MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 479 Return to Burntwood Camp

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  The train of the imperial chief minister, Meteorite, patrolling the western region stopped at the New Moon Oasis Railway Station, and the royal knights sent by the Queen of Jianguo to protect the chief minister of the meteorite came out of each carriage. They were dressed in gorgeous royal knight armor, standing outside the carriage like statues holding knight swords in their hands.

  Then the agents of the Imperial Secret Service came out of the carriage. Some of them wore uniforms, some of them wore casual clothes, and they moved quickly and skillfully to pull up a cordon around the train. Anyone who acts suspiciously will be caught by the spies for interrogation, and then rushed together to guard them.

  Following them were members of the business delegation who came to the west with the first assistant of Meteor.

   After passing through the Crescent Oasis, you will officially enter the Western Territory. For these merchants living in the bustling city, the western region is a barren land, and they would not have set foot here if they hadn't been invited by the chief minister of the empire.

   Therefore, the Shoufu inspection train to the west will stay in the New Moon Oasis for a few days, so that these businessmen can get used to the harsh climate here, and they will not have such a comfortable life when they officially enter the Gobi.

  The merchants who got out of the car moved their hands and feet, and then saw the Crescent Oasis to welcome the imperial chief's team.

  The second prince Alec suddenly stood at the front of the team.

   This can't help but arouse the amazement of the businessmen.

  You must know that even though Meteor has reached the peak of being a subject, and even became the largest official in the history of the empire, according to the status, the chief assistant Meteor is under the direct royal family members. The last time the eldest princess and Meteor passed through the New Moon Oasis on their visit to the west, the second prince, Alec, did not come to greet them, but the two went to visit.

   But this time, the second prince Alec actually led the welcoming team to the station to wait for the meteor, which surprised everyone who saw it.

  It also made the merchants who came with Luke stand up their chests this time. Looking at the entire empire, how many people can have this kind of treatment?

  Various voices of discussion reached the ears of the second prince Alec.

  From the face point of view, this is definitely a humiliation of self-declination. But for Meteor to show mercy, this humiliation is nothing.

  Thinking about the ending of the Army of the North and Sinclair, Alec is still trembling like when he first heard the news. These days, he lived in fear every day, and after the news that Meteor Star was about to patrol the western region, he felt that his time was running out.

  It’s all over this, and it doesn’t matter what face or identity is.

  My Western Legion is not the Northern Legion. Fearing that the meteorite would come to the New Moon Oasis, the Western Territory Legion would launch a mutiny and let himself die among the chaos.

   Therefore, after careful consideration, Alec chose to be wise and protect himself, and received this man who covered the sky with only one hand in the empire with a lower attitude.

  The merchants finished downloading one after another.

  Then there are the servants, bodyguards, entourage, and staff of the chief minister of the empire...

   Hundreds of people walked down in a row.

  The guards lined up, waiting for the most honorable person to come out.

  The second prince, Alec, took the officers of the Western Territory Legion and the officials of the New Moon Oasis to tidy up their clothes. After the servants of the chief minister laid out the red carpet, the band played a welcome song.

  Accompanied by the music, a young man wearing first and auxiliary clothes, a marquis badge, a governor's ribbon, and the command knife of the commander of the city guards of the city of St. Lun walked out of the carriage with square steps.

  The second prince Alec immediately went up to greet him, but after seeing the man's appearance, he immediately withdrew the smile on his face, and shouted angrily: "McDonald, what are you doing!"

   Walking out of the carriage, the man with a sullen face is Prince Macdonald. Seeing the second prince Alec who changed his face, Prince MacDonald stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder: "Nephew Alec, I didn't expect you to come to greet me in person. Your face is so ugly, could it be heat stroke?"

  The second prince looked at the carriage, and when no one came out, he asked Macdonald in a low voice: "Where is the meteorite, why are you wearing his clothes!"

Macdonald swept away the sand from his clothes, and replied to Alec: "My elder brother... Chief Assistant Meteor said he was going to the West in secret, so he didn't go with us. In order not to leak the news, let me pretend to be him and take him with him. Guide the inspection team to complete business tasks according to the normal schedule.

  Look at this dress, it fits me well. And this badge, this ribbon, this knife...all were given to me by my elder brother. "

  McDonald posed a few poses, showing off the outfit.

  Alec heard that Meteor was not on the train, and had secretly entered the Western Territory, his heart and neck immediately felt cold.

   This meteorite tour of the western region is fake, the real purpose is to mess with me, right?

  After Sinclair announced his renunciation of succession to the throne, I was the only stumbling block standing in front of him.

what to do?

  The other party is a meteor, what can I do?

  Alec was bewildered, sweating profusely.

Macdonald said with a smile: "Nephew Alec, why are you so nervous? By the way, my elder brother, Chief Minister of Meteorite asked me to bring you a message. He hopes that when he returns from the Western Territory and passes through the Crescent Oasis, you Can understand the situation of the empire.

   In front of a speeding train, a scarab tries to stop it, only to be crushed. "

   MacDonald, who was pretending to be a tiger, left Prince Alec who was in a trance, and led the team into New Moon City.

  By this time, Luke had arrived at the Burnt Wood camp, an outpost that entered the Harmutu Basin.

  Kicky Legs, who had heard the news a long time ago, was already waiting here. When he saw Luke arriving on a camel, he immediately welcomed him into the Ham Tavern.

"Orc Hamm, ask your people to take good care of my master's camel, and add a few more eggs to the food." Kuaileg who entered the tavern shouted loudly, and greeted other diners warmly. He is now here It's very familiar.

  The orc Hamm came out from the back kitchen of the tavern. When he saw the fast legs, he asked his goblins to take care of the camels. Then he walked up to Luke and saluted: "Honorable sir, welcome to Burnt Wood Camp. Kuaileg and I are friends, if you need anything, please ask."

The last time Luke met the orc Ham was as Clear Sky, this time he greeted the orc Ham with the attitude of meeting the orc for the first time: "Hello, orc Ham. My servant Quickleg has written many times in my letter I mentioned you and said that you have helped me a lot with my business in the western region, please continue our friendly cooperation in the future."

   "It's my pleasure. Please wait a moment, the food and drink will be served soon."

  The orc Hamm regarded Luke as an ordinary businessman, so after a simple greeting, he returned to the back kitchen.

  After Luke sat down with Quick Legs, he asked, "You've done well in the western region, and the orc Hamm is a well-known broker of sand robbers."

   Quick Legs smiled and took out a stack of Imperial Marks from his pocket: "I do well in the Western Territory, thanks to this thing. Master, is he coming to the Western Territory this time to expand new businesses or to inspect existing businesses?"

  Luke's arrival has attracted the attention of many people in the tavern. Although the law and order in the western border has improved, it will take a long time to eradicate the sand pirates.

  Quick Legs didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so he asked Luke in code words.

   At this time, a goblin brought two barbecues and two glasses of wine.

  Quickly gave the money, and gave the goblin a generous tip, and praised: "You have good eyesight, you didn't entertain my master with meat chaff cake."

  The goblin happily took the money: "Thank you, Mr. Fast Legs!"

   Waiting for the goblins to leave, Luke said to Kuaileg: "I came to the West this time, not only to inspect existing businesses, but also to expand new businesses.

  How's the weather in the western region recently? I want to go to the Moonlight King's Court in the Grassland of the First Peoples. I heard that it is very lively and there are many business opportunities there. "

Knowing that Luke asked about the situation of all parties in the western region, Kuaiku replied: "The weather in the western region has always been very bad, and there have been frequent sandstorms recently, but it is no problem to go to a few large oases. As for the Moonlight King's Court...the angels established there The Holy Church in the city, the Shuojin people opened a branch of the World Bank there, Oulu College and Dongdu Magic Steam Academy sent scholars and established many schools.

   There are many barbarian tribes migrating into the grassland of the ancestors. I heard that there are more barbarian tribes planning to migrate in. Soon Moonlight King's Court will be a great city.

  If the owner goes to the Moonlight Royal Court to look for business opportunities, he will definitely gain a lot.

  Do you have a project you want to invest in? "

  Luke said: "Let's talk about it on the way. I also want to know the specific climate in the western region."

   "Let's talk about it on the way. Master, try this barbecue. The skill of the orc Ham's barbecue is still very good."

  Luke picked up the knife and fork and ate, filling his stomach as soon as possible and hurrying on his way.

  At this time, the door of the tavern rang, and a woman dressed in leather armor and a mercenary came in. Shaking the sand off her body, she called out, "Give me a horse chaff and a glass of wine."

  Luke heard the voice very familiar, and couldn't help turning his head to look over.

  It happened that the woman also looked over, and when she saw Luke's appearance, she couldn't help opening her mouth and exclaiming: "You are..."

   "Miss Nightingale!" The woman who came in was Nightingale. Luke immediately stopped Nightingale from calling out his other name. He stood up and led Nightingale to sit at his table under the gaze of everyone: "I am Luke, a businessman from St. Lun City. The last time we met was at the manor of His Royal Highness the Second Prince. I didn't expect Miss Nightingale to still remember me in a humble position, I'm really flattered."

  Nightingale, who was in a daze, just sat down when she felt a dagger pressed against her waist.

  The young man who threatened him didn't see anything unusual at all, and he smiled and shouted to the goblin bartender: "Swap this lady's horse bran pie for barbecue. I want the best wine, and I'll pay the bill!"

   "Follow your orders, Mr. Fast Legs." The horse meat bran cake was exchanged for barbecue, and the goblin happily ran to the back kitchen.

The restrained Nightingale said cooperatively: "Mr. Luke, I heard that your business is getting bigger and bigger, and you have contracted out the decoration of the palace. It stands to reason that you should be very busy. Why do you have time to go to The West is here."

  Luke hinted that Quick Legs put away the dagger, and then replied: "My business is all over the entire empire, and recently there is a business in the western border that I need to handle personally, so I came here.

   Instead, it's you, Miss Nightingale, aren't you enjoying life with the second prince Alec? How did he come to this desert and eat horse meat bran cake? "

  Facing Meteor this time, Nightingale completely lost the momentum to chase him from Saint Lun City to Rage City to assassinate him, and she became powerless and helpless.

   "It's all because of... It's all because of Meteor. I went to Rage City to assassinate Meteor, but ended up like a clown.

  Meteor sent someone to notify His Highness Alec, and His Highness took me back to New Moon Oasis, and then... Then His Highness announced that he would sever all ties with me and drive me out.

  I can only become a ranger again, and accept tasks to earn some bounties. "

  Luke couldn't help feeling: "His Royal Highness Alec is a little too heartless!"

But Nightingale was very open-minded: "His Highness is willing to come forward and bring me back from the imprisonment of Raging Waves City. It is already considered the best of humanity. He can completely distance himself from me and deny that the premeditated assassination has anything to do with him. It's just that Meteor is now the I lost the chief minister of the empire, I don't know if he will regret saving me now.

   But it has nothing to do with me anymore, it is impossible for him to accept me again. "

  To be honest, Alec can do this to a degree that is already more humane than the eldest prince Fania.

  Luke couldn't comment on what happened to Nightingale.

   "Does Miss Nightingale have any tasks on her now?"

Nightingale replied: "No! As a single woman, it is very difficult for me to accept the task of making money, especially my experience makes most people dare not cause unnecessary trouble. I must have offended Meteorite and the second prince at the same time, so I can live to this day. In the eyes of some people, it is already a miracle."

  Luke said: "Since Miss Nightingale doesn't have a task right now, I can hire you."

  Nightingale looked at Luke's eyes full of doubts: "Why? According to your status and financial resources, you can easily hire stronger guards than me."

  Luke said with a smile: "You can regard this employment as the help of an old friend. I hope the commission for this mission can help you through the difficult period. I believe everything will be fine."

  Nightingale still couldn't believe that Meteor would hire her.

   "You must have a lot of business secrets that cannot be known to outsiders when you come to the Western Territory this time. Are you not afraid that I will tell others your secrets?"

  The other person that Nightingale mentioned was of course the second prince.

  Luke said indifferently: "My business secret, it's useless even if you know it. Even if you tell others, it won't cause me any trouble.

  I'm going to the Moonlight King's Court in the Grassland of the First Men, and I'm going to visit some markets along the way. The whole journey will take half a month, and there may be some dangers. I and my entourage have a certain amount of force and don't need too much distraction from you for protection.

How about it?

   Make an offer! "

  Nightingale thought about it.

  Although I can't figure out why Meteor Xing hired me now, I am really short of money now. Perhaps the money earned from this mission is enough to allow him to leave the empire, go to a place where he doesn't know himself, and start a new life again.

   "Half a month, four gold coupons."

  Luke said with a smile: "Four gold coupons? It's too cheap. I'll give you ten gold coupons. If the task time is overdue, the reward will be calculated separately."

  The employer offered to raise the price, and Nightingale had no reason to refuse: "Deal."

  Luke motioned to Kuaileg, who immediately took out a handful of gold coupons from his pocket, and handed ten of them to Nightingale.