MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 159 God and God of War (19)

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An ominous premonition was born from the bottom of Lingyan's heart.

Then just landed on the ground, Ling Yan forced herself to support her body with all her might, and stumbled towards that direction.

Ling Yan walked all the way, much slower than when she came, and she saw more clearly what kind of disaster this catastrophe brought to the God Realm.

covered in blood.

From the start, Ling Yan held down her waist, forcibly suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and continued to move forward.


Just as she was in a trance, a hoarse roar came from behind her.

The attacker who appeared in front of her was like a bewitched fairy. He was looking at her with his head tilted at the moment, there was no expression in his eyes, only bloodthirsty malice - he had already replied Godless.

Ling Yan clenched her fists, letting the pain lead her unbearable sensibility, she raised her palms, danced a training belt forward, and floated forward gently.

She continued to walk towards the center of the red light, encountering more and more demonic gods, one time she might be soft-hearted, two times she couldn't bear it, but three or four times, until the end, she Completely numb.

This road, the more she walks, the more familiar she has traveled countless times over the past two thousand years - this is the direction leading to the Chaos Hall.

The drum in her heart became more and more intense, making a deafening sound in her chest, urging her to speed up.

The staggering pace began to change back to flying, and she couldn't wait to break into the hall.

"Sister Xuanhu!"

she shouted loudly.

Death silence, no response.

Ling Yan did not give up and called again, one after another, but there was still no one. respond.

No one came out to catch her running with a smile like before.

There is a hunch in the dark, and she controls her footsteps to walk towards the inner hall that she has never been to.

Opening the hazy light gauze curtain, what appeared in front of her was the empty inner hall and a pool of red pool liquid, with a hint of fishy smell.

On the table made of white jade bricks, there was a person lying down, the familiar moon white robe, which made Ling Yan's panic confirmed.

She hurried over and knelt down in front of the woman who had apparently lost all her life.

"Sister Shaojun—"

She leaned down and shouted softly, as if afraid of waking the sleeping person in her dream.

She carefully touched the man's cheek with her fingers, only to feel a coldness.


She shouted in a panic, with an uncontrollable cry, but no tears fell from her eyes.

In the vicinity of the wound where the sharp blade pierced, the blood was half-coagulated, and it was not long since the tragedy happened.

She stood up abruptly and looked around, as if trying to find the murderer here.

But the results were obviously disappointing, and she couldn't find them.

Suddenly, the never-moving Nine Heavens suddenly shook violently, as if something was collapsing.

Being too late to explore everything in the Chaos Hall, Ling Yan quickly picked up the corpse of the young master and rushed out of the Chaos Hall at the fastest speed.

The next second after she left, the Chaos Hall turned into a powder.

The Temple of Nine Heavens at the highest point was still glittering with golden light, and it was safe and sound.


Muttering two words from her mouth, Ling Yan followed her inner thoughts and walked towards Jiuxiao Palace.

's sister.

There were times when she was only one step away, and she would fall into the abyss. The obsession that came from nowhere, tried his best again and again, and moved closer to that glorious palace.

Rush into the hall at the fastest speed in my life, and the chaos outside the hall was instantly isolated.

The hall, which has been noisy and noisy recently due to the meeting, has returned to its former silence, and needles can be heard falling.

"You care?"

Ling Yan couldn't believe it, and called out tentatively in a low voice.

Hearing the faint call, the man on the steps turned around and looked at her indifferently.

It's a care - but not a care.

That face is the familiar face Ling Yan has been looking forward to countless times today, but the look in her eyes that she has never seen before is cold.

—Is Gu Chong enchanted?

Ling Yan couldn't help guessing in her heart.

"Ayan, are you here?"

Across the long steps, Gu Zhong's voice seemed to come from the sky, and it was not very real.

Putting down the young master in his arms, Ling Yan stepped up step by step and walked towards Gu Zhong until he stood side by side with her.

"What happened here?"

She looked around at a loss, and asked cautiously, as if something would explode with a little effort.

"...what do you think?"

Gu Zhong looked at her, and was speechless for a while before he spoke slowly. Her voice was still as if covered in fog, dull and depressed.

"Sister Shaojun is dead."

Ling Yan twitched the corners of her mouth, as if she wanted to use a small smile to ease the strange and solemn atmosphere of the matter, but she had just experienced the most painful thing in the world, how could she laugh.


Gu Zhong responded with no emotion.

"Father, are you also dead?"


However, the answer from the other side shattered her self-deceiving fantasy.


Ling Yan closed her eyes and didn't want to ask any more questions about the reason for this catastrophe in the God Realm, about those soldiers who fought and died, and about those immortals and gods who died tragically.

"Don't you want to know?"

Gu Zhong's voice sounded leisurely, with endless malice, as if it came directly from her mind.

Ling Yan suddenly opened her eyes and looked at Gu Zhong pleadingly, unwilling to verify the most unbearable guess in her heart.

"Ayan, what do you think, is it me?"

The whisper of the lover whispered in the ear, with a confusing tone, but it was like a whisper of a devil, arousing evil thoughts and anger in the heart.

She widened her eyes angrily, as if she couldn't understand why Gu Zhong suddenly became like this.

Designing the Demon Race to invade, slaughter the Protoss, and kill her close relatives, is it really a matter of concern?

—No, Gu Zhong has always been proud and competitive, hated the demons, and loves the creatures of all worlds, how could he seek skin with tigers?

—Yes, the **** emperor slaughtered her entire clan, and now is a good time for revenge. How could the flame of revenge burning in her chest be easily extinguished, as long as the **** emperor can be killed, no What she can't do.

Two voices were arguing and fighting, tearing her mind and soul back and forth.

The red color covering her eyes gradually deepened, turning into pure black, bit by bit eroding her pupils and the whites of her eyes.

—Yes, it was me.

Gu Zhong's voice resounded in her mind again, with pride and arrogance, shattering her last struggle.

Ling Yan raised her hand and let out an angry moan as she probed towards Gu Zhongxin.

—The only way to kill the Asuras is to take out their hearts.

Yanyun trembled wildly in Gu Zhong's hands, Jianming seemed so mournful at this moment, as if he was shouting, and wanted to say something, but was held down by Gu Zhong, unable to escape.

—I want to trust her.

A faint sigh was like a clear stream, flowing through the muddled thoughts, this was her own voice.

Her right hand seemed to be conscious, and she still wanted to move forward to complete what was supposed to be done, Ling Yan quickly grabbed it with the other hand, and at the same time tried to control herself towards Back off, but all these actions seem so difficult.

The black and red in her eyes turned red, as if a territorial battle was going on.

But Gu Zhong, as if frozen, stood motionless, waiting for the final winner's judgment.


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Read The Duke's Passion