MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 87 Astrologers and Rebels (16)

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"Is she crazy?"

But Ling Yan knew that Gu Zhong was not such a reckless and blind hero, she must have the confidence to win, which made her make such a move, but how much risk to take, she did not It doesn't matter how thoughtful it is.

Ling Yan didn't care about herself immediately, and controlled the astrolabe to fly towards Gu Zhong, causing everyone present to take another breath of air.

The unnamed silver light on Gu Zhong's body became stronger and stronger, covering her whole body.

The speed of the flight is getting faster and faster, like a shooting star, ramming towards the demon king without a break.

Gu Zhong didn't even dodge, he still maintained a charge attitude and approached the blood phoenix little by little.

No one accidentally hit the flame, no one thought she could survive under the fire of the demon king.

However, Gu Zhong broke their expectations again, the flame was silently swallowed by the silver-white light, and it didn't even slow down her castration.

Seeing such a situation, Ling Yan held Yanyun's hand tightly and loosened a little.

Gu Zhong's aura and fighting spirit are rising steadily, and the aura of her cultivation base can't help leaking. Ling Yan realizes that she is just a Mahayana perfection now.

The blood phoenix put away the teasing in his eyes, and his expression showed a trace of seriousness and seriousness.

This person in front of him seems to be different from those little bugs before, and it may be a little tricky.

Seeing Gu Zhong getting closer and closer, even if he knew the strength of the demon body, after seeing the strangeness of this silver-white light, the demon king would not dare to care.

It put away the original prototype that covered the sky and turned into a three-foot-tall bird-headed human monster, still holding two scimitars in the hands of the bird's claws.

The two knives crossed and collided, and a harsh metal buzzing sound spread to the ears of all the monks in Blood Phoenix Mountain.

Ling Yan is strong because of her spirit and has not been affected.

Similarly, Gu Zhong is not an ordinary soul, and the demon king's move was wrong.

At this time, Gu Zhong was less than ten meters away from it. Seeing this, the demon king couldn't help but start to get angry.


The sound of swords colliding several times in a row came out. Between the hand-to-hand combat between Mahayana and Fanxian, Gu Zhong did not lose the slightest.

However, the sword in her hand is just an ordinary spiritual weapon after all, and it cannot withstand too frequent slashing.

The sword let out a whimper, and the cracks have climbed up the blade. Just one more stroke, the sword will shatter into powder.

Yanyun didn't know when to ignite the boiling fighting intent, the whole sword trembled uncontrollably, and even forcibly broke free from the shackles of Lingyan's scabbard, and couldn't wait to fly towards the center of the battlefield.

When the sword in Gu Zhong's hand shattered, the cloud of smoke flew right into Gu Zhong's hand and became her new weapon.

At the moment when Yanyun started, Gu Zhong's body couldn't help but froze, and there was a trace of anger and annoyance in her eyes.

Immediately, the momentum of the Mahayana cultivation base spewed upward like an unstoppable spring, climbing all the way, crossing the difference between immortals and mortals, from ordinary immortals to golden immortals, without stopping.

Wise decision.

Escaped into the depths of the cracked mountain range.

Gu Zhong's black eyes were plated with a faint golden light, and with indifference that he didn't care about the situation of the battle, he gently lifted the cloud of smoke and slid across the air.

After a short silence, the sword qi woven into a fine mesh covered the entire mountain range, pressing down overwhelmingly.

The monsters who didn't have time to flee were annihilated in this endless sword energy, and there were many big monsters among them.

The demon king who turned into a hummingbird was not able to escape this sword either.

I don't know whether this demon king who was born with less than a stick of incense was seriously injured or has already fallen.

The mid-air Gu Zhong lightly frowned and raised his sword again, as if he was about to pursue something.

Ling Yan, who had been standing quietly at the side just after seeing Gu Da's great power, hurriedly stepped forward to catch her, and gently encircled her in her arms, as if doing a pious pilgrimage.

Only a group of cultivators who did not respond to this sudden reversal victory remained.

It was probably because the sword was too shocking, and all of a sudden, all eyes with emotion and reverence turned to Gu Zhong in Ling Yan's arms.

It is the honor and recognition that belongs to Gu Zhong alone. The big dream she once made has finally been realized.

The reason behind this is not as simple as it seems, at least the victim himself does not agree.

"Just now, it was her."

Gu Zhong didn't fall into a coma for too long. After she opened her eyes in Ling Yan's arms, her first words were full of resentment.

Ling Yan reacted when Gu Zhong's momentum suddenly changed, this is the awakening of the residual thoughts of the body.

Except for the real God of War, no one here can do it.

"But you chose to fight the demon king."

No more nonsense about soul reincarnation and identity identification, Ling Yan chose to affirm the bravery of going forward.

"I'm actually not sure that I'll be able to hit the demon king again, but I just thought I should give it a try. The worst thing is to lose and run away."

Dressing down her thick eyelashes, Gu Zhong whispered to Ling Yan what she was thinking at the time.

"In the end, I can only rely on her. I really can never surpass her."

After that, she was full of dejected words.

"Don't think about it."

However, surrounded by crowds of onlookers who are ready to come to express their gratitude, Ling Yan can only say these words hastily.

After a tragic battle, although Xianmen was not as miserable as the demon clan, it also suffered heavy casualties, and nearly half of the monks died.

When they came, the mighty gang was no longer lively, and the campfires at the foot of the mountain were also destroyed.

Under the afterglow of the sunset that reappeared in the sky after the thunderclouds dissipated, it inevitably showed a trace of loneliness and loneliness, which made people feel sad for no reason.

Several leaders from Immortal Sect looked at each other, stepped forward, and began to greet Ling Yan and Gu Zhong politely.

Xu Shi has never been the center of attention before, maybe it's the ten years of lonely adventure life that has made her lose the ability to talk openly with people, Gu Zhong seems very cramped.

At this moment, Gu Zhong changed back to the little apprentice who used to follow Ling Yan. He just stood quietly beside his master, without saying a word, with eyes full of trust Look at Ling Yan.

"Young Sect Master, do you still remember the omens I mentioned to you."

In the midst of a peaceful and happy business tout, a voice suddenly inserted in, making everyone who was interrupted to speak very unhappy.

"Elder Xia, what do you mean by this?"

Looking at Xia Xiange walking forward with a smile, Ling Yan's heart was beating like a drum, and for no reason she felt a trace of unkindness.

"The stars are uneven, the seven kills meet the demons, and the omen of extinction."

Her voice was not loud, but every word fell on Ling Yan's heart like thunder, and was also engraved into the minds of everyone present.

"Seven kills, meet demons."

Seeing to see their confusion, Xia Xiange slowly repeated one of the sentences.

"Xingxingxing is located in the middle palace, and it should be someone related to the Young Sect Master. I was just suspicious. When I saw you today, this little apprentice is really like this - Young Sect Master, it's a pity. ··"

There was a look of regret on his face, but there was no wavering in his eyes, Xia Xiange was just a cat crying and a mouse pretending to be compassionate.

"Elder Xia, what do you mean by this?"

Hiding the anger in her eyes, Ling Yan suppressed the killing intent in her heart, still pretending to be puzzled.

"If you remember the prophecy of the death of the world, you should know what I am talking about.

Gu Zhong is the person who destroys the world, and he is also the star of the seven killings that I occupied ten years ago. "

The voice is like a stone falling into the water, causing a thousand waves.

Gu Zhong's eyes widened, still ignorant.

The eyes of the people around her changed after Xia Xiange said these words. Gratitude and respect disappeared completely, leaving only vigilance and hostility, as if he would draw a sword and stab at Gu Zhong in the next second.

Now kill the man who is rumored to destroy the world, so as to eliminate the disaster in the prophecy.

Read The Duke's Passion