MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 77 Astrologers and Rebels (6)

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Beside a white jade chess table, a pot of hot tea was boiled on it. The two sat opposite each other, speechless to each other. When the third pot of tea was brewed, Ling Yan couldn't help but speak first.

“Elder Xia came to find me today, what is the reason?”

"It's not a big deal, but I passed by and remembered that I haven't seen the young master for a long time, so I came to take a look today."

Slanted a glance at Ling Yan, Xia Xiange took a leisurely look, lifted the teacup unhurriedly, took a sip, and made a slight Two comments.

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"If Elder Xia likes it, just take some back later."

Pretending to be polite, Ling Yan became more and more vigilant.

There is nothing to do without going to the Three Treasures Hall, how could Xia Xiange just come here for a sip of tea and forget it?

I'm afraid she came here on purpose today, but she wants to take a look at Gu Zhong, if she really sees it, it will definitely add a lot of twists and turns.

"Then I would like to thank the Young Sect Master for the gift of love."

Hearing this, the woman was not polite, and agreed without any refusal.

"When we went out of the customs, I heard that the young sect master accepted the disciples. It's not too late to congratulate."

Seriously afraid of what to do, Xia Xiange seemed to casually mention the existence of Gu Zhong.

"It's all about accepting a disciple. I don't like extravagance, so I haven't done it much. Elder Xia doesn't have to worry about it."

trying to hide her worries, Ling Yan acted lightly, as if this was really just a minor thing.

"Really? I thought, what's so special about this disciple, that the Young Sect Master is so precious that he won't let outsiders see it~"

Laughing twice, Xia Xiange's words made Ling Yan's heart skip a beat.

"Elder Xia is joking."

In the end she could only be so vague.

"Speaking of which, what was the result of what the Young Sect Master went to investigate the day before yesterday?"

Unexpectedly, Xia Xiange no longer entangled on this issue, but asked about other things.

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After thinking for a while, Ling Yan still told the situation truthfully.

Xia Xiange always pays special attention to the change of monsters.

"Young Master, you know that I retreated to stargazing the day before yesterday, what did I do?"

Xia Xiange pondered for a moment before jumping to a topic again.

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Ling Yan was quite worried about the venue. In this life, Xia Xiange's authority in gazing the stars and interpreting hexagrams is recognized by the entire world of immortality.

This means that, in a certain respect, her words can influence the decisions of Xianmen hundred schools to a large extent.

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Xia Xiange placed the tea cup lightly on the jade table, half-squinted her eyes and stared at Ling Yan.

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Xing Xuan is Ling Yan's real name Xingchen, what Xia Xiange said must be her.

For the first time, Ling Yan felt annoyed at herself, but as long as her astrology and hexagram interpretation can surpass Xia Xiange by one point, it is not necessary to do everything. The interpretation of Xia Xiange's hexagram shall prevail.

"It's really weird, Xingxuan is a lucky star, how can it be a bad omen? I also ask Elder Xia to explore it carefully. What is the reason?"

Pretending to be surprised and puzzled, Ling Yan threw the question back.

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Standing up, Xia Xiange glanced at her cave. Gu Zhong was lying inside at this time.

"Also ask the sect master, be careful in everything, and don't do superfluous things."

Leave a very meaningful warning at the end, and Xia Xiange left.

But before leaving, I didn't forget to ask Ling Yan to take two packets of good spirit tea with them.

Xia Xiange's departure did not make Ling Yan breathe a sigh of relief, the astrologer's ability is too powerful, and the astrological phenomenon alone can arouse her suspicion.

I am afraid that Gu Zhong is no longer suitable to stay in the door in the near future, so he should find a reason to avoid it for the time being.

Returning to the cave with thousands of thoughts, Ling Yan completely forgot about the matter of looking for Jian Lingjun to settle accounts, and only scrutinized the future development plan.


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Gu Zhong actually woke up, even if he used a good elixir, it is normal for Jin Dan to rest for a day and a night after suffering such a serious injury.

With such a physique, it is no wonder that the sword spirit dares to throw people into the Wanjiantai without any mercy. Regardless of his cultivation base, Gu Zhong's physique strength is almost equal to that of the fit period, which is the real arrogance.

"Don't move. But thirsty?"

Even though she knew that Gu Zhong was fine, Ling Yan was still careful not to let her move easily.

Pour out a bowl of the spiritual spring water that was set aside, and scoop it to Gu Zhong's mouth with a small spoon.

This care can be said to be extremely appropriate, and it is difficult for outsiders to imagine such a virtuous side of Xing Xuanjun.


Gu Zhongcheng called out in fear, but still hurriedly struggled to sit up and grabbed the utensils in Ling Yan's hands. It seems that it is to carry out the etiquette of master and apprentice to the end.

Seeing her so dogmatic and old-fashioned, Ling Yan sighed, really helpless.

"You don't need to be so polite."

"How can I trouble Master to take care of the disciples?"

In this regard, Gu Zhong is extraordinarily persistent, and I don’t know why.

Are you afraid of losing your shelter? Or some other reason?

Ling Yan, for a while, wondered whether she was right or wrong about recognizing Gu Zhong as a disciple.

People are protecting them, but they seem as unfamiliar as ever, and there is still a gap between master and apprentice.

Looking at Ling Yan who seemed a little unhappy in front of him, Gu Zhong was a little stunned, not knowing where he made her unhappy.

I only dare to lower my eyes, quietly sip the spiritual spring in the bowl, and hide the heat and paranoia in my eyes.

It's finally possible to get closer to her, Gu Zhongwan doesn't want to be rejected because of transgression.

As long as I can be with Master, she thought so.

Gu Zhong was unwilling to accept her care, and Ling Yan was not good at making any further demands, so she could only let her be.

But in order to prevent her from continuing to be stubborn at all costs, her practice was strictly prohibited.

In the days when Gu Zhong was recovering from her injury, in order to relieve her boredom, Ling Yan was always by her side, explaining to her the common sense of the world of immortality and some interesting things that she had not known before. Strange things.

Unconsciously, another few months passed.

Seeing Gu's serious injuries gradually recovering, just as Ling Yan was thinking about how to find a reason to take her away from Star Luomen for a while, a message happened to be delivered to her door.

A piece of excellent news that just fits Ling Yan's heart, and it is also an important node concerning the turning point of his life.

Read The Duke's Passion