MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 156 God and God of War (16)

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Aware of Ling Yan's pause, Gu Zhong turned his head and stared at her.

Ling Yan saw that in those eyes that were always full of pride and self-confidence, now there is only depression and struggle.


Only after the love burns, she has to face a more realistic question - can she really give up the God Realm without any lingering?

As a divine pearl, she was revered by the divine world and enjoyed the most prosperous weaving of delicacies in nine days. No matter what the current situation is, the **** emperor and the young prince truly love her.

The threat of the demon emperor came again, and a weight was placed on the balance that was constantly swaying in Ling Yan's heart.

She turned her gaze to the carved beams and painted buildings that began to shatter due to the fierce fighting. The Promise Palace was devastated by this sudden storm.

She also thought about the lotus pond where Fang and Gu Zhong often go, one day, will the bright and proud blooming eventually decay?

In the realm of the gods, she has too many nostalgia and too much to let go.

Besides, if they leave today, what they will face is endless pursuit and wandering. Where can you stay safe?

The most important thing is that Gu Zhong may always bear the infamy of being a traitor and a master murderer, falling from a high position, and being reviled by the villains who once respected her and feared her.

She wants to stay in the God Realm—as many considerations come, this idea becomes more and more firm in Ling Yan's mind.

Even though she likes to be careful and can't let go of this new emotion, she has to choose this path.

As long as she is still here, she may be able to find out the truth of Linyuan's death. It doesn't matter if Gu Zhong won't go back to the God Realm again, because the God Realm is sorry for her, she shouldn't bear the grievances that don't belong to her.

Gu Zhong's defense left by Yanyun gradually could no longer hold, and the figures of the **** emperor and the demon emperor gradually became clear, and they were about to cross the barrier to catch them!

"Ayan! Go!"

Thousands of thoughts flashed for just a moment, but Gu Zhong saw a certain determination in Ling Yan's eyes. She couldn't help panicking, pulling her hard, wanting to take her away immediately, as if she would lose her forever if she didn't.

A fiery red whip suddenly rolled towards the two of them, wrapped around Ling Yan's ankle, and dragged her there.

Gu Zhong held her tightly, unwilling to let go.

Hearing the noise behind him gradually cease, Ling Yan couldn't bear to close her eyes.

A giant palm with a ghost came towards them, and the barrier used to block the enemy was completely shattered.

"Gu Zhong, you have to be good."

After saying that, Ling Yan stretched out her hand, pulled Gu Zhong's palm down from her forearm suddenly, and then pushed hard, pushing her lover into the crack, letting herself be The demon king pulled back.


The cry of grief was not heard before it stopped abruptly. The crack suddenly closed, An Ran sent Gu Zhong away, and the God Emperor's full-strength blow was completely unsuccessful.

"God made the right choice."

The demon emperor stretched out his hand to hold Ling Yan's delicate shoulders, and his words were full of arrogance.


Ling Yan threw off the demon emperor's claws angrily, and rubbed the skin he touched in disgust, causing the demon emperor to narrow his eyes.

The God Emperor turned his head in dissatisfaction, glared at Ling Yan, and then at the Demon Emperor.

"Come here, bring Ling Yan to the Xuanji Hall, and watch closely!"

"Father! The demon emperor clearly has other plans, how can you seek skin from the tiger?"

Hearing the words of the **** emperor, Ling Yan's face instantly turned pale - Xuanji Temple, the most heavily guarded prison in the **** world, it is absolutely impossible for those who enter it to escape.

I never imagined that the God Emperor would be so angry this time, and he really moved. She can only try to provoke the covenant between the demon emperor and the **** emperor, so as to win the **** emperor's leniency.

"The first priority is to defend against the demons now, no more words! Take it!"

However, it is useless after all, the **** emperor is determined to form an alliance with the demon emperor. After all, given the current situation in the God Realm, the head coach will defect, and the army will be in chaos. Without the support of the demon clan, I am afraid that the demon clan will be able to fight in front of the Jiuxiao Temple within a month, so what she said is useless.

"It seems that the **** emperor finally figured it out."

When Ling Yan was escorted away by the heavenly soldiers, there were only two people left in the hall.

"Don't think that this emperor doesn't know, it's you who did it!"

God Emperor gritted his teeth, but what if he knew?

The strategy used by the demon emperor is an open and upright conspiracy. For the sake of his own throne and the stability of the gods, it is absolutely impossible for the **** emperor to stay concerned, and he has to hold his nose to recognize the one with the demon emperor. Covenant.

"Let go, this emperor will keep his promise, not only to keep your God Realm safe and sound, but also to keep you from suffering from ten thousand years of exhaustion in the future."

The Demon Emperor shook his arm, not caring about the God Emperor's accusations, and said to himself.

"Hum! Better."

"It's really — impolite —"

The demon emperor sighed happily, not thinking at all, who is more rude.

The news of Gu Zhong's defection by murdering his master caused an uproar in Wanjie. Most of the gods did not believe what she did, especially the Zhenyuan Army.

However, the God Emperor's golden paper orders cannot be faked. As soldiers of the God Realm, they can only endure the doubts in their hearts and continue to guard the border for the God Realm.

The Demon Realm also learned the news, and took advantage of this opportunity to intensify the offensive. The Zhenyuan Army, which was disillusioned due to the accident of the coach, was naturally defeated.

When everyone in the God Realm was worried about shaking the foundation of the army, the God Emperor once again issued an edict to officially confirm the marriage with the Demon Realm.

The Demon Emperor sent a large army without hesitation to guard the Abyss of Gods and Demons together with the God Realm, temporarily stabilizing the fierce offensive of the Demon Race.

God Emperor imprisoned Ling Yan here regardless of her face, she must have been really anxious, but she didn't take it seriously when she came back Golden clothes and jade food, but it is by no means a real prisoner treatment.

"See Shaojun!"

The respectful voice of the guard awakened Ling Yan from the wandering state of looking at the roof.

The elegantly dressed woman stood outside her prison, even in the gloomy and depressing prison, the young gentleman still seemed so elegant and out of place.

"Sister Shaojun!"

Seeing the only relative she can talk to now, Ling Yan pretended to be stubborn and tenacious for a long time and broke in an instant, she ran towards Shaojun, her grievances were full of tears.

"Xiaoyan, I've wronged you."

"What's going on outside?"

Looking at her sister who had been pampering her since childhood, Ling Yan had thousands of complaints and wanted to tell her, but now, she has more important things to know than her own emotions and grievances.

"No big deal, the alliance of gods and demons and the demons are deadlocked in the abyss of gods and demons."

"What else?"

Ling Yan still looked at Shaojun eagerly and nervously, Shaojun knew what she really wanted to ask.

"Relax, Gu Zhong's whereabouts are unknown."

She sighed softly and said succinctly.

"The investigation about the Lord Linyuan—"

"The meaning of the father, you should know that this matter will not be investigated again."

Shaojun lowered her eyes, covering the emotions in her eyes, I don't know whether she agrees or disagrees with this.

"He just wanted a justifiable reason to get rid of Gu Zhong? Maybe the Lord Linyuan didn't die at the hands of the demons at all?"

Ling Yan slammed the black iron fence angrily, full of helplessness and resentment.

"Xiaoyan, you'd better obey your father - if you have any plans, people must come out to implement them."

Young Master is here today to try to mediate the conflict between God Emperor and Ling Yan.

"But, Mrs. Shaojun, my father doesn't listen to what I say at all, and I'm always uneasy about the demon clan in my heart."

So the reason for the conflict is from the demon emperor.

"What's wrong?"

Shaojun frowned, obviously not thinking of Ling Yan's reason for this.

"The demon emperor's marriage plan is unclear, he does not love me - he said before that the demon world needs me, which makes me very confused, I always feel that the demon clan has a great plan. What are they like Good intentions, can you lose so many monster warriors because of a marriage?"

Ling Yan told Shaojun all the confusion in her heart.

"Did he really say that?"

Young Jun's heart suddenly burst, but his face was calm.

"It does."

Ling Yan's expression is completely sincere.

"Okay, I know, I will definitely find out. If you try to get skin with a tiger, the consequences will be disastrous."

"One more thing - Sister Shaojun, can you take the time to investigate the matter of the Lord Linyuan?"

Ling Yan put her hands in front of her chest and put on a pitiful plea.

"...Xiaoyan, do you have to know the truth?"

"I think it is the heavens and the world that need to know the truth. It is the gods who are sorry for taking care, she should not bear such stigma."


Faced with such a firm request from her sister, Shaojun could not refuse in person, and finally had to agree.

However, how could she discover the so-called truth about this matter?

Young Master has no choice nor the heart to speak to Ling Yan.