MTL - All Over the World To Save My Wife-Chapter 120 The Swordsman and the Exorcist (6)

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—Wang summoned talents from various families to the capital.

No one will underestimate this decree.

The country has been established for many years. Due to the existence of the National Teacher's House, the family and the royal family have always maintained peace, and many children of the family have entered the National Teacher's House to obey the royal family.

But if something big hadn't happened, the king would never have called the family into the capital.

A simple call, full of impending storms.

The patriarch of the Ling family called the elders of the family together to discuss this unusual information.

As the leader of the new generation, Ling Yan was also called to the past.

When she stepped into the discussion hall, she felt a heavy and depressing breath blowing towards her face.

Except two people.

The other person is Gu Zhong, and as a guest, she should not be here, which is really strange.

However, this elder Keqing did not give face to the head of the family, nor did he care what others said. He rested his elbow on the armrest of the chair and used a fist to offset the amount. Never get enough sleep.

Even when Ling Yan sat next to her, Gu Zhong's movements did not change at all, like a sculpture.

"Where's Ling Ying?"

Seeing that only Ling Yan came, the owner frowned and asked sharply.

"The disciple does not know."

Only then did Ling Yan realize that there was one person missing.

Recently, besides chasing after Gu Zhong, Ling Ying doesn't seem to have anything else to do. It's a bit incredible that he can't wait to come here today.

"Where's Ling Ying?"

Patriarch asked this from the door, and the disciple who guarded the door hurriedly walked in and saluted.

"Young Master Ying has been very sleepy recently. He heard the call of the master and got up in a hurry. Maybe it's still not ready yet."

"What a formality! The sun is rising three times, it's almost noon, and I'm still sleeping! Has the discipline of the disciples at home been too lax recently?"

The owner patted the square tea table beside the chair and lost his temper.

At this time, Ling Ying arrived late, and apologized repeatedly with a flustered face, effectively dispelling the anger of the owner.

Ling Ying swept around the field, stared at Ling Yan with hatred, and sat down beside Chu Cheng with disgust, wondering if she was complaining that she had robbed Jia of Gu Zhong seat.

"The royal capital is coming, what do you think?"

People have gathered, and the head of the family goes straight to the topic as soon as he opens his mouth.

"This matter is extraordinary. After the battle to seal the demons a hundred years ago, no family has ever stepped into the capital."

"It's really weird, why are you calling all the disciples into the capital? What is the king's plan?"

"Mr. Chu, is there any news from the National Teacher's House?"


When asked, Chu Cheng's eyes were still drifting towards Ling Yan, and he couldn't help but be stunned.

"I've been away from the National Teacher's House for a long time, and I haven't received any unusual messages, but—"

"But what?"

"A few days ago, I received a letter from Fuzhong calling me to return to the capital as soon as possible."

"That's it - something big will happen in the capital."

"Will you go or not?"

This is the most troublesome problem for homeowners.

If the capital changes and sends young disciples, wouldn’t it be a free gift; but if they don’t go, they would be suspected of disrespecting the king, and—maybe they can benefit from this change?

The situation in the capital is still unclear, and it is difficult to make a decision.

At this time, Ling Ying seemed to be quite dedicated and willing to be a **** in exchange for an admiring look from the owner.

"Hugh is talking nonsense, this matter needs to be discussed carefully."

But you can't make such a decision so easily.

"It is not wise to spread out, if you want to go together."

For Ling Ying's preemptive behavior, Ling Yan couldn't help but sigh in her heart. This kind of preemption seemed like she was greedy for life and afraid of death, so she quickly retorted when she seized the opportunity.

"The murky water in the Royal Capital is not as easy to stir as I imagined."

Gu Zhong, who had been pretending to be asleep, opened his eyes, looked at Ling Yan beside him, and said with disapproval on his face.

From her emotions, Ling Yan was clearly aware of Gu Zhong's resistance to the capital, and there seemed to be some hidden story in it.

"Oh? Elder Gu has any understanding of the situation in the capital?"

"It's nothing more than a matter of the royal family, or - the matter of the National Teacher's House."

As he spoke, Gu Zhong turned his eyes to Chu Cheng, as if he wanted to confirm something.

"What can the National Teacher's Office do?"

Gu Zhong closed his eyes and ignored him, making him look like a clown in a one-man show, making Chu Cheng even more displeased with her.

"Then we have to go! If the royal family or the national teacher's house is really in trouble, how can I just sit back and ignore it?"

Ling Ying has a loyal and loyal look.


"No! It's too dangerous!"

"Isn't it enough to keep watch?"

The scene suddenly became chaotic, and the elders quarreled with their own opinions.

"Who can guarantee to take care of them in a crisis-ridden environment?"

"Is it easy for us to cultivate these two seedlings for so many years?"

"Why, you look down on Elder Gu?"

"Elder Gu?"

The quarrel suddenly stopped when Gu Zhong was mentioned, everyone turned their heads and looked at Gu Zhong with burning eyes.

Even if you close your eyes, you can feel the heat in it, Gu Zhong felt hair all over for a while, and quickly opened his eyes.

In the end, it still involves her.

"Cough cough—Elder Gu, if we decide to enter the capital this time, can you help take care of one or two? Of course, we will never force it."

The owner asked with a smile, amiably like Maitreya, but the light in his eyes flickered, indicating that this is definitely not a request that can be easily refused.

Although Gu Zhong wanted to say no, but he was short-handed and soft-handed. Since he was a guest of the Ling family, he was naturally obliged to solve problems.

If I don't want to go back to that place, I have to go this time.

"Yes...but not forcibly..."

Gu Zhong answered very reluctantly.

"Gu Zhong, you don't seem to want to go to the capital?"

Before the trip, while preparing for the horse, Ling Yan leaned over to Gu Zhong and asked softly, as if this question should not be too publicized.


In order to avoid Ling Yan's further investigation, Gu Zhong turned his head and bluntly lied.

The answer this time is too complicated. For Ling Yan now, she is just a stranger and teacher who she knows well, maybe not even a friend.

A lot of things have not yet come to the point where I can talk to my heart's content.

"There is!"

Ling Yan didn't buy it, she turned to Gu Zhong, straightened Gu Zhong's face, and wrote "I see through you" all over her face.

"Don't lie to me! I won't force you!"

Because she saw through Gu Zhong’s lies, and somehow knew what she was worried about, a sullen breath rose in Lingyan’s chest, but it was not easy to lose her temper here, so she could only pretend to be a stern warning. .

Looking at her stern and flamboyant appearance, Gu Zhong felt a warm feeling in his heart, and his hand that was about to move involuntarily placed it on top of Ling Yan's head, rubbing it like a kitten's hair Rub her head.

Feeling the temperature of Gu Zhong's palm, Ling Yan's whole body froze, her eyes widened, and her heartbeat became chaotic.

"Okay, not anymore."

The culprit made a promise with a very gentle voice, which made Ling Yan's heart move again.

"Also, don't touch my head!"

The frightened cat jumped three feet away in an instant, and the volume involuntarily increased, attracting the attention of the people beside him.

"What are you doing?"

Chu Cheng came over and looked at Gu Zhong unhappily.

"None of your business."

Ling Yan replied angrily, grabbed the reins of his mount from the servants' hands, and took the lead in whipping away.

Gu Zhong chuckled softly, then got on his horse and followed away.

"Eh? What's the matter with these two? Hurry up! I'm leaving first, Mr. Chu, please!"

Ling Ying looked inexplicable, and was unwilling to be left behind, so he chased after him.

Even if you take the official road, the journey to the capital is not completely smooth, and you will always encounter all kinds of demons attacking at night, but for their team Totally not to be afraid of.

"I always feel that the frequency of monsters has been a little high recently, it seems that there are more and more?"

After finishing a fierce battle again, Ling Yan took the lead in raising her doubts.

"Is there? Not all the same? Is there a possibility, because we haven't traveled far before?"

Ling Ying wanted to sing the opposite of her.

"I think it's a lot, and these monsters feel far less powerful than they have ever encountered."

Chu Cheng is naturally on Ling Yan's side.

"The Demonizer—"

Walking to the side of the demon that had not completely dissipated, Gu Zhong crouched down and looked carefully for a moment.


Hearing this, Chu Cheng seemed very frightened, and hurriedly walked to Gu Zhong's side to examine the demon corpse with her.

"What is a demonizer?"

Ling Yan heard this concept for the first time, and couldn't help asking curiously.

Ling Ying clasped her hands and stood aside, as if listening intently.

"Some demons are extremely powerful and can transform people into their vassals. The demonized people will become irrational demons, bloodthirsty and easy to kill, but they are not strong.

These people—we call them demonizers. "

Chu Cheng explained with a pale face.

"So, the ones we killed along the way are actually people?"

Ling Yan was stunned.

"Hey, they've all turned into demons, where is there any human nature, the demonisers put it nicely, but they're still demons after all."

Ling Ying scoffed at this.

"Is that so? So when you encounter demon converts, you will still kill them mercilessly? Even if they may still retain their humanity, it's just difficult to control themselves?"

Gu Zhong stood up and faced Ling Ying, showing his power.

"Or else?"

For Gu Zhong's question, Ling Ying took it seriously, and rarely agreed without principle.

"How about you?"

Gu Zhong threw the question to Ling Yan.