MTL - Alchemy Emperor of the Divine Dao-Chapter 4870 Dilemma

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Counting the time, the Lord of the Jedi has entered the primitive abyss for tens of thousands of years. With the talent of the great emperor, plus the elements of life here, nature is once again a human being. .

Now appearing on the battlefield, there are a total of seven great emperors, all of which are further and have entered the fourth gear.

As soon as they entered the fourth gear, these emperors were like a new life, and their combat power was not much weaker than the old emperors such as the Emperor.

Therefore, with the seven great emperors, the old beasts will be able to free up more energy and put them on the hole of death.

"Why, until now, only the old beast has mastered three elements, and the other great emperors have only one kind?" Ling Han asked strangely.

For the sake of reason, they have been waiting for hundreds of billions of years here, and they should have mastered all three elements.

Fighting against the Holy Emperor shaking his head: "The four elements are all integrated and mutually exclusive, and it is impossible to master two or more at the same time."

"How can the old beast behave?" asked Ling Han.

"This is also what you want to know." Fighting the Emperor said, "After getting your news, let's explore it and think that this is also the key to why the old beast can create thirty-six beasts."

The old beast is so capable, and pressures all the great emperors?

Being able to become an emperor is the most outstanding existence. Whether it is perseverance, resilience, savvy, and in short, there is no top level. Only one era can appear in an era.

Now, there is an old beast that completely crushes all the great emperors and rides the dust.

Ling Han felt incredible.

What secrets are hidden in the body of the old beast?

In the past, this old beast also broke into the cemetery of the beast, and then the body of the beast disappeared. Why did he want those bodies?

This is only known to the old beast, and he obviously cannot be widely advertised.

"No matter these, let's fight one more." Fighting the Holy Emperor, he rushed into the battle group.

Toga Buddha laughed and killed the past.

Ling Han’s war was ignited, and he shouted and greeted the **** ancestors.

"It's you!" After the **** ancestors saw Ling Han, they immediately killed themselves.

Ling Han smiled lightly and said: "Now you know, I did not deceive you. On the contrary, it is the old beast that deceives you!"

The **** ancestors did not speak. After coming to the island, they certainly knew that they had been cheated for a long time.

However, things have reached such a point, they have no way to go back, can only follow the old beast all the way to the end.

According to the old beast, after opening the hole of death, the four elements will have a big collision, and it will be easier to master it.

Therefore, by the time the Emperor can master the four elements, and even the elements of the body.

what does this mean?

Every great emperor can be transformed into a universe, accommodating all things in the world, becoming the true master, and never disappearing.

"Ling Han, now I have solved the hidden dangers, and mastered the elements of life, and then come to World War I, see you!" Bloody ancestors ignored his words and directly killed.

boom! boom! boom!

She is now in the fourth gear, even if she has not mastered the elements of life to the extreme, but the combat power is stronger than before.

The key is that she has no worries and can take the plunge.

Ling Han is just a smile. He actually has to step into the fourth gear earlier than the other party. Moreover, he has mastered a nine-star rule and deepened his understanding of the elements of life.

Besides, in every big realm before, Ling Han has cultivated the extreme environment. Which big emperor is comparable to this?

Who is afraid of who?

Ling Han punched out, oh, **** ancestors could not stop, the whole body was flying backwards.

He now has the strength to crush the first four gears.

"Ling Han!" More Jedi Lords flew over and launched an attack against him.

"The man will be defeated!" Ling Han said faintly, the double fists even waved, hey, even if the seven Jedi Lords joined forces, only he was bombarded to get the flight.

However, it is full of vital elements. These emperors have mastered this kind of world foundation. They only need to extract a little to treat themselves, and naturally they will recover immediately.

Otherwise, they fight the Holy Emperor and they have long been destroyed by the old beast.

There are only two ways to completely kill these great emperors who have mastered the elements of life.

First, build the elements of death.

Second, leave the island.

At present, the great emperors can only use the elements of life, and once they leave the island, there is not a large supply of life elements, and they can not resurrect their lives.

Therefore, Ling Han greeted the Lord of the Seven Jedi, although they had an advantage in combat power, they could not destroy them.

Before, the old beasts were fighting hard, and the great emperors could only drag them. Now they are against them. Want to destroy the Jedi Lords?


After a few days of the cold, he quit the battle group.

The battle is too meaningless, and even if he kills the Lord of the Jedi, can he stop the old beast?

Only by mastering more elements can we truly fight against the old beasts.

This is by no means only Ling Han thought, but, as the fighting emperor said, the four elements are the basis of the heavens and the earth, no one emperor can be built into two or more.

In addition to the old beast.

With the character of Ling Han, of course he has to try it.

He is still in the hole of life, first to master the mastery of life elements to the extreme.

It took him 700,000 years and finally reached the fourth round.

At this time, Ding Shu and other three-dimensional world masters successfully broke through to the throne.

Very good, they have finally got more support here.

It is conceivable that there will be more emperors coming out and join the ranks against the old beasts.

Ling Han left the hole of life, this time, he went to the hole of destruction.

He mastered the energy of destruction, so the second cornerstone of the world he wants to master is naturally the element of destruction.

Sitting down on the knee, Ling Han began to understand the elements of destruction.

However, he already has a life element in his body, which is full of rejection for the other three elements. Therefore, when Ling Han just touched the elements of destruction, he was hit by the elements of life and could not comprehend.

The elements of destruction are not weaker than the elements of life, but now the power of life is infinite, and the elements of destruction must start from scratch. How do you fight against the elements of life?

Therefore, the fighting emperor will say that any great emperor can only master one element, but can not simultaneously repair.

After hundreds of millions of years, the great emperors are only four files, which is evidence.

Ling Han stopped and his brow wrinkled.

Is it really not good?

Although the old beast has progressed slowly, one day, he will open the hole of death, thus grasping the elements of death and achieving his goal.

Therefore, even if the empresses are all emperor, it is only impossible to stop the days of the coming of the day.

Ling Han is not willing to wait to die.

He is devastating energy, he should... have a chance!