MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 447 riddle

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  Outside the gate of the Abyss Temple, the apostles and the Celtic Duke have their own ghosts. Inside the Abyss Temple, the blood-sworn barbarians evacuated under the order of the Duke Castle, and the already understaffed abyss mages were transferred to stop the siege of the armored barbarians.

  So when the imperial spies opened the wall and drilled out of the passage, there was no guard inside the prison of the Abyss Temple.

  The abyss mage in this cell was numb and weak, barely responding before being neatly controlled by the spies who rushed out.

   Seeing this group of unknown persons suddenly appear in other cells, there was a commotion immediately. At this time, Luke, who was wearing an abyss sacrificial robe, came out of the passage. He quickly took out a few mysterious props and used his fingerprints to form an array.

   Say the secret word again: "The gaze of the true pupil of the abyss"!

  The already dark prison became even darker. Countless red eyes opened out of thin air. They floated and scanned the surroundings, and then found an abyss mage floating in front of him.

  The abyss mage stared at by the red eyes, as if his mind had been taken away, stared blankly at the red eyes, motionless.

  Such a strange phenomenon made the imperial spies also show fear.

  The wizard was very surprised and said: "This, this is the secret technique of the apostles, which allows the abyss mages to feel the abyss from the depths of consciousness.

   Great, my lord, how do you know this secret technique? "

  Luke took out his pocket watch and said: "Miss Weatherlight taught me this secret technique. Moreover, abyss mages cannot accept the gaze of the abyss for a long time. If they don't lift the secret technique within an hour, they will fall into the abyss and become mad.

  The abyss energy here is so strong, there is a high probability that they will all turn into abysses and become mindless monsters.

  The task time is one hour, and the last proofreading time. "

  Several imperial spies took out their pocket watches for comparison. After a proofreading, the time of all the pocket watches was the same this time.

  Luke ordered: "Action!"

   "Yes, my lord!" The spies led in unison.

  The spy leader opened the prison door, ordered two spies to stay to protect the sore-faced man Morpeth, and then pulled the nervous wizard out.

  Luke said to Coconut and Storm Cato: "Let's go to the altar where the abyss descends. There must be strong enemies guarding it. Be careful."

   Coconut jumped twice on the spot, pulled out the short knife and held it horizontally, an invisible force field spread under her feet, and the rotten grass and soil on the cell floor floated weightlessly for a short time.

   "Don't worry, sir! The coconuts now are not the coconuts you just met. This mission is to protect the holy mountain. For my good friends in the holy mountain, I will be a vanguard."

   After finishing talking about Coconut, he walked out of the cell first. That confidence and the smoke and dust rising from the force field under his feet had already shown the might of the Valkyrie.

  Storm Cato was wearing a pair of steel gauntlets inlaid with spikes, and two blue whirlwinds wrapped around his arms.

   "Sir, I will protect your back."

  Luke took out the steel wings of blazing feathers, and turned into a long sword with a flick of his hand: "Let's go!"

  The three walked out of the prison. The guards outside had been killed by spies, and even the corpse was disposed of without a trace.

   Coconut looked at the corridors on the left and right, and asked Luke who came out: "Sir, which way should we go?"

  Luke pointed to the left: "This road, go to the end and turn right, there is a staircase going down fifty meters..."

  Descent from the Abyss is not a game plot, so Luke doesn't know where the altar of Descent from the Abyss is. But he knew the map of the dungeon of the Abyss Temple, and through the analysis of the strategies he found, and according to the changes in the concentration of the abyss energy at different locations, he could roughly determine the location of the altar of the abyss.

   Naco holds a knife and walks to the corridor on the left.

  The abyss is approaching, and the concentration of abyss energy in the abyss temple has reached a peak. Black mist filled the narrow space, but it failed to block the light from the burning torches on the wall.

   Eerie sounds came from the depths, not like the warning hisses of ghosts in ancient tombs.

   This sound is like a beast, and it is also like a call.

  Calling from the bottom of my heart...

  "You are approaching the abyss step by step. This adventure is the closest you are to the abyss. In the face of the abyss, can you keep your sincerity and resist the call of the abyss?

   is to step forward and gain eternity at the cost of all troubles. Or continue to live as an insignificant human being, enduring the pain of life and death.

  Maybe standing still is just a cowardice in the heart, but it takes more courage to take that step! "

  A narration from the broadcasting cavity sounded in my ears.

  Luke caught the clear sky in his consciousness: "Are you still in the mood to joke at this time? If I fall into the abyss, have you thought about your end?"

  Qing Kong thought very seriously: "There is a high probability that it will become black. If you change jobs and change bosses, I will be your wage earner."

   Luke asked: "Job-hopping? Is my current boss Starry Sky?"

   "I didn't say that Starlight is your boss." Clear Sky flew around Luke with Starlight: "I jumped from the side of order to the side of chaos."

  Luke frowned: "Although I understand that you are keeping some secrets, since you want to keep secrets, don't tell me some information in this way of guessing."

  The clear sky was close to Luke, so close that Luke could see himself from those emerald green eyes.

"This is not a guessing game. Whether you choose order or chaos, good or evil, I will follow you. Didn't you find that the abyss has a stronger influence on you than others? Your approach made him discover you, something that has been worrying It still appeared." Qingkong pursed her lips and smiled, she took a step back and turned to face the starry sky, with both hands in a pose for taking pictures: "Since you like guessing riddles, I will give you a riddle. Don't you think there is something missing in this starry sky?"

   What's missing?

  Luke's consciousness withdrew from the spiritual starry sky.

  He called the Coconut living in front of the road: "Coconut, did you hear any sound?"

   "Sound?" Coconut listened carefully for a while: "It seems that there is a cry of some kind of beast, which should be produced by the air flow. There are many passages that go deep into the mountain in the holy mountain, and this kind of sound is normal."

  Storm Cato behind him stepped forward: "Sir, is there something wrong with this voice?"

  Luke looked at Naco and Storm Cato. No matter what the source of the sound was, it didn't affect them spiritually.

  Clear Sky said that Abyss had discovered me, and that he was willing to follow me to find a new job. This is the worst plan.

   What the **** is in front of it?

  Luke looked at the passage ahead, as if it really led to the abyss.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm too nervous." Qingkong helped Luke put down the burden, no matter where the road leads, he decided to take a look: "The coconut is in front, there is a ramp in front, at the first turn right at the corner.

   We're almost there! "

  Hearing that the altar coming from the abyss was approaching, Naco clenched the dagger and turned and walked forward. The soles of his feet stepped on the stone floor, and the spreading force field triggered an alarm somewhere.

  A roar came from the bottom of the ramp, followed by a wave of foul-smelling air pushing over.

   The three of them walked all the way, but they didn't see a single abyss mage. But the Abyss Descending Altar is such an important place, it is impossible to be without guards, and fighting is inevitable.

  At this time, an explosion sound came from far along the passage, it should be that the spies also encountered the abyss mage.

   I can only wish them luck!

   Down the **** ahead, with rumbling vibrations, a thick tentacle stretched out first, and there was a big eye on the tentacle.

  The eyes saw Naco, and then saw Luke and Storm Cato.

   "Sacrifice!" The abyss familiar saw Luke's clothes: "This is not a place for you to come. What noise! ​​Is someone invading?"

  Luke said: "Yes, the Ironclad Barbarians led by the Celtic Duke are attacking the temple, and the apostles are fighting.

  I am ordered by Apostle Victor to bring my followers to help guard the altar.

   Now take me to the altar immediately. "

   "If it is the order of the apostle Victor, I will obey it. Did the apostle tell you my name?"

  Luke couldn't answer.

  But it was confirmed that the altar where the abyss descended was indeed here.

  Abyss mages turn into familiars, some will lose their sanity, some will retain their sanity, but their sanity will be severely damaged, and only a very small part of the familiars will retain their complete sanity.

   Obviously this time I met a smart guy.

   But only smarter.

"Of course, Apostle Victor told me your names. But I only saw one tentacle, how do I know which one you are? Hurry up and don't waste time." Luke also made a preparation for the coconut Hints of attack.

   "I'm sorry, Master Sacrifice, this was my mistake." The familiar realized that he had only stretched out a tentacle, and asked the other party to say his name, which was indeed embarrassing for the other party. More tentacles protruded out, causing the demon to reveal its body.

  This familiar is the size of an elephant, with half its head and half its body. There are hundreds of short whiskers under the body carrying the huge body to move, and the brain is exposed on the head. If you look closely, it is actually coiled tentacles, and the one just sticking out is one of them.

   The devil came out, and the body almost filled the relatively spacious passage.

  Several tentacles protrude from the brain, each with an eye staring at it.

   "Tell me, what is my name, Lord Sacrifice."

   "Your name is... charcoal-fired bean worm!"

   "It's...not my name..."

  When the familiar was puzzled, the coconut that was closest to him swung his knife with all his might. Her martial **** power was concentrated on the edge of the blade, and once she slashed to Qi Zhan, Qi Zhan easily cut off the tentacles stretched forward by the familiar, and continued to cut forward on the familiar's head.

   After waiting for a while, the demon's body was divided into two neatly diagonally, the upper part slid down, and blood mixed with mucus sprayed out.

  Luke stepped forward and swung his long sword to throw out the holy flame, and Storm Cato punched a wind punch. The wind pressure swept up the fire, fueled it, and swallowed all the corpses of the familiars that had not been separated.

  Holy flames are more lethal to this kind of evil creature, and the huge corpse blocking the passage was instantly burned to slag.

  An angry roar came from down the slope.

  Since the fight is on, let's kill all the way.

  Luke held the sword and chanted a spell, applying powerful single-target buff magic to the coconut. Surrounded by multiple layers of light, the coconut quickly rushed into the ramp.

  The scream of the familiar came immediately.

  Luke throws a few spells at Storm Cato, and charges down the ramp with his sword.

   The downward ramp is filled with various forms of abyss familiars, but they are unilaterally slaughtered by coconuts.

   It completely relieved Luke, who was still a little worried about coconuts.

  The bloodline of the Valkyrie showed its majesty for the first time, and Coconut realized the saying that all its power comes from the force field. Gravity can no longer have any constraints on her, she can walk freely on the left and right walls and ceiling, easily avoiding the attacks of the familiars.

  Her power of Valkyrie makes her knife drive the air, and the Qi Slash she pulls out is an indestructible blade.

  Although her strength cannot be converted into wind energy like the storm barbarian, a punch with the power of a Valkyrie can generate an air hammer, which can explode the familiar hammer blocking the way from the air.

  Luke's magical protection for her allows her to put all her abilities on the offensive end without any scruples. No need to defend, just keep attacking and attacking.

   Chop up these nasty monsters and blow them up one by one.

   Luke, who followed up, found that he and Storm Cato could only dry-burn the corpse.

   To prevent these monsters from undergoing unexpected mutations, it is safer to burn them clean.

   Just like that, the crazy-killing coconuts killed all the way, and Luke and Storm Cato cooperated to burn all the way.

   Burned and killed all the way into the altar.

  The round altar is covered with bright red blood, and all the blood comes from a heart placed in the center of the altar. The heart is huge, bigger than the sturdiest savage. The color of the heart was very bright, as if it had just been pulled out, it was beating there, and blood spurted out from the heart tube every time it beat.

  There is no abyss familiar in the altar, and the coconut shakes the disgusting thing sticking to the knife, and asks Luke: "The heart of what? Is it a dragon heart?"

   "It's not a dragon's heart!" Luke looked at the heart with a bad expression, and said, "If you look carefully, you will see that it is made up of the hearts of countless people."

   "Human heart!" Coco looked at the beating heart in disbelief. Sure enough, under the wrapping of a layer of mucous membrane, there was a human heart the size of a fist.

   "This, this..." Storm Cato was suppressed by what he saw, speechless: "They, how many people did they kill?"

   "Don't know." Luke couldn't guess.

   Coco's complexion was pale: "Could these be the hearts of some animals? After all, there is no news of so many missing people in the Holy Mountain."

"The Temple of the Abyss will not blatantly collect sacrifices in the holy mountain, and the Duke of Celtic will not allow them to do so. There are people in the mountains of the Tedgar Hills, whether they are barbarians or humans, and they will not attract attention when they die .

  If the Celtic Dukes help them, no one will know of their crimes. "

   "My lord, why did your lord do this? These are his subjects!"

   Luke didn't answer Naco's new question. He glanced at Storm Cato and said, "This is not something I can answer... Destroying the heart can prevent the abyss from falling.

  Hopefully nothing pops up to stop us. "

  Suddenly Luke felt like saying this... What a mouthful!