MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 456 Another date

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  Chapter 456 Another appointment

  When the whole world still trusts gold, Luke knows that the replacement of gold by energy is a historical trend. Under his impetus, the Golden Shield Empire began to lay out the world economic strategy, and the world bank, which was a civilization of the golden people, was included in the ranks of strategic opponents.

  Queen Christina ordered the establishment of an international energy trading center in Raging City; the Imperial Bank and Raging City Bank jointly established the Raging Energy Bank.

  Appoint the Marquis of Meteor as Minister of Energy of the Empire. Some meteorites nominated relevant officials to serve as the director of the International Energy Trading Center and the president of the Raging City Energy Bank.

   With Raging City as the center, fully implement the strategic layout of the empire's energy.

  As soon as the order was issued, Luke, as the Minister of the Imperial Cabinet and the Minister of Energy, officially visited the Golden Dragon Tyrann King from the Dragon Kingdom, which was considered to represent the official recognition of the empire that the dragons are legally visiting the imperial capital.

  When Luke was visiting King Tyrone, Clear Sky received an invitation letter from Silver Manor.

  First pass on the scriptures Theresa invited Qingkong to the church to fulfill the agreement after the battle over the palace that day.

   Another fight!

  Time: Now.

  Location: Here I am.

   After receiving the invitation letter, Qingkong immediately left for the appointment. After the dragon came to St. Lun City, she wanted to fight the dragon again, but was stopped by Luke. Now Teresia took the initiative to make an appointment, and Qing Kong, who was idle and exhausted, immediately took control of her body.

  The carriage drove out of the museum, escorted by the Moonlight Knights on horseback. The red scarves around the necks of the knights are very recognizable. People and vehicles encountered along the road actively avoided, and some even bowed.

Jenfernie was sitting on the opposite side of Qingkong with the sheriff in her arms. Looking at the scene outside the window, she couldn't help saying: "Miss Weatherlight is really popular in St. Lun City. I heard from the housekeeper that when the museum opens every morning, there will be a lot of flowers outside." with many flowers, and letters from your admirers."

The black cat opened its mouth wide and yawned, and then said: "When I was on the roof at night to inspect Her Majesty's territory, I often saw that kid Caesar's car passing by. I know his home is not near here at all, he is Do you want me to teach you a lesson for plotting against you?"

   "Okay! Just help me teach him a lesson."

  The black cat did not expect that Her Majesty the Queen would actually ask herself to teach Caesar a lesson, which is somewhat out of her usual character. The black cat said awkwardly again: "Caesar often brings me dried fish, and I can't do it. But I will arrange my attendants to do it, and guarantee to give Caesar an unforgettable memory."

Jennifer patted the black cat's head: "Miss Skylight is joking with you, Caesar is now the deputy security officer of St. Lun City, and he was promoted to the director of the Uptown Public Security Department not long ago. If you beat him, you will be punished." The Marquis of Meteor is causing trouble."

  Qingkong smiled: "Poor kitty, I ate other people's dried fish, and I still don't know why the dried fish came here."

  Jen Ferney blushed first, and then touched her chest: "But I am a half-dead soul without a heart."

  The black cat looked up and said, "What does this have to do with whether you have a heart? Do you know why I allowed you to hold me? It's because you don't have a heartbeat and won't disturb my sleep."

   Qingkong said: "Do you want to have a heart? Tell me earlier!"

  Jen Ferney looked at the clear sky, her eyes seemed to have light: "Can I really have a heart again? A real beating heart."

"Of course..." Hearing that Jennifer wanted a real heart, Qing Kong stopped talking, and after thinking about it, he said solemnly: "You should know what a real heart means, you are not half Undead, there is no near eternal life."

Jennifer said without thinking: "My life ended when I was 18 years old. For a hundred years, I was trapped underground with the dead. My body has never been warm. Although Miss Weather Sky made my body re- Warm up, but this temperature does not belong to me.

  I... want to live once. "

  Clear Sky looked at Jenferne, and apologized to Luke after a while: "I put almost all my energy into studying and experimenting all day long, so much so that I ignored your feelings.

   I'm glad you can tell me what's on your mind.

  I will fulfill your wish, but as a price, you will turn into a star in the starry sky after you die. "

  Jen Ferney said with a smile: "It's really a romantic thing to be able to turn into a star after death."

  The black cat stared at the clear sky, but now he was silent when he was talkative. After seeing it in the clear sky, he quickly lowered his head and pretended to fall asleep.

  Jen Ferney asked again: "When can I have my heart again?"

   "Wait for the World Tree to become an artifact... I think it should be soon."

Qingkong recalled the current research progress of the dusk team, and couldn't help but feel that the troll Laconia is really a great priest-level ancient linguist. With the assistance of two assistants who are proficient in ancient languages, Dragon Soul Banat and Demon Tyrant, Laconia Gonia has already found the underlying logic of the World Tree language. As long as he realizes the divinity represented by the World Tree, he can write the World Tree language.

   and other basic grammars are formed, and the world tree can be promoted to an artifact.


   I don’t know how long this leisurely life can last.

  The convoy stopped, and Modesty opened the door from the outside: "Your Majesty, the church has arrived!"

  Clear Sky got off the carriage, and saw a row of templars in full armor standing outside the gate of Silver Manor. The armor is all in a unified standard, the style is high imitation of the angel armor, and the angel flying wings are decorated on the back of the helmet.

  The only weapon is the Angel Sword.

  Although the Imperial Bureau of Secrets allowed the development of the Knights Templar, they were not really allowed to equip any weapons. The current Templar Knights may still have the ability to fight against the City Public Security Bureau. Once the Empire uses the City Guard Corps, the Templar Knights will be a group of thugs.

   Qingkong looked in another direction.

  On both sides of the street, Templars and Sheriffs patrolled side by side. Wherever the Templars went, the Sheriff followed. Face each other across the street, do not communicate, do not provoke, and maintain a certain tacit understanding.

  A templar captain greeted him: "Miss Skylight, welcome to visit! Let me tell you that Lady Teresia is waiting in the temple, please follow me."

   Entering the Silver Manor, you can also see the Templars.

   In order to find the artifact, the angels have to rely heavily on the strength of the local people.

  Passing through the garden and the square, and entering the main building of the manor, I saw Teresia in the clear sky.

   Instead of armor, Teresia wears a traditional angelic robe with hidden wings. She came to a sun room with a clear sky, and the spring sunshine shone in through the glass, making the whole room warm. There are also trees, flowers and plants in the room, and the air is humid with a touch of nature.

  Teresia invited Qing Kong to sit around a white jade tea table, and made her a cup of tea following the way humans treat guests.

  “I found that the lifestyle of human aristocrats is really suitable for angels, basking in the sun, drinking tea, lying in a comfortable chair and imagining the world of illusions in their hearts.”

  Qingkong took a sip of tea: "I came here to fight for an appointment. Now that the tea has been drunk, go to the venue you arranged. It's a beautiful building, don't break it."

Teresia didn't expect to fight as soon as Qingkong came. She smiled and poured a cup of tea for Qingkong again, and said: "I invite the queen to come to the church. Apart from fulfilling the promise of fighting again last time, there are still a few more This is a question, I hope His Majesty can answer it truthfully."

   "Any more questions?" Clear Sky glanced at Luke, who was chatting with the golden dragon King Tyrone about fire crystal mining. So Qingkong didn't call Luke's consciousness, but said to Teresia: "My time is very tight, and I put down a book I like very much in order to meet the appointment. If you have any questions, I will answer them when I have time.

  If I don’t fight, I will go back. "

   Qingkong stood up.

   Theresia asked at this time: "Your Majesty, did anything special happen the night you killed the Shadow Clan assassin?"

   Qing Kong ignored her, turned around and left.

  Teresia stood up and said, "If I fought you, would you answer this question?"

   Qing Kong stopped, turned around and smiled and said, "I'll tell you when you beat me."

   "I want to hear the truth."

   "Of course it's the truth!"

  Theresia's back wings spread out, and a downward step appeared on the floor.

   "Your Majesty, the duel field is ready."

  Clear Sky looked at the steps going down: "It's daytime, and I'm not even allowed to see the sky... If you lose again, don't make excuses that I bullied you."

   "Of course, Her Majesty."

  Clear Sky led Jenny down the steps, Teresia entered, and the floor returned to its original state.

  The underground is the space opened up by the angels, and there are magic circles for finding artifacts on the ground.

  When Qingkong entered the space, the angel inside activated the magic circle, trying to find the aura of the artifact from Qingkong, but the magic circle did not respond as usual.

  It made Teresia, who walked down together, a little disappointed.

  On the night when Archangel Gold sensed the aura of the artifact, a major event happened in Shenglun City, that is, the shadow clan assassin who assassinated the elder of the Shuojin people was killed by Qingkong, and the body was handed over to the Shuojin people.

  As an elf, Qingkong has such a large energy reserve and can use time and space skills, which is unbelievably powerful.

   Does her power come from artifacts?

   It was with this inference that Teresia invited Qingkong to Silver Manor. As long as it is determined that Qingkong is related to the artifact, the angels will trap her in this space and ask about the whereabouts of the artifact.

  Although the magic circle has not sensed the artifact, it cannot be judged that the clear sky has nothing to do with the artifact.

  The Dragon Clan has come to Shenglun City, and a group of Shuojin people also secretly entered the Shenglun City Branch of the World Bank. I don't know if the shadow clan and demons have come in, there is a high probability that they have come in.

   Therefore, any clues related to the artifact must not be let go.

  If it was the battle between Qingkong and the Shadow Race that attracted the breath of the artifact, Theresia decided to force the artifact out even if she risked her life.

  The angels in the space spread out to build a defensive barrier together.

  The clear sky asked Jenny to hold the sheriff to a safe place to watch the battle.

   Theresa walked into the arena, and every time she took a step, a white angel armor component was nested on her body. The wings stretched out, the holy light was like water, the angel sword was held in his hand, and the holy flames erupted in all directions.

  On the other side, Qing Kong also walked towards the field, and every time she took a step, a golden armor component was nested on her body. The wings of light spread out, and the majesty of the king is like a prison. The Canggu rock machete is held in the right hand, and the armor of the right hand turns white; the golden sword is held in the left hand, and the golden light reflects the holy flames into gold.

   "Golden man!" Teresia couldn't calm down when she saw the clear sky. A few days ago, the governor of Raging Waves City put on the armor of the Shining Jin people. Today, Qingkong even put on the armor of the Shuojin people.

What exactly is going on?

  Qingkong said: "Correct me, I am not from Shuojin."

   "Who the **** are you? No, who are you and Meteor?"

  Qing Kong smiled and said, "I'll tell you if I win. Of course, I'll only answer one question, so you must think about which one to ask."

   Qingkong's eyes turned into eyes of ice crystals, and green patterns appeared on his face. She didn't wait for Theresia to respond, her body disappeared in a golden light, and when she reappeared, she was in front of Theresia.

  The machete with holy flames and the golden sword with golden awns attacked Theresia in two completely different ways but perfectly coordinated.

  The Shuojin people have close combat capabilities with almost no shortcomings. The authoritative potential energy they emit in battle is more oppressive than Longwei. The golden armor has extremely high defensive power, and the golden sword has terrifying cutting power.

  After the once sloppy angels were conquered by the Shuojin people, the Shuojin people passed on their combat training system to the angels in order to train the fighting angels. Therefore, angels are also very good at melee combat, but melee combat is still one level behind the Shining Jin people, and they must use their own talent skills and magic to assist.

  Therefore, Teresia did not dare to fight head-to-head when she saw the clear sky in golden armor attacking. She flapped her wings deftly to dodge, and at the same time released magic to increase her defense, then released holy flames, and shot steel feathers to limit the space in the clear sky.

  Clear Sky smashed the air with one blow, and the figure disappeared in a flash, and then pulled out multiple figures in a time delay and swung the golden light slash at Theresia together. Teresia's wings turned into silver wings under the effect of divine art, and the wings surrounded and blocked all the qi cuts, and then spread out a holy flame to spray away at many figures in the clear sky.

  The time delay ended, and Qingkong's figure gathered into one. She waved her light wings and flew into the air, shaking to avoid the feather arrows. The moment Theresia's view was blocked by flocks of feathered arrows, her figure flashed in front of Theresia again.

  Swing out the sword and chop again.

  Teresia used the flying posture to avoid, but the clear sky was also flying, and her maneuverability was not weaker than that of Angel. Qingkong chased Theresia to attack, and forced Theresia to summon a shield to deal with the torrential attack.

  Teresia released the Holy Code of First Pass to save herself, and Qingkong released a spiritual magic weapon to entangle the Holy Code of First Pass. Teresia released the holy flames to try to burn away the constantly entangled Qingkong, and Qingkong released the holy flames to attack the fire with fire. Teresia spread out her wings and turned them into a dense cloud of feather arrows, while Clear Sky spread out her light wings and turned them into countless golden flying swords in the ancient golden language.

  In this not-so-large space, the offensive and defensive skills of the two were released in a saturated manner, and the angels maintaining the protective shields who were hit by the aftermath of the attack all tried their best to stabilize their bodies and not fall.

  (end of this chapter)

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