MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 473 dying

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   "Give me one more song time", "Give me one last song time", "Really give me one last song time"...

  Luke couldn't figure out what the players who created this series of secret arts had experienced, but he had to admit that these secret arts were indeed very perfect and exquisite. Different mysterious props and different combinations can produce the same effect in the end.

  This series of mystic arts has a very high research value for the research of mystic arts, so although it is difficult to collect the required mystic arts props, he still sent people all over the world to collect all the mystical props.

  The third apostle Belgar was also unlucky, and experienced this series of secret arts. In more than ten songs, Kestrel showed his talent in singing on stage, using his real strength to deduce what is the real Maiba. And Belga, who knew nothing about music, jumped from head to tail, his strength was shaved again and again, and finally his limbs collapsed into soft-legged shrimps, and he was still dragged by his limbs to jump there.

  When the mystery of "Don't Lie Really Absolutely Finally Please Give Me a Song Time" is over.

  Belgar collapsed on the stage.

  The stage closed into a door, Luke finished the tea in his cup, walked through the carriage with sandpaper, pushed the door and walked into the cab of the front of the train.

  Because the cab is next to the front boiler, the temperature inside is much higher than other compartments. There are pipes for transporting steam all over the inside, as well as pull rods and guillotines for various purposes.

  Outside the window glass is a black secondary space, and the train is running in the secondary space with full power.

   By the time Luke came in, the boiling had strapped Belgar to a metal chair, and the sandpaper had pulled Kestrel aside, chirping about forming a band.

  Belga, whose strength was almost exhausted, drooped his head. Even without ropes, he couldn't lift a single finger.

  Belga's first question when he saw Luke was: "What kind of secret technique is this?"

   "Very common secret technique." Luke sat down on another chair.

"No! This is definitely not an ordinary secret technique!" Belga barely raised his head, and looked sideways at Luke: "In my knowledge, the study of secret techniques has a strong randomness. Two different secret techniques It is very rare that the same effect can be produced. And the fifteen secret arts just now all have the same effect, which completely subverts my understanding of secret arts.

  Unless you have mastered the underlying logic of secret arts, you can create secret arts at will. "

Luke replied: "According to my research, the underlying logic of occultism exists, but I haven't found it yet. The closest thing in this world to the underlying logic of occultism should be the ancient languages ​​possessed by the five ancient civilizations. But the ancient Language is only an interpretation of the origin of the world, it cannot freely compose secret language, but can only compose magic with complex grammar.

   Therefore, divine arts are difficult to pass on and master.

  If someone masters the underlying logic of the secret technique, it is really impossible to say what they say. "

"That's the power of a god." As if knowing that he was going to die, Belgar, without the burden of the Abyss Temple, chatted with Luke about the secret art naturally: "When we realize that the end of the secret art is to become a **** At that time, there was nothing else in my heart.

  It's a pity that we lost the Book of Calamity, which is the key to freely open the gate of the abyss. As a result, we have spent a hundred years in vain, but we have not taken a step on the road to becoming a god. Instead, it was Clear Sky, who had created such a convincing secret technique in just a few years after she obtained the Book of Calamity.

   No wonder our good brothers who have known each other for hundreds of years will betray us. "

  Luke didn't expect that the Abyss Temple's research on secret arts would be so deep. This is a hidden plot that players haven't discovered.

Following Belga's words, he said: "The abyss is one of the original powers of the world, and it represents chaos. Chaos is inherently unknowable and uncontrollable, but you all want to understand the abyss, and even want to control the energy of the abyss. What's even more ridiculous is ...You have even established a strictly hierarchical abyss temple, which is simply a shame to the abyss.

  Don't say that you haven't taken a step on the road to becoming a **** in a hundred years, even in thousands of years, the abyss will not look at you. "

  Hearing Luke's words, Belga's eyes suddenly lit up.

   "It turns out that we were all wrong! The abyss represents chaos, we fall into chaos but enforce order. And you and Clear seem to be in order, but you are breaking order and creating chaos everywhere.

  That's why you have won the favor of the abyss, and you have given the authority of theocracy in the western region. "

  After hearing Belgar's words, Luke couldn't help feeling alarmed.

  In a sense, what Belgar said seemed to be correct.

   Think back on your experience after traveling to this world.

   broke its original order in Rage City, and after causing a series of chaos, finally took control of the city. Although Raging Waves City has restored order, using Raging Waves City as a fulcrum, they have stirred up the entire empire into chaos one after another.

  The rebellion of the Celtic Dukes in the Tedgar Hills, the invasion of the Northern Territory of Yate County, and the change of regime in neighboring Leo. Even the seemingly stable western region has broken the order that existed there since the establishment of the empire. The barbarians, the nobles of the western region, and the second prince Alec stared at each other and hindered each other.

  Five ancient civilizations that have been silent for thousands of years have joined the WTO collectively, and a world war is brewing.

  Luke didn't even know what he would turn the world into.

   It's not chaos! What is chaos?

   It's no wonder that in the holy mountain, Abyss showed so much favor for him, as if he wanted to confer a **** on the spot.

  But...Belgar just said...the abyss descended on the Western Territory with the authority of theocracy!

  Luke sneered: "Although you are not liked by the abyss, you are indeed smart. The abyss has indeed brought down the authority of theocracy in the western region, and this is our purpose of reviving the world tree."

  Luke doesn't know what Belga's abyssal theocracy is, but as long as it is pulled on the world tree, it will be right. Anyway, as a person who is "closer" to the abyss than the abyss apostle, he has the final right to interpret this matter.

   And after hearing Luke's confession, Belga showed such an expression.

   "Introducing chaos in the name of order again."

  Luke used the clear sky to speak to himself and replied: "Chaos does not exclude order, and order can contain chaos. When chaos is strong, order is dormant. When order is strong, chaos hides. Without order, how can there be chaos?

  I have planted the factors of chaos in the western region, just waiting to finally harvest the theocratic authority bestowed by the abyss. "

  Belga looked enlightened, and then said to Luke: "If I'm not wrong, after Victor left the Abyss Temple, he should go to the Western Region to find Misfortune."

  Luke thought in his heart: Is disaster destruction the so-called authority of the abyssal theocracy?

   Thinking about the disaster and destruction is indeed in line with the characteristics of the abyss.

   Calamity was born due to the revival of the World Tree. The World Tree has the potential to be promoted to an artifact, and it has a deep connection with the starry sky that represents order, so it is very likely that the disaster was released by the abyss to balance it.

   Now Victor went to the western region to find disaster, not knowing what he could do.

  It seems that the trip to the west must be arranged in advance.

  Luke asked Belga calmly: "How much do you know about disasters? Before you die, I can make your thoughts closer to God..."

  Hearing that Meteor was willing to tell him the secret of the disaster, Belgar raised his head completely, his eyes were glowing red, and his expression was free of hatred, all of which were devout curiosity.

   "Thank you, Meteor. A hundred years of time has been wasted. We thought we embraced the abyss, but we didn't know that we were spurned by the abyss. If you can tell me the secret of God, I will die without any regrets."

"It is because you are going to die that I will tell you so much." Luke smiled, and then said: "Catastrophe is a mysterious energy that the previous generation of World Tree endured thousands of years of pain. Because the World Tree was destroyed by another An energy body at the same level as the abyss is favored, so the abyss endows disaster with the authority of theocracy.

  Catastrophe coexists with the World Tree, and uses the destruction of the World Tree as the basis of its own existence.

  You only have one hour, and I will not let the Abyssal Apostle who knows too many secrets of the catastrophe leave alive.

let's start! "

  Only an hour to go!

   Knowing that he must die, Belgar didn't have any worries in order to know more secrets before he died.

  Although all the nobles of the western region have submitted a letter of allegiance to Emperor Augustine, the way of survival of the nobles of the western region will not be easily changed. They broke with the Celtic Duke on the surface, but in fact they still had a connection secretly, but it was not as blatant as before.

  Part of the strength of the Brotherhood of Blades in the western region has been swallowed up by the Abyss Temple, so the Abyss Temple has not been eradicated in the Western Region, but has been strengthened.

   Calamity wandering in the western region was discovered by the Abyss Temple in this way.

   With the help of the Abyss Temple, Calamity has established an organization called "Remaining Grief" in the western region, and has had many open and secret confrontations with the "Demon Hunting Squad" who secretly protect the World Tree.

  A group of abyssal mages hide in "Grandma", secretly studying disasters.

  Apostles of the Abyss based on the information they have obtained, combined with their research on the Abyss for hundreds of years, have come to the judgment that disaster is a certain part of the abyss.

  According to Belgar's narrative, the Abyss Temple doesn't know much about Calamity, and Calamity's whereabouts are erratic, and it is impossible for the Abyss mages to dissect and analyze it in the laboratory. Belgar talked more about the research of the abyss in the temple of the abyss, and then extended to the calamity, most of which were related to theocracy.

   Luke couldn't help feeling that there is still something to be learned from the Abyss Temple for a hundred years.

   As for Belgar's question, Luke would answer it if he could, and make it up if he couldn't. Anyway, Belga had no way to prove it, and he could only believe what he said.

   "About disaster, I have another question. How do you obtain the theocratic authority it carries, destroy it, or fuse it?"

  Luke took out his pocket watch to check the time: "It's time, the question and answer is over. It's time to send you on your way!"

  Belga said quickly: "This is my last question, and it is also the question I want to know the most. Please answer me."

  Luke put back his pocket watch, took out the steel wings with blazing feathers and turned them into long swords burning with holy flames.

   "I know your strength is recovering, one hour is the most time I can give, no more... bring your secrets to meet your companions!"

   After finishing speaking, Luke swung his sword at Belga without any hesitation.

  The blade with holy flames slashed across Belga's neck, and his head separated from his body and fell to the ground.

  Then Belgar's body decomposed into black dust, and then turned into black mist and dissipated, leaving only a black bead rolling on the floor.

  Luke picked up the bead, looked at it, and put it in his pocket.

   Turn around and see Sandpaper, Kestrel and Boiling crowded together.

  Sandpaper trilled and asked: "We have heard so many secrets from you, will you kill us to silence them?"

  Luke pretended to be serious and asked, "What secret?"

  Sandpaper replied in fear: "Abyss, chaos, order, and what disaster and godhood. Why don't you let us avoid it! Is this what we can hear?"

  Luke said with a smile: "I really don't know what you and I have learned! Is what you said the key point? The point is... Belgar told me the organizational structure of the Abyss Temple in the western region."

   "Huh?" Sandpaper asked in surprise: "Is this the point?"

   "Of course! That's what our Bureau of Secret Affairs does. The people in the Temple of the Abyss are all lunatics. You don't take what he said about becoming gods seriously, do you?"

"How could it be serious, we are teasing you." Sandpaper, Kestrel, and the boiling emotions immediately relaxed, and Sandpaper also boasted: "Our Raging Waves City Secret Affairs Directorate arrests hundreds of magic sticks who claim to be gods every year. I have also seen Chief Detective Thomas interrogate those magic sticks, using the method you just used, what kind of tricks these people use, they don’t need to be sentenced at all.”

  Children are easy to deceive.

  Luke turned to exhort: "Although some secrets of the Abyss Temple were obtained from Belgar, the matter is related to the World Tree, so everything you hear cannot be told to anyone.

   Including your sisters. "

  Luke didn't expect Belga to suddenly talk about theocracy. If Sandpaper and the three of them were kicked out at that time, it would only make them believe that what they heard was true.

   Therefore, Luke can only do this remedy.

  Since the matter is related to the World Tree, it is related to Miss Weathering Sky.

To keep a secret for Luke, Sandpaper will have a choice, but to keep a secret for Miss Skylight, Sandpaper immediately patted her chest and said: "You can rest assured! We promise not to tell anyone what we heard here, even Blue Dove and the others. Neither do we.

   Is it a kestrel. "

  Kestrel is also Qingkong's little fan girl: "Don't tell me, I promise I won't tell anyone."

  Boiling shook his hands, indicating that he would not say anything.


  Luke clapped his hands and said: "This is the end! Boiling is responsible for stopping the train, and you two sisters are going to clean up the remaining abyss mages in the train.

  I went to drink tea with Her Royal Highness Princess and Sinclair, preparing for the end of the condolences party.

  Give you one hour, is it enough? "

   "Enough!" After solving an abyss mage independently, Sandpaper has some experience on how to deal with these abyss mages hidden behind the secret technique.

  The sandpaper floated up and patted Boiling's shoulder, then took the Kestrel's hand and left the front cab together.

   Boil control device to slow down the train.

  Luke recalled the information he had obtained from Belgar, and then stepped out of the cab.

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