MTL - All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning-Chapter 321 Was overtaken! (two in one)

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  Chapter 321 has been overtaken! (two in one)

  Chen Mo stepped into a desolate cemetery, the cold wind was blowing on his face, and there was a strange breath in the silence.

  In the center of the cemetery, a thin, mysterious mage in a gray robe with a slightly hunched back was sitting quietly beside an ancient altar.

  His eyes are deep, revealing a deep understanding of the power of the undead.

  This person is the mysterious mentor whom the artifact mission is looking for.

  Seeing Chen Mo coming, he said directly: "The new master of the undead, your performance is very good."

   "You saw my three battles just now?" Chen Mo walked slowly to this mysterious mentor.

   "In this abyss of death, nothing can escape my eyes, including those skeleton monsters hiding in the dark behind you."

  Chen Mo's Eye of Origin flashed brightly, but he didn't see how powerful this old man was.

   Obviously, his hidden divine power is definitely much higher than that of Chen Mo.

  According to the task introduction, this mysterious mentor will explain some relevant information about the undead master artifact.

Chen Mo didn't worry about the fact that he could see through everything, but stared into the instructor's eyes and asked, "I'm here to inquire about the information about the undead master artifact. I wonder if you can explain it to me. What is the effect?"

  The mysterious teacher took a look at Chen Mo and spoke slowly, his voice was deep and magnetic: "The Undead Lord Artifact is the key to the real power liberation of the Undead Master, and it is the key link connecting you with the power of the undead.

  It has infinite potential and energy, and represents the glory and responsibility of the Lord of the Undead. "

   Infinite Potential? Chen Mo couldn't help thinking to himself, could this thing grow? He immediately asked softly: "Teacher, can you tell me about its specific effects?"

The mysterious teacher smiled slightly, folded his hands on his chest and said, "I can't explain this to you, because the undead master artifact will have different effects with each generation of master, and the more you go, The more effective the undead **** artifact is, the more it will talk about the history of the undead **** artifact.”

   "Please explain in detail." Chen Mo listened to the novelty and immediately pricked up his ears and listened respectfully.

  The mysterious mentor did not refuse, and continued: "The background of the undead master artifact has a long history.

  In the ancient times of the land of the undead, when the undead group faced a huge threat and crisis, a great undead lord rose up. With his unparalleled strength and wisdom, he unified the undead group and protected the existence of this special group.

  In order to commemorate this great lord, we combined his corpse with the power and essence of hundreds of millions of god-level undead into this undead master artifact. "

   "Good guy, in order to commemorate him, he didn't even leave the whole body to him, and directly trained him into a magic weapon." Chen Mo was a little speechless.

   It is indeed the brain circuit of the undead clan, it is really different.

  The mysterious teacher didn't notice the expression of Chen Mo's expression, but continued to say to himself: "Every generation of undead masters will inherit this artifact, making it the fundamental symbol of undead masters.

  This artifact possesses the original power of the power of the undead, which can stimulate the most fundamental professional unique abilities and potentials of the undead master, making the undead master even stronger.

  After each generation of inheritance, the power of the previous master of undead will also be absorbed by the artifact of the master of undead one after another, making the artifact of the master of undead spontaneously grow stronger and stronger! "

Chen Mo listened fascinated, but he also became curious in his heart. He asked: "Teacher, according to what you said, this undead master artifact is so powerful, why did it end up like this today? It was split into so many components, and even the components were even split. into finer fragments?"

   "It's a long story, and it's related to the era of the Great Destruction when the God Realm collapsed! In that era of Ragnarok, even the strongest artifacts could hardly withstand the impact of the power of Destruction!

   Now, if you want to restore the artifact, you can only rely on the power of you, the new master of the undead.

  In this abyss of death, there are fragments of the components of the undead master artifact, but it is a pity that I am trapped here and cannot act at will, otherwise I have already collected the fragments. "

   "It's related to the destruction of the God Realm again."

  Chen Mo couldn't help but feel that the challenges in the future are still quite big.

  It is already very difficult to achieve an outrageous level of 100 million in all attributes just to become a god, but after becoming a god, there is still such a perverted power that is difficult to parry.

   It can be seen that even if one becomes a god, it is not easy to live a comfortable life.

  After getting a good understanding of the artifacts, Chen Mo immediately said, "It's not convenient for you to move, so I'll collect them myself."

   "Okay, I will share with you the location of the scattered places." The old man stretched out a shriveled index finger towards Chen Mo's eyebrows.

  In fact, Chen Mo possesses Mo Luo brain, so it is not necessary for the old man to tell the whereabouts of the fragments, but Chen Mo did not refuse the other party's kindness. After receiving the information shared by the other party, Chen Mo disappeared in front of him with a flash of a god.

  The first component fragment is located in a forgotten forest.

  This dense forest is full of mist and eerie atmosphere.

  The trees are tall, and the dense leaves block the sunlight, making the entire forest look dark and mysterious.

   The mist is lingering, forming a thin layer of fog, making it difficult for people to recognize the direction.

  In this forest full of weird atmosphere, Chen Mo's figure suddenly appeared in it.

  Suddenly, he felt a powerful wave of energy coming from the front.

  Obviously, this kind of energy fluctuation is the fluctuation of the artifact component fragments, and Chen Mo immediately walked over in the direction of the fluctuation.

  As he went deeper, he began to hear low roars and strange animal calls from the forest.

  The sounds don't seem to come from ordinary creatures, but more like fantasy monsters.

  In the mist, Chen Mo saw an unbelievably huge and towering tree, with a faint light of undead shining on the trunk.

  Chen Mo stopped and stared at the tree closely. The Eye of Origin saw through the fragments of artifact components hidden in it at a glance.

  But when he arrived here, a tall figure swished and appeared in front of the big tree.

  It roared at Chen Mo, as if to say that the fragments of artifact components containing powerful undead power belonged to it, so Chen Mo should not covet it.

  The huge and ferocious undead monster in front of me is indeed very ferocious just by its appearance.

  The dark skin was covered with sharp, thorn-like bone spurs, and the blood-red eyes shone with a murderous light. Its roar shook the surrounding air, making the entire forest tremble.

   But alas it **** off the wrong people.

  Chen Mo didn't even look at it, and ordered the skeleton monsters to attack with a thought, while he himself flew directly towards the artifact fragments.

  Seeing that Chen Mo was still approaching, the giant undead beast just wanted to attack and bite him, only to find that he was subjected to an inexplicable terrorist attack, and the soul that was killed in an instant shattered and dissipated in place.

  It is originally an undead, and after being killed again, it will no longer become an undead.

   Ignoring the undead behemoth, Chen Mo directly reached out and touched the fragments of his artifact components.

  As Chen Mo approached, the artifact component fragments suddenly shook excitedly like a small animal that had been separated from its owner for a long time, and then directly broke through the tree trunk and flew towards Chen Mo with a whoosh.

   In the end, it obediently fell into his hands.

   "Quite sensible." Chen Mo stroked the artifact component fragments in his hand with a smile, and rushed to the next fragment area with a flash of a god.

  Chen Mo stepped into the area where the second fragment was located, the Lost Tomb.

  This ancient catacomb exudes a chilling and eerie atmosphere.

   Dim lights cast distorted shadows from the niches of the tomb, which smelled of death and the damp smell of a cemetery.

  The air in the tomb is heavy and cold, the ancient stone walls are covered with thick moss, and broken sarcophagi and broken bones are scattered in the corners of the tomb.

  Dust filled the air, as if time stood still here.

  As Chen Mo's footsteps echoed in the tomb, a group of irrational undead creatures suddenly appeared. Their bodies were decayed, their faces were distorted, and they let out a creepy growl.

  These undead creatures were driven by dark forces and became violent and ferocious. They brandished rusty weapons in an attempt to stop Chen Mo from advancing.

  But they were directly killed by a large group of skeleton monster bodyguards in a hidden state around Chen Mo.

   They are also the weakest type of undead monsters, but one of Chen Mo's skeleton monsters is more ferocious than their boss.

   At the end of this dark tomb, there is a BOSS-type monster standing with its head held high. It is a huge and evil tomb colossus.

  It has a tall body, made of black stone and hard bones, covered with uneven lines and spikes, and its eyes are shining with red demon fire, emitting an evil light.

  Because Chen Mo didn't appear to disappear in this abyss of death, the colossus saw him at a glance.

  It immediately let out a roar!

  The terrifying loud noise shook the ground of the tomb, causing the dust in the tomb to fly in all directions.

  The next moment, it took heavy steps and quickly approached Chen Mo. From the look of it, it seemed that it was trying to smash Chen Mo's head with a huge fist, launching a fatal attack on him.

Facing this stupid big guy, Chen Mo didn't pay any attention to it at all. The combined attack of his skeleton monster was enough to blast it into pieces in an instant. Chen Mo jumped behind him with a flicker of a god, and walked towards the stone that was placed in the tomb. Artifact component fragments on the deep altar.

  This artifact component fragment is the same as the previous artifact component fragment. Sensing Chen Mo's arrival, he immediately flew towards him impatiently.

   Obviously, they have waited too long for the arrival of this master.

  When Chen Mo put away the fragments of the second artifact component, the huge golem behind him had also been blasted to pieces by the skeleton monsters.

  Next, Chen Mo quickly collected the third and fourth artifact fragments.

   At this time, recalling the first task over there was completely completed.

  When Chen Mo went to the location of the last artifact component fragment, Remembrance started the other two main quests.

   Soon, Chen Mo relied on the flickering of the gods to come to the place where the last artifact component fragment was located, the deepest part of the death abyss, a place called the dark abyss.

   This is an evil territory shrouded in endless darkness.

  Here is the gathering place of demons and dark forces, full of twisted and twisted atmosphere.

  The black water droplets dripping on the stone walls of the abyss made disgusting grunts, and the air was filled with a strong rancid smell.

  The dark abyss is filled with demonic growls and wails. These evil creatures wander around wantonly, their eyes are shining with evil red light, their teeth are sharp as knives, and they exude chilling dark energy.

  They can transform into various terrifying forms, such as demon dogs, demon hands and skeleton warriors, looking for prey in the dark with bloodthirsty eyes.

   At the end of the abyss, a huge cursed treasure chest was quietly suspended. It was surrounded by dark energy and released a terrifying coercion.

  This treasure chest exudes an evil aura, and the surface is engraved with cursed runes. When it reflects the light, it flashes a blood-red light.

   Among them is the last fragment of the artifact component, which is also the largest fragment.

   But it is obviously much more difficult to obtain this fragment than to obtain other fragments.

  The biggest trouble is that there is no spatial displacement and perception in this dark abyss, and you can only walk by your own feeling.

   It seems that this place has been banned by some special power of rules.

  Even if Chen Mo is capable, it is still difficult to use the power of rules.

  Chen Mo can only find the right way forward by dispersing the skeleton monsters.

  As for the demons blocking the way, in front of these perverted skeleton monsters under Chen Mo's hands, they naturally look like nothing. With hundreds of millions of skeleton monsters opening the way, Chen Mo's walking all the way is basically the same as opening his eyes.

   Soon he came to the cursed huge treasure chest.

  According to the analysis of Mo Luo's brain, in order to unravel the curse of this huge cursed treasure chest, it is necessary to kill enough demons so that this cursed treasure chest can absorb the overflowing demonic energy.

  Chen Mo doesn't even need Mo Luo's brain to give an analysis. His skeleton monsters have already killed the demons in this dark abyss and are almost extinct.

   Just after Chen Mo's skeleton monsters acted freely and killed 90% of the demons in the dark abyss.

  The boss guarding the last artifact fragment, an ultimate demon finally appeared.

  Its body is extremely tall, with a pair of wings covered by magic feathers behind it, exuding dark smoke and hot flames.

   Its body is twisted and ugly, covered with hard black scales, with evil red lights shining in its eyes, and its teeth are as sharp as knives.

   This ultimate demon has destructive power, it can manipulate dark energy, release demon fire and venom to attack Chen Mo.

   At the same time, his physical attacks are equally fast, and he can use his huge claws and sharp tail to grab and impale his enemies.

   "Master of the Undead, since this thing has fallen into the hands of our demons, even if you, the Lord of the Undead, come in person, you can never get it back in this dark abyss." Seeing Chen Mo, the Lord of the Undead, this guy was quite arrogant.

   But the opponent does have arrogant capital, his attributes are high enough, and he can never die in the dark world, this is his biggest reliance.

  The key is that this effect is not some kind of talent or skill of his, but a curse.

   is the curse he got after falling into the dark abyss. He was cursed and trapped in the dark abyss forever, unable to leave this area on his own initiative.

  So using the sealing ability to seal him is useless, unless you help him get rid of the curse.

  Chen Mo's cursed heart can only help him immunize and absorb the curse, but not others, so it cannot eliminate the curse of the other party.

Under normal circumstances, if you want to **** the artifact from this ultimate demon, you have to dodge his attack while killing the demon minions, reach enough kills to open the cursed treasure chest, run away after taking the fragments, and don't follow him However, the speed at which the demon minions are spawned is super slow. It can be seen that Tiandao deliberately delays the time to open the treasure chest, so as not to let people easily get it.

  With such a delay, it is actually quite difficult to continue to withstand the attack of an invincible big boss. This is also the most difficult point of this dungeon artifact fragment mission.

  The first four times were just a pure warm-up.

  Of course, what I'm talking about here is the normal style of play.

   But Chen Mo is not a character that is easy to meet. He doesn't take the usual path at all, and he is too lazy to waste time with the other party. He directly activates the void source crystal to pull this ultimate demon into the void.

   Now, the curse that the ultimate demon can live forever in the dark abyss will not take effect in the void.

  After pulling it into the void, Chen Mo's skeleton monsters fired a volley, killing the ultimate demon.

  Simple instant kill, extreme enjoyment, a level that was originally time-consuming, was solved by Chen Mo in an instant.

   Once the ultimate demon died, it was worth hundreds of millions of little demons. The moment he dragged his body back to the real world, the cursed treasure box immediately absorbed all the energy, and opened the lid with a snap.

   Hidden in it is a fragment of an artifact component the size of a marble.

   This is not small compared to the four artifact component fragments that Chen Mo collected before, which were only the size of a little finger.

   Collect all the fragments of the last artifact component, and then you only need to recast the artifact component to complete the linear task of the artifact component this time.

  Because he couldn't move instantly in the last level, Chen Mo spent a lot of time on his way, and he was actually overtaken by the memory of the mission progress!

  (end of this chapter)

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