MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 82 Astrologers and Rebels (11)

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Before Lingyan could recall where he had seen the pattern, the tiny red light began to flicker, and the frequency of flickering gradually increased.

More and more intense, more and more dazzling, and finally formed a spray of red light, straight to the sea of ​​fog on the dome.

The originally peaceful and peaceful mountain forest began to tremble, and the earth seemed to wake up, let out a "boom", and began to vibrate and undulate violently, and the soil and stones splashed around excitedly.

The place where the two stood, collapsed without warning, and the suction force was too strong to break free and dragged them down.

All Ling Yan can do is to hold Gu Zhong's hand tightly and try her best not to let them experience separation again.

This time, I didn't walk through the sea of ​​thunder for so long, and soon Ling Yan felt that the soles of her shoes had stepped on a piece of soft soil.

It's just the complete darkness that even the cultivator can't see, which makes people feel uneasy.

Gu Zhong, who was caught tightly by Ling Yan, did not have the slightest panic on his face, as if he knew what was going to happen.

"We should move on."

Gu Zhong said softly, and wanted to lift his foot and walk forward.

"Ah Chong, you seem a little wrong."

Ling Yan held her shoulders, turned her whole body towards herself, and looked at Gu Zhong worriedly.

"Master, I..."

Gu Zhong was stunned for a moment, a little speechless, she was unable to describe to Ling Yan the familiarity of this place and the kind of guidance she couldn't resist from the depths of her soul.

It was as if she was calling herself to let her go where she should go without hesitation.

"I see, I've been here."

That's all she said in the end.

Gu Zhong didn't understand Ling Yan's worries.

What Ling Yan wants to say is that now the feeling that Gu Zhong gives her has become very mysterious.

It seems that she is not the original person, but she has not lost her mind and soul, but some strange changes have gradually developed in her, depriving her of some characteristics that originally belonged to her.

But he didn't notice the change himself.

Ling Yan suddenly began to wonder what the so-called chance was.

"Keep yourselves."

Ling Yan said lightly and let go of Gu Zhong's restraint.

Hearing the words, Gu Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted. It turned out that the master was worried about the loss of the house.

The natural trust that comes from her soul instantly made her horrified.

Is there really any secret method that can make people offer their souls without reservation?

For a moment, Gu Zhong gave birth to the idea of ​​retreating.

However, the current situation is that there is no way out, they can only continue to move forward.

Not to mention...she's going to get stronger!

Only in this way can I stand beside Ling Yan in an upright and unquestioned way, and no longer suffer from indifference, sympathy or trampling on others.

If this is the only turning point, even if there is only the slightest hope, she must not take a step back.

Gu Zhong made up his mind and continued to walk forward.

It's just that the originally relaxed and confused thoughts became sober and tense.

A journey that is not very long begins to become infinitely long.

Because of the unknown and fear.

Crossing the narrow path, they were greeted by a light that was diametrically opposed to the pure darkness.

The white and dazzling light suddenly appeared, making people unconsciously raise their sleeves to cover their eyes.

After getting used to the brightness of the whiteness, they opened their eyes to see exactly what made this place as bright as the nine days that never sunset.

The arc-shaped dome cave is covered with white beads from left to right and top to bottom, and all the light comes from them.

This thing, only the gods have.

It is her **** world, her homeland, which disappeared ten thousand years ago.

She hurriedly looked forward, and in the middle was a huge pond, pavilions, water pavilions, and winding corridors, in which the extremely beautiful **** lotus bloomed proudly, undefeated for years.

Few clouds and mists rise up, making the fairy pond looming, creating another nine-day wonderland.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Ling Yan's thoughts could not help immersed in the past, and some fragments buried deep in her memory came out of her mind without permission.

"Ayan, let me tell you - during this expedition, I accidentally discovered a good place."

Master God of War sat beside Ling Yan with his legs bent, his stern tone and voice were the same as before.

"Gu Zhong, do you know that you almost died there!? And what kind of wilderness is there to explore?"

The question full of anger and worry smashed at Gu Zhong, the girl's face was full of anger.

"I didn't expect Ah Yan to be so worried about me?

Leaning into Ling Yan's ear, he chuckled lightly, watching his loved one become embarrassed by teasing, Gu Zhong's eyes unconsciously stained with warmth and a smile.

"You! Who cares about you bastard? Where?!"

In order to avoid Gu Zhong's teasing, Ling Yan could only follow her to bring the topic back.

"A paradise with beautiful scenery. There is abundant spiritual energy, and the spiritual spring is gurgling. It is a treasured place for cultivation.

When I was recovering, I had nothing to do, so I imitated a Tianchi, and then filled it with mirage beads.

When I have free time, I will build a few more temples of Wuji, how about moving the shrine? "

Gu Zhong carefully described her masterpiece to Ling Yan, and also seriously solicited her opinion on the next construction.

"You... always act so recklessly, and I'm not afraid of Tianjun suspecting that you have the heart of rebellion."

Speaking of complaining words, the corners of Lingyan's mouth couldn't stop rising, because this person is interesting, and because her ideas are always imaginative.

"Tianjun, thank you for this position. I just want to be with my Ah Yan and do the best things in the world..."

Haosheng said, Gu Zhong leaned forward with a smile on his face.

"Who's yours?!"

Ling Yan retorted awkwardly, but did not resist her closeness at all.

"Next time I'll take you to see that place, okay?"


However, no one expected that today she unexpectedly arrived at the place Gu Zhong once said.

The person who made the promise came together in an unexpected identity and way.

I don't know if this is the traction and arrangement.

Gu Zhong is a casual person. When she imitates, it is impossible for her to completely reproduce it. Everything here is her shadow and breath.


Gu Zhong was keenly aware of Ling Yan's emotional changes, she followed her step by step, and called out with concern.

Looking back at the face that was exactly the same as the one she remembered but with a very different personality, Ling Yan suddenly felt a burst of guilt.

Being in a familiar environment, she began to think again, is the current care and the former care really a person?

After all, she knew nothing about the past, and she was very different from the past.

"Let's go..."

Knowing that this place was created by care, Ling Yan let go of her scruples and faded away.

Like a tourist watching the scenery, immerse yourself in it.

Gu Zhong felt the irresistible traction from the stele, calling her constantly.

Her thinking was disturbed, and even with all the will of her body, it was difficult to resist the temptation in the depths of her soul.


She gritted her teeth and called out again with difficulty.

Ling Yan was not unaware of Gu Zhong's difficulty, but she chose to let it go.

If this is what the deity left behind, then all this should be the call of the source to the scattered souls.

The current concern cannot be resisted, and there is no need to resist, acceptance is the most correct choice.

"Azhong, go... Maybe, this is your chance."

She said.

Gu Zhong obediently gave up his resistance and closed his eyes.

The invisible force lifted her up and pulled her towards the monument.

The soft light as thin as silk burst out from it, wrapping Gu Zhong gently and forming a huge cocoon.

"Even here... or be careful..."

Sacrificing the astrolabe, tensed the nerves of the whole body, turned around and put on a posture to meet the enemy.

No matter what the opportunity is, there is no room for interruption.

"Xing Shui-kun?"

Seeing Ling Yan here, they also showed a burst of surprise on their faces, obviously they didn't expect someone to discover the cave before them.

"What is that? Inheritance?"

Yunyao turned her gaze to Yutai's cocoon, and Ling Yan's heart tightened.

"Is that there, Gu Zhong?"

Another question asked in a disgusted tone.

I don't know when I will be reconciled with Qingzhu and others.

“Master Qingzhu, Master Yunyao…”

The disciple surnamed Wu shouted to the two Venerables in the door aggrieved.

"The matter is not clear, the inheritance cannot be easily cut off, and we will talk about it later."

Qingzhu glanced at her lightly, unmoved.

"Senior brother is really being troubled by beauty. The Star Luomen doesn't take me in the eyes of Shangyinmen, and almost killed my disciples. How can this be good. When the inheritance ends , then it's too late!"

Yun Yao refused to obey, no more words, and attacked Yutai.

Ling Yan dodged to block Yun Yao, her eyes revealing a resolute determination and ferocity.

"The one who disturbs my disciple, die!"


became real.

Read The Duke's Passion