MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 405 crappy assassin

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  Chapter 405 Crappy Assassin

  In the mansion of the Marquis of Raging Waves, due to too many guests coming to the banquet, the indoor hall was expanded to the outside when it was full.

  The Marquis of Meteorite also set up billboards all over the mansion in a unique way. The most eye-catching and ubiquitous one is "The red wine used for this banquet in the Marquis's Mansion of Raging Waves is all sponsored by Moonlight Wine."

   There is also a beautiful shopping guide lady who distributes brochures to the guests, and enthusiastically introduces the raw materials and production process of Moonshine Wine. The biggest gimmick is that all the water for brewing Moonshine Wine is collected from Moon Lake, and it is the first spring water that gushes out near the World Tree.

  Other advertisements are also the leading products of Raging Waves City. The bells and whistles in the booth area are very attractive, and there are many tasting and trial activities.

  A banquet that was supposed to be a political event was turned into a commercial event by Luke abruptly.

   This economic acumen is admired by everyone in Shuojin.

  Different from the lively banquet venue, the third floor and above of the Marquis Mansion are set as no-visit areas. Imperial spies guard every passage closely, and even the servants who deliver things have to go through strict searches.

  Magic probes can be seen everywhere here, and there are even some hidden defense equipment.

  In the heavily guarded center, a meeting is going on.

   From the Moonlight Royal Court came Moonlight Queen Qingkong and Queen Shoufu Meteorite. From the Shuojin side came Elder Mu, Elder Chun, Pan Heyin.

  Elder Mu and Elder Chun are not twins, just like Pan is an alternate elder, and Yin is just an ordinary Shuojin person, so there is a gap between twins.

  Elder Mu is the chief envoy of the Shuojin Mission. He is an old man with long white curly hair, with a kind face and a very easy-going look.

  Elder Chun is thin and thin, looks a little gloomy, and looks serious. When meeting Qingkong, he just tried to be polite and didn't have much enthusiasm.

   Fortunately, Yin and Pan had informed Elder Chun's character in advance, and Elder Mu was in charge of this meeting, so they didn't make both sides unhappy as soon as they met.

  The two parties make preparations on both sides of a rectangular table, and the servants serve drinks and fruits and leave. A barrier fell from the roof, isolating the venue from the outside world.

  At the beginning, Elder Mu asked with a smile: "The Archangel Gold should have visited Her Majesty the Queen and the Marquis of Meteor in secret, right?"

  The last time I saw Pan, Luke showed him the steel wings of radiant feathers. According to Pan's vision, he can definitely see that it is an angel alchemy tool, and he can naturally understand the meaning of it.

Luke laughed and said, "It's hard to turn down the kindness! Angels are worthy of being extraordinary creatures with the most sense of justice. As soon as Archangel Gold arrived in St. Lun City, he couldn't wait to ask us to discuss compensation for the destruction of the World Tree. question.

   And the attitude is extremely sincere, and the compensation is extremely generous.

  Sky City is even willing to build a sanctuary in the Moonlight Court and actually send angels there, not only to train light magicians for the Moonlight Court, but also to protect the World Tree. "

  Elder Mu and Elder Chun glanced at each other, feeling in their hearts that ignorance is really ridiculous.

  Moonlight Royal Court didn't know the purpose of Sky City to build a sanctuary for them, so they did this kind of thing to lure wolves into the house for a small compensation.

  In addition, Sky City actually seized the opportunity, and the Shuojin people should hurry up to open a World Bank branch in Moonlight Palace.

  Elder Mu withdrew his friendly smile, and said dissatisfiedly: "We have always believed that the Shuojin people should first discuss the matter of compensation with the Moonlight Royal Court."

Luke replied: "Originally we arranged this way, but we have another cooperation with Sky City. When discussing the cooperation, we talked about compensation by the way. And it was not a formal meeting, and the compensation was not finalized .”

  Elder Mu asked: "What is the cooperation between Moonlight Royal Court and Sky City?"

   "If we say it, I'm afraid it will make Sky City unhappy. If the elder Mu really wants to know, you can ask Archangel Gold, he and you live in the palace."

  Luke put on a look of hooking up with Sky Castle.

   Anyway, I am not afraid that Elder Shepherd will ask Archangel Gold to ask. An angel who provoked the Queen of the Clear Sky ended up having her wings chopped off. Can this kind of thing be casually told to outsiders?

  Let the Shuojin people guess.

   Sure enough, Moonlight Royal Court and Sky City cooperated more deeply, disrupting the original plan of the Shuojin people. While it's not yet known what their collaboration will be, Angel's goal is definitely Yggdrasil.

   In the competition to obtain the artifact, the Shining Golden Man not only encountered a preemptive run by his opponent, but the opponent also moved the starting line forward by a long distance.

   Despicable, so despicable!

  Elder Mu scolded the angel in his heart for being unruly, but what had happened was irreversible, so he had to try his best to remedy it.

   "Since it is the cooperation between the Moonlight Royal Court and Sky City, it is inconvenient for us Shuojin people to ask too much. Now let's talk about the World Tree...

  The Shining Gold people deeply regret the destruction of the World Tree. Although all the Shuojin people who participated in that war have long since passed away, we will never shirk their responsibility, which belongs to the Shuojin people.

  Shuojin people will be responsible for the mistakes made by their ancestors. This is a compensation plan we have drawn up. "

  Yin, under Elder Mu's signal, took out a document from his briefcase and handed it to Luke who was sitting opposite him.

  Luke took the document and read it carefully. Just as he was about to ask for a price, his spiritual universe was suddenly intruded by the clear sky.

   "Let me wake up, quick!"

  Although Luke didn't know what happened, he immediately chose to wake up in the clear sky.

   Qingkong, who was sitting there quietly, said to Elder Mu: "Elder Mu, I can wait for the compensation for the destruction of the World Tree. But... there is one thing that I must understand."

   "What is it, Your Majesty the Queen."

   Qing Kong turned to look at Elder Chun: "Who are you?"

   "This is..." Elder Mu didn't know why Qingkong asked such a question, he just wanted to re-introduce, but he noticed something strange in his heart palpitations. He also asked Elder Chun, "Who are you!"

  Elder Chun, who had always had a gloomy face, showed a distorted smile: "I didn't expect to be discovered so soon. This is the first time in thousands of years since the end of the war that I missed.

  I don't know, how did Her Majesty Queen Clear Sky discover that Elder Chun is a fake? "

   "Your disguise is so poor, I can tell from the moment you enter the door. If you weren't planning to assassinate one of us, I would be too lazy to expose you."

  The smile on Elder Chun's face froze. He didn't expect his disguise to be seen through long ago, and he was indeed preparing to assassinate him.

  Elder Mu, Pan, and Yin stood up immediately, chanting the ancient Shuojin language, and wearing the golden armor on their bodies.

  Elder Mu's weapon is a golden rod, and a golden wheel is suspended behind him.

  Three Shuojin men surrounded Elder Chun.

   "Who the **** are you? What did you do to Elder Chun?"

   "Elder Chun, of course he is dead. You occupy the position of the elders of the Shuojin people, but you don't have the strength to correspond to the elders. You are far behind the elders' house thousands of years ago."

  The opponent has participated in ancient wars, and can pretend to be the elder of the Shuojin people without being noticed by the Shuojin people.

  The identity of this person is coming out.

  Elder Mu said angrily: "Shadow clan! Do you know that assassinating the elder of the Shuojin people is declaring war on the Shuojin people!"

"Declaration of war? Have we ceased war?" Elder Chun laughed wildly: "Queen Qingkong, your strength has been recognized by me, and I will give you a chance to live. Terminate all cooperation with Shuojin people and angels, and draw a clear line with them .

  Otherwise... I will assassinate you endlessly. "

  Qing Kong stood up, activated the ice crystal eyes and looked down at Elder Chun: "Assassinate me? I'm afraid you chose the wrong target. Get out, today is a special day, I don't want to spoil this banquet."

  Elder Mu roared angrily: "You killed Elder Chun, and you still want to leave!"

  Elder Mu was about to launch an attack when the shadow clan who had transformed into Elder Cheng Chun turned into a black shadow, which disappeared after shaking for a while.

  The room fell silent.

  The three Shuojin people were at a loss.

  It was a major scandal that so many Shuojin people didn't notice that a Shuojin elder was killed.

  Elder Mu looked at the seat vacated by Elder Chun, trembling with anger: "Shadow clan! Shadow clan!"

  Qing Kong said at this time: "Although the assassination target of the Shadow Clan is me, in order to prevent the Shadow Clan from hurting my students, I went back first. The rest... will be handed over to the Marquis of Meteor.

  Elder Mu, please mourn! "

  Qingkong left in a flash, and the room became quiet again.

   After a while, Luke said: "The Shadow Clan's transformation into Elder Chun to assassinate Her Majesty Qingkong Queen must be to blame the Shuojin people and provoke conflicts between us.

  If something like this happens, let’s postpone the discussion on compensation. I’ll send someone to prepare a car to take everyone away. "

   Queen Clear Sky has left, and Elder Mu has no choice but to negotiate compensation. Besides, no matter how you look at it, the assassination of a Shuojin elder was even more serious, and the Shuojin people must take immediate countermeasures.

  Elder Mu removed the golden armor, and his expression instantly became much older.

   "I'm sorry, Marquis Meteor. I must return to Shuojin Elder's House immediately after such a thing happened, and the Shadow Clan will definitely pay the price!"

  Elder Mu left angrily, and Pan followed.

  Yin looked at Luke for the last time, and walked out without saying a word.

  Luke sat in his seat, thinking about what had just happened.

  The recovery of the World Tree will attract the five ancient civilizations, which is bound to happen.

  The arrival of Sky City and the Shining Jin people is under control.

  The demons are messing around on their own. Even if they intend to make actions for the World Tree, a single demon comes to deliver food, and no one wants to be the first bird. With the demon Chi Yan nailed to hell, there must be clues to any joint actions of the demons.

  Dragon Kingdom has only one country name left, and there is also no giant dragon that can bring the dragon clan together. Moreover, the Dragon Clan is so big that they can't hide when they come to make trouble.

   Only the Shadow Race is an uncontrollable trouble.

  The Shadow Clan lives deep underground, truly isolated from the world. Some people say that it is better to offend a demon than to offend a shadow clan. Because when the demons are playing tricks on you, you have a small chance of escaping, but the shadow tribe will directly stab the knife in the back.

  Just like this time, if you don’t even talk about it, it’s just an assassination.

   Fortunately, the Shadow Clan is very stubborn. They will always stare at whoever they set their sights on, and they will rarely implicate others unless necessary.

   This time he focused on Qingkong, if he was not careful, he would be killed by Qingkong.

  However... this Shadow Clan is not bad enough. In order to get close to the clear sky, he actually killed the elder of the Shuojin people. Obviously, he wanted to settle the old and new scores together.

   I don't know how the Shuojin people will react.

   I'm looking forward to it.

   Luke drank tea, and the music of the banquet came from the window. There was also an atmosphere of high-spirited talk, and everyone was obviously very satisfied with the banquet.

   On the side of the road next to the Marquis's Mansion in Rage City, in the closed compartment of the truck, the assassins were still looking for who was the extra person.

  Nightingale asked: "Which one of you has a way to find out the outsiders who are mixed among us?"

  The hands of the assassins holding their weapons were trembling. They had never encountered such a weird thing. They pressed against the throats of their companions, trying their best to distinguish whether the other party was an outsider. At the same time, their own throats were also pressed by their companions, worrying whether their lives were under the control of outsiders.

   "Miss Nightingale, we have tried many methods, but we have not been able to identify him. The car can't be parked here all the time, it will attract spies and security officers to interrogate him."

  Nightingale said anxiously: "But what can we do! Take that outsider to assassinate Meteor?"

   "Miss Nightingale, the assassination operation must be terminated. I'm going to drive now and get out of here first."

  The driver got up and wanted to leave.

  Nightingale stopped him immediately: "How can you prove that you are not that outsider."

   "I... I am the driver, I drove you here."

   "This method of self-identification, we have tried it, it doesn't work. I can't risk letting you drive!"

   "Well, we can't keep doing this kind of game here, it's driving me crazy."

   At this time, a voice came from outside the car: "It seems that you are having a good time."

  A female voice replied: "You don't want these crappy assassins to make trouble, so I have to play games with them. You came back so quickly, Qingkong's strength is much weaker than we know."

   "You guessed wrong, the clear sky is very strong. Elder Shuojin didn't even recognize me, but she could see through it at a glance. I don't even know what went wrong until now."

  The female voice said in surprise: "Is she really so strong? Did we choose the wrong target?"

   "It's interesting to be strong! After thousands of years, I finally have a goal that I need to deal with seriously.

   Let's go, let's find a place to settle down first, and then make a foolproof assassination plan. "

   "Okay, wait for me."

   The conversation fades away.

  The assassins in the car held their breath.

  After confirming the safety, a person asked: "The crappy assassin the other party mentioned, are you referring to us?"

  Nightingale's complexion was very ugly: "Who else is there besides us? The outsider who sneaked in has already left, haven't you noticed?"

  The assassins immediately glanced around, and sure enough, nine people became eight. Everyone held their weapons against the throats of their companions, and there was no room left.

   Thinking about the experience just now, everyone is sweating profusely.

   Fortunately, the other party was just teasing himself, otherwise there would be eight corpses in the carriage.

   "Miss Nightingale, are we still carrying out the assassination plan?"

  Nightingale bit her lip, looked at the assassins who looked like bereaved dogs, and said unwillingly: "Retreat... Let's find a suitable opportunity."

  (end of this chapter)

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