MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3191 stop

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"Hmm?" Such a conspicuous situation Li Huailin certainly noticed, and now there are more than 20 minutes left before the trial begins. This situation is obviously very bad at this time.

Of course, the surrounding protoss also noticed this situation. They stood up in an instant and entered the state of battle. On the other side, Li Huailin also saw that Blaines was coming over here.

"It is an illegal invasion." Brians came to Li Huailin's side and said directly, after all, is the producer of the temple, which can still be distinguished. When I heard this, Li Huailin was also a sinking face, and the possibility of being a **** king was great. After thinking about it, Li Huailin also asked: "What about the gods?"

"She has already gone first," said Blaines. The meaning of course is that the singer has already stepped into the observatory and waited for the game to begin. Although she now said that Hoffman she was looking for has been resurrected, but also agreed with Li Huailin to help, Li Huailin let her continue to participate in the trial, so the other side is estimated to be advanced.

"What to do?" The summoned Jade Emperor next to him asked, although the person who came has not appeared yet, but it is likely to be the king of God. The meaning of summoning the Jade Emperor is also very obvious. Now they have two choices, that is, staying to deal with the current situation, and one is to leave directly.

If it is normal, Li Huailin doesn’t want to be sure to stay. Now he is not so imaginary in the face of the king. If he doesn’t dare to face him, why should he participate in the trial, so you have to come. Well. But now is not the general situation, the other party chose a very uncomfortable time, 20 minutes from the start of the trial, and now Li Huailin has no time and the king of God is here.

If you want to leave, you must leave early, because the king of the king must know the situation of the temple very much. Li Huailin feels that the other party is likely to know how to trap them in the temple. For example, if the gates of the temple are destroyed, they will of course not be able to transmit, or destroy the main hall. They may not be able to go out, or directly rob the core of the main hall. In this way, the temple may return to God again. Wang, if the other party directly closes the temple, it is very likely that they will be locked in the temple. Li Huailin doesn't know if these can be achieved, and I don't know if I have a way to deal with it, but mainly because time is not allowed. What if I don't catch up with the trial in time? So if you want to go, go now, so at least there will be no trouble.

But the problem is that if he goes now, his losses must be huge. Although there are only 20 minutes left, according to the level of the king of God, no one blocked him. In 20 minutes, it is estimated that the temple can be completely smashed. That's really troublesome. Other things Li Huailin is not so valued, but the programmers are still very important. The most important thing is that Li Huailin has no place to install them except the temple. This is really annoying. It is.

I have to say that the time of the king's selection is really to let Li Huailin have a headache. Before Li Huailin wondered why the **** king had never appeared. It was originally prepared to plan a direct attack on himself. This is very different from the previous behavior of the **** king. In the past, Li Huailin tried to force out the king of the gods. As a result, the other party was inexplicably invisible, but this time the **** king was obviously taking the initiative, so it seems If it is, it may be really irritated by Li Huailin.

But think about it too. In that case, it is strange that the king of God is not angry. It seems that the previous behavior really irritated him. Of course, this is also true. Li Huailin doesn't just want to do this, but now he needs to find a way to deal with it.

"It’s almost finished." At this time, Brians reminded me that the golden magical array in the air slowly emerged. Now it seems that it has to be completed, and soon the other party will appear. If you decide, you must make a decision now.

"Brians." Li Huailin suddenly said to the next side of Brians, "Do you make the temple in another space, or in the original world?"

"Ha?" Brians had a slight glance, because Li Huailin actually asked this question at this time? Not that he didn't want to say it, but the time was not right, but seeing Li Huailin's expression, Blaines felt that Li Huailin was not joking, so he immediately replied: "I found a relatively stable space, here. Set the coordinates and build the temple. Of course, this space has nothing else except the temple I built."

"Again, the other space is right, that's good." Li Huailin nodded and walked straight ahead.

"What do you want to do?" Brians asked immediately.

"In short, it is not finished to prevent the other party from coming in." Li Huailin said, while he said, he directly pulled out his own sword and said, "Everyone is going backwards, away from here."

After saying that Li Huailin did not care about the person next to him, he waved directly at the front and shook in the air. Then Li Huailin suddenly broke a huge gap in front of him. A lot of black things quickly rushed from the crack. come out. Yes, Li Huailin used the skills to open the door to the dead world, and directly opened a door to the dead world in front of himself.

How does this skill stop the king of the gods? In fact, Li Huailin’s opening of the gates of the dead world is just in front of the magic circle of the other side, that is to say, the current situation, if someone directly enters the temple through this portal, the next one The second will automatically rush to the door of the dead world. Li Huailin doesn't know if the king of God will die in the dead world, but even if he can't die, the other party can't enter the temple. It's equal to saying that the portal is blocked.

Of course, this method looks good, but the problem is still a lot. The most troublesome thing is that if you summon the door of the dead world here, even your own temple will be corroded. Yes, Li Huailin just summoned it and found that the white ground of the temple began to appear black corrosives. This situation has already been seen by Li Huailin, and now the skill of the glory has changed. It was the aura of the opening, now it is Standing on this corrupted ground will be affected by the halo, and the speed of this corruption is really a bit fast. It spreads toward the square with the speed that Li Huailin can see with the naked eye. If it is covered here, Of course it is dangerous.

Not only the problem of the square, because the other party's portal is very large, Li Huailin wants to block the other side, to open a door of the same size of the dead, this door is too big, causing corrosion very fast. If he is allowed to develop now, it is estimated that the entire space will not be able to be completely eroded by the dead world, and become another dead world. At that time, the temple is also self-destructive. In this case, it is precisely to drink and quench the thirst, not to destroy the king of God, to destroy what he is.

Fortunately, the current time is the same tension for the King of God. Yes, the king of God cannot participate in the trial. Otherwise, Li Huailin will be directly won. Except that he is his own person, that is to say, the king of God will have 20 minutes left, and Li Huailin’s current purpose. Just blocking the other party for 20 minutes, of course, Li Huailin immediately took back the door and then rushed to participate in the trial. This is dangerous, but it should be able to control the situation. Of course, if you have the help of enlightenment swords at this time, you don’t have to worry about it. Just open an enchantment here to control the scope of pollution. Of course, it’s useless to think about it now. Who told me that she has exploded her. Now, I can only hope that the pollution is not too big.

"This..." Brians looked at the situation and then probably understood Li Huailin's thoughts. Yes, before the Hopes era, he also studied the sacred sword. Although he has never seen the door of the dead world, he probably knows this thing, so he quickly understood it. He also knows that Li Huailin’s approach is now. There is no way to do this. The damage to yourself is also very serious. "If you follow this speed, it is estimated that the whole temple will suffer in 20 minutes."

"I know, but there is no way to stop it for a while." Li Huailin thought about it. "In the past, the Protoss tried this thing."

Li Huailin means to let the Protoss try the pollution in the past. After all, it was not tried before the Protoss. The Protoss did not lose blood under the aura of the gloom. Li Huailin later discovered that it might be the protection of the power of the gods. Therefore, Li Huailin wants to try to see if the protoss are bleeding on the corroded ground.

There is no way for the Protoss. After all, Li Huailin is now the boss. He soon came out with a Protoss, carefully approaching the corroded ground here, just stepping on, and the Protoss face changed. Yes, he obviously found that the ground was absorbing his vitality. What kind of power and the like could not be stopped. Just prepared, the result was a black one. I didn’t know what was flying out of the gate of the dead. I suddenly caught the Protoss, as if I had pulled the other side.

"No... God King! Help..." The protoss here seem to have dried up in an instant. It feels like the vitality is completely drained. Everyone who sees this situation is a Surprised, even Li Huailin who released this skill is a glimpse. The power of this dead door is more exaggerated than what I thought. I have not tested this situation before, not all dreams have been stopped.

"This..." But this time the power is a bit too strong, Li Huailin did not know what to do.

Read The Duke's Passion