throne, the most intense collision. spark.


"Warriors, offense"

The great lord Tirion Fording waved the ashes and rushed up, but the next second, he was frozen in the ice tomb by the Lich King.

For this scene, Zou Zhuo has been eccentric, and has opened countless times for the Lich King, and Old Fording has been frozen for countless times.

Players began to skillfully follow the established strategy to start the battle with the Lich King.

Although it has undergone numerous tempering of team copies, it still requires a long history of land reclamation and unremitting efforts to defeat the powerful Lich King.

25 people are doing their tasks in an orderly manner, the tank concentrates on the mobs that are about to be refreshed, and outputs the career in the mind to recite the output loop as much as possible to hit a higher second injury. The treatment profession pays attention to the whole group's blood line and the teammates. Various debuffs.

"Death, run to the beast and prepare to disperse!"

"Parasitic! Precepts to prepare a shield!"

"Turning the stage! Leaving the central area, everyone has to hurry to find their own position, mirror the brush, and pull away!"

“The station is slightly scattered, reducing the damage that is afflicted... hurry up and get rid of the ice hockey, don’t let it get close!”

"The third stage, ready to play Walch! Grab the person, first save the Master! Give control, ok, turn the fire!"

"There is still three seconds of black water! Fast, scattered and scattered, the black-and-white water rocket shoes sprint, very nie, can come together."

"Be careful with the soul harvesting, immediately change the sarcasm! Open the skill hard top, treat the skills, give me milk!"

"Okay, the fourth stage is very smooth, ready to enter the fifth stage, speed priority to deal with the evil soul! Dk open the army, the Cavaliers open invincible to knock me off!"

"The whole blood line is taking time to lift it up! Melee continues to grab the output!"

"The final stage, I don't care, just dry the boss! I don't care, I will output the boss!"

"Over, beautiful!"

The players are still desperately exporting, but it is already a laugh.

"Too, it's awesome"

"Wow, it's not easy! Our guild finally killed the Lich King!"

"Ha ha ha ha, too strong!"

However, at this time, the Lich King raised Frostmourne and killed the whole group.

A few players have a slap in the face: "What is the situation with the trough? Is the group gone?"

The commander explained: "No, this is a normal plot, just watching the show."

The Lich King came to the center of the Ice Throne: "You trained them very well, Fording, you sent the most powerful warriors in the world to me. This is what I want! Your silent sacrifice. , I will get my praise!"

The power of Frostmourne began to erode the body of every player: "Go and see it, I will change them from the corpse to the warrior of the Scourge. Azeroth will fall into chaos and destroy in their hands! And you will It is the first body!"

"I will enjoy this irony!"

However, at this moment, Fording, who was trapped in the tomb of the ice, suddenly shouted: "The supreme light! Please bless me! Give me strength and help me break through these shackles!"

Ford suddenly burst into the power of infinite light, and instantly broke the tomb of the ice, and the ashes in his hand directly cut off Frostmourne!

The Lich King looked at the broken Frostmourne in his hand: "This...nothing..."

The great lord Tirion Fordring shouted: "It's over, Arthas! The days of your maiming are over today!"

Terenas Menethil shouted: "Finally free! End, my son, the time for liquidation is coming! The warriors of the Light, gather together!"

The players stood up again and launched the final attack against the Lich King. The Lich King who lost Frostmourne was fragile under the encirclement of countless souls.

The Lich King shouted in pain: "I am like a lion in front of the flock, but they are not afraid of me!"

At the moment when the Lich King fell, two huge achievement panels popped up in everyone's view:

[Ice Block (25 people)]!

[The fall of the demon king (25 people)]!

At the same time, the guild channel also popped up a row of achievements to complete the brush screen, and other guild members also sent congratulations.

"Wow! Kill the Lich King? It’s awesome!"

"It’s amazing, it’s been a long time since the land reclamation took place!”

Arthas fell to the ground, his helmet rolled aside, and the broken Frostmourne lost power.

The familiar melody sounded, it was a mournful dirge.

Arthas desperately wanted to get up, but everything was in vain. The soul of the old King Terenas came to him, and the blue light in the eyes of Arthas gradually dispersed...

"Father, everything... is it over?" Arthas asked as he looked at his father's soul.

The old king said calmly: "The kingship is not eternal, my son."

Arthas’s eyes are full of confusion and despair: “My eyes are only... a dark...”

The old king Terenas made a pair of eyes for Arthas, and then said to Fording: "Without the control of the Lich King, the Scourge will be even more mad and unstoppable. It is necessary to maintain control over them, so There must be one, the Lich King..."

Looking at the soul of the old king's dissipating, Fording picked up the Lich King's helmet on the ground.

"This heavy burden is for me to come... no one is more than me..."

Just then, a voice shouted: "Tirion! You are holding a cruel fate, but that is not yours!"

Verdin turned back in error, and he found that the Duke of Bourvar, who had been tortured by the Lich King, had become unrecognizable. The fire of the dragon was burning his body constantly, but he was still alive.

"The world of the living has disgusted me, putting the crown on my head, this curse will be guarded by me!"

"Tirion! You and these heroes, and their own destiny, and this last mission will be done by me!"

Fuding looks complicated: "History will always remember you, brother."

The Duke of Bourvar shook his head: "No! If the world wants to be born again in destruction, everything that happens today must be forgotten!"

Verdin's face was full of pain, wearing the crown of the Lich King on the head of the Duke of Bourvar.

The frost rose and the Duke of Bourvar was frozen in the tomb of the ice.

"Tell them, the Lich King is dead! Bova Vertagan and them are all gone!"

"Go, leave here, never come back!"