MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 415 Firebird

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  Chapter 415 Firebird

  In the past, Luke paid much attention to magic training, and the knowledge passed on by Qingkong laid a very good foundation for him in magic theory. Therefore, although Luke acquired the magic power late, his progress was very fast.

  The physical body depends entirely on the strength brought by the blood, and has not undergone professional physical training. When he thought that his strength was enough, he never thought that his physical strength still had such a great potential to be tapped.

  At the suggestion of Naco, Luke changed from riding a horse to walking, and at the same time carried a log weighing one ton on his shoulders. This kind of weight is nothing to Luke who has the blood of a dragon, but walking with a heavy load for a long time and keeping up with the speed of the pack team is not an easy task.

  During the break, Coconut didn’t let Luke idle, and there were a thousand pull-ups with weights first…

  At night, Naco will collect some herbs, cook a bowl of bitter medicinal soup for Luke, and force him to eat a whole roasted wild sheep.

   This is the strength training method that the barbarians have summed up from ancient times to the present. This time it is used on Luke, and the effect is very significant. After only a few days of training, Luke felt that his strength had improved significantly, and this was just the beginning. He didn't know how terrifying it would be when his strength reached its peak if he continued to train like this.

  The increase in Luke's strength also frightened the coconut.

  She originally thought that no matter how powerful human beings are, they will never be stronger than those barbarians with strength talents. As a result, it took Luke less than a week, and the training intensity was already able to compete with the strongest barbarians.

   Moreover, Luke is still very relaxed, this kind of training is far from reaching the upper limit he can bear.

"What kind of monster are you?" When Luke increased his load to two tons and was still able to keep up with the pack team, Coconut could no longer maintain his composure: "How could your strength increase so quickly! This is not a human being." It can be done!"

  Luke changed his shoulders and changed the horizontal log to vertical to facilitate the passage between the two big trees. At the same time, he replied to the coconut on the horse: "I don't know the reason, probably you are really an excellent strength coach. I didn't even know that my strength could improve so much in such a short period of time."

Coconut was very proud of being praised by Luke: "Of course I am an excellent strength training coach. Are you interested in cooperating with me for a long time? I guarantee that after a year of training, your strength will definitely be stronger than the strongest barbarian Be big."

  Luke put down the logs on his shoulders at this time: "Long-term cooperation is a good suggestion, I found that I really need a professional team to tap my potential for a long time.

   But I have to finish my task first.

  The habitat of the flamingo should be nearby, so let's go there early and try to continue the journey at night. "

Seeing the firebird that Luke was still thinking about, Coconut jumped off the horse: "I thought you had forgotten this task, are you so upset? That's the firebird, it won't fight with you, it will only fight with you." Burn you with fire.

  Listen to me, let's move on, the champion of the Hercules competition is waiting for you. "

  Luke took out a few gold coupons from his pocket.

  Nako didn't take it, but continued to persuade: "It's not about money. I don't want to see you die. Although you are very unpleasant, I know you are a good person."

Luke stuffed the golden coupon into Coconut's hand: "For a professional adventurer, if he cannot complete the task, it will affect his credit score. I need this task to help me be promoted to an A-level adventurer, which is very important to me. important.

  You just need to take me to the habitat of the firebird, and then return to wait. At night, if I don't come back, you can just keep going. "

  Luke's insistence made the coconut only acceptable.

"Well, we just met for a few days. Since you must go to kill the firebird, I have no reason to stop you like this." Coconut shook the gold coupon in his hand, put it in his pocket, and then told the other members of the adventure group Said: "You find a safe place to set up camp, and I will be back in a while."

   "Yes, Captain Naco."

   Coconut said to Luke: "Let's go, the habitat of the firebird is the volcano in front."

   Naco pulled out his dagger and cut through the bushes, leading Luke away from the path taken by the adventurers, and walked towards the habitat of the firebird.

   Without going too far, the surrounding vegetation became sparse, the ground gradually turned scorched black, the temperature became higher, and the air became drier.

   When the two walked out of the jungle, they faced a towering volcano. The crater is very open, from time to time there are flames and thick smoke ejected from it, and the whole area is filled with the pungent smell of sulfur.

Coconut stopped at the foot of the mountain. She pointed to the crater where the smoke was billowing, and said to Luke: "That's the nest of the firebird. It rarely leaves the range of the volcano. But it is very vigilant. Let's move forward. It might be discovered."

  Luke looked at the top of the mountain and said to the coconut: "Go back, I will find you when I get the egg of Nirvana."

"Okay, I wish you success." Coconut turned and left after completing the task, and after taking two steps, she turned back and said to Luke: "I will wait for you under the tree over there, maybe at a critical time, I can give You offer a little help.

  The worst case is to collect your body. "

  Luke was amused by Coconut's last words: "If you find my body, you must clean up everything in my pocket... Thank you, hide well, and don't let the firebird find you."

"good luck."

   Naco turned and walked towards the woods outside the mountain, while Luke took a deep leap towards the crater on the top of the mountain.

  The volcano let out a dull roar at this moment, followed by a sharp cry from the crater. The entire mountain area shook violently, and large rocks rolled down from the top of the mountain.

   Coconut was frightened by this sudden situation. Before she hid in the woods, she turned around and saw a large amount of magma erupting from the crater. In the tide of red magma, a scarlet firebird flew out while bathing in lava.

   Coco didn't dare to look too much, turned around and ran towards the jungle.

   I don't even have hope that Luke can come back alive, but that is a firebird, an extraordinary creature comparable to a dragon!

  At this time, Luke had already rushed to the crater, and the erupted magma formed a big wave and shot him down. In the crevices of the lava, he saw a firebird flying out of its nest.

  Its wingspan is ten meters, and all the feathers are burning flames. It hovered around the crater, and its violent chirping showed that it was in a very bad mood.

  Firebirds are extraordinary creatures with a strong sense of territory. They guard their own volcanic pools and kill any creatures in their territories, even burning plants.

  Now that a human has actually come to the crater, he can see the entire lair with his head down, which is more serious than touching the reverse scale of the dragon.

  Although meat is not in the Firebird's recipe, the Firebird has made up his mind at this time to taste what it is like to be human.

  The firebird uttered an angry cry again, and its wings swept out high-temperature flames.

   Luke, covered by the lava tide, took out the dagger given by the Archangel Gold and held it in both hands. The dagger instantly turned into a long sword. After the spell was uttered, a shield made of fire elements unfolded, and lava fell on the fire element shield, like water pouring on an egg shell, flowing down the brilliance shield wall.

  The spell continued to be chanted, and the fire that erupted from Luke's feet turned against the guest, forming a wave of fire and rushing towards the fire wind fanned by the firebird. The two flames collided in the air, and the fire element was detonated to form a violent explosion.

  A ring of fire spread rapidly in the crater, and the dust that was raised was burned red by the fire, forming a red cloud covering the top of the mountain.

  Firebird felt the provocation.

   This is not just an invasion of territory, but also a battle of fire and fire.

  The firebird made a more high-pitched call, it climbed to the height, and then swooped down. The red fire plume turned into an incandescent color, and the dazzling light made the noon sun even pale.

   This is Firebird's unique skill "Yaoyang Falling", someone dared to come to play with fire, and he played so well, his anger has already made him lose his mind.

  Luke saw the Firebird release his stunts as soon as he came up, and lamented that this guy just likes to follow the strategy. As long as the player's fire is strong enough, he will definitely use his housekeeping skills.

  At this time, the diving firebird could no longer see the shape of the bird, it was just a glaring white ball of light, like a falling sun, crashing into the fire cloud on the top of the mountain.

  Luke turned on the thunder and fire pupil, and caught the fire bird's flame heart in the light ball.

  If the game is played according to the normal way, the Firebird is a very difficult opponent at its home court. If it is beaten, it will hide in the lava of the volcano and escape along the underground magma river.

   This is why the Firebird can stay here for a long time. It has a strong sense of territory, but it never hesitates when it needs to escape.

  Firebird's weakness is its flame heart.

After many battles with the Firebird, the players found that when the Firebird releases the unique skill "Yaoyang Fall", all of its body will be converted into fire element energy for a concentrated release. At this time, the flame heart is in an infinite state. protected status.

   At this time it is both the strongest and the weakest,

  Luke held the sword in both hands, and his eyes were fixed on the flame heart in the incandescent fireball. The chance to attack is only a very short moment. If the fire bird is allowed to detonate all the energy, it will have to come again next time.

  The Firebird turned into a ball of incandescent fire, it crashed into the red cloud, and the powerful energy caused the red cloud to churn. Then the red cloud swelled violently, and after an explosion that shook the entire mountain and jungle, black smoke and red mist billowed upwards like mushrooms.

  At this moment, Coconut just ran into the woods, and the scene in front of her completely stunned her on the spot.

  The mountain cracked a large crack from the middle as if it had been chopped, the top of the mountain collapsed inward, and magma and thick smoke erupted outward. The chaotic fire elements formed a turbulent turbulence, triggering the release of various fire-attributed magic, and it seemed like the end of the world for a while.

   Coconut looked at such a scene, thinking... to collect the corpse, where should I find the corpse?

  The volcanic ash was oppressed, and the coconut was coughed violently, and the surroundings quickly darkened. She didn't know what happened, but it sure wasn't a good thing.

  Suddenly a hand grabbed her arm, and an irresistible force pulled her into the dense forest.

  A familiar voice rang in my ears.

   "The volcano is about to erupt, so hurry up!"

   It's Luke!

  Is he still alive?

   Coconut looked forward, although the dense vegetation and branches and leaves in front blocked some of the sight, she still recognized Luke.

   "You didn't die? You beat the Firebird?"

  Luke stopped and showed Naco the Nirvana Egg he was holding in his arms. It was the size of an ostrich egg and covered in beautiful flame patterns.

   "There is time to watch on the road, the volcanic ash is coming, run!"

  The coconut looked back, and the volcanic ash was pressed down like a city wall, and the sparks mixed in it ignited all the vegetation in its path. Coco didn't dare to stay, and ran forward with Luke's life.

  Finding the pack team, Coconut didn't explain to the members of the adventure group, and Luke and Luke rode on horses and drove the pack animals away from the volcano.

   He ran until night before stopping beside a mountain stream.

   Naco jumped into the water to wash off the sticky ash on his body. The team members didn't know what happened until now, and they came forward to ask after the coconuts were washed.

   "I don't know exactly what happened. You guys go get some food and pay attention... Where is Mr. Luke?"

   Coconut saw Luke after being pointed out by the team members, and walked towards him.

  Luke sat on a rock by the mountain stream, stroking the Nirvana egg in his hand. Very hot but not hot, giving people a very warm and comfortable feeling.

  Compared to the irritable Firebird, the Egg of Nirvana is a caring hand warmer.

   Coconut sat down beside Luke, and she asked excitedly, "Is this really the egg of Nirvana?"

  Luke handed over the Nirvana egg: "Feel its magic, I don't want to hand it over to the entrusting employer."

  The coconut fruit takes over the egg of Nirvana, and the heat is immediately transferred along the hand. A layer of harmless halo spread, drying the skin that was still wet in an instant. The halo of fire spread all over his body, and his clothes dried instantly. The rising steam blows away the wet hair, and after falling, the hair is dry and smooth.

   "It's really amazing!" Coconut touched the flame pattern on the eggshell, and an indescribable feeling came to his heart: "I seem to be able to release fire magic..."

   As he spoke, Coco stretched out his hand, and a ball of fire burst out in the palm of his hand.

  Luke said: "The Egg of Nirvana is originally the top fire magic item. Even people who know nothing about magic can have the ability to release fire magic in a short time after touching the Egg of Nirvana."

  Nacco played with the firelight in his hand, and asked at the same time: "How did you defeat the Firebird? It was too fast. As soon as I got to a safe position, the volcano burst open in the explosion, and then you appeared beside me.

  I didn't see the process of you defeating the Firebird at all, what a pity! "

   Luke replied: "As long as you master its weakness, it is not difficult to defeat the firebird. If you don't have enough magic power, you can't hold the Nirvana egg for too long, or you will be burned."

   Coconut immediately returned the Nirvana Egg, and then asked: "You really don't want to give it to the employer who issued the mission, that's 100 million Reichsmarks!"

  (end of this chapter)