MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3175 appear

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The sudden appearance of the temporary campaign announcement made Li Huailin uncomfortable. This is obviously an announcement for all players, which is really troublesome. Yes, Li Huailing is sure that these players will hear that there will be such a battle, and then those who come here... Of course, they are not coming to help, but to trouble. Now that Bahia is not just missing food, this announcement is obviously to let the players come over and take out the food. Are you not a pothole?

Like Li Huailin’s thought, the first reaction after the players saw this message was to rush over. This rare full service announcement said that there is a temporary battle. It is definitely a big profitable project. Of course, it is necessary to participate. what.

"The repairing of the province of Mitra? I know, it should be the closed Lopelands city, it really has hidden missions?" Yes, many players have already guessed the situation when they saw this location. There have been cases in this city before. Some days ago, some players found that there was something happening in Lopeland City. The city was directly closed to the city. The transfer point was not allowed to be transmitted directly. If you walked directly, it would be stopped by the guards. If you want to force entry, you may have to face the arrest of the guards. This sudden situation is of course to make the players very curious. Like Li Huailin thought, they are beginning to doubt whether it is a hidden task or the like. So, a lot of players in the past time are pondering this matter.

Since they don't let in, the players will find a way to slip in. Seriously, many players now know how to face npc soldiers, so it is still feasible to find a way to sneak in. There are not so many npc soldiers in the city to guard against the invasion of so many players. However, although many players have succeeded in invading, they have not found anything useful in the city. In addition to seeing that there is a levy in this area, the soldiers here are trying to grasp the people and work for them. It seems to be What kind of building is built, even the elderly and children are not let go.

But the players are really unable to get involved, the reason is very simple, because no one has released any tasks. The players are also very strange. According to their guess, these people have been treated like this, should they resist, and then let them release the rebellious mission, and then they can pick up the gang to fight the soldiers. But the fact is that no one has resisted, and even they took the initiative to ask the people to ask if they want to help. As a result, the people said that you are sick.

Yes, the people not only did not object to this situation, but also cheered. Because this is the back cover of Li Huailin's rule, the people said that this kind of atrocities against them is really moving them. It is worthy of the mainland emperor's majesty, and it is too happy in his country. As for the players, it’s just that the brain is sick. It’s rare to succumb to tyranny to them. This group of people actually came to stop it. This is not a trouble for them.

The players are also awkward. We are really helping. The result is not dead. Even some people have saved the civilians in the street. As a result, the popularity of civilians has dropped. What the hell, are you? are you crazy. It took a while for the players to completely understand what was going on.

The final result is that the players have been busy for a long time, nothing has been found, and many people have been taken prisoner by the soldiers. Anyway, there is no benefit, no hidden missions. After a while, the players are here. The attention is also less. Many people think that the time to trigger the task has not yet arrived. Otherwise, the system has failed. Some people even sent a letter to Tianyu to ask if the task designer wrote it with his foot. Scripts and the like.

Until now, suddenly they received the task of a temporary campaign, and many people remembered it for a moment. Yes, it is said that the province of Mimitra is of course the place. The invasion of the ancient gods, this one is a big event, of course, to participate, so a large number of players got the announcement information, and immediately rushed over here.

"Can this still be played?" Li Huailin also stopped directly.

"I don't know if the gamer can add physical strength to it." The summoning jade emperor next to him also flew over and said, "But before I saw that the city has been completely destroyed, there is no one inside. Without a staff member, the transmission array is also If it doesn't work, the player should be sent through another city nearby, so there is still some time."

"A little time is also this time." Li Huailin helped the amount. "The players will see the announcement at the first time. If they can't send it directly, it is estimated that there will be a lot of people here. If this thing." If the player can recover, it will be hard to die."

"Try it first." Summon the Jade Emperor.

"I really want to run," Li Huailin said. "The people we are looking for are Lagarde. It is not this one. If we leave this thing here, let the players and it plan." Anyway, they don't like to play this product anymore."

"..." summoned the Jade Emperor to help, "but the problem now is that we don't even know where Lagarde is, will it be in the body of this thing, I remember when I was doing the task, the other side The body can hide."

Yes, Li Huailin really remembers, and Li Huailin also doubts that Lagarde is in the body of this thing. Otherwise, where Lagarde goes, it is impossible to die. If the other party dies, the dream should become unowned, and the other party should come and tell yourself.

"Then try this thing hard and hard to say... Come." Li Huailin said, the only big tentacle exposed by the other side has been able to come to Li Huailin in front of them. The tentacles here are estimated to attack. Alright. Li Huailin also decided to play and say, after all, his current attack ability has also been partially upgraded. It is not the case when he encountered this guy before. Can you try it first?

With a wave of hand, Li Huailin’s four gun barrels appeared behind him, and he was about to shoot. Suddenly he found that the tentacles here stopped in front of the two. Yes, although the attack distance was reached, the tentacles did not directly attack. Li Huailin squatted and did not understand what was going on. Suddenly he heard a voice coming from the tentacle.

"There is a big man in the chest?" The voice is of course the tentacle from here. Li Huailin sounds that this Biyaji is also able to speak, not to confuse Li Huailin to join his men. But the voice that is now speaking is obviously not Beyaki. Although the voice of the other party sounds hoarse and cannot be heard, it is impossible for Baiyaki to call him "adult".

Li Huailin turned his head and looked at it carefully. As a result, he found a figure in his hand. Yes, at the top of the black tentacle, Li Huailin saw a person, oh, exactly half a person, because Li Huailin only saw the upper body of the other party, and the other person’s own body was buried inside the tentacle, and It seems that I have already combined with the other party. And this half-person outside, it seems to have been corroded, the whole body is wrapped in black mud, and it is completely unclear who it is.

"Hey... Lagarde?" Li Huailin tried to ask, yes, the guy in front of me really didn't know who it was. The other party has not even displayed the name. I don't know if it has already happened with Bayanki. The situation of the change, anyway, can only rely on guessing. Of course, Li Huailin can only guess that it is Lagarde. No one except him.

"It's me, an adult." Lagarde said immediately. "Adult, I am going to find you. You see that I have finally gained tremendous strength. This time I can solve the Protoss guys."

"..." Li Huailin looked at Lagarde a little bit silently. Yes, he remembered that he had not fooled the other side to help deal with the Protoss. Of course, Li Huailin really flicked the other side. When he really dealt with the Protoss, he did not even shout. He, the result of this cargo summoning the ancient **** is to help him deal with the Protoss? This feeling is really full, sometimes good, but sometimes there will always be unexpected troubles.

"No, are you sick?" Li Huailin couldn't help but say, "When you want to deal with the Protoss, what do you call this thing?"

"Ha?" Lagarde is also a bit embarrassed. He summoned Byyaki himself to help Li Huailin deal with the Protoss. The result was so successful. Li Huailin actually said that he was sick. This is really unexpected. "Baiyaki The power is to deal with the power that the Protoss must have..."

"Nonsense." Li Huailin said, "I didn't use the power of Beyaki. Now the Protoss have been killed by me. What do you say?"

"Ha?" Lagarde is a glimpse of the whole person. He really didn't know what Li Huailin had solved the Protoss. This time he really looked awkward. He managed to summon the ancient **** and got him. The power, for Li Huailin, he also forcibly merged with Bayanki and became such a person who was not a ghost or a ghost. Then Li Huailin told him that the Protoss had solved it. Are you...not a pit person? Say good to deal with the Protoss together, why didn't you even give him a message after the war?

Lagarde suddenly had some grievances in his heart. Yes, these grievances have not been reversed by Li Huailin’s task bug, because now he has already merged with Beyaki, and Baiyaji, of course, is not Li Huailin’s camp. Therefore, the good feelings at this time were not affected by Li Huailin.

" lied to me!" Lagarde said here, "Why do you want to do this?"

"Ha?" Li Huailin helped the amount. "How do you like me... forget it, since you have appeared, just do it."

Read The Duke's Passion