MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 429 lose? win?

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  Chapter 429 Lose? win?

   "Of course, of course you can...Let the butler take you there."

  Mrs. Fekchik waved her hand readily and asked the butler to take Baron Sergey and Luke to a spare room to discuss their private affairs.

  After Baron Sergey and Luke walked out, Mrs. Fekchik couldn't help but smile triumphantly: "Sergey even sold such a profitable iron workshop, he must have lost a lot of money this time.

   Soon I'll be the richest man in the entire Tedgar Hills... no, the entire Tedgar Hills.


  At the moment when Mrs. Fekchik couldn't help laughing, her back made a "stab" sound, and the evening dress finally couldn't bear the force it shouldn't have, and several cracks were torn.

  In a secluded room, the butler poured a cup of coffee for Baron Sergey and Luke before leaving.

   "Mr. Luke..." Baron Sergey has the cultivation of a hereditary nobleman. Even though he has important matters in mind, he still said unhurriedly, "When are you going to leave the Holy Mountain?"

  Luke picked up the coffee and took a sip. It tasted very familiar, and it was the popular tortoiseshell coffee in Raging City. This coffee is very moist in color and has some sweet caramel flavor.

   To be able to drink such authentic Raging City coffee in the holy mountain, Mrs. Fekchik is really at the forefront of fashion!

Luke said to Baron Sergey: "Back to Lord Baron, I still have some things to deal with in the Holy Mountain. I probably need to wait until the Hercules final match is over before considering leaving the Holy Mountain, and then continue my adventure the road."

  Sergey asked: "What are these things? Tell me, I have some abilities in the Holy Mountain, and maybe I can help you.

  If it's a secret mission from the Adventurer's Association, just pretend I didn't ask. "

  Luke put down the coffee cup and replied: "It's not actually a secret mission. On the way to the holy mountain, I accepted the commission of an abyss priest and completed the mission he issued in the Adventurer's Association.

   It’s just that there was a little problem when the task reward was settled. The abyss priest didn’t have enough money to pay all the reward, so we agreed to pay it in other ways.

  Does the baron need to know the details of the mission? "

   This is the same as what Sergey learned from the Adventurer's Association.

  Since the matter was related to the Abyss Temple and involved a high-ranking abyss priest, he immediately said: "No, there is no need. I am just a businessman, and I just asked purely out of curiosity.

  Mr. Luke...Did you know that the Duke of Celtic is planning to set up a human brigade of the urban militia? "

   "I know a little bit. I also heard that you, Lord Baron, will serve as the captain of this militia brigade."

   Speaking of this, Sergey couldn't help showing a smile on his face: "Yes, thank you Lord Duke of Celtic for your trust, and entrusted me with the task of setting up a human militia brigade.

  Although the size of the brigade is only 1,000 people, this is a beginning, which means that the human army will gradually become another main force of the Tedgar Hills military force.

  In the future, the human army will officially establish a legion, and the officers and soldiers of this brigade will be promoted very quickly! Mr. Luke, I would like to invite you to be a squadron leader. With your achievements in the Hercules Arena, you are fully qualified for this position. "

  Luke originally thought about the purpose of Sergey's coming to find him, but he didn't expect that he would invite someone who had no background in the Tedgar Hills to join his militia brigade.

  The purpose is not pure!

  Luke refused on the spot: "I'm sorry, Lord Baron! I'm an adventurer, not a mercenary. I don't plan to stay in the holy mountain for too long, so I can't join your militia brigade."

"That's really a pity! Influenced by the barbarians, all races in the Tedgar Hills worship power very much. Your power has made you a star of the Tedgar tribe. If you are willing to stay here, you can easily obtain A lot of fame and fortune."

  For Sergey's invitation again, Luke replied firmly: "This is not the life I like."

Baron Sergey, who was repeatedly rejected, had to settle for the next best thing: "Everyone has the right to pursue the life they like. If you can't stay in the holy mountain for a long time, can you take a post in my militia brigade? Just be the brigade Inspector General.

  I think all ethnic soldiers will be honored to train under your supervision. "

  It's just a name...

  Luke didn't think it mattered, and if it was to talk about this matter, there was no need to open a separate room. Sergey must have other things. Being the Inspector General is just throwing stones and asking for directions. Let me give you a sweet date first.

   "If it's just a name, I personally have no problem. I hope that the baron will release this commission as a task in the Adventurer's Association. I don't want to take the responsibility of not knowing it for no reason."

   Baron Sergey could feel that this human adventurer named Luke was very cautious. If it was someone else, maybe they would ask for some benefits first, and then agree to it.

  And if it is published in the Adventurer's Association by entrustment, the Adventurer's Association has professional responsibility risk analysts to help adventurers formulate a rigorous entrustment agreement.

  Sergey praised: "Mr. Luke is worthy of being an A-level adventurer, and he is always vigilant. Please rest assured, I will never use your reputation, sir, to do things that endanger your interests.

  Tomorrow I will officially issue a commission to the Adventurers Association. If you are free after three days, please come to the Barracks of the Canglang Militia Brigade to participate in the ceremony of forming an army. After the Wolf Militia Brigade is established, it will perform city security tasks. As the Inspector General of the Wolf Militia Brigade, it will provide you with a lot of convenience. "

   This was a forced privilege, which made Luke feel that Sergey must have something to ask of himself.

  The city security of Golden Shield Empire is under the responsibility of the Public Security Department, which is affiliated to the city government affairs department. Most of the security officers have been trained in professional schools and have relatively high professionalism.

  In addition to the Public Security Bureau, the local Bureau of Secret Information Bureau also bears part of the city's security responsibility, so it is often seen that the Public Security Bureau and the imperial agents are patrolling at the same time.

  The situation in the Tedgar Hills is different from that of the empire. Most of the barbarians live in tribes and do not need professional city security personnel. The Holy Mountain is the only large city in the entire Tedgar Hills, and the city's security is mainly in charge of the city militia.

  In the past, all the urban militias were barbarians. Now, because some urban militias are added to the barbarian army, humans are recruited to fill the gap.

  The city militia in the holy mountain has a total of five brigades, and the human race can occupy one brigade, which can indeed provide privileges and conveniences in many places.

  Luke considered his recent schedule, and replied: "I will attend the formation ceremony of the Wolf Militia Brigade on time. Lord there anything else?"

   "Yes!" Baron Sergey felt that he had benefited, and he could make a request smoothly: "I hope that when you participate in the final match of the Hercules competition in the Duke's Castle, you can give up the championship to your opponent."

   "Oh?" Luke understood what Sergey meant, but still pretended not to understand and asked, "Why?"

"For the human race!" Sergey threw out a grand idea: "In the past, the status of the human race in the Tedgar Hills was very low, which can be seen from the hereditary titles. There are only seven noble titles that the human race can inherit, and the highest is only Barons, and five of them have no fiefs. The fiefs of me and another human baron are very barren places.

  Now the barbarians have to rely heavily on the human race to fight against the empire. The establishment of the human militia brigade is just the beginning, and more measures that are beneficial to the human race will be promulgated in the future.

This is a good opportunity that has never been encountered since the human race moved into the Tedgar Hills. As long as they seize the opportunity, the human race in the Tedgar Hills will definitely become the main body like the human races in other places, creating a prosperous and rich Tedgar hills! "

   "What does this have to do with me?" Luke said indifferently: "I am not a human from the Tedgar Hills, and I may not come here a few times in my life."

Sergey knew that drawing big cakes could not convince a well-informed adventurer, so he offered a price: "If you can help the people in the Tedgar Hills this time, we will be grateful to you. In the future, you will not only be able to Get convenience, when our influence covers the entire Tedgar Hills, you can enjoy greater privileges.

  Tedgar Hills is a place with an ancient civilization. During the war of ancient civilizations, many races migrated here for refuge, and there are still many ancient races living in remote mountains.

   There are also many places worth exploring.

  With our privileges and help, it will be very convenient for you to explore the Tedgar Hills in the future. "

  Luke knew that Sergey was right. The Tedgar Hills are simply paradise for adventurers, and almost every hill has an ancient history.

   Various adventure plots and many maps will make even the most adventurous players feel overwhelmed.

   It's just that barbarians don't like outsiders wandering in their territory, so barbarians are a kind of wild monsters that will actively attack for players.

  However, Luke is not an adventurer in the true sense, and his "adventure" is not to explore the secret realm.

  “The championship of the Holy Mountain Hercules Athletics means a lot to me, but the adventure in the Tedgar Hills is an unknown future.”

  Luke gave such an answer, and Baron Sergey analyzed it according to the thinking of a businessman... The price was not enough.

   "I can pay you some money."

   "It's not about money."

   Baron Sergey directly bid: "Ten million Reichsmarks!"

   “I am a man of principle and a risk taker with a strong focus on integrity.”

   "Fifteen million Reichsmarks! The championship bonus is 500,000 Reichsmarks."

   "Can you understand the weight of this champion in my heart?"

   "Eighteen million Reichsmarks!"

   Baron Sergey didn't talk nonsense, decided not to talk about ideals, and settled the matter with money.

   But his overweight made Luke very uncomfortable.

   The addition of several million, several million, is so far away from my psychological expectations, and I will be at a loss for words later, will it be embarrassing?

  So Luke decided not to act. He estimated that Sergey's iron workshop could probably sell for 50 million Reichsmarks.

  So he said directly: "50 million Reichsmarks! The result of the game is definitely what you imagined."

Fifty million!

   This is a bit far from the highest psychological price of Baron Sergey. An iron workshop is like giving away for nothing!

   "Mr. Luke, you want too much."

  Luke said with confidence: "Compared to the future of the people in the Tedgar Hills, 50 million is not much."

   "Can it be less, 20 million Reichsmarks is my limit."

Luke said with a smile: "It's about the future of the people in the Tedgar Hills. How can you bear the cost alone? There are still a few days before the final match in the Duke's Castle. It should be time to organize a fundraising event. "

   Baron Sergey regretted talking about ideals with Luke.

  The results of the competition cannot be lost, this is related to whether the factory restrictions can be lifted.

   It seems that I can only endure the pain and bleed profusely.

   "Okay, okay... as long as you lose the game, I can raise funds to pay you this money."

   "No problem, as long as the money is in place, losing the game is a breeze for me."

   Baron Sergey thought in his heart: Losing the game is easy for anyone.

   Fortunately, the competition is settled, and the rest is to settle 50 million.

   I was slaughtered painfully, but I still want to say thank you.

   "Thanks Mr. Luke for helping..."

   Baron Sergei thanked reluctantly, but Luke said at this time: "Master Baron, do you think it is in your interest to lose the game, or is it in your interest to win the game?"

   Baron Sergei's mind wiped out fifty million in an instant, and a kind of epiphany appeared, but he couldn't catch it.

   "Do you have any unique ideas?"

  Luke looked like an expert: "My opinion is actually not unique, but you are in this bureau in the Tedgar Hills, and there are some places that outsiders can see, but you can't.

  It’s like a person in a mountain who cannot see the whole picture of the mountain. "

  Baron Sergey felt that this metaphor was very vivid. He nodded and said, "I want to hear your opinion on this matter."

  Luke then talked eloquently: "I agree with your point of view on the rise of the human race in the Tedgar Hills. The pressure of the empire forced the Duke of Celtic to rely heavily on the human race. The establishment of the human militia brigade is a beginning.

  If the baron thinks that this reliance is a charity, it is a big mistake. If the human race in the Tedega Hills has no strength, why should the Duke rely on it.

  Baron Sergey, do you think your elevated status was given to you by the Duke, or was it lifted by the entire Tedgar tribe? "

  Luke's words seemed to open a door to a whole new world for Baron Sergey.

  The reason why I am standing so high now is not because I was lifted up by the Duke of Celtic, but because I have a solid foundation under my feet.

   "Mr. Luke, please continue."

  Baron Sergey no longer has the philistinism of a businessman, and listens to the truth as if he is studying.

  Luke continued: "Rely on the Duke of Celtic, when you are useless, he can kick you aside at any time.

  But if the Tedgar race can truly wake up and get rid of the inherent concept that barbarians are inherently stronger than the human race, the Tedgar race can be regarded as a real rise. The human race needs a leader who really dares to fight for power from the Celtic Duke for their benefit, and this leader needs the full support of the human race, so that what they get will last for a long time.

  You know better than me what significance this Hercules final match has, and the Duke of Celtic knows better than you.

  No matter what he promises to you, it is something he can take back if he wants to. And what you earn is what you can actually grab.

   is to win? lose?

  Whether to do short-term or long-term... As an excellent businessman, you need to think carefully.

  Opportunities that have not been seized in the past will be difficult to reappear. "

  (end of this chapter)

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