MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3241 Summit

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"Hey, I can't help but call the jade emperor next to me."

"No, I am not telling the truth. This is not what they deserve. Just like a country that cannot protect its own people should be destroyed. This distorted world should also be destroyed." Li Huailin said.

"It turns out that, is that true?" The opposite "Li Huailin" also nodded. "So I said that the judgment I made was correct."

"Hey, hello." Summon Jade Emperor said a little anxiously. "Although you said something a bit reasonable, we should avoid this happening, instead of really destroying the world. Let me talk about it again. Responsible, if you are not grinding the foreign workers there, the new order will not be implemented, and they will not come up with so many new tricks."

Summoning the Jade Emperor is obviously very dissatisfied with the new human rights law to be implemented in this new zheng government. If this happens, the zheng government will be destroyed and no one will pity it. However, it is obvious that the call of the Jade Emperor is not to destroy it, but to prevent this from happening.

"How do you say this on your side?" Li Huailin directly looked at the king of the gods. It is still not clear what the king of God is. If the king of the gods is a person from the zheng government, he knows that the inside story is only to deal with Li Huailin. Of course, I still have to play with the other side, but from the previous dialogue, Li Huailin felt that the other party might not know what the plan of Zhengfang was, that is to say, although the other party came back to stop Li Huailin from destroying the world, he did not know. The reason for destroying the world, now I hear this reason. I don’t know what the other party is going to be. Li Huailin certainly has to continue to ask.

"Is this true?" The king of the king here also turned directly to the "Li Huailin" over there. It seems that the other party really does not know what it is like. "Really, I don't trust." what you said."

"This is the case. Otherwise, I am too lazy to destroy the world. I am not a deep well." The "Li Huailin" spreader here said.

Li Huailin also believes that this "Li Huailin" said that at least the other party's words should not be arbitrarily compiled, instead of deep well ice, this point also answers Li Huailin's doubts, so Li Huailin still believes what he said.

The scene was a little silent. Everyone was waiting for the response from the king of the king. If it was unsuccessful, it was obvious that the battle would continue. However, when the king of the king is now in this situation, the other party is also very entangled.

"If you are telling the truth, I am willing to leave now." A little, the king of the king said, "If you leave, you may not be able to return to this side next time, so I must confirm what you said. It’s all true.”

The king’s statement may be to go back, that is, to go back to his own timeline, but if he goes back, it may not be possible to come back next time, and even if he comes back, it is estimated that he will not be able to catch up with Li Huailin. Things are gone, so the other side is still very normal.

"You still have to go." Suddenly someone talked here, and the person who spoke still summoned the Jade Emperor. "Since you can go back, maybe you have time to stop this happening, just because you can cooperate." Maybe it will make this thing not so bad."

"Since you can go back, then you still go back, otherwise what do you want to do?" Li Huailin also said, "Even if you change history here and stop me, but the situation there is still not changed. Now that you know why this is happening, just the culprit is here, and you will go back and discuss with him whether you can stop it."

After talking about Li Huailin, he also turned to another "Li Huailin" and said: "I am troubled by the plan that you are slower to implement. Let's take a look at this guy and see if you can avoid it. If you can't avoid it, you will ruin the world." ”

"Is it so troublesome?" "Li Huailin" here touched his head.

"I have found out that I am really annoying." Li Huailin helped the forehead, and the next call to the Jade Emperor was also looking at Li Huailin with a look of "you know."

"Understood." Soon, "Li Huailin" here also spread his hands and then looked at the king of the king. "How do you say? Go back with me?"

"If you are willing to give me time, I am willing to believe in you." Shen Wang thought and said, "Give me a month to stop the attack, I tried to stop the implementation of this law."

"The key is not a legal issue." "Li Huailin" here also said, "The key is that this group of people... is really rotten in the roots. Just blocking this legal provision, I don’t think it can solve any problems. So this judgment will be made."

"I understand." The king of the king nodded. "But I hope that you can give another chance."

"Well... what do you think?" "Li Huailin" here also looked at Li Huailin and asked him if he asked him.

"Ghosts know." Li Huailin spread his hand. "I am not very familiar with the situation on your side, but I thought about it. Anyway, I have enough force, and the other side can't turn any waves. In this case, I have nothing to observe. Let's have a problem."

"Judge, it is just like me." "Li Huailin" here also nodded. "Forget it, let's go."

After that, the "Li Huailin" here also went directly to the front of the king of the gods, and then suddenly reached out and directly inserted into the chest of the king of the king, the body of the king of the gods began to darken in an instant, and then quickly became a The little black light disappeared into place. In the process, the king of God did not struggle like this, and on the other side, the body of this "Li Huailin" began to slowly disappear, so it seems that the two should go directly back.

"Right, I wish you a happy wedding." Before the "Li Huailin" disappeared, he suddenly turned his head and said to Li Huailin and summoned the Jade Emperor. "Although it was early..."

“Hey?” Li Huailin said directly. “I’m not waiting for you. Why use the word ‘we’. It’s a ghost early, I’m getting married next week.”

Although Li Huailin shouted, it was useless. The "Li Huailin" here said that it disappeared directly.

"In short, still deal with the problem here." The remaining two were slightly silent for a while, then Li Huailin volunteered.

Yes, now the king of God has gone, and the remaining problem is the follow-up tail. The first is the problem of fighting, but this is actually not a big problem. At present, the rest of the people brought by the King of God is the troubled ancient **** Yang Deta Dengge and several remaining Salvation Army people. It is. On the side of the Protoss, because Li Huailin had just regained the relationship with the temple, they are now lying on the ground, not a fighting force.

The presence of Li Huailin here made the people of these Salvation Army almost lost their fighting power. Yes, Li Huailin appeared. On the other hand, he said that the **** king... lost. The gods are their beliefs, and now the faith has fallen. They still have the motivation to fight. They don’t use Li Huailin’s shots. They themselves give up on their own.

The only trouble is this Yang Deta Deng, this is really trouble, Li Huailin does not know what the purpose of the other side of the battle is, anyway, the king of God is gone, the other side did not stop the attack. This guy is also really powerful. At this time, the other side is surrounded by a lot of hand brothers. There are big and small, they are besieging it. However, the other party is not able to attack for a long time. It is really resistant.

But after all, Li Huailin came back. Under the operation of Li Huailin, a lot of black hands directly put Yang Deta Deng's goods firmly in the air. With the help of a large number of brothers, they successfully threw them into the dead. Inside the gate, as for the inside of Yang Deta Dengge, Li Hualin did not know.

Then the battle was over, and soon, Blaines returned, and the remaining members of the Salvation Army, who seemed to be mad, solved it a little and ended the battle. As a result of the battle, Li Huailin and the king of the gods almost died, but Li Huailin finally won the victory, and although the damage on the temple side was super serious, at least it was saved, so thank God King. Here, I helped stop it, otherwise the temple has already flown into the gates of the dead.

As soon as we handle the follow-up, the result of the vote will come out soon. The result of the vote is of course the same as that of Li Huailin. Without the interference of the gods, the number of votes is also relatively fast. After all, he and the king of the game are equally divided, but Li Huailin is dominant on the npc side, so by the time of the evening, Li Huailin saw that his votes were also stopped at the key point of 50%, so long as it rises again. 1% is more than half, and the number of votes against this time is only 27%, obviously it is impossible to catch up.

Of course, the speed of voting now is getting slower and slower. It is much slower than Li Huailin’s prediction. After all, 77% of the people have already voted, and the rest are not yet online, or It is also that the notification is not received in a short time. According to Li Huailin's estimate, many people will automatically abandon the vote, and the final number of voters will not exceed 80%.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Li Huailin received a notice from the system.

System Tip: The “small skirt method” that you applied for has been supported by more than half of the people, and the bill passed.

As the sound of the system sounded, there was a multicolored light in the sky, and these rays quickly came to Li Huailin's body. Li Huailin felt the light flash, and then he was sent to a strange place.

In front of Li Huailin, it seems to be a round altar, but the strange thing is that this altar has a strange combination of ancient and technological. Although it is an altar, it looks full of science and technology, which is rather strange. And above the altar, Li Huailin saw a huge multicolored sphere.

"Congratulations on passing the test, you will become a choice." Just as Li Huailin observes the other side, the voice here is also remembered. "Be a place to choose people, you have the right to be supreme, but you also have to shoulder heavy responsibilities. Are you ready?"

"I said that you have no letter?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say, before coming in, Li Huailin once again discussed with the summoned Jade Emperor to see if he wanted to summon the Jade Emperor to do this position. However, it is possible to directly cancel another law that is not suitable, let yourself take the initiative to fail, and then give the position to the summoned Jade Emperor again. This is also possible, but the summoning Jade Emperor still does not want to be this, Li Huailin also No way, I can only come by myself.

This light ball does not seem to care about the unprepared things that Li Huailin said. He continued: "Do you listen to the rights and work process of the selection?"

Of course, Li Huailin can only listen, but the situation introduced is quite similar to what I have learned before. The choice of a person's position is actually a position of legislative power. The important right is to propose a new law. As for the passage of this law, this is different from the previous vote, and the laws that have been formulated after the selection of people are not required to pass. Another right is to file a law enforcement request, which is then executed by the law enforcement agency and then by the robot.

"So you are my assistant?" Li Huailin said of the colorful ball on his head. "It is the main system of this server."

"Yes, you can call me that." The ball of light here also replied.

"That said, if I let you copy my memory, and then create a personality similar to me, and then let this personality help me implement these laws, can it work?" Li Huailin also asked.

The light ball here was slightly silent. After a minute of appearance, the other party replied: "The method you said can theoretically be implemented. However, at present I can't read your memory, and your behavior pattern. It takes a lot of observations and summaries to determine."

"Sure enough, can you do this?" Li Huailin nodded. It seems that the "Li Huailin" before is also true, but now this time line, because he is homemade helmet, it can not read the memory, it seems From this moment on, history will change.

"It's really troublesome. Is it really necessary for me to deal with things in the future?" Li Huailin thought a little bit, thinking that if he handled it himself, he really couldn't stand it, so he still had to think of a solution. . However, if you think about it, since the person who created this artificial intelligence is so hoisted, why not use artificial intelligence to form the law yourself, but you must let the real person choose the person, but it may also be related to some things, so I still give up this way, although the guy who was born is really like myself, but at least that future is not good.

"Or, look for other people to discuss it." Li Huailin said.

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