MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 9 The emperor and his daughter (8)

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"Your Highness, Master Ling."

Even if it is an urgent march, even the most sophisticated army needs time to rest and rectify.

"What's wrong with Chen Kuling?"

Gu Zhong behaved like a corporal on the outside, even if he didn't like this person in his heart, he still gave a gentle answer.

Chen Moxian won the first name of Enke, and was appointed by Gu Di as the arsenal order, in charge of weapons, which is why he was able to join the army this time.

"It's not a big deal, I just don't know if Your Highness still remembers the temple fair before the autumn? I still remember the gift of money, but I can't go to the temple, and I have never had the opportunity to thank your highness in person. Thank you for your money back."

Chen Moxian's words are beautiful, he only mentions thanks and money, and nothing else. Ordinary people don't think much about him. If he recognizes him as a rare and sincere person, his favor will be multiplied.

However, Gu Zhong is not very personable, and she really doesn't want to be too involved with Chen Moxian, causing many misunderstandings by others. Wen Tun played Tai Chi.

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Chen Moxian smiled shyly, raised his eyes slightly to look at Gu Zhong with admiration in his eyes, and made an emotional gesture, coupled with his white and handsome skin, ordinary girls are afraid that they are already Heart rippling, spring heart sprouting.

Then he stepped back knowingly and wisely, and no longer bothered, presumably because he knew that it would be too annoying to continue to talk about it. This kind of observation ability is first-class.

"Thanks are not sincere."

After waiting for the person to walk away, Gu Zhong muttered in a low voice, if it wasn't for Ling Yan sitting beside her, he could hardly hear it clearly.

"It was clearly rejected by His Highness, but in turn, it was Chen Kuling's fault."

She laughed, not wanting to attract attention.

"Mr. clearly had a bad opinion of this person before, but today he has a good word for him?"

There is a little grievance in the words.

"Chen Kuling is the top-ranking scholar, and he is very talented, how can ordinary women not be moved? I heard that on the day of the parade, many women from aristocratic families kept throwing hairpins at him, just begging Chen Lang for one. Gu."

Ling Yan looked at Gu Zhong with a smile, and found her reaction quite interesting.

"Mr. talent, but I don't know how much taller than that Chen Moxian, how can she be an ordinary woman?"

Gu Zhong suffocated, said angrily, got up and raised his feet to leave.

“Why did Your Highness react so much?”

Ling Yan was surprised that she really made Gu Zhong angry, and quickly grabbed Gu Zhong's sleeve.

"Gu... Gu is afraid that Mr. Gu will be deceived by that thief's skin."

Gu Zhong sat down again and turned his head, feeling rather uncomfortable.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, just design this matter for His Highness, it is enough to test his character, how can he erase his reputation with a few words. No matter how talented he is, he can't move the minister Heart, Your Highness is satisfied with this."

Ling Yan continued to comfort her.


The light cavalry army was very brisk and arrived at Beiling in less than five days. If it is not necessary to clean up the official roads and open a road that allows subsequent grain transport vehicles and horses to pass, it will only be faster.

When the Beiling County Governor saw Gu Zhong, he was surprised at first, and then overjoyed.

The granddaughter came in person, which means that the support of the imperial court was sufficient. She hurriedly welcomed all the chief officials to the mansion, and the other side immediately went to clean the post house.

"The light cavalry is only to clear the way, and there is not much food. If the county governor still has surplus food, why not open a warehouse to save the people?"

What a mistake.

Gu Zhong was worried about the border, and as soon as he arrived at the county governor, he began to listen to the details of the current Beiling, pulled Wei Wuhou and Ling Yan to formulate countermeasures, and even had dinner in the future. midnight.

"His Royal Highness is so diligent, why should this dynasty be unhappy!"

Wei Wuhou did not complain about this, but was full of energy. It seemed that he found the heroic appearance of His Majesty in the past in Gu Zhong.

"Your Highness should be careful about yourself, it's okay occasionally, but it's not good for your body in the long run."

Ling Yan scolded her a few words, because Beiling was already cold and susceptible to wind-cold, for fear that she would be spoiled by sleeping and eating.

"I know, Mr. Laofan is worried."

Gu Zhong replied softly, not sure if he really listened.

In less than two days, everything will be planned properly, and the grain transport team has also arrived in the county, and it is only necessary to allocate grain to the counties under the county as planned.

Wei Wuhou went to the northern army camp in person to take over the frontier defense, and Gu Zhong followed him and learned many tactics and formations.

However, the barbarians do not know whether they have heard some rumors, or something is brewing, and they have not committed any crimes recently.

Gu Zhong couldn't stay in the county governor's house every day, and occasionally went to the northern border to patrol the border, but Wei Wuhou did not let her go too deep.

Going several times, she felt bored, and proposed to go to a place called Qingshui County under the county to see it.

On the way, Ling Yan stopped him.

"Where are you going, Your Highness?"

It was clearly just a plain question, but the question made Gu Zhong's hair stand upside down, looking at his husband's calm and gentle eyes, he couldn't tell a lie.

"I want to go to Qingshui County to see." His Highness immediately explained honestly.

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall?"


"If you are in danger, you must bring Mr...." Gu Zhong touched his nose guiltily.

"Then His Highness just wanted to leave without saying goodbye?"

"This... Qingshui County is less than half a day's journey from Fucheng, so I don't think it's a big deal. Mr. has been working hard for half a month, and I wanted you to take a good rest, but I didn't tell him."

"Your Highness needs to know that everything about your coming to the Northern Territory is known to the whole world, and the Northern Mausoleum is known to everyone, but there is no safe life in your place."

Ling Yan felt a little pain in her brain, and Gu Zhong was sometimes self-willed.

"Yes." His Highness was taught a lesson again, raised his eyes and stared at the angry gentleman carefully, and said yes.

"It's good that Your Highness wants to go to Xia County, but the minister should go together." This is not a request, but a decision.

So in the end, they went to Qingshui County to find a scholar dressed in Confucian clothes.

Fortunately, there is no more snow today. In order to transport food, the snow on the roads leading to the counties has been cleared. The muddy official roads are marked with ruts, and the number of homeless people along the road is much less than the previous two days. , It is very gratifying to see the importance.

It took nearly half a day for the group to arrive at Qingshui County, but the county town looked very strange. The doors of every household are closed, the streets are empty, and even hotels, restaurants and other places have not opened for business, which is completely different from the bustling and prosperous they imagined.

Gu Zhong felt strange, thought for a while, and led the team to the county office, where there were indeed people.

I saw two lazy yamen sitting on the ground, chatting one after another.

"Who's here?"

Seeing Gu Zhong and the others walking towards the yamen, the two of them stood up gruffly and asked feebly.

"Two adults, I'm passing through this place and want to enter the city to find a place to rest. How come there is no inn open in the whole city?"

Under Gu Zhong's gesture, a guard stepped forward to ask questions with a smile on his face.

"Hey, it's not a coincidence that these gentlemen are here. Today is Wuzhu's Day, and all the people in the city went to the Wuzhu Temple outside the city to pay tribute.

The county magistrates are gone, only the two brothers are left here to guard the gate. You'd better go out of the city and divert to other counties. "

Because the group was well dressed, the yamen answered their doubts very well.

"Wizard's Day?" Gu Zhong frowned and said to himself in doubt.

"I haven't heard of it before, I wonder if you can explain it in detail?"

The yamen didn't seem to want to talk, but when he saw the silver dollar, his eyes instantly became as big as copper bells, his Adam's apple moved involuntarily, and he quickly pulled the group into the door Inside, he gave his companion a wink, and the two closed the door together.

The guard behind Gu Zhong looked stunned, almost pulled out the knife, and was held by Ling Yan in time.

"Several gentlemen, you must not be from Beiling. Please forget about this today, and don't say it was disclosed by us."

"That's natural." Several people responded in a row.

Gu Zhong and Ling Yan looked at each other and saw the solemnity in each other's eyes.

"Since the founding of the country today, shamanism has been popular in evangelism, and you must know it. Two years ago, a shaman came to Beiling. He was proficient in medicine and divination. A few of them were treated as guests of honor."

"After that, from top to bottom, many witch temples were built in this county, and many witch halls were opened. They all believed in this Protestantism.

Wu Zhu Day is something that has been done since last year. It is to thank the Lord Wu Zhu for his kindness to the Northern Mausoleum. Every county that believes in Wu Zhu has it. Every day, the people of the city will go to the Wu Temple to make contributions. present. "

"Especially this year's snow disaster, Wu Zhu's calculus said that the witch **** will bless the North Tomb, and the disaster will be resolved within two days. If it is true that within two days, the imperial court will come to help the disaster, and the people will be more towards the witch god. It is piety, and Wu Zhuri has to go there in person, so that today’s empty city will appear.”

"Everyone with discernment knows about this, but no one is going to tell the people... Whoever dares to say that is guaranteed to be beaten.

The county magistrate has no choice but to follow the crowd, not to mention that the spread of witchcraft is permitted by His Majesty, the witch **** is worshipped by the clan, and the Lord of the County City takes the lead in holding the Witch's Day. "

The two yamen looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

A few words are shocking, this witch sect has a tendency to control the Beiling, and the people only believe in witch gods and not emperors, so is this Beiling still the Beiling of the dynasty?

The aristocratic family allowed it to develop, and what were their plans?

"Where exactly is the Wuzhu Temple?" Gu Zhong asked coldly, with anger in his words.


The author has something to say:

Ling Yan: Eating scumbag vinegar? What's your problem?

Gu Zhong: No matter! You can't watch other people anyway!