MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 410 Signal

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  Chapter 410 Signals

  The Crypt Man used the shadow of the booth to move continuously, and then hid behind a stone slab. His body was pressed against the slate, and his whole body was submerged in the shadow of the slate. Then the cave man used his sensitive hearing and perception of ground vibrations to judge the position and direction of movement of the clear sky.

   There's still a chance...I can kill her right here.

   It's just what is she, why does she seem to be a different person in the blink of an eye?

  Besides, she possesses the power of angels and Shuojin people at the same time. Could it be that all this is a conspiracy between Sky City and Shuojin people?

  The more the Crypt Man thought about it, the more he shuddered.

  If the elf Qingkong is some kind of extraordinary creature jointly created by the angels and the Shuojin people, it means that the world tree is already under their control.

   So despicable!

  The sound of metal boots stepping on the floor was very pleasant, and when they noticed that the clear sky was approaching, the crypt man immediately cleared his mind of random thoughts and concentrated on dealing with this life-and-death struggle.

   Only leaving alive is the most important thing.

  The Crypt Man lowered his sense of existence again, avoiding the perception of the clear sky that filled the entire space.

  When, when, when...

   Qing Kong's footsteps stopped suddenly, and she stood in front of the stone slab.

  The vigilance let the crypt man know that he had been discovered, and he immediately left the shadow of the stone slab and rushed to the outside, and after repeated displacements, he hid again.

   Qingkong held the knife and walked towards the new hiding place of the Crypt Man.

  She deliberately twisted her hips, walked on a catwalk, and walked gracefully. From time to time, she tapped the passing booth with the blade.

   "Are you wondering why I know where you are hiding?"

  The crypt man thought that Clear Sky was trying to trick him into talking, so he didn't answer, but changed places quickly.

  Qing Kong also followed suit, and continued: "You are flustered, your heart is beating fast, maybe this scene limits your performance.

  I'll change one for you, hope you like it. "

  The clear sky snapped its fingers, and the exhibition area of ​​the museum was replaced by a dense forest after the curtain fell.

  Most of the dense forests are low shrubs, with no leaves on the branches, and the trunks are twisted into various hideous shapes. There was only a full moon in the sky, and the pale moonlight added a lot of horror to the forest.

  A few crows yelled and flew over, and then there were a few strange "creaking" sounds in the forest.

  After the hiding booth turned into a tree, the crypt man instinctively wanted to escape underground. But the ground looks soft, but it is extremely hard.

  Crypt man can't escape, move location immediately. But the ground, which could not even dig a hole just now, actually protruded a few skeleton hands from the ground. The crypt man avoided the skeleton's hand with extremely agility, and then jumped up a tree.

  In the canopy of the tree, the crypt man saw Qingkong, who was standing on the ground not far away and looking at him. The golden armor on her body is particularly eye-catching in this black-and-white forest. A crow perched on her shoulder, as if whispering something to her.

   Seeing such a scene, the crypt man knew that no matter how he tried to hide, it would be useless.

  Everything here is illusory. In the eyes of the other party, the hiding technique that he thinks has no flaws may be standing in the sun without any disguise, and doing various actions to hide himself.

   Ridiculous to the extreme.

   The Crypt Man jumps back to the surface, he is no longer hiding.

   Qingkong looked at the crypt man walking towards him, and said, "Why don't you hide? Don't you like the ghost forest? I also prepared a crypt environment for you, which is your home field."

  The crypt man said: "This is just a space created by you using secret techniques. Since you decide the environment of the secret technique space, you can use your authority to cheat at will.

  The human interviewer has not attacked this secret space from the outside until now, which means that the helper you are looking for is very strong. "

   "His strength is so-so to me, and he has absolutely no chance of winning for a face-to-face service."

   "Are you confident in your own strength?"

"Of course!" Qingkong stretched out his hand to admire: "He created me to challenge the strong in this world. Among the five ancient civilizations, the top strong of the Shadow Clan is the only one that I have never fought against. You can just fill this gap." Pity."

  The crypt man put on a fighting stance: "As expected, you were made. Then let me see what my old opponents have made."

  Qing Kong smiled and said: " have to look carefully!"

  Qing Kong dodges and rushes forward, holding a knife in his right hand and a golden sword in his left hand. After getting close to him, his body turns, and a sword aura and a sword aura seal the crypt man's dodging space from top to bottom.

  At the same time, in the time delay skill, multiple clear skies appear at different time points at the same time, and the sword output is like a blade storm.

  The spiritual ball was summoned, and the powerful spiritual power suppressed the spiritual attacks of the cavemen.

   Under the torrential attack, the Crypt Man is like a small boat in a storm. He tried his best to resist and evade, and used his mental power to judge which of the many clear skies was real...the results were all real.

   It's not mirror magic!

   This is a time skill!

  The Crypt Man knew that if he didn't use his ability to press the bottom of the box, he would really die in Qingkong's hands.

  An ancient shadow language was recited by the cave man, and the cave man's body exploded in large areas. Spiritual energy like a silver thread is emitted from his body, and then the silver thread rolls up and wraps the body inside.

  In an instant, the crypt man turned into a mummy-like creature. The excess silver thread was woven into strips of cloth, which fluttered in disorder to block Qingkong's attack.

  The ancient shadow language continued to be spoken, and more silver threads shot out from his body. Silver threads were woven into a spider web, and a group of underground marching spiders transformed by pure spiritual power rushed towards the clear sky.

  The range of the spider web rapidly expanded, and some more powerful spiders were transformed.

   Qingkong waved his hand, and the spiritual ball floated in front of the spider army. The eyes in the center of the spirit ball become bigger, and the black negative spirit fire shoots out like machine gun bullets.

  The white spider was stained with the black spiritual fire, and was instantly ignited. And the spider swarm transformed by mental power is not afraid of death, and rushes forward with the secret firepower.

  Qing Kong took a look at the spirit ball, it should last for a while.

  The ontology of the Shadow Clan is the Shadow Parasite, they are spiritual extraordinary creatures, and their own spiritual energy is extremely powerful. Fortunately, the spiritual ball is also a spiritual supernatural creature, and there is absolutely no problem in a short period of time when pure spiritual energy fights.

   Now we need to clean up this crypt man as soon as possible.

  At this time, the crypt man has more spiritual ribbons around his body. He gave up the flexibility and hiding skills of the physical body, and directly used the spiritual power to build a defense line.

  Instead, Qing Kong held a sword and pressed forward with agility. She cut off the blocking ribbon, and approached the caveman's body layer by layer.

   This guy is much stronger than expected. He should have six stars. Fortunately, he was trapped in the secret technique, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

  Clear Sky faced the surrounding spiritual ribbon at every step, and she saw that the state of the caveman was a trap of drawing the ground as a prison, defending the body, and using spiritual power to transform into a spider to attack. As long as the spirit ball can suppress the metamorphosis spider, it won't take too much effort to kill him.

  Just when Clear Sky found a flaw in the Crypt Man, and was about to slash through the last obstacle and kill him with one blow, a throbbing burst from the bottom of her heart.

  The Book of Calamity, which had been hidden by Qingkongxue for a long time, unexpectedly flew out of the space backpack at this time.

  The pages of the book were opened, and the spiritual ribbons all over the space gathered into bundles, and drilled into the opened book of disasters. The ribbons on the outside of the cave man's body were also peeled off layer by layer, and all of them were drilled against the book of disaster.

  In an instant, the caveman revealed his real body. He looked at the book of calamity in disbelief, and murmured, "Luminescence..."

   But before the crypt man finished speaking, the spiritual ball rushed up and wrapped his entire head inside. After the spirit ball spit out his head, the cave man had lost all vitality and collapsed on the ground, becoming a corpse.

  The Book of Calamity in the air closed and floated there quietly.

  Clear Sky grabbed the Book of Calamity, trying to use his mind to find out what happened to it, but he held back.

   This is not the first time that the Book of Calamity flew out uncontrollably.

  Last time it was attracted by Grover’s spiritual energy, this time it was attracted by the external spiritual energy of the Shadow Clan... Was it attracted by negative spiritual energy, or was it actively absorbing powerful spiritual energy?

   Clear Sky couldn't figure it out, but she remembered what the Crypt Man said before he died.


  Fluorescent star cluster, the artifact of the shadow race?

  The last time the Book of Disasters got out of control, the golden compass, the golden man's artifact, seemed to be by his side.

Could it be that…

  Clear sky doesn’t think too much, let Luke use his brain.

  Clear Sky threw the Book of Calamity into his backpack, and then lifted the awakening state.

   At this time in the imperial palace, the Archangel Gold, who had already rested, suddenly opened his eyes. He rushed out of the window, flapped his wings and flew into the sky, searching all around excitedly.

   "It's here? It's here? How can it be here!"

  Qing Kong didn't know what signal the Book of Calamity was sending to the outside world when it went berserk for a short time. She was facing two shimmering gold people, and they noticed the movement in the exhibition hall on the first floor.

   "Queen of the Clear Sky!" The Shuo Jin saluted to the Clear Sky, and then made a request: "If you really found Elder Chun's body, please return it to us."

  Now Elder Chun's body is useless to Qingkong, so she said to the butler Fei Qi who was waiting by the side: "Find someone to bring Elder Chun's body and let them take it away."

   "Yes, Miss Skylight."

  The Shuojin man didn't expect that it would be so twists and turns and so simple to ask for the elder's body.

  They asked in disbelief: "Queen Clear Sky, you really will give us Elder Chun's body."

   "What do I keep it for? Autopsy? When he dies, it will be the corpse of an ordinary human old man. I have as many corpses as I want. There is no need for the elders of the Shuojin people."

   "But why didn't you hand over Elder Chun's body to us immediately after you found it?"

  Qingkong replied: "I want to use Elder Chun's body to lure out the assassins of the Shadow Clan. Now that I have run out, of course I will return it to you."

  Hearing that Qingkong detained Elder Chun's body for this purpose, Shuojin immediately asked, "You found the assassin."

   "Found it, there it is!"

   After being reminded by the clear sky, the two Shuojin people finally saw the body of the crypt man lying in the corner.

  They were on alert first, and then immediately stepped forward to check when they found that the other party was dead.

  Finally, he asked in doubt: "Your Majesty, this is indeed an underground creature, the Cryptman, but there is no shadow parasitic element left in his brain. Are you sure he is the Shadow Race that attacked Elder Chun?"

  Qingkong said impatiently: "I'll keep the remnants of the shadow parasite for research. As for whether he has been parasitized by the shadow parasite, there must be a way to tell the difference according to the means of you Shuojin people.

   Fitch should have moved Elder Chun’s body out, so take this body and wait outside, so as not to disturb others’ rest. "

  The shimmering gold man immediately saluted to the clear sky, and then left with the body of the crypt man.

   Clear Sky summoned a spiritual ball.

  The spiritual ball slowly revolved around her.

   "You guy, I haven't seen you jumping so fast before. I haven't realized it yet, you have eaten a shadow parasite. Can you spit it out? It's a waste to eat such a good thing for you!"

  The spiritual ball spun innocently, without any intention of spitting out the shadow parasitic element.

  Qing Kong has nothing to do with this low-intelligence spiritual creature.

  At this time, the ground shook slightly, and the crystal man Deep Sleep came out from below. He looked at his surroundings, but there was no sign of a fight.

   "Runned by that crypt man?"

  Qingkong said: "I have killed the cave man, and the body was given to the Shuojin man. Why did you come back empty-handed? Could it be that the man ran away?"

   "I was following her, how could she let her run away."

  Deep Sleep stretched out her hand, a crystal pillar rose from the ground, and a woman's head was sealed in the crystal.

  The woman has her eyes closed, her face is like a mask.

Qingkong walked around the crystal pillar and said: "Human masks are supernatural organisms like fungi, and a human mask is a bacterial colony. There is a maternal-fetal sclerotia in the bacterial colony, and all the others are isolated from the maternal-fetal sclerotia. As long as the mother-fetal sclerotium is not damaged, other fungus can grow quickly no matter how much they die.

  Deep sleep, have you injured the mother-fetal sclerotia? "

   Shenmian replied: "No."

  Qing Kong stopped in front of the head of the human face: "What's your name? This chief?"

  The head of the woman in the crystal pillar suddenly opened her eyes: "Did you really kill Chief Walker?"

  Qing Kong replied: "What is there to doubt? He wants to assassinate me, and I will definitely not let him leave alive. Do you want to avenge him?"

   "I don't want to! Even Chief Walker can't kill you, so I have no chance, and I've already been caught by you. You shouldn't let me go..."

   "Whether I let you go or not is up to me." Qingkong looked at the person in front of him, and after a while said, "You haven't answered my first question yet."

  When the interviewer heard the vitality, his attitude immediately changed: "My name is Sisili."

   "Very good, Chief Sisli, this is a good start of communication. Then we will start the next question... What is the reason why you set me as the assassination target?"

  (end of this chapter)

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