MTL - All Things Wrong (Retrograde Gaming)-Chapter 3166 Familiar with

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"What is this?" Seeing the table in front of the red light, each side of the day could not help but ask the sentence. The situation here is really strange. Before Li Huailin did not communicate with him, but I seem to be in a coma for ten days, and the situation I found is completely different. It seems that I have been feeling for a few years. Yes, the situation here has never been heard by any party. I don’t know what it is. What’s more important is that Li Huailin didn’t explain it.

"This explanation is really a little troublesome. I think you should go in and see for yourself." Li Huailin said.

"Go in?" Everyone in the sky obviously does not know where Li Huailin said that he went in and went to see if there is any entrance. Li Huailin has placed his hand directly on the red light.

"In the process of testing, the test passed, welcome back, Dr. Li Huailin." The mechanical sound here. Yes, Li Huailin did not go through the entry procedures. Of course, the name of Li Huailin was registered. Of course, the title of this doctor is also randomly compiled.

The sudden appearance of the voice made each side of the sky too confusing, and did not know what the name of the doctor said by the other party, but before he could ask for anything, the transmission here has already begun, and the white light flashed, the two disappeared directly. In the same place.

"Oh... um..." The nausea that suddenly got up made the parties on this side feel a little bit tolerant. On the other hand, Li Huailin is still a little uncomfortable, but it seems to be a lot better. It seems that the person with the higher status is indeed the higher. The nausea in transmission is even less, and I don't know what it is.

"This is..." Of course, each side of the day just feels a bit disgusting. It hasn’t really reached the level of vomiting. Soon he will go back and start observing the situation around him. Of course, everything here has never been seen before, and it is full of feelings of violation. It is not only that the situation in the room is full of violations, but even on his own side, he feels like a problem.

"In fact, I am not very clear about this situation, although I found it here." Li Huailin said, "According to what I know now, this should be the virtual control hub area of ​​the magic server I mentioned before. Unexpectedly, there is actually a company in charge of operation here, which seems to be called a paradise company. In short, this should be the virtual office space of this company."

Although Li Huailin also explained to each other, but the explanations are also slightly reserved. Some things will be touched by each other in a day, so there is no need to hide them. Other things, such as the things on the third floor, Li Huailin did not intend to tell him, anyway, there is no In the case of Liu Heyun's son, they also did not go to the third floor. Li Huailin is only a senior engineer. Like the previous Hoffman, he can only go to the second floor.

"Paradise company? Is there such a company? Is this game not operated by Tianyu Group?" Tianyi asked strangely.

"I should have told you before that the people of Tianyu Group only discovered this server, but this server is not made by them. The production company seems to be this company called Paradise, and this company does not seem to be in our cognition. Company." Li Huailin explained a bit.

"That is... is it an alien company?" asked each side of the day. Yes, Li Huailin and he said about prophecy, code, and the like. It is obviously not what humans can do now. I don't know if it's an alien or a future person. Now I see this place, and each side of the sky here has a little idea.

"Probably." Li Huailin spread his hand. "But it is obvious that there is no one here, so there is no way to prove anything."

"Well..." Heaven and the other nodded. "Have you investigated this completely? What did you find?"

"Because there is nothing to discover, there is no way to explain it to you." Li Huailin said, "I have seen the room that can be investigated here. The people here have disappeared for no reason, and no clues have been left, almost impossible to find. What useful information. However, I found something that can be used."

"What can I use?" Li Huailin asked.

"Follow me." Li Huailin said as he walked directly to the door. The door here was of course automatically opened. The huge flower bed that was very surprising was fascinating. For a while.

"This should be the flowers and plants of their own employees, but because people are missing, so no one cares now becomes like this." Li Huailin explained a little, "Go."

"Is this room?" Soon the two of them came to the door of a room, and each of them asked immediately.

"This room is the only place I found a clue." Li Huailin said while opening the door, and then obviously saw the row of seats. Yes, this room is the place where Li Huailin watched the company's promotional film before. Li Huailin originally wanted to let the students from each side come to get the skills. Of course, come here.

"Sit down." Li Huailin beckoned to each other in the sky, and he really didn't want to let the parties see the promo, because it was more troublesome to explain, he just wanted him to take the skills to leave. However, he can't ask at this time whether he can only take a reward without watching the film, because it will make everyone feel that Li Huailin seems to be hiding something, so it is not very good, so Li Huailin also said something in advance. Now let the parties look at the promo, but I haven’t seen any useful information before I saw the promo.

Sure enough, the two just sat down, the stereo screen here was lit again, and soon, the propaganda film that Li Huailin had seen once again appeared. Of course, the promo here is the same as before. The virtual tour guide started to introduce things like their company's business, and the parties here are always frowning. Yes, the situation is really a bit. Exceeding his imagination, he really can't understand what is going on.

Of course, Li Huailin has already seen it again, so basically he is looking at the expressions of the other side of the sky, but occasionally it is the screen next to it. The unexpected result is that this casual glimpse, Li Huailin suddenly noticed a situation.

"Wait, stop playing." Li Huailin suddenly snarled, of course, he did not know whether this play can be suspended, but only subconsciously shouted.

"Play pause." What he didn't expect was that the playback here was really suspended. The picture really stopped. It seems that the senior engineer still has permission to stop the promo here.

"What's wrong?" One of the parties was also shocked by Li Huailin. I was still watching the promo, and I was thinking about it. The result was suddenly interrupted by this voice.

"Wait a little, can you rewind it? Go backwards for 5 seconds." Li Huailin did not care about each other, and continued.

"Rewind 5 seconds." The picture here changed a little, and quickly returned to the screen five seconds ago.

"Slow down..."

"Play at one-half speed."

"That is... this is the case, stop." Li Huailin took a little control, and then the picture of course stopped at Li Huailin’s request. What appeared in front of Li Huailin was a picture of the building. The building should be where they are now. This company, but this photo was taken on the main entrance. Of course, Li Huailin pays attention not only to architecture, but to people. It is the picture on this side. Although the main body is on the side of the building, Li Huailin saw a row of people at the door. This picture is estimated to introduce the company to everyone, so let the company The person is also standing at the door of the company and taking a picture, and Li Huailin noticed one of them.

In theory, these people who take photos at the company's door are generally important figures of the company. There are a total of thirteen people in this row, and Li Huailin notices one of the black-haired people. Yes, only two of the thirteen people are black hair, others seem to be foreigners. These two black-haired people look like Chinese people, so it is obvious that Li Huailin will notice them. . One of them, Li Huailin probably has a number, because the other party seems to be a man of 50 or 60 years old, but looks like Liu Heyun, it is really a bit like, so Li Huailin probably guessed the identity of the other party, it must be Liu Heyun’s son Liu Yanjun It is. It is not very strange that the other party will also be a member of the board of directors. Li Huailin didn’t pay attention to him, but another person who looked like a Chinese person. This is still a woman. It looks like... at least forty or more. It’s true that Li Huailin is not very judgeable. After all, women will maintain it. It's really hard to guess the age. Li Huailin doesn't know how big the opponent is, but it may be an age with Liu Heyun.

She and Liu Heyun stand together. If we say the general situation, we will think that this is Liu Heyun's wife, but the problem is that Li Huailin sees the other party's first reaction is that he seems to know this guy, very familiar. I thought it before I glanced at it. Now, after I came back to suspend, Li Huailin is not so sure.

"It feels like I have seen it." Li Huailin looked at the other side and always felt a little bit impressed, but still couldn't remember where he had seen it. It was really anxious.

"Who is she?" The other side of the day also noticed that Li Huailin stared at the woman and asked.

"I don't know, I am thinking." Li Huailin helped the road.