MTL - Age of Mysticism-Chapter 403 rip off

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  Chapter 403 Rip off

  Bruce Ban knocked on the door of Clear Sky's office, pushed the door open and walked in after getting permission.

  The first thing that catches the eye is a pair of angel wings fixed on the bracket.

  The pure white feathers exude a soft and holy light, full of a sense of holiness under the sunshine.

  Bruce Ban couldn't help admiring: "Professor Qingkong, the angel wing model you made looks like a real angel wing."

   "Really?" Qingkong finally adjusted the wingspan of the angel wings, and then said with satisfaction: "I also think it is the same as the real thing, and it should be a prop for students to understand angels."

  Bruce Ban stepped forward and couldn't help reaching out to stroke the feathers on it: "Isn't it inappropriate to use such a beautiful artwork as a teaching prop? You know the hands-on ability of the students, and they won't cherish the fruits of your labor."

  Qingkong sat back in his seat: "This requires you to take good care of it, and don't let the students break it. You put it in the prop room first, and I will ask you for it when I need it."

"Yes, Professor Qingkong, I will try my best to keep it safe." Bruce Ban looked at the angel wings: "It's so perfect, even the sacred energy radiating from it is so abundant, it is a real pair of angel wings, I believe it."

  Qing Kong said: "Professor Ban, after you put it in the prop room, I have plenty of time to watch it.

  Before heading to Winter Capital, I asked you to prepare the personnel, equipment and development plan of the Superman Laboratory. What stage is it now? "

  Qingkong brought back ten moonlight knights from the Moonlight Royal Court to develop more powerful extraordinary warriors.

  The Awakened Clear Sky fought against the Crown of Thorns last night, the Holy Inquisitor Angel, and won easily, and even cut off the opponent's angel wings. But it is undeniable that Angel is really strong.

   As the newly promoted holy angel, the crown of thorns has a five-star comprehensive strength. If you count the sacred relics of faith that can block five fatal blows for him, ordinary five-star heroes may not be able to deal with him.

  Although the five ancient civilizations have declined due to the loss of artifacts, their foundations are still there, and they are all four-star mini-bosses at least.

  Five-star heroes are the cornerstone of the five ancient civilizations, and there are five-and-a-half stars, six-stars, and six-and-a-half stars.

   Qingkong's strength can be compared with the top powerhouses, but the Moonlight Royal Court is too weak as a whole. They can only struggle in the cracks of the five civilizations to fight for a living space for themselves.

   However, nothing is as strong as his own strength.

  Last night, the clear sky could cut off the wings of the crown of thorns, and when it was time to cut down the world tree, the five ancient civilizations would never be soft.

  The Extraordinary Warrior project is already an imminent need.

   Regarding Clear Sky's inquiry, Bruce Ban immediately replied: "As for your extraordinary warrior plan, the academy headquarters supports it, and Dean Willred is also very happy to be able to cooperate with the Moonlight Royal Court.

   Now the branch has opened an extraordinary warrior laboratory in the basement. The headquarters has sent thirteen experts in academic fields related to magic, alchemy, extraordinary creatures, and machinery. The needed experimental animals and equipment are also being delivered one after another.

  In addition, we made a preliminary screening of the ten moonlight knights who participated in the experiment. The half-orc knight Kyle Hain is very suitable for the initial experimental project regardless of his physique and recovery ability.

   Knight Kyle Hain is also very willing to be the first human experiment volunteer. "

  Bruce Ban, who was prepared, handed the file in his hand to Qingkong when he introduced the situation.

   Qingkong took the document booklet and looked at it page by page.

  Physical improvement, magic power improvement, exclusive weapons, and supporting logistics are the four development directions proposed by Qingkong for the extraordinary warrior plan.

  Moonlight Knight possesses the tree core gem bestowed by the world tree and has extraordinary vitality. The development project of the extraordinary warrior mainly revolves around how to use this extraordinary vitality as the core to improve its strength. This is why Oulu College is very interested in this project, which means that they can conduct in-depth research on the world tree through this project.

  The extraordinary warrior development team formed has already formulated a feasible development process.

  The Academy Headquarters also established a life magic development team for this purpose, as a support and supplement for the extraordinary warrior development project.

  The whole plan is perfect.

  Clear Sky is very satisfied: "The Extraordinary Warrior Project can be launched. If there are any results and needs, please report to me as soon as possible. If the Moonlight Royal Court and World Tree need to cooperate, I will notify them."

  Bruce Ban said: "Yes, Professor Qingkong. In addition, the academy headquarters has recruited a World Tree research team. May I ask when they can go to the Moonlight King's Court?"

"Anytime, I have written to the elders of the Moonlight Court, and they will properly arrange for the Oulu mages. In addition, I told the Oulu mages who went to the Moonlight Court not to spend all their time on the world tree. Moonlight magic The college was first established, and they need their help in teaching."

   "Please rest assured, this is the obligation of the Oulu mages."

   Calculating the time, the professors and teaching aid students of Dongdu Magic Steam Academy should also go to Moonlight Royal Court. With these two academies representing tradition and modernity participating in the construction together, the Moonlight Academy of Magic and the basic education of the grasslands of the ancestors should be able to lay a good foundation.

   After all kinds of assistance and construction are implemented, the next generation of the ancestors grassland can keep the economic achievements.

  Education and the economy must be stepped up.

   After Clear Sky and Bruce Ban talked about some teaching topics, Jenny walked in quietly.

   "Miss Clear Sky, the Marquis of Meteorite is here. He also brought two people and is waiting in the lounge on the second floor."

   "Let them in." Clear Sky waited for Jenferne to go out, and said to Bruce Ban: "You move this pair of angel wings... models away. Go to another staircase and don't be seen by the guests."

  Bruce Ban didn't understand what Clear Sky meant, but that wasn't what he should be asking. He lifted the bracket that fixed the angel wings and walked out of the office, thought about the location of the lounge on the second floor, and then chose a direction to leave.

   When Bruce Ban just turned the corner of the corridor, Jenny came up from the other end of the corridor with Luke, Archangel Gold, and the Thorn Crown.

  Gold and Crown of Thorns are both wearing ordinary gentleman clothes, one is imposing and the other is listless.

  When he walked outside the office of Clear Sky, the Crown of Thorns seemed to sense something, and kept staring at the other end of the corridor.

  Luke had already walked in, Archangel Gold urged: "Don't be rude!"

  The Crown of Thorns endured, and stepped in.

  Luke came in and found a place to sit down: "You don't need my introduction, my task is completed, you can talk about the rest. Jenny, go and make tea for us, using the water from Moon Lake."

   Jenny looked at the clear sky, and said to Luke after getting permission: "Please wait a moment, Marquis Meteorite."

   Jennifer went out to make tea.

  Luke's consciousness entered the spiritual starry sky.

   "Hey, you caused trouble, but let me finish it for you. Now that the sufferer is looking for you, why don't you go out and talk to them?"

  The moon descended from the starry sky, the full moon turned into a crescent moon, and Qingkong sat on the crescent moon, his legs shaking slightly.

   "I like hands-on, I don't like to talk, this kind of scene is still the most suitable for you. Do you like the gift I gave you?"

   "Not bad, angel wings can be used in many experiments."

  Qing Kong moved to the inner side of the crescent moon, and patted the empty space next to him: "Come up, I'll take you up there to see the Milky Way."

  Luke sat on the crescent moon with Qingkong to enjoy the galaxy, while paying attention to the first official contact between the Moonlight Royal Court and Sky City.

Archangel Gold did not have the airs of a member of the Archangel Council of Sky City. He saluted Qingkong: "Your Majesty Moonlight Queen, hello. I am A Gold, one of the fourteen archangels of the Archangel Council of Sky City, thank you Your interview.

  First of all, I would like to apologize to you for what happened last night.

  The crown of thorns, the holy angel, came to provoke without permission. I did not fulfill my duty. Fortunately, he did not cause irreparable damage here, and suffered the punishment he deserved.

  The Crown of Thorns..."

  Under the urging of Archangel Gold, the Crown of Thorns reluctantly took a step forward, and said in a mosquito-like voice, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty Queen Clear Sky!"

   "Speak up!" Archangel Gold reprimanded.

"Don't make things difficult for this young angel, Archangel Gold. He already has a lot of courage to come to me to apologize. I hope this lesson will let him know what humility is, and find out his own position in this world. "

  Archangel Gold retreated the crown of thorns and bowed to the clear sky again: "Thank you Your Majesty for your forgiveness. The angel has been away from the secular world for too long, and I am a little confused about my position."

"Please sit down!" Qingkong waved his hand, and a chair moved from the corner to the back of Archangel Gold, just as Jenferni walked in with the brewed tea, Qingkong said: "This is the tea brewed from Moon Lake, Ask the Archangel Gold to taste."

   "Thank you..." Gold thanked Jenfernie who poured the tea, and then took a small sip from the teacup: "It feels very peaceful, the sense of tranquility that only the World Tree can have."

Clear Sky also took a sip of tea: "Archangel Gold has seen the world tree of the previous generation. It does not compete with the world. It grows quietly in the desert, turning the barren land into fertile soil, and raising all the creatures under the canopy. .

   It does not care about the contradictions of your five ancient civilizations, and has never had any conflicts with you. But your war has destroyed it, five years of burning and thousand years of suffering, there must be an explanation. "

  Clear Sky opened the scene and directly pursued responsibility for the destruction of the World Tree, aggressive.

   Had it not been for the fight that took place last night, the Archangel Gold might have been a set of rhetoric prepared well in advance of the trip.

  But although the crown of thorns was reckless, it also gave Archangel Gold an intuitive understanding of Qingkong's strength.

  Able to use the time skill to suppress the Crown of Thorns, only a few archangels in the entire sky city have the strength to fight against it.

  Respect is for the strong.

  Archangel Gold brought a crown of thorns to apologize today, not only to get close to the World Tree, but also because the Moonlight Queen is strong enough.

   "Your Majesty, although the ancient war has ended for thousands of years, our surviving angels have been suffering from that war all the time. We have destroyed too many beautiful things, and hatred has blinded our hearts and eyes.

  The destruction of the World Tree is a tragedy, and Sky City will never deny our mistakes.

  Now that the World Tree has recovered, the Moonlight Royal Court is responsible for the destruction of the previous World Tree. Sky City is willing to give Moonlight Royal Court enough compensation for the mistakes we made..."

   Clear Sky asked, "Is it just a mistake, not a crime?"

   Mistakes and crimes have different meanings.

  Archangel Gold, even if he is dovish, will not admit that destroying the world tree is a sin.

  If they plead guilty, the status of Sky City and Moonlight Royal Court will be reversed.

   "Your Majesty the Moonlight Queen, it is a war, and many things are not what we want to do subjectively. How the battle that destroyed the World Tree was fought is no longer available, and there is no evidence to characterize that battle.

  I think the sincerity of Sky City is sufficient. If you want to characterize this matter as a crime, it may take a long time to argue, and you may not get the result you want.

  I think the Marquis of Meteorite thinks the same way. "

  Luke did not expect Archangel Gold to pull himself into the arena at this time.

   Cannibals have short mouths and short hands to grab people.

   "Well... I think so too. If you want to convict, you must have a trial, but who in this world is qualified to judge the five ancient civilizations?

  But I also ask Archangel Gold to understand Her Majesty's feelings.

  Her Majesty the Queen is the ferocious Warsong of the elves. The ancestors of the Ferocious Warsong are the elves that grew on the World Tree, and they have the same feelings for the World Tree as they have for their mothers.

  If Sky City feels that the destruction of the World Tree was a mistake, you should use your actions to make up for the feelings of Her Majesty the Queen and all the creatures who believe in the World Tree. "

  Luke gave Archangel Gold a look.

  I have already helped as much as I can, and the next step depends on the sincerity of Sky City.

Archangel Gold said with a wink: "Sky City is willing to compensate the Moonlight King Court with ten tons of radiant steel, one thousand square meters of cloud silk, one thousand cubic meters of brilliant spar, one thousand pearls of deep dreams, and one statue of holy light." .

  In addition, Sky City will help build a large church for the Moonlight Court, and send angels there to train priests who use light magic for the Moonlight Court. "

   "That's all?" Luke said dissatisfied after Archangel Gold finished the offer: "Or give these every year?"

Hearing Luke open his mouth like a lion, Archangel Gold said: "Marquis of Meteor, Your Majesty the Queen of the Clear Sky... Even we have only a small amount of supplies unique to Sky City, and there are already a lot of them as compensation. gone."

  Luke, who had done his homework, curled his lips and said, "Archangel Gold, don't bully me because I don't understand your Sky City's production capacity.

  According to the number of angels in your sky city, what you gave is only the output of sky city for ten years. Is this a compensation? Our world tree is too cheap! "

  Archangel Gold bargained and said: "The angels in Sky City have been very scarce after the ancient wars, and these resources have been in a state of being unproductive for a long time. It is in recent years that the number of angels has gradually increased, and the production has gradually resumed.

  I really don’t have many of these things. "

   "You are right. In the past, the production of angels was small. Then there will be more angels in the future, and the production will increase a lot. Now that your reserves are small, it does not mean that there will be fewer reserves in the future.

   How about this, this is the first batch of compensation, and you will give us one-tenth of your annual output in the future. "

  (end of this chapter)