MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3229 opposition

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Before Li Huailin remembered that Iofam said that he would not kill those protoss for a while, and then seal them first and let them suffer. Li Huailin felt that he had snatched the temple. If the other party lost his power, it seems that it has nothing to do with it. So I didn't do it either. But now the problem is that Iofam is dead. What about the Protoss? In theory, Iofam is dead, and her seal is certainly not there. That is to say, is this Protos free? Then the king of God found their words, as long as they can recapture the temple and then hand over the authority of the temple to them, they seem to be able to rise again.

Speaking of this group of protoss, their influence is certainly there. On the mainland where Li Huailin is located, there have been many cases of Li Huailing's demolition of the temple. So now the religion of this continent is also very chaotic, but even so, there are still many people who believe in the gods. There is no way to change them immediately. What is even more troublesome is the situation of several other continents. On those mainlandes, although Li Huailin said that he has ruled the rule, but the religion is basically no control, and there is no air control. Especially for the newly-received continents, those continents are basically the world of the Protoss. They worship the original gods. Even if these gods are not there, they will worship again.

Obviously this is the plan of the king of God, not only for the players here, but also for the p, really let the other side succeed, Li Huailin is in trouble. Then the question is how to deal with it.

First of all, on the side of the temple, it must be impossible for the king of God to **** it. The king of God is very clever. The other party knows that killing Li Huailin will be resurrected at the point of rebirth. This is useless, but the purpose of the other party is to rob the temple. The goal should be the core of the temple. This is not useless. That Li Huailin’s response is only to stop the king of God. It seems that he still has to be attached to the front of the god.

The question is what the player is doing here. The false information of the King of God has made many players believe. The people who voted against it have increased so much at once. This is not good. However, Li Huailin couldn't find any good way for a while, how can I reverse this wind review?

"Brians, what skills are used by the king of the gods, is this not a divine skill?" Li Huailin asked at the distant king. Yes, the king of God now has an advantage. This is mainly because the other party has a problem with the right to speak. The other party can talk to people all over the world, but the problem is that Li Huailin can't. Isn't this the other person saying it? Li Huailin said that if he flickered, he wouldn't be afraid of himself, but he couldn't say anything. When he thought about it, he asked Brians next to him to see if he knew what skills the king used.

"It’s like illusion skills," said Blaines. "It’s not a very difficult skill. If you use divine power, you should achieve similar results."

"Not a difficult skill, would you?" Li Huailin immediately asked.

"It's still very simple to get a similar skill." Brians thought, "I don't know if it is the same as the king."

"No need to be the same, as long as it is similar," Li Huailin said.

"I will try it." Blaines thought about it.

Originally, Li Huailin was definitely asking about Iofam, but now Iofam is gone, but the ability of this guy is the same as that of Iofam. The spells used on both sides are not a system. But it is also master level. Not spending much time, Blaines has developed a new magic here.

Yes, this magic is actually a magic that has no fighting power, so it is relatively simple to study. The role is to create an illusion, but this illusion can be big or small, of course, can change any form, but only the surface effect, in fact, there is no fighting power.

Li Huailin quickly learned this skill, of course, not by his own efforts, but by sharing skills. Slightly experimented with the trumpet illusion, Li Huailin quickly understood how to get it, and then after a while, everyone soon saw a huge movement between the heavens and the earth.

This time it was similar to the last time there was a golden flash, but this time it was replaced with red light everywhere. This is of course also created by Li Huailin, and the method is... the root cause. Isn't the root cause here capable of operating magic? Then Li Huailin casually summoned the fireball at high altitude, and it would do a visual effect anyway.

The effect is still good, anyway, very quickly, everyone saw a huge black shadow appear in the sky, unlike the previous giant of light, this time the person appeared is a black person, and the head is still with The two corners, holding a huge scythe and the like in their hands, look like the first impression of the big devil.

"I... is the king of demons." Li Huailin said casually, but the voice here has spread to everyone's ears. The way to use it, Li Huailin will be the skill of that divine power. But the problem of this divine skill to talk to a small range of people is still very simple, but talking to people around the world, this is really very expensive. As I said before, the more divine power injected into the power of my power, the better the effect. Although this skill is just a speaking skill, but the ability to talk with so many people at the same time, the power of consumption is amazing. It’s just that Li Huailin has no way at the moment. It’s already this time, and the consumption is consumed. Although his power is one-off, he can only do this.

"Ha? The devil's king, what a ghost?" The players are of course a slap in the face, this is just a guy who claims to be a god, now comes a king of demons, what is the plot, is it Want to fight the gods? Yes, most of the players don’t know the setting of the game at all. The demons are there, but they are all being smashed by Li Huailin. But according to the inertia of thinking, there is of course a demon, and this is another. The guy's movements are also very big, and the players have no doubts. Let's listen to what the guy said.

"Oh, the Protoss made this artifact battle, the purpose is our demons." The "King of the Devil" here sneered, and said, "If this is the case, then we have to take a kick and listen. Ok, three days later, our demons will also hold a battle for treasures. The winners will not only get the treasures of our demon family, but also the vera, and even the second and third, they will get the devil. The treasures of the tribe, master the power of the demon family."

"Hah? ‘The players are all a glimpse, is this OK? The devils are also coming?

"As for the way of signing up, since the Protoss do this, we are also going to come back. If you click on the 'Agree' in your options, you will be eligible to participate in the battle of the treasures of our Devils, hahahaha..." The "King of the Devil" said with a big smile, "I am looking forward to your choice."

After that, Li Huailin directly controlled this illusion and disappeared. Left a face of aggressive players. Yes, what is the situation, really God war? Although I don't know what the situation is, but in this case, it seems that it has nothing to do with the option of agreeing. Anyway, there is a battle for treasures. It is the treasure of the Protoss on one side and the treasure of the demon family on the other. Strong, don't know, don't know if the Protoss is stronger or the Devils are stronger.

"In theory, the Protoss and the Devils should be as powerful as they are," said one player here.

"It is estimated that this is the case." Everyone has never heard of gods, demons, and the like, but according to the experience of inertia, this should be no different.

The reason that Li Huailin revealed did not seem to cause doubts from the players. Before he first said that the demon family was because the protoss first started, they would start, although it seems to recognize the action of the **** king, but also sit Really his own purpose. In the eyes of the players, this is normal, and now the demon people said, the people who agreed to participate in the competition on their side, there is no problem, can not participate on both sides, this can be distinguished.

The same is to lie, open a blank check, Li Huailin also relied on this to resolve the crisis on his side. At least now there is no tendency on the player side. Anyway, there are treasures on both sides, and they can't be squeezed on one side. There are many people competing. Since there are treasures, of course, there are advantages in this side, so there are advantages. Certainly the players will be scattered.

The most important thing is that the king of the king cannot jump out of the way and Li Hualin is deceiving. Yes, this is unclear, because the story of Li Huailin’s previous performance is that the Protoss and the Devil are opposites. You say that people deceive people and say no, how to prove? If you tell the truth, isn’t it just a lie? The king of God can't tell the truth, so if the king of the gods wants to continue, Li Huailin will accompany him.

It is obvious that the king of God should also understand this point, and the other party did not appear again. Li Huailin waited for a while and found that the other party recognized the situation. Yes, on the player side, the votes on both sides are estimated to start to average, that is, half of each, the king of the king and himself are estimated to accept, and the remaining question is the ticket on the side of p.

"Come on the king of God." Li Huailin also knows that the following is the plan of the king of God to capture the temple. If the temple is captured, the king of God is estimated to be able to turn over on the side of the p, so he must beat the other side with a hard face.

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