MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 91 Astrologers and Rebels (20)

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—It takes a lot of courage for her to entrust her body again to the remnant that can seize control at any time.

"Thank you... sorry for you..."

Ling Yan also knows how embarrassing this request is for Gu Zhong, but aside from awakening Gu Zhong's residual thoughts, she can't find any other way to solve the hidden dangers of Gu Zhong for a while.

"Master's request, naturally, there is a reason for it."

At this time, the concern is particularly considerate and open-minded, and he didn't even ask a word.

When Gu Zhong opened his eyes again, Ling Yan recognized at a glance that this was the appearance of a remnant.

"So, I'm just a bit of a remnant."

This is the first sentence Gu Zhong Cannian said to Ling Yan after he woke up again. No resentment or resentment, as if it was simply stating a fact.

"It turns out that you asked me about the Battle of the Dingding that day, and that's what you meant. Then, what happened?"

Can Nian also shared all her experiences and feelings in Gu Zhongshihai, and also heard the story told by Ling Yan.

However, she is far from being so ignorant and foolish as he is, and the death of the God of War must be a great turmoil in the God Realm.

"Don't worry, I let the little guy fall asleep this time, she won't know anything."

I was afraid that Ling Yan would have some concerns, Cannian added another sentence.

"What happened in those days, it is meaningless to find out now."

However, Ling Yan tilted her head and did not want to mention this topic at all.

"Did you call me out for this body to know the magic in the sea?"

Seeing Ling Yan's demeanor, after all, she has a memory that has been with her for nearly ten thousand years. Cannian knew that there must be an indescribable pain in this matter, so she changed the topic with kindness.

"Is it really magic?"

Ling Yan's eyes narrowed, and she confirmed it again.

"That's right."

Cannian nodded seriously.

"There is no magic in this world, and magic should not exist here."

Ling Yan explained to the remnant who did not understand this world.

"Where is the source of the magic energy, you should have the answer."

Understanding what she meant, Cannian smiled.

"I just can't believe it, Xuanhu is really fascinated."

There are countless sighs in Ling Yan's words, with endless nostalgia and lament for the past, quite a feeling of right and wrong.

"Although you haven't dealt with each other very well before, you always treat Xuanhu as close in your heart.

I don't know what happened after that, but Ah Yan, she is obviously not the Xuanhu she used to be, you have to distinguish clearly. "

Cannian stretched out her hand and stroked the hair hanging from her temples, her words were full of sincere advice.

"I know. Is there any way you can get rid of this demonic energy? If this thing stays in the body, it will always be a disaster."

"It's not difficult to exorcise this little bit of demonic energy, it's a little effort."

Cannian's answer was yes, but what she said next made Ling Yan pale in shock.

"But Ah Yan, I have to tell you some unfortunate news. I can sense that this world is being eroded by demonic energy, just to the north."

If the demonic energy is successfully entered into this world, then this world has basically been declared extinct.

Because, all the worlds ravaged by demonic energy have only one end in the end - a barren dead zone.

This is also an important reason for the endless war between gods and demons. The devil always only thinks about destroying the world.

The prophecy that the Star Luomen elders exchanged their lives in exchange should be here.

It's just that this disaster was not brought about by Gu Zhong, but Xia Xiange. She must have secretly changed her interpretation of the prophecy.

"Okay, there won't be any more problems with this body. The little guy woke up faster than I expected, in order to prevent her from making another mess, call me next time if you need to. , you must know that I have been tormented by her in the past ten years."

Did not give Ling Yan much time to digest this thorny bad news, Cannian was already ready to consciously return her body to Gu Zhong.

"Take care!"

Hearing this, Ling Yan hurriedly pulled her sleeves, as if she didn't want to let her go, but she didn't know what she was reluctant to give up.

"Ayan, to a certain extent, the little guy is right, we are not the body after all. You have to work hard... One day, you can really meet again."

Cang Nian seemed to see what she was thinking and thinking, Wen Yan lightly smiled and comforted her, and then she closed her eyes.


Opening his eyes again, Gu Zhong's call still had the aftertaste of panic.

Anyone who loses consciousness after handing over the body to another soul will feel a great panic, and Gu Zhong thought that Cannian was planning to completely obliterate himself.

Although the body was returned to her in the end, her remnants really made her unhappy.

I completely lost the sense and control of my body. I don’t want to do it again.

She swears in her heart that no matter what the master says next time, she will never let this broken thought run out.

"Azhong, it's okay."

Looking at her frightened little white rabbit, Ling Yan couldn't help laughing out loud, but in order not to let the rabbit fry, she had to do something to comfort her.

"Master, what exactly did you say, why don't you let me hear it?"

Gu Zhong Piansheng, who was not very curious at all, was stimulated by the rebellious thoughts, and he vowed to get to the bottom of it.

"It's not a big deal, just asking her to help remove the demonic energy in your sea of ​​knowledge. If you are sober, it may have an impact."

Ling Yan told a small lie, although this explanation barely made sense.


Gu Zhong's brows moved slightly, provoking a hint of surprise. She had heard about the inner demon, but she had never heard of the demonic energy.

"It may be a little complicated to explain, you just need to know that this thing can destroy the world, but you are not the reason. We should go north and explore."

Because there are many things for people in this world, it is best not to know, Ling Yan is not willing to explain too much.

Gu Zhong did not ask any further questions, she had complete trust in Ling Yan.

No matter what Master says, even if there are two suns in the sky, she will empty all the cognition in her brain and fill in the new cognition.

After getting the news of the demonic energy, Ling Yan immediately decided to set off, and even though Gu Zhong was playing tricks and rolling around, she didn't want to rest for another moment.

The matter of the devil is very important, and there is no room for delay.

Not only for this world, but also for this remnant soul, Ling Yan will never let the prophecy of destroying the world come true.

According to the instructions left by Cannian, they went all the way north, and unexpectedly came to the area of ​​Blood Phoenix Mountain.

Except for the vultures circling the sky from time to time looking for food, at a glance, there is no trace of other creatures.

It was almost dusk when they reached the foot of the mountain.

The afterglow of the setting sun hangs on the top of the dead branches, reflecting the clear roots on the ground.

A gust of cold wind blew through, and the branches swayed, making the shadow show its teeth and claws, as if to grab something.

Although the cultivator is not afraid of the dark night, but now Lingyan's injury has not healed, if there is any surprise attack, it will be difficult to deal with it for a while, I am afraid that it will add a few more scars.

In addition, Gu Zhong was very dissatisfied with Ling Yan's injury and hurrying on the road, and he didn't care about his disciple's identity along the way.

In the end, the two of them reached an agreement for the time being.

I've already made it here, so I won't be in a hurry. Even if there is a real change, it can be noticed at the first time.

After Gu Zhong has arranged everything properly, the bright moon has risen into the night sky instead of the blood-red setting sun.

Holy brilliance filled the dilapidated mountains and forests, showing a bit of loneliness and misery.

In the dark night, everything is silent, only the dead branches of the bonfire are burning brightly, making a cheerful crackling sound.

The monks do not need to sleep at night, so Ling Yan meditates and adjusts his breath to heal his injuries.

Gu Zhong on the side didn't dare to bother easily, and he had to take good care of him, so he could only rummage around and pick and choose.

It really made her pick up a few bamboos, and they are still in good condition. It is a good material for flute and flute.

Immediately, Gu Zhong pulled out the smoke cloud that had been tied back to his waist, and used it as a chisel for the time being, using the sword energy as a blade, and began to carve.

Yanyun trembled with anger again, she broke away from her palm several times, and ran to Ling Yan to walk around, like a child who was bullied outside, and wanted to complain to her parents.

Unfortunately, the person who entered the meditation could not hear Yanyun's helpless cry for help, and was re-captured by Gu Zhong several times.

"I'll play a tune for you later, don't make trouble..."

Gu Zhong continued to carve bamboo with smoke clouds mercilessly, while perfunctory comforting.

"You bullied Yanyun again?"

Yanyun, who finally found an opportunity, hurriedly moved in front of Lingyan aggrievedly and rubbed the back of her hand with the ridge of her sword.

"I made a flute out of it, stingy sword! Master, can I play a tune for you?"

Gu Zhong also rubbed against Ling Yan's side, like a peacock waiting to open its screen, ready to show off his gorgeous tail feathers at any time.


Looking at the more relaxed, naughty and sincere person in front of him, Ling Yan's eyes were stained with warmth.

The sound of the song curled up, floating like a thread, gentle and gentle, making the listener feel like a cloud, enough to soothe all the pain.

It is exactly the same as the song Gu Zhong played for her in the God Realm...

Wait, exactly the same? !

Ling Yan suddenly woke up from the intoxication of the song, and looked at Gu Zhong beside him.

I can't understand this song!


The author has something to say:

Ah ah ah ah, thanks for the landmines of the little angel of Konghan, Bo Bo chicken!

//Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2123:18:55~2021-11-2300:54:18~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 in the air;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!