MTL - All People: Combination Division, Synthesize the Undead Army at the Beginning-Chapter 300 Weird and scary!

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  Chapter 300 is weird and scary!

  When such a bizarre death happened, for a while, all the contestants in the entire magic tower were in danger and inexplicably horrified!

   Outside of the event, everyone's reaction was not much better!

  At the first floor, everyone still didn't know whether there was any connection between Chen Mo and the person who was killed.

  But when the same thing happened on the second floor as on the first floor, then this matter is obviously not so easy to uncover.

  For a while, the voices of discussion were one after another.

   "Another one died, and he died 10,000 meters away from our capable man, but the points were counted to him again. What is going on!"

"I can't understand it at all. The rules of this level are clearly written. All attacks can affect the range of 100 meters around the body at most. If it exceeds it, it will not work. This claw mother is at least 10,000 meters away from our capable person. If he is dead, the points can still be counted on the head of our capable man."

"It's really weird. If the points are not counted on our head, it can still be said that other people around killed him, but all the points are directly counted to us, so what else is there besides him? Any other possibilities?"

"When Claw Claw's mother died just now, there were many people around him. I don't know what these people saw. I'm really curious. Damn, why can we only see this kind of thumbnail live broadcast, but not the whole process? Is it a live broadcast?"

   "I want to eat farts. After entering the dungeon, I can't contact the outside world. The real image is broadcast live. Isn't it easy to spread the information? Do you want our genius kid to leak the secret?"

   "It seems to be the same, but I can't see the reason. I really want to die! How did I kill it? Why can I ignore the rules and kill people ten thousand meters away."


  In the academy alliance headquarters, the three leaders and a few assistants sat in the conference hall, while dealing with the things in hand, they took time to check Chen Mo's situation in the fourth competition area.

   As a result, they saw this incredible scene again.

  For a moment, they couldn't help but stop the work at hand, and stared blankly at the light curtain floating in front of them.

   "Another one died?"

   "Chen Mo's score has increased, and it is obviously counted as homicide again."

   "The rules of the second layer clearly stipulate that the attack only affects 100 meters. What is going on with Chen Mo?"

   When the three alliance leaders were puzzled, suddenly someone from his subordinates entered the meeting hall.

   "My lord, according to the recent investigation of Chen Mo's movements, we discovered an extremely strange thing."

  After hearing this, the three leaders immediately looked at each other and asked, "What's so weird?"

"A few days ago, Chen Mo entered an experience copy with a girl named Hanyu Liuyin from the Academy of Sciences. It took a total of half a day for them to come out, but during this half day, according to Jing's reply, what she taught Chen Mo also went to the guidance class at the same time!"

   "What!? There is such a thing?"

   "Could it be possible that this kid has the ability to double?"

"Can the avatar exist in two different spaces with the deity at the same time? Even if we leave the avatar here, once we enter the dungeon, the avatar will dissipate in place." Based on the experience information he has, Jiang Yun feels that at this time It's incredible.

   "Indeed, as long as we enter the instance, the abilities we display in this world will dissipate out of thin air and will not remain."

   "Then what's the situation with Chen Mo? Entering the dungeon and going to class at the same time? Can't twin brothers? We investigated before and found out that he is the only son."

   "The weirdness here is far beyond what we can analyze with the information we have now. Chen Mo has been weird from the very beginning.

  The weird hidden initial five-star occupation, the weird super SSS-level breakthrough assessment, these are things we have never seen before.

  Because of him, we gradually understand. It can be seen that there are more things in him that we have not understood, and there is nothing strange about it. We can only wait for him to come out and ask him. "

   "I'm afraid people don't want to reveal it easily."

   "Then we can only respect him. The more extraordinary the method is, the more confidential it is, and it is right that he does not want to disclose it."

   "It's just my curiosity." Marcus shook his head and said with a smile.

  Although everyone is very puzzled at this time, they can be sure of one thing, that is, Chen Mo's ability has surpassed their understanding, which is a great joy for the solar system.


  Earth is just amazed at Chen Mo's bizarre ability.

  Yongxing Galaxy has already exploded.

   "Impossible! This is absolutely impossible. How could the death of this claw mother be blamed on that Chen Mo?"

"Is there something wrong with Heavenly Dao? This Chen Mo is more than a hundred meters away from the mother of the claws, and there are thousands of meters. In this case, the mother of the claws is killed, and the points can still be counted on his head? Yes Didn't Heaven change the scoring rules?"

"Looking at the display of the rules of heaven next to it, it has not changed at all, what to change, we can still treat it as something hidden for the first time this kind of thing happened, but now this is the second time this kind of thing happened, which is enough to prove this The guy named Chen Mo really has the ability to kill people thousands of miles away!"

"Not only that, but he's also very strong. He kills top four turns with 53 stars. There are three or five life-saving methods in these four turns. He easily kills one of them like this. again!"

"Indeed, we don't know exactly how long it took for the first one to be killed, but this claw mother was definitely killed within 10 seconds. He couldn't even survive until another area transfer occurred before he died. This ability is too terrifying."

"Before the Demonization Formation was activated, some people said that it was not worthwhile to exchange a hundred five-stars for his own life. After experiencing this incident, who would dare to say that it is not worthwhile, let alone a hundred five-stars, it is 10,000 Five stars can kill him with blood!

   This guy already has such a shocking ability at only the second rank, so give him the fifth rank? Wouldn't it be possible to directly face the God of War powerhouse! ? "

   "It's terrifying, it's so strong that it doesn't make sense. The top four ranks can kill as soon as they say it, and they can't even survive 10 seconds in his hands. Can anyone below rank five be his opponent?

  Are we afraid that we can't stop him from rising? "

"No, if we can get together a five-star demonization brigade, maybe there is still a chance. After demonization, all the abilities of five-star occupations will be upgraded to a higher level. That is to reach the extremely rare super SSS level. A group of Even this Chen Mo might find it difficult to deal with an army formation composed of strong men with super SSS-level abilities!"

   "It also makes sense, I just want five stars, but one condition is very difficult."

   "It might have been difficult to say in the past, but now that he has emerged in the fourth round competition, his threat has been fully revealed.

  Anyone with a little brain should know that if you let him grow, no one will be able to deal with him in the future, and who can tolerate him to continue to grow? I'm afraid that the sooner he can be dealt with, the better!

  The allies we are looking for should also know how to foresee this future. "

  Indeed, as people in the Yongxing galaxy have said, Chen Mo's repeated performances have completely shocked everyone in the surrounding galaxies!

  Strength is one thing, but Chen Mo is so weird that it is frightening!

  (end of this chapter)

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